# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cgi import os import sys form = cgi.FieldStorage() serv = form.getvalue('serv') def get_app_dir(): d = sys.path[0] d = d.split('/')[-1] return sys.path[0] if d == "app" else os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]) def get_config_var(sec, var): from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation try: path_config = "haproxy-wi.cfg" config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) config.read(path_config) except: print('Content-type: text/html\n') print('
Check the config file, whether it exists and the path. Must be: app/haproxy-webintarface.config
') try: return config.get(sec, var) except: print('Content-type: text/html\n') print('
Check the config file. Presence section %s and parameter %s
' % (sec, var)) def get_data(type): from datetime import datetime from pytz import timezone import sql try: now_utc = datetime.now(timezone(sql.get_setting('time_zone'))) except: now_utc = datetime.now(timezone('UTC')) if type == 'config': fmt = "%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S" if type == 'logs': fmt = '%Y%m%d' if type == "date_in_log": fmt = "%b %d %H:%M:%S" return now_utc.strftime(fmt) def get_user_group(**kwargs): import sql import http.cookies try: cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_group_id = cookie.get('group') user_group_id1 = user_group_id.value groups = sql.select_groups(id=user_group_id1) for g in groups: if g[0] == int(user_group_id1): if kwargs.get('id'): user_group = g[0] else: user_group = g[1] except: user_group = '' return user_group def logging(serv, action, **kwargs): import sql import http.cookies log_path = get_config_var('main', 'log_path') user_group = get_user_group() cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path) try: IP = cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) except: IP = '' try: user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') login = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except: login = '' if kwargs.get('alerting') == 1: mess = get_data('date_in_log') + action + "\n" log = open(log_path + "/checker-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") elif kwargs.get('metrics') == 1: mess = get_data('date_in_log') + action + "\n" log = open(log_path + "/metrics-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") elif kwargs.get('keep_alive') == 1: mess = get_data('date_in_log') + action + "\n" log = open(log_path + "/keep_alive-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") elif kwargs.get('haproxywi') == 1: if kwargs.get('login'): mess = get_data('date_in_log') + " from " + IP + " user: " + login + ", group: " +user_group + ", " + \ action + " for: " + serv + "\n" else: mess = get_data('date_in_log') + " " + action + " from " + IP + "\n" log = open(log_path + "/haproxy-wi-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") else: mess = get_data('date_in_log') + " from " + IP + " user: " + login + ", group: " +user_group + ", " + \ action + " for: " + serv + "\n" log = open(log_path + "/config_edit-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") try: log.write(mess) log.close except IOError as e: print('
Can\'t write log. Please check log_path in config %e
' % e) pass def telegram_send_mess(mess, **kwargs): import telebot from telebot import apihelper import sql if kwargs.get('telegram_channel_id'): telegrams = sql.get_telegram_by_id(kwargs.get('telegram_channel_id')) else: telegrams = sql.get_telegram_by_ip(kwargs.get('ip')) proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') for telegram in telegrams: token_bot = telegram[1] channel_name = telegram[2] if token_bot == '' or channel_name == '': mess = " Fatal: Can't send message. Add Telegram chanel before use alerting at this servers group" print(mess) logging('localhost', mess, haproxywi=1) sys.exit() if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': apihelper.proxy = {'https': proxy} try: bot = telebot.TeleBot(token=token_bot) bot.send_message(chat_id=channel_name, text=mess) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) logging('localhost', str(e).decode(encoding='UTF-8'), haproxywi=1) sys.exit() def check_login(**kwargs): import sql import http.cookies cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI") sql.delete_old_uuid() if user_uuid is not None: sql.update_last_act_user(user_uuid.value) if sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) is None: print('' % ref) return False else: print('' % ref) return False def is_admin(**kwargs): import sql import http.cookies cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_id = cookie.get('uuid') try: role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value) except: role = 3 pass level = kwargs.get("level") if level is None: level = 1 try: return True if role <= level else False except: return False pass def page_for_admin(**kwargs): if kwargs.get("level"): give_level = kwargs.get("level") else: give_level = 1 if not is_admin(level=give_level): print('

