from flask.views import MethodView from flask_pydantic import validate from flask import jsonify from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required import app.modules.db.backup as backup_sql import app.modules.db.server as server_sql import app.modules.db.service as service_sql import app.modules.service.backup as backup_mod import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common from app.middleware import get_user_params, page_for_admin, check_group from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import BackupRequest, S3BackupRequest, GitBackupRequest, BaseResponse class BackupView(MethodView): methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), page_for_admin(), check_group()] def __init__(self, is_api=True): self.is_api = is_api @staticmethod def get(backup_id: int): """ Retrieves the details of a specific backup configuration. --- tags: - File system backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: integer required: true description: The ID of the specific backup responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'object' properties: cred_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Credentials ID for the backup task' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the backup configuration' id: type: 'integer' description: 'Unique identifier of the backup configuration' rhost: type: 'string' description: 'The remote server where backup files should be stored' rpath: type: 'string' description: 'The path on the remote server where backup files should be stored' server: type: 'string' description: 'The server to be backed up' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the backup task' type: type: 'string' description: 'Type of the operation' default: description: Unexpected error """ try: backup = backup_sql.get_backup(backup_id, 'fs') backup.server_id = int(backup.server_id) backup.description = str(backup.description).replace("'", "") except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') return jsonify(model_to_dict(backup)) @validate(body=BackupRequest) def post(self, body: BackupRequest): """ Create a new file system backup for services. --- tags: - File system backup parameters: - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - cred_id - rhost - rpath - server_id - rserver - time - type properties: server_id: type: 'string' description: 'The server ID to be backed up' rserver: type: 'string' description: 'The remote server where backup files should be stored' example: rpath: type: 'string' description: 'The path on the remote server where backup files should be stored' example: /var/backup/ type: type: 'string' description: 'Type of the operation' enum: [backup, synchronization] time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] cred_id: type: 'string' description: 'Credentials ID for the backup task' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.create_backup(body, self.is_api) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') @validate(body=BackupRequest) def put(self, backup_id: int, body: BackupRequest): """ Update the file system backup for services. --- tags: - File system backup parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'backup_id' description: 'ID of the backup to be updated' required: true type: 'integer' - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - cred_id - rhost - rpath - server_id - rserver - time - type properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID to be backed up' rserver: type: 'string' description: 'The remote server where backup files should be stored' example: rpath: type: 'string' description: 'The path on the remote server where backup files should be stored' example: /var/backup/ type: type: 'string' description: 'Type of the operation' enum: [backup, synchronization] time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] cred_id: type: 'string' description: 'Credentials ID for the backup task' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.update_backup(body, backup_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') @validate(body=BackupRequest) def delete(self, backup_id: int, body: BackupRequest): """ Delete the file system backup for services. --- tags: - File system backup parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'backup_id' description: 'ID of the backup to be deleted' required: true type: 'integer' - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for backup service schema: type: 'object' properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID to be backed up' cred_id: type: 'string' description: 'Credentials ID for the backup task' responses: 204: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.delete_backup(body, backup_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') class S3BackupView(MethodView): methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), page_for_admin(), check_group()] def __init__(self, is_api=True): self.is_api = is_api @staticmethod def get(backup_id: int): """ Retrieves the details of a specific S3 backup configuration. --- tags: - S3 Backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID of the specific S3 backup responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'object' properties: access_key: type: 'string' description: 'The access key for S3' bucket: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 bucket where the backup is stored' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the S3 backup configuration' id: type: 'integer' description: 'Unique identifier of the S3 backup configuration' s3_server: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 server where the backup is stored' secret_key: type: 'string' description: 'The secret key for S3 access' server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID that was backed up' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the S3 backup task' default: description: Unexpected error """ try: backup = backup_sql.get_backup(backup_id, 's3') backup.server_id = int(backup.server_id) backup.description = str(backup.description).replace("'", "") except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') return jsonify(model_to_dict(backup)) @validate(body=S3BackupRequest) def post(self, body: S3BackupRequest): """ Create a new S3 backup. --- tags: - S3 Backup parameters: - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for S3 backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - s3_server - server_id - bucket - secret_key - access_key - time properties: s3_server: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 server where the backup should be stored' server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID to be backed up' bucket: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 bucket where the backup should be stored' secret_key: type: 'string' description: 'The secret key for S3 access' access_key: type: 'string' description: 'The access key for S3' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the S3 backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the S3 backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.create_s3_backup(body, self.is_api) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot create S3 backup') @validate(body=S3BackupRequest) def put(self, backup_id: int, body: S3BackupRequest): """ Update the S3 backup. --- tags: - S3 Backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID of the specific S3 backup - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for S3 backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - s3_server - server_id - bucket - secret_key - access_key - time properties: s3_server: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 server where the backup should be stored' server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID to be backed up' bucket: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 bucket where the backup should be stored' secret_key: type: 'string' description: 'The secret key for S3 access' access_key: type: 'string' description: 'The access key for S3' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the S3 backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the S3 backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: backup_mod.create_s3_backup_inv(body, 'add') backup_sql.update_backup_job(backup_id, 's3', **body.model_dump(mode='json')) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update S3 backup') @validate(body=S3BackupRequest) def delete(self, backup_id: int, body: S3BackupRequest): """ Deletes a specific S3 based backup configuration. --- tags: - S3 Backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID of the specific S3 backup - in: body name: s3_details required: true description: The details of the S3 backup to be deleted schema: type: 'object' properties: bucket: type: 'string' description: 'The S3 bucket where the backup is stored' server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The server ID that was backed up' responses: 200: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: backup_mod.delete_s3_backup(body, backup_id) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 204 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot delete S3 backup') class GitBackupView(MethodView): methods = ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), page_for_admin(), check_group()] def __init__(self, is_api=True): self.is_api = is_api @staticmethod def get(backup_id: int): """ Retrieves the details of a specific Git backup configuration. --- tags: - Git Backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID of the specific Git backup responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'object' properties: branch: type: 'string' description: 'The branch the backup is on' cred_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the credentials used for the backup' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the Git backup configuration' id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the backup' period: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the Git backup task' repo: type: 'string' description: 'The repository URL for the backup' server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the server that was backed up' service_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The service ID of the backup' default: description: Unexpected error """ try: backup = backup_sql.get_backup(backup_id, 'git') except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, '') return jsonify(model_to_dict(backup, recurse=False)) @validate(body=GitBackupRequest) def post(self, body: GitBackupRequest): """ Create a new Git backup. --- tags: - Git Backup parameters: - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for Git backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - cred_id - server_id - service_id - init - repo - branch - time properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the server to backed up' service_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Service ID: 1: HAProxy, 2: NGINX, 3: Keepalived, 4: Apache' example: 1 init: type: 'integer' description: 'Indicates whether to initialize the repository' repo: type: 'string' description: 'The repository from where to fetch the data for backup' example: branch: type: 'string' description: 'The branch to pull for backup' example: 'master' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the Git backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] cred_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the credentials to be used for backup' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the Git backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.create_git_backup(body, self.is_api) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot create GIT backup') @validate(body=GitBackupRequest) def put(self, backup_id: int, body: GitBackupRequest): """ Update a new Git backup. --- tags: - Git Backup parameters: - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for Git backup service schema: type: 'object' required: - cred_id - server_id - service_id - init - repo - branch - time properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the server to backed up' service_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Service ID: 1: HAProxy, 2: NGINX, 3: Keepalived, 4: Apache' example: 1 init: type: 'integer' description: 'Indicates whether to initialize the repository' repo: type: 'string' description: 'The repository from where to fetch the data for backup' example: branch: type: 'string' description: 'The branch to pull for backup' example: 'master' time: type: 'string' description: 'The timing for the Git backup task' enum: [hourly, daily, weekly, monthly] cred_id: type: 'integer' description: 'The ID of the credentials to be used for backup' description: type: 'string' description: 'Description for the Git backup configuration' responses: 201: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: server = server_sql.get_server(body.server_id) service_name = service_sql.select_service_name_by_id(body.service_id).lower() backup_mod.create_git_backup_inv(body, server.ip, service_name) backup_sql.update_backup_job(backup_id, 'git', **body.model_dump(mode='json', exclude={'init'})) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update GIT backup') return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 201 @validate(body=GitBackupRequest) def delete(self, backup_id: int, body: GitBackupRequest): """ Deletes a specific Git based backup configuration. --- tags: - Git Backup parameters: - in: path name: backup_id type: 'integer' required: true description: The ID of the specific Git backup - name: config in: body required: true description: The configuration for Git backup service delete operation schema: type: 'object' properties: server_id: type: 'integer' description: 'ID of the server from where the backup is to be deleted' service_id: type: 'integer' description: 'Service ID of the backup to be deleted' responses: 204: description: Successful operation default: description: Unexpected error """ try: return backup_mod.delete_git_backup(body, backup_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot delete GIT backup')