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Please fill in all fields
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Please enter IP in "VRRP IP" field
') } else { $("#ajax").html('
Please don\'t close and don\'t represh page. Wait until the work is completed. This may take some time
'); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { master: $('#master').val(), slave: $('#slave').val(), interface: $("#interface").val(), vrrpip: $('#vrrp-ip').val(), hap: hap, syn_flood: syn_flood, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1' || data.indexOf('alert') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { $("#ajax").html('
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Please fill in all fields
') } else if(! $("#vrrp-ip-add").val().match(ipformat)) { $("#ajax").html('
Please enter IP in "VRRP IP" field
') } else { $("#ajax").html('
Please don\'t close and don\'t represh page. Wait until the work is completed. This may take some time
'); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { masteradd: $('#master-add').val(), slaveadd: $('#slave-add').val(), interfaceadd: $("#interface-add").val(), vrrpipadd: $('#vrrp-ip-add').val(), kp: kp, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1' || data.indexOf('alert') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { $("#ajax").html('
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All is ready!'); } } } ); } }); $('#install').click(function() { $("#ajax").html('') var syn_flood = 0; if ($('#syn_flood').is(':checked')) { syn_flood = '1'; } $.ajax( { url: "", data: { haproxyaddserv: $('#haproxyaddserv').val(), syn_flood: syn_flood, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1' || data.indexOf('alert') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { $("#ajax").html('
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var id = data.match(getId); $("#ajax-group").append(data); $( ".newgroup" ).addClass( "update", 1000, callbackGroup ); $('select:regex(id, group)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $.getScript(awesome); } } } ); }); $('#add-server').click(function() { $('#error').remove(); $('.alert-danger').remove(); var typeip = 0; var enable = 0; var alert_en = 0; if ($('#typeip').is(':checked')) { typeip = '1'; } if ($('#enable').is(':checked')) { enable = '1'; } if ($('#alert').is(':checked')) { var alert_en = 0; } $.ajax( { url: "", data: { newserver: $('#new-server-add').val(), newip: $('#new-ip').val(), newservergroup: $('#new-server-group-add').val(), typeip: typeip, enable: enable, slave: $('#slavefor' ).val(), cred: $('#credentials').val(), alert_en: alert_en, page: cur_url[0] }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-servers").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#ajax-servers").append(data); $(".newserver").addClass( "update", 1000, callbackServer ); $.getScript(url); $.getScript(awesome); } } } ); }); $('#add-ssh').click(function() { $('#error').remove(); $('.alert-danger').remove(); var ssh_enable = 0; if ($('#new-ssh_enable').is(':checked')) { ssh_enable = '1'; } $.ajax( { url: "", data: { new_ssh: $('#new-ssh-add').val(), new_group: $('#new-sshgroup').val(), ssh_user: $('#ssh_user').val(), ssh_pass: $('#ssh_pass').val(), ssh_enable: ssh_enable, page: cur_url[0] }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-ssh").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { var getId = new RegExp('[0-9]+'); var id = data.match(getId); $("#ssh_enable_table").append(data); $( ".newgroup" ).addClass( "update", 1000, callbackGroup ); $('select:regex(id, credentials)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $.getScript(awesome); $.getScript(url); } } } ); }); $('#add-telegram').click(function() { $('#error').remove(); 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$( "#ssh_enable_table input" ).change(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-'); updateSSH(id[1]) sshKeyEnableShow(id[1]) }); $( "#ssh_enable_table select" ).on('selectmenuchange',function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-'); updateSSH(id[1]) sshKeyEnableShow(id[1]) }); $('#new-ssh_enable').click(function() { if ($('#new-ssh_enable').is(':checked')) { $('#ssh_pass').css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#ssh_pass').css('display', 'block'); } }); if ($('#new-ssh_enable').is(':checked')) { $('#ssh_pass').css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#ssh_pass').css('display', 'block'); } $( "#checker_table input" ).change(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-'); updateTelegram(id[2]) }); $( "#checker_table select" ).on('selectmenuchange',function() { var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-'); updateTelegram(id[1]) }); } ); function sshKeyEnableShow(id) { $('#ssh_enable-'+id).click(function() { if ($('#ssh_enable-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#ssh_pass-'+id).css('display', 'none'); 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} } } ); } function removeTelegram(id) { $("#telegram-table-"+id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { telegramdel: id, }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(data == "Ok ") { $("#telegram-table-"+id).remove(); } } } ); } function updateUser(id) { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { updateuser: $('#login-'+id).val(), password: $('#password-'+id).val(), email: $('#email-'+id).val(), role: $('#role-'+id).val(), usergroup: $('#usergroup-'+id+' option:selected' ).val(), id: id }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-users").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#user-"+id).addClass( "update", 1000 ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#user-"+id ).removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); } } } ); } function updateGroup(id) { $('#error').remove(); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { updategroup: $('#name-'+id).val(), descript: $('#descript-'+id).val(), id: id }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); 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if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-servers").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#server-"+id).addClass( "update", 1000 ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#server-"+id ).removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); } } } ); } function uploadSsh() { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { ssh_cert: $('#ssh_cert').val(), name: $('#ssh-key-name').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1') { $("#ajax-ssh").html(data); } else if (data.indexOf('success') != '-1') { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#ajax-ssh").html(data); setTimeout(function() { $( "#ajax-ssh").html( "" ); }, 2500 ); } else { $("#ajax-ssh").html('
Something wrong, check and try again
'); } } } ); } function updateSSH(id) { $('#error').remove(); var ssh_enable = 0; if ($('#ssh_enable-'+id).is(':checked')) { ssh_enable = '1'; } $.ajax( { url: "", data: { updatessh: 1, name: $('#ssh_name-'+id).val(), group: $('#sshgroup-'+id).val(), ssh_enable: ssh_enable, ssh_user: $('#ssh_user-'+id).val(), ssh_pass: $('#ssh_pass-'+id).val(), id: id }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-ssh").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#ssh-table-"+id).addClass( "update", 1000 ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#ssh-table-"+id ).removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); $('select:regex(id, credentials) option[value='+id+']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name) option[value='+$('#ssh_name-'+id).val()+']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, credentials)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); } } } ); } function updateTelegram(id) { $('#error').remove(); $.ajax( { url: "", data: { updatetoken: $('#telegram-token-'+id).val(), updategchanel: $('#telegram-chanel-'+id).val(), updategroup: $('#telegramgroup-'+id).val(), id: id }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1') { $("#ajax-ssh").append(data); $.getScript(users); } else { $('.alert-danger').remove(); $("#telegram-table-"+id).addClass( "update", 1000 ); setTimeout(function() { $( "#telegram-table-"+id ).removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); } } } ); } function showApacheLog(serv) { $.ajax( { url: "", data: { rows1: $('#rows').val(), serv: serv, grep: $("#grep").val(), hour: $('#time_range_out_hour').val(), minut: $('#time_range_out_minut').val(), hour1: $('#time_range_out_hour1').val(), minut1: $('#time_range_out_minut1').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "GET", success: function( data ) { $("#ajax").html(data); window.history.pushState("Logs", "Logs", cur_url[0]+"?serv="+$("#serv").val()+"&rows1="+$('#rows').val()+"&grep="+$("#grep").val()); } } ); }