How did you get here?! O_o You do not have need permissions') print('') import sys sys.exit() def return_ssh_keys_path(serv, **kwargs): import sql fullpath = get_config_var('main', 'fullpath') ssh_enable = '' ssh_user_name = '' ssh_user_password = '' if kwargs.get('id'): for sshs in sql.select_ssh(id=kwargs.get('id')): ssh_enable = sshs[2] ssh_user_name = sshs[3] ssh_user_password = sshs[4] ssh_key_name = fullpath+'/keys/%s.pem' % sshs[1] else: for sshs in sql.select_ssh(serv=serv): ssh_enable = sshs[3] ssh_user_name = sshs[4] ssh_user_password = sshs[5] ssh_key_name = fullpath+'/keys/%s.pem' % sshs[2] return ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name def ssh_connect(serv, **kwargs): import paramiko from paramiko import SSHClient import sql ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name = return_ssh_keys_path(serv) servers = sql.select_servers(server=serv) for server in servers: ssh_port = server[10] ssh = SSHClient() ssh.load_system_host_keys() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: if ssh_enable == 1: k = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(ssh_key_name) ssh.connect(hostname = serv, port = ssh_port, username = ssh_user_name, pkey = k, timeout=11) else: ssh.connect(hostname = serv, port = ssh_port, username = ssh_user_name, password = ssh_user_password, timeout=11) return ssh except paramiko.AuthenticationException: return 'error: Authentication failed, please verify your credentials' pass except paramiko.SSHException as sshException: return 'error: Unable to establish SSH connection: %s ' % sshException pass except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as badHostKeyException: return 'error: Unable to verify server\'s host key: %s ' % badHostKeyException pass except Exception as e: if e == "No such file or directory": return 'error: %s. Check ssh key' % e pass elif e == "Invalid argument": error = 'error: Check the IP of the server' pass else: error = e pass return str(error) def get_config(serv, cfg, **kwargs): import sql if kwargs.get("keepalived"): config_path = "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf" elif kwargs.get("nginx"): config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_config_path') else: config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') ssh = ssh_connect(serv) try: sftp = ssh.open_sftp() except Exception as e: logging('localhost', str(e), haproxywi=1) try: sftp.get(config_path, cfg) except Exception as e: logging('localhost', str(e), haproxywi=1) try: sftp.close() ssh.close() except Exception as e: ssh = str(e) logging('localhost', ssh, haproxywi=1) return ssh def diff_config(oldcfg, cfg): import http.cookies import sql cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) log_path = get_config_var('main', 'log_path') user_group = get_user_group() diff = "" date = get_data('date_in_log') cmd="/bin/diff -ub %s %s" % (oldcfg, cfg) try: user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') login = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except: login = '' output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) for line in output: diff += date + " user: " + login + ", group: " + user_group + " " + line + "\n" try: log = open(log_path + "/config_edit-"+get_data('logs')+".log", "a") log.write(diff) log.close except IOError: print('
Can\'t read write change to log. %s
