from typing import Literal from flask import jsonify from flask.views import MethodView from flask_pydantic import validate from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required import app.modules.config.add as add_mod import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common from app.middleware import get_user_params, page_for_admin, check_group, check_services from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import IdDataStrResponse, GroupQuery, ListRequest, IdStrResponse, BaseResponse from app.modules.common.common_classes import SupportClass class HaproxyListView(MethodView): methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), check_services, page_for_admin(level=3), check_group()] @validate(query=GroupQuery) def get(self, service: str, list_name: str, color: Literal['white', 'black'], query: GroupQuery): """ Get the IP address list for HAProxy. --- tags: - HAProxy white and black lists parameters: - in: path name: service type: 'string' required: true description: 'The service for which the list is required. Can be only `haproxy`' - in: path name: name type: 'string' required: true description: 'The name of the list.' - in: path name: color type: 'string' required: true description: 'The color of the list, can be `white` or `black`.' - in: query name: group_id type: 'integer' required: false description: 'The group ID, available only for the role superAdmin.' responses: 200: description: 'Successfully retrieved the list of IP addresses.' schema: type: 'object' properties: data: type: 'string' description: 'The list of IP addresses.' example: "\\n192.168.4.1/8" id: type: 'string' description: 'The identifier of the list.' example: '1-blackblacklist1.lst' status: type: 'string' description: 'The status of the request.' example: "Ok" 403: description: Access forbidden, superAdmin role required. 404: description: List not found. """ group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(query) try: list_data = add_mod.get_bwlist(color, group_id, list_name) json_data = { 'id': f'{group_id}-{color}-{list_name}.lst', 'data': list_data, 'name': f'{list_name}.lst', 'color': color, 'group_id': group_id, } return jsonify(json_data) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot get list') @validate(body=ListRequest) def post(self, service: str, body: ListRequest): """ Create and add content to lists --- tags: - HAProxy white and black lists parameters: - name: service in: path type: string required: true enum: [haproxy] description: The service for which the list is being submitted. - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The name of the list. - in: body name: body description: JSON object containing details of the IP list. required: true schema: type: object required: - name - server_ip - content - color - action properties: name: type: string description: The name of the list example: "whitelist1.lst" server_ip: type: string description: The IP address of the server example: "" content: type: string description: The content of the IP list example: "\\n10.0.0.1" color: type: string description: The color of the list enum: [white, black] example: "white" action: type: string description: The action to perform example: "save" group_id: type: integer description: The group where list must be created. Only for `superAdmin` role. responses: 201: description: Successfully created the list. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: "List successfully created." id: type: string example: "1-whitelist1.lst" 400: description: Invalid input data. 403: description: Access forbidden, superAdmin role required. """ group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(body) try: add_mod.create_bwlist(body.server_ip,, body.color, group_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot create list') if body.content == '': return IdStrResponse(id=f'{group_id}-{body.color}-{}.lst').model_dump(mode='json') try: data = add_mod.save_bwlist(, body.content, body.color, group_id, str(body.server_ip), str(body.action)) return IdDataStrResponse(id=f'{group_id}-{body.color}-{}.lst', data=data).model_dump(mode='json') except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot save list') @validate(body=ListRequest) def put(self, service: str, body: ListRequest): """ Update content to lists --- tags: - HAProxy white and black lists parameters: - name: service in: path type: string required: true enum: [haproxy] description: The service for which the list is being submitted. - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The name of the list. - in: body name: body description: JSON object containing details of the IP list. required: true schema: type: object required: - name - server_ip - content - color - action properties: name: type: string description: The name of the list example: "whitelist1.lst" server_ip: type: string description: The IP address of the server example: "" content: type: string description: The content of the IP list example: "\\n10.0.0.1" color: type: string description: The color of the list enum: [white, black] example: "white" action: type: string description: The action to perform example: "save" group_id: type: integer description: The group where list must be created. Only for `superAdmin` role. responses: 201: description: Successfully created the list. schema: type: object properties: message: type: string example: "List successfully created." id: type: string example: "1-whitelist1.lst" 400: description: Invalid input data. 403: description: Access forbidden, superAdmin role required. """ group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(body) try: add_mod.save_bwlist(, body.content, body.color, group_id, body.server_ip, str(body.action)) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json') except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot save list') @validate(body=ListRequest) def delete(self, service: str, body: ListRequest): """ Delete HAProxy white and black list. --- tags: - HAProxy white and black lists parameters: - in: path name: service type: 'string' required: true description: 'The service for which the list is required. Can be only `haproxy`' - in: body name: body description: JSON object containing details of the IP list. required: true schema: type: object required: - name - color properties: name: type: string description: The name of the list example: "whitelist1.lst" color: type: string description: The color of the list enum: [white, black] example: "white" group_id: type: integer description: The group where list must be created. Only for `superAdmin` role. responses: 204: description: 'Successfully delete list.' 403: description: Access forbidden, superAdmin role required. 404: description: List not found. """ group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(body) try: add_mod.delete_bwlist(, body.color, group_id, str(body.server_ip)) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 204 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot delete list')