Pavel Loginov
5 years ago | |
.github | 5 years ago | |
api | 5 years ago | |
app | 5 years ago | |
config_other | 5 years ago | |
image | 5 years ago | |
inc | 5 years ago | |
.gitignore | ||
LICENSE | || | 5 years ago | |
index.html | 5 years ago | |
requirements.txt | 5 years ago |
Web interface(user-friendly web GUI, alerting, monitoring and secure) for managing HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived servers. Leave your feedback
Get involved
Twitter, subscribe! I will write there about all the changes and news
Channel about HAProxy-WI, talks and questions are welcome
Demo site
Demo site Login/password: admin/admin. Server resets every hour.
- Installation and updating HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived with HAProxy-WI
- Installation and updating Grafana, Prometheus servers with HAProxy-WI
- Installation and updating HAProxy and Nginx exporters with HAProxy-WI
- Configure HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived In a jiffy with HAProxy-WI
- View and analyse Status of all Frontend/backend server via HAProxy-WI from a single control panel.
- Enable/disable servers through stats page without rebooting HAProxy
- View/Analyse HAproxy, Nginx logs straight from the HAProxy-WI web interface
- Create and visualise the HAProxy workflow from Web Ui.
- Push Your changes to your HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived servers with a single click through web interface
- Get info on past changes, evaluate your config files and restore a previous stable config anytime with a single click straight from Web interface
- Add/Edit Frontend or backend servers via web interface with a click of a button.
- Edit config of HAProxy, Nginx, Keepalived and push changes to All Master/Slave server with a single click
- Add Multiple server to ensure Config Sync between servers.
- Auto management of ports assigned to Fronted.
- Evaluate the changes of recent configs pushed to HAProxy, Nginx and Keepalived instances straight from web ui
- Multiple User Roles support for privileged based Viewing and editing of Config
- Create Groups and add/remove servers to ensure proper identification for your HAProxy, Nginx Clusters
- Send notifications to telegram directly from HAProxy-WI
- HAProxy-WI supports high Availability to ensure uptime to all Master slave servers configured
- SSL certificate support.
- SSH Key support for managing multiple HAProxy Servers straight from HAProxy-WI
- SYN flood protect
- Alerting about changes backends state
- Alerting about HAProxy service state
- Metrics incoming connections
- Web acceleration settings
- Web application firewall
- LDAP support
- Keep active HAProxy service
- Ability to hide parts of the config with tags for users with "guest" role: "HideBlockStart" and "HideBlockEnd"
- Mobile-ready desing
- Backup HAProxy's, Nginx's and Keepalived's config files through HAProxy-WI
Read instruction on the official site
Manual install
Read instruction on the official site
OS support
HAProxy-WI was tested on EL7, EL8 and all scripts too. Debian/Ubuntu OS support at 'beta' stage, may work not correct
Database support
Default HAProxy-WI use Sqlite, if you want use MySQL enable in config, and create database:
For MySQL support:
Read instruction on the official site
Login https://haproxy-wi-server/, and add: users, groups and servers. Default: admin/admin
Read instruction on the official site
If you have error:
You don't have permission to access /app/ on this server.
Check owner(must be apache, or another user for apache)
If at first login you have:
Internal Server Error
Do this:
$ cd /var/www/haproxy-wi/app
$ ./
and check executeble py files
If you see plain text, check section "Directory" in httpd conf