' % stderr) pass def get_sections(config, **kwargs): record = False return_config = list() with open(config, 'r') as f: for line in f: if kwargs.get('service') == 'nginx': if 'server_name' in line: line = line.split('server_name')[1] line = line.split(';')[0] line = line.strip() return_config.append(line) else: if ( line.startswith('listen') or line.startswith('frontend') or line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('cache') or line.startswith('defaults') or line.startswith('global') or line.startswith('#HideBlockEnd') or line.startswith('#HideBlockStart') or line.startswith('peers') or line.startswith('resolvers') or line.startswith('userlist') ): line = line.strip() return_config.append(line) return return_config def get_section_from_config(config, section): record = False start_line = "" end_line = "" return_config = "" with open(config, 'r') as f: for index, line in enumerate(f): if line.startswith(section): start_line = index return_config += line record = True continue if record: if ( line.startswith('listen') or line.startswith('frontend') or line.startswith('backend') or line.startswith('cache') or line.startswith('defaults') or line.startswith('global') or line.startswith('#HideBlockEnd') or line.startswith('#HideBlockStart') or line.startswith('peers') or line.startswith('resolvers') or line.startswith('userlist') ): record = False end_line = index end_line = end_line - 1 else: return_config += line if end_line == "": f = open (config,"r" ) lineList = f.readlines() end_line = len(lineList) return start_line, end_line, return_config def rewrite_section(start_line, end_line, config, section): record = False start_line = int(start_line) end_line = int(end_line) return_config = "" with open(config, 'r') as f: for index, line in enumerate(f): index = int(index) if index == start_line: record = True return_config += section return_config += "\n" continue if index == end_line: record = False continue if record: continue return_config += line return return_config def get_backends_from_config(serv, backends='', **kwargs): configs_dir = get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') format = 'cfg' record = False try: cfg = configs_dir+get_files(dir=configs_dir, format=format)[0] except Exception as e: logging('localhost', str(e), haproxywi=1) try: cfg = configs_dir + serv + "-" + get_data('config') + '.'+format except: logging('localhost', ' Cannot generate cfg path', haproxywi=1) try: error = get_config(serv, cfg) except: logging('localhost', ' Cannot download config', haproxywi=1) print('error: Cannot get backends') sys.exit() with open(cfg, 'r') as f: for line in f: if backends == 'frontend': if (line.startswith('listen') or line.startswith('frontend')) and 'stats' not in line: line = line.strip() print(line.split(' ')[1], end="
") def get_all_stick_table(): import sql haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd='echo "show table"|nc %s %s |awk \'{print $3}\' | tr -d \'\n\' | tr -d \'[:space:]\'' % (serv, haproxy_sock_port) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return output[0] def get_stick_table(table): import sql haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd='echo "show table %s"|nc %s %s |awk -F"#" \'{print $2}\' |head -1 | tr -d \'\n\'' % (table, serv, haproxy_sock_port) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) tables_head = [] for i in output[0].split(','): i = i.split(':')[1] tables_head.append(i) cmd='echo "show table %s"|nc %s %s |grep -v "#"' % (table, serv, haproxy_sock_port) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return tables_head, output def install_haproxy(serv, **kwargs): import sql script = "install_haproxy.sh" haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') stats_port = sql.get_setting('stats_port') server_state_file = sql.get_setting('server_state_file') stats_user = sql.get_setting('stats_user') stats_password = sql.get_setting('stats_password') proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') hapver = kwargs.get('hapver') ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name = return_ssh_keys_path(serv) if ssh_enable == 0: ssh_key_name = '' servers = sql.select_servers(server=serv) for server in servers: ssh_port = str(server[10]) os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script) if hapver is None: hapver = '2.0.7-1' if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy else: proxy_serv = '' syn_flood_protect = '1' if kwargs.get('syn_flood') == "1" else '' commands = [ "chmod +x "+script +" && ./"+script +" PROXY=" + proxy_serv+ " SOCK_PORT="+haproxy_sock_port+" STAT_PORT="+stats_port+" STAT_FILE="+server_state_file+ " SSH_PORT="+ssh_port+ " STATS_USER="+stats_user+" STATS_PASS="+stats_password+" HAPVER="+hapver +" SYN_FLOOD="+syn_flood_protect+" HOST="+serv+ " USER="+ssh_user_name+" PASS="+ssh_user_password+" KEY="+ssh_key_name ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if error: logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1) print('error: '+error) else: for l in output: if "msg" in l or "FAILED" in l: try: l = l.split(':')[1] l = l.split('"')[1] print(l+"
