from typing import Literal from typing import Union from flask.views import MethodView from flask_pydantic import validate from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required from flask import jsonify, g from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict import app.modules.db.server as server_sql import app.modules.db.service as service_sql import app.modules.db.checker as checker_sql import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common from app.middleware import get_user_params, page_for_admin, check_group, check_services from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import Checker, BaseResponse from app.modules.db.db_model import CheckerSetting from app.modules.common.common_classes import SupportClass class CheckerView(MethodView): methods = ["GET", "POST"] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), check_services, page_for_admin(level=3), check_group()] @staticmethod def get(service: Literal['haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'], server_id: Union[int, str]): """ Retrieves the status of specific checker services. --- tags: - Service Tools parameters: - in: path name: service type: 'integer' required: true description: The type of service (haproxy, nginx, apache, keepalived) - in: path name: server_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID or IP of the server responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'object' properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Server identifier' backend_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Alert status for backends. Only for HAProxy and Keepalived services' maxconn_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Alert status for max connections. Only for HAProxy service' email: type: 'integer' description: 'Status flag for email notifications' mm_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Identifier for Mattermost notifications' pd_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Identifier for PagerDuty notifications' service_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Alert status for services' slack_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Identifier for Slack notifications' telegram_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Identifier for Telegram notifications' checker: type: 'integer' description: 'Is Checker tools enabled for this service' metrics: type: 'integer' description: 'Is Metrics tools enabled for this service' auto_start: type: 'integer' description: 'Is Auto start tools enabled for this service' default: description: Unexpected error """ service_id = service_sql.select_service_id_by_slug(service) try: server_id = SupportClass().return_server_ip_or_id(server_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') try: server = server_sql.get_server(server_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot find server') try: roxywi_common.is_user_has_access_to_group(g.user_params['user_id'], server.group_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') try: checker_settings = checker_sql.select_checker_settings_for_server(service_id, server_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot get settings') checker_setting = [model_to_dict(checker, recurse=False, exclude=[CheckerSetting.service_id,]) for checker in checker_settings] server = model_to_dict(server) checker_setting[0]['checker'] = server[f'{service}_alert'] checker_setting[0]['metrics'] = server[f'{service}_metrics'] checker_setting[0]['auto_start'] = server[f'{service}_active'] return jsonify(checker_setting) @validate(body=Checker) def post(self, service: Literal['haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'], server_id: Union[int, str], body: Checker): """ Update the Tools settings of specific service. --- tags: - Service Tools parameters: - in: path name: service type: string required: true description: The type of service (haproxy, nginx, apache, keepalived) - in: path name: server_id type: string required: true description: The ID or IP of the server - in: body required: true name: body description: The settings of the checker service schema: type: object properties: auto_start: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets if Auto start tools is enabled for this service' backend_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Alert status for backends. Only for HAProxy and Keepalived services' checker: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets if Checker tools is enabled for this service' email: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the status flag for email notifications' maxconn_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Alert status for max connections. Only for HAProxy service' metrics: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets if Metrics tools is enabled for this service' mm_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Identifier for Mattermost notifications' pd_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Identifier for PagerDuty notifications' service_alert: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Alert status for services' slack_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Identifier for Slack notifications' telegram_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Sets the Identifier for Telegram notifications' responses: 201: description: Successful operation, settings updated default: description: Unexpected error """ service_id = service_sql.select_service_id_by_slug(service) try: server_id = SupportClass().return_server_ip_or_id(server_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') try: server = server_sql.get_server(server_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot find server') try: roxywi_common.is_user_has_access_to_group(g.user_params['user_id'], server.group_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') kwargs = body.model_dump(mode='json', exclude={'metrics', 'auto_start', 'checker'}) try: checker_sql.update_checker_setting_for_server(service_id, server_id, **kwargs) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update Checker settings') try: service_sql.update_hapwi_server(server_id, body.checker, body.metrics, body.auto_start, service) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update Service settings') return BaseResponse().model_dump(), 201