mirror of https://github.com/Aidaho12/haproxy-wi
171 lines
6.3 KiB
171 lines
6.3 KiB
import os
from flask import render_template
import app.modules.db.sql as sql
import app.modules.db.cred as cred_sql
import app.modules.db.backup as backup_sql
import app.modules.db.server as server_sql
import app.modules.db.service as service_sql
import app.modules.server.ssh as ssh_mod
import app.modules.server.server as server_mod
import app.modules.common.common as common
import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common
import app.modules.service.installation as installation_mod
def delete_backup(serv: str, backup_id: int) -> None:
if backup_sql.check_exists_backup(serv):
raise Exception(f'Backup job for {serv} already exists')
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a backup job for server {serv} has been deleted', roxywi=1, login=1)
def backup(json_data) -> str:
cred = int(json_data['cred'])
server = common.is_ip_or_dns(json_data['server'])
rserver = common.is_ip_or_dns(json_data['rserver'])
ssh_settings = ssh_mod.return_ssh_keys_path(rserver, id=cred)
update_id = ''
description = ''
if 'del_id' in json_data:
time = ''
rpath = ''
backup_type = ''
del_id = int(json_data['del_id'])
del_id = ''
rpath = common.checkAjaxInput(json_data['rpath'])
backup_type = common.checkAjaxInput(json_data['type'])
time = common.checkAjaxInput(json_data['time'])
description = common.checkAjaxInput(json_data['description'])
if backup_sql.check_exists_backup(server):
return f'warning: Backup job for {server} already exists'
if 'update_id' in json_data:
update_id = int(json_data['update_id'])
inv = {"server": {"hosts": {}}}
server_ips = []
inv['server']['hosts'][server] = {
'HOST': rserver,
"SERVER": server,
"TYPE": backup_type,
"TIME": time,
"RPATH": rpath,
"DELJOB": del_id,
"USER": ssh_settings['user'],
"KEY": ssh_settings['key']
installation_mod.run_ansible(inv, server_ips, 'backup')
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f'error: {e}')
if not del_id and not update_id:
if backup_sql.insert_backup_job(server, rserver, rpath, backup_type, time, cred, description):
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a new backup job for server {server} has been created', roxywi=1,
return render_template(
'ajax/new_backup.html', backups=backup_sql.select_backups(server=server, rserver=rserver), sshs=cred_sql.select_ssh()
raise Exception('Cannot add the job into DB')
elif del_id:
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a backup job for server {server} has been deleted', roxywi=1, login=1)
return 'ok'
elif update_id:
backup_sql.update_backup(server, rserver, rpath, backup_type, time, cred, description, update_id)
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a backup job for server {server} has been updated', roxywi=1, login=1)
return 'ok'
def s3_backup(server, s3_server, bucket, secret_key, access_key, time, deljob, description) -> str:
if deljob:
time = ''
secret_key = ''
access_key = ''
tag = 'delete'
tag = 'add'
if backup_sql.check_exists_s3_backup(server):
raise Exception(f'error: Backup job for {server} already exists')
inv = {"server": {"hosts": {}}}
inv["server"]["hosts"]["localhost"] = {
"SERVER": server,
"S3_SERVER": s3_server,
"BUCKET": bucket,
"SECRET_KEY": secret_key,
"ACCESS_KEY": access_key,
"TIME": time,
"action": tag
installation_mod.run_ansible(inv, [], 's3_backup')
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f'error: {e}')
if not deljob:
backup_sql.insert_s3_backup_job(server, s3_server, bucket, secret_key, access_key, time, description)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a new S3 backup job for server {server} has been created', roxywi=1, login=1)
return render_template('ajax/new_s3_backup.html', backups=backup_sql.select_s3_backups(server=server, s3_server=s3_server, bucket=bucket))
elif deljob:
roxywi_common.logging('backup ', f' a S3 backup job for server {server} has been deleted', roxywi=1, login=1)
return 'ok'
def git_backup(server_id, service_id, git_init, repo, branch, period, cred, del_job, description, backup_id) -> str:
server_ip = server_sql.select_server_ip_by_id(server_id)
service_name = service_sql.select_service_name_by_id(service_id).lower()
service_config_dir = sql.get_setting(service_name + '_dir')
ssh_settings = ssh_mod.return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip, id=cred)
if repo is None or git_init == '0':
repo = ''
if branch is None or branch == '0':
branch = 'main'
inv = {"server": {"hosts": {}}}
inv["server"]["hosts"][server_ip] = {
"REPO": repo,
"CONFIG_DIR": service_config_dir,
"PERIOD": period,
"INIT": git_init,
"BRANCH": branch,
"SERVICE": service_name,
"DELJOB": del_job,
"KEY": ssh_settings['key']
installation_mod.run_ansible(inv, [server_ip], 'git_backup')
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(f'error: {e}')
if not del_job:
backup_sql.insert_new_git(server_id=server_id, service_id=service_id, repo=repo, branch=branch, period=period, cred=cred, description=description)
kwargs = {
"gits": backup_sql.select_gits(server_id=server_id, service_id=service_id),
"sshs": cred_sql.select_ssh(),
"servers": roxywi_common.get_dick_permit(),
"services": service_sql.select_services(),
"new_add": 1,
"lang": roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask()
roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, 'A new git job has been created', roxywi=1, login=1, keep_history=1, service=service_name)
return render_template('ajax/new_git.html', **kwargs)
if backup_sql.delete_git(backup_id):
return 'ok'