") break except: print(output) break else: print('success: HAProxy was installed
') os.system("rm -f %s" % script) sql.update_haproxy(serv) def waf_install(serv, **kwargs): import sql script = "waf.sh" tmp_config_path = sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path') proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') ver = check_haproxy_version(serv) os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script) if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy else: proxy_serv = '' commands = [ "sudo chmod +x "+tmp_config_path+script+" && " +tmp_config_path+script +" PROXY=" + proxy_serv+ " HAPROXY_PATH="+haproxy_dir +" VERSION="+ver ] error = str(upload(serv, tmp_config_path, script)) if error: print('error: '+error) logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1) os.system("rm -f %s" % script) stderr = ssh_command(serv, commands, print_out="1") sql.insert_waf_metrics_enable(serv, "0") sql.insert_waf_rules(serv) def install_nginx(serv): import sql script = "install_nginx.sh" stats_user = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_user') stats_password = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_password') stats_port = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_port') stats_page = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_page') config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_config_path') proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name = return_ssh_keys_path(serv) if ssh_enable == 0: ssh_key_name = '' os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script) if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy else: proxy_serv = '' servers = sql.select_servers(server=serv) for server in servers: ssh_port = str(server[10]) syn_flood_protect = '1' if form.getvalue('syn_flood') == "1" else '' commands = [ "chmod +x "+script +" && ./"+script +" PROXY=" + proxy_serv+" STATS_USER="+stats_user+" STATS_PASS="+stats_password+ " SSH_PORT="+ssh_port+ " CONFIG_PATH="+config_path+" STAT_PORT="+stats_port+" STAT_PAGE="+stats_page+" SYN_FLOOD="+syn_flood_protect+" HOST="+serv+ " USER="+ssh_user_name+" PASS="+ssh_user_password+" KEY="+ssh_key_name ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if error: logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1) print('error: '+error) else: for l in output: if "msg" in l or "FAILED" in l: try: l = l.split(':')[1] l = l.split('"')[1] print(l+"
") break except: print(output) break else: print('success: Nginx was installed
') os.system("rm -f %s" % script) sql.update_nginx(serv) def update_haproxy_wi(): cmd = 'sudo -S yum -y update haproxy-wi' output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) print(output) print(stderr) def check_haproxy_version(serv): import sql haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') ver = "" cmd="echo 'show info' |nc %s %s |grep Version |awk '{print $2}'" % (serv, haproxy_sock_port) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) for line in output: ver = line return ver def upload(serv, path, file, **kwargs): error = "" full_path = path + file if kwargs.get('dir') == "fullpath": full_path = path try: ssh = ssh_connect(serv) except Exception as e: error = e.args logging('localhost', str(e.args[0]), haproxywi=1) print(' Cannot upload '+file+' to '+full_path+' to server: '+serv+' error: '+str(e.args)) pass try: sftp = ssh.open_sftp() except Exception as e: error = e.args logging('localhost', str(e.args[0]), haproxywi=1) print('Cannot upload '+file+' to '+full_path+' to server: '+serv+' error: '+str(e.args)) try: file = sftp.put(file, full_path) except Exception as e: error = e.args print('Cannot upload '+file+' to '+full_path+' to server: '+serv+' error: '+str(e.args)) logging('localhost', ' Cannot upload '+file+' to '+full_path+' to server: '+serv+' Error: '+str(e.args), haproxywi=1) pass try: sftp.close() ssh.close() except Exception as e: error = e.args logging('localhost', str(error[0]), haproxywi=1) print('Cannot upload '+file+' to '+full_path+' to server: '+serv+' error: '+str(e.args)) pass return str(error) def upload_and_restart(serv, cfg, **kwargs): import sql if kwargs.get("nginx"): config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_config_path') tmp_file = sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path') + "/" + get_data('config') + ".conf" else: config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') tmp_file = sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path') + "/" + get_data('config') + ".cfg" error = "" try: os.system("dos2unix "+cfg) except OSError: return 'Please install dos2unix' pass if kwargs.get("keepalived") == 1: if kwargs.get("just_save") == "save": commands = [ "sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf" ] else: commands = [ "sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf && sudo systemctl restart keepalived" ] elif kwargs.get("nginx"): if kwargs.get("just_save") == "save": commands = [ "sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path + " && sudo nginx -t -q"] elif kwargs.get("just_save") == "reload": commands = [ "sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path + " && sudo nginx -t -q && sudo systemctl reload nginx" ] else: commands = [ "sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path + " && sudo nginx -t -q && sudo systemctl restart nginx" ] if sql.get_setting('firewall_enable') == "1": commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, serv=serv, service='nginx') else: if kwargs.get("just_save") == "test": commands = [ "sudo haproxy -q -c -f " + tmp_file + " && sudo rm -f " + tmp_file ] elif kwargs.get("just_save") == "save": commands = [ "sudo haproxy -q -c -f " + tmp_file + " && sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path ] elif kwargs.get("just_save") == "reload": commands = [ "sudo haproxy -q -c -f " + tmp_file + " && sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path + " && sudo systemctl reload haproxy" ] else: commands = [ "sudo haproxy -q -c -f " + tmp_file + " && sudo mv -f " + tmp_file + " " + config_path + " && sudo systemctl restart haproxy" ] if sql.get_setting('firewall_enable') == "1": commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, serv=serv) error += str(upload(serv, tmp_file, cfg, dir='fullpath')) try: error += ssh_command(serv, commands) except Exception as e: error += e if error: logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1) return error def master_slave_upload_and_restart(serv, cfg, just_save, **kwargs): import sql MASTERS = sql.is_master(serv) error = "" for master in MASTERS: if master[0] != None: error += upload_and_restart(master[0], cfg, just_save=just_save, nginx=kwargs.get('nginx')) error += upload_and_restart(serv, cfg, just_save=just_save, nginx=kwargs.get('nginx')) return error def open_port_firewalld(cfg, serv, **kwargs): try: conf = open(cfg, "r") except IOError: print('
Can\'t read export config file
') firewalld_commands = ' &&' ports = '' for line in conf: if kwargs.get('service') == 'nginx': if "listen " in line and '#' not in line: listen = ' '.join(line.split()) listen = listen.split(" ")[1] listen = listen.split(";")[0] ports += listen+' ' else: if "bind" in line: bind = line.split(":") bind[1] = bind[1].strip(' ') bind = bind[1].split("ssl") bind = bind[0].strip(' \t\n\r') firewalld_commands += ' sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=%s/tcp --permanent -q &&' % bind ports += bind+' ' firewalld_commands += 'sudo firewall-cmd --reload -q' logging(serv, ' Next ports have been opened: '+ports+ ' has opened ') return firewalld_commands def check_haproxy_config(serv): import sql commands = [ "haproxy -q -c -f %s" % sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') ] ssh = ssh_connect(serv) for command in commands: stdin , stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command, get_pty=True) if not stderr.read(): return True else: return False ssh.close() def show_log(stdout, **kwargs): i = 0 out = '' if kwargs.get('grep'): import re grep = kwargs.get('grep') grep = re.sub(r'[?|$|.|!|^|*|\]|\[|,| |]',r'', grep) for line in stdout: if kwargs.get("html") != 0: i = i + 1 if kwargs.get('grep'): line = line.replace(grep, ''+grep+''); line_class = "line3" if i % 2 == 0 else "line" out += '
' + line + '
' else: out += line return out def show_haproxy_log(serv, rows=10, waf='0', grep=None, hour='00', minut='00', hour1='24', minut1='00', service='haproxy', **kwargs): import sql exgrep = form.getvalue('exgrep') date = hour+':'+minut date1 = hour1+':'+minut1 if grep is not None: grep_act = '|egrep "%s"' % grep else: grep_act = '' if exgrep is not None: exgrep_act = '|egrep -v "%s"' % exgrep else: exgrep_act = '' if service == 'nginx' or service == 'haproxy': syslog_server_enable = sql.get_setting('syslog_server_enable') if syslog_server_enable is None or syslog_server_enable == "0": if service == 'nginx': local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('nginx_path_error_logs') commands = [ "sudo cat %s| awk '$2>\"%s:00\" && $2<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) ] else: local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('local_path_logs') commands = [ "sudo cat %s| awk '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) ] syslog_server = serv else: commands = [ "sudo cat /var/log/%s/syslog.log | sed '/ %s:00/,/ %s:00/! d' |tail -%s %s %s %s" % (serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, grep, exgrep_act) ] syslog_server = sql.get_setting('syslog_server') if waf == "1": local_path_logs = '/var/log/modsec_audit.log' commands = [ "sudo cat %s |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) ] if kwargs.get('html') == 0: a = ssh_command(syslog_server, commands) return show_log(a, html=0, grep=grep) else: return ssh_command(syslog_server, commands, show_log='1', grep=grep) elif service == 'apache': apache_log_path = sql.get_setting('apache_log_path') if serv == 'haproxy-wi.access.log': cmd="cat %s| awk -F\"/|:\" '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (apache_log_path+"/"+serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) elif serv == 'haproxy-wi.error.log': cmd="cat %s| awk '$4>\"%s:00\" && $4<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (apache_log_path+"/"+serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) elif serv == 'fail2ban.log': cmd="cat %s| awk -F\"/|:\" '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % ("/var/log/"+serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return show_log(output, grep=grep) elif service == 'internal': user_group = get_user_group() if user_group != '' and user_group != 'All': user_grep = "|grep 'group: " + user_group + "'" else: user_grep = '' log_path = get_config_var('main', 'log_path') logs_files = get_files(log_path, format="log") for key, value in logs_files: if int(serv) == key: serv = value break else: print('Haha') sys.exit() if serv == 'backup.log': cmd="cat %s| awk '$2>\"%s:00\" && $2<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s %s" % (log_path + serv, date, date1, rows, user_grep, grep_act, exgrep_act) else: cmd="cat %s| awk '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s %s" % (log_path + serv, date, date1, rows, user_grep, grep_act, exgrep_act) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return show_log(output, grep=grep) def haproxy_wi_log(**kwargs): log_path = get_config_var('main', 'log_path') if kwargs.get('log_id'): selects = get_files(log_path, format="log") for key, value in selects: if kwargs.get('with_date'): log_file = kwargs.get('file')+get_data('logs')+".log" else: log_file = kwargs.get('file')+".log" if log_file == value: return key else: user_group_id = get_user_group(id=1) if user_group_id != 1: user_group = get_user_group() group_grep = '|grep "group: '+ user_group +'"' else: group_grep = '' cmd = "find "+log_path+"/haproxy-wi-* -type f -exec stat --format '%Y :%y %n' '{}' \; | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head -1 |awk '{print $4}' |xargs tail"+group_grep+"|sort -r" output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return output def show_ip(stdout): for line in stdout: if "Permission denied" in line: print('error: '+line) else: print(line) def server_status(stdout): proc_count = "" for line in stdout: if "Ncat: " not in line: for k in line: proc_count = k.split(":")[1] else: proc_count = 0 return proc_count def ssh_command(serv, commands, **kwargs): ssh = ssh_connect(serv) for command in commands: try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command, get_pty=True) except: continue if kwargs.get("ip") == "1": show_ip(stdout) elif kwargs.get("show_log") == "1": return show_log(stdout, grep=kwargs.get("grep")) elif kwargs.get("server_status") == "1": server_status(stdout) elif kwargs.get('print_out'): print(stdout.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8')) return stdout.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8') elif kwargs.get('retunr_err') == 1: return stderr.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8') else: return stdout.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8') for line in stderr.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8'): if line: print("
