You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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{% set gcore_regions = {'6':'Luxembourg','10':'Moscow','14':'Manassas', '18':'Singapore','22':'Khabarovsk'} %}
{% set aws_regions = {'us-east-1':'US East (N. Virginia)','us-east-2':'US East (Ohio)','us-west-1':'US West (N. California)',
'us-west-2':'US West (Oregon)','af-south-1':'Africa (Cape Town)','ap-east-1':'Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)',
'ap-south-1':'Asia Pacific (Mumbai)','ap-northeast-2':'Asia Pacific (Seoul)','ap-southeast-1':'Asia Pacific (Singapore)',
'ap-southeast-2':'Asia Pacific (Sydney)','ap-northeast-1':'Asia Pacific (Tokyo)','ca-central-1':'Canada (Central)',
'eu-central-1':'Europe (Frankfurt)', 'eu-west-1':'Europe (Ireland)', 'eu-west-2':'Europe (London)',
'eu-south-1':'Europe (Milan)', 'eu-west-3':'Europe (Paris)', 'eu-north-1':'Europe (Stockholm)',
'me-south-1':'Middle East (Bahrain)', 'sa-east-1':'South America (São Paulo)'} %}
{% set do_regions = {'nyc1':'New York 1','nyc2':'New York 2','nyc3':'New York 3', 'ams1':'Amsterdam 1','ams2':'Amsterdam 2',
'ams3':'Amsterdam 3', 'sfo1':'San Francisco 1','sfo2':'San Francisco 2','sfo3':'San Francisco 3',
'sgp1':'Singapore 1','lon1':'London 1','fra1':'Frankfurt 1','tor1':'Toronto 1', 'blr1':'Bangalore 1'} %}
{% set aws_oss = {'centos-7':'Centos 7 x64','ubuntu-18.04':'Ubuntu 18.04 x64','ubuntu-18.10':'Ubuntu 18.10 x64',
'debian-10':'Debian 10 x86','debian-9':'Debian 9 x86','rhel-7':'RHEL 7 x86','rhel-8':'RHEL 8 x86',
'amazon-2_lts':'Amazon Linux 2 x86'} %}
{% set do_oss = {'centos-7-x64':'Centos 7 x64', 'centos-8-x64':'Centos 8 x64','ubuntu-18-04-x64':'Ubuntu 18.04 x64',
'ubuntu-20-04-x64':'Ubuntu 20.04 x64', 'ubuntu-20-10-x64':'Ubuntu 20.10 x64','debian-10-x64':'Debian 10 x86',
'debian-9-x64':'Debian 9 x86'} %}
{% set aws_volume_type = {'gp2':'gp2', 'gp3':'gp3', 'standard':'standard', 'io1':'io1', 'io2':'io2', 'sc1':'sc1', 'st1':'st1'} %}
{% set gcore_volume_type = {'standard':'standard', 'ssd_hiiops':'ssd_hiiops', 'cold':'cold', 'ultra':'ultra'} %}