") logging('localhost', ' '+line, haproxywi=1) try: ssh.close() except: logging('localhost', ' '+str(ssh), haproxywi=1) return "error: "+str(ssh) pass def escape_html(text): return cgi.escape(text, quote=True) def subprocess_execute(cmd): import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() output = stdout.splitlines() return output, stderr def show_backends(serv, **kwargs): import json import sql haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd='echo "show backend" |nc %s %s' % (serv, haproxy_sock_port) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) if stderr: logging('localhost', ' '+stderr, haproxywi=1) if kwargs.get('ret'): ret = list() else: ret = "" for line in output: if "#" in line or "stats" in line or "MASTER" in line: continue if len(line) > 1: back = json.dumps(line).split("\"") if kwargs.get('ret'): ret.append(back[1]) else: print(back[1], end="
") if kwargs.get('ret'): return ret def get_files(dir=get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir'), format='cfg', **kwargs): import glob if format == 'log': file = [] else: file = set() return_files = set() i = 0 for files in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,'*.'+format))): if format == 'log': file += [(i, files.split('/')[5])] else: file.add(files.split('/')[-1]) i += 1 files = file if format == 'cfg' or format == 'conf': for file in files: ip = file.split("-") if serv == ip[0]: return_files.add(file) return sorted(return_files, reverse=True) else: return file def get_key(item): return item[0] def check_ver(): import sql return sql.get_ver() def check_new_version(): import requests import sql proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') try: if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxyDict = { "https" : proxy, "http" : proxy } response = requests.get('https://haproxy-wi.org/update.py?last_ver=1', timeout=1, proxies=proxyDict) else: response = requests.get('https://haproxy-wi.org/update.py?last_ver=1', timeout=1) res = response.content.decode(encoding='UTF-8') except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: e = str(e) logging('localhost', ' '+e, haproxywi=1) return res def versions(): try: current_ver = check_ver() current_ver_without_dots = current_ver.split('.') current_ver_without_dots = ''.join(current_ver_without_dots) current_ver_without_dots = current_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '') if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 2: current_ver_without_dots += '00' if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 3: current_ver_without_dots += '0' current_ver_without_dots = int(current_ver_without_dots) except: current_ver = "Sorry cannot get current version" current_ver_without_dots = 0 try: new_ver = check_new_version() new_ver_without_dots = new_ver.split('.') new_ver_without_dots = ''.join(new_ver_without_dots) new_ver_without_dots = new_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '') if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 2: new_ver_without_dots += '00' if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 3: new_ver_without_dots += '0' new_ver_without_dots = int(new_ver_without_dots) except: new_ver = "Sorry cannot get new version" new_ver_without_dots = 0 return current_ver, new_ver, current_ver_without_dots, new_ver_without_dots def get_hash(value): if value is None: return value import hashlib h = hashlib.md5(value.encode('utf-8')) p = h.hexdigest() return p def out_error(e): if get_config_var('mysql', 'enable') == '1': error = e else: error = e.args[0] logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1, login=1) print('error: '+error) def get_users_params(**kwargs): import http.cookies import sql cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_id = cookie.get('uuid') user = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_id.value) role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value) token = sql.get_token(user_id.value) if kwargs.get('virt'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(virt=1) elif kwargs.get('disable'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(disable=0) else: servers = sql.get_dick_permit() return user, user_id, role, token, servers def check_user_group(**kwargs): import http.cookies import os import sql cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') group = cookie.get('group') group_id = group.value user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) if sql.check_user_group(user_id, group_id): return True else: logging('localhost', ' has tried to actions in not own group ', haproxywi=1, login=1) print('Atata!') sys.exit() return False def check_service(serv, service_name): commands = [ "systemctl status "+service_name+" |grep Active |awk '{print $1}'" ] return ssh_command(serv, commands)