$( function() { $("select").selectmenu({ width: 180 }); $('#hap').click(function () { if ($('#hap').is(':checked')) { $('#haproxy_docker_td').show(); $('#haproxy_docker_td_header').show(); } else { $('#haproxy_docker_td').hide(); $('#haproxy_docker_td_header').hide(); } }); $('#nginx').click(function () { if ($('#nginx').is(':checked')) { $('#nginx_docker_td').show(); $('#nginx_docker_td_header').show(); } else { $('#nginx_docker_td').hide(); $('#nginx_docker_td_header').hide(); } }); $("#ha-cluster-master").on('selectmenuchange', function () { let server_ip = $('#ha-cluster-master option:selected').val(); let div_id = $('#cur_master_ver'); get_keepalived_ver(div_id, server_ip); }); $("#ha-cluster-master-interface").on('input', function () { let server_ip = $('#ha-cluster-master option:selected').val(); get_interface($(this), server_ip); }); $(".slave_int input").on('input', function () { let id = $(this).attr('id').split('-'); let server_ip = $('#slave_int_div-' + id[1]).attr('data-ip'); get_interface($(this), server_ip); }); }); function cleanProvisioningProccess(div_id, success_div, error_id, warning_id, progres_id) { $(div_id).empty(); $(success_div).empty(); $(success_div).hide(); $(error_id).empty(); $(error_id).hide(); $(warning_id).empty(); $(warning_id).hide(); $(progres_id).css('width', '5%'); $(div_id).each(function () { $(this).remove(''); }); $.getScript(awesome); } function confirmDeleteCluster(cluster_id) { $("#dialog-confirm").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " + $('#cluster-name-' + cluster_id).text() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); deleteCluster(cluster_id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function deleteCluster(cluster_id) { $.ajax({ url: api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id, type: "DELETE", statusCode: { 204: function (xhr) { $("#cluster-" + cluster_id).remove(); }, 404: function (xhr) { $("#cluster-" + cluster_id).remove(); } }, success: function (data) { if (data) { if (data.status === "failed") { toastr.error(data); } } } }); } function createHaClusterStep1(edited=false, cluster_id=0, clean=true) { let next_word = translate_div.attr('data-next'); let tabel_title = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-1-overview").attr('title'); if (clean) { clearClusterDialog(edited); $.ajax({ url: "/ha/cluster/masters", async: false, type: "GET", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (data) { if (data.status === 'failed') { toastr.error(data.error); } else { for (let i in data) { $('#ha-cluster-master').append(''); } $('#ha-cluster-master').selectmenu("refresh"); } } }); } if (edited) { tabel_title = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-1-overview").attr('data-edit'); } if (edited && clean) { let master_name = $('#master-server-'+cluster_id).text(); let master_ip = $('#master-ip-'+cluster_id).text(); let master_id = $('#master-id-'+cluster_id).text(); $("#ha-cluster-master option").not(master_name).each(function (index) { $(this).prop('disabled', true); }); $('#ha-cluster-master').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); get_keepalived_ver($('#cur_master_ver'), master_ip); $.ajax({ url: api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id, type: "GET", async: false, success: function (data) { let clusterSettings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); $('#ha-cluster-name').val(clusterSettings.name.replaceAll("'", "")); $('#ha-cluster-desc').val(clusterSettings.description.replaceAll("'", "")); $('#ha-cluster-master-interface').val(clusterSettings.eth); $('#vrrp-ip').val(clusterSettings.vip); if (clusterSettings.haproxy) { $('#hap').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#hap').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.nginx) { $('#nginx').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#nginx').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.return_master) { $('#return_master').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#return_master').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.syn_flood) { $('#syn_flood').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#syn_flood').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.virt_server) { $('#virt_server').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#virt_server').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.use_src) { $('#use_src').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#use_src').prop('checked', false); } $( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio("refresh"); } }); } $.ajax({ url: "/ha/cluster/slaves/servers/" + cluster_id, async: false, type: "GET", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $(".checks").html(data); } } }); $.getScript(ha); let regx = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/; let dialog_div = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-1").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 630, modal: true, title: tabel_title, show: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, hide: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, buttons: [{ text: next_word, click: function () { if ($('#ha-cluster-name').val() == '') { toastr.error('error: Fill in the Name field'); return false; } if ($('#ha-cluster-master option:selected').val().indexOf('--') != '-1') { toastr.error('error: Select a Master server'); return false; } if (!regx.test($('#ha-cluster-master-interface').val())) { toastr.error('error: Fill in the interface field'); return false; } if ($('#vrrp-ip').val() == '') { toastr.error('error: Fill in the VIP field'); return false; } if (!ValidateIPaddress($('#vrrp-ip').val())) { toastr.error('error: Wrong VIP'); return false; } let jsonData = createJsonCluster('#enabled-check div div span'); if (!validateSlaves(jsonData)) { return false; } createHaClusterStep2(edited, cluster_id, jsonData); $(this).dialog("close"); toastr.clear(); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); clearClusterDialog(edited); } }] }); dialog_div.dialog('open'); } function createHaClusterStep2(edited=false, cluster_id=0, jsonData='') { let apply_word = translate_div.attr('data-apply'); let tabel_title = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-2-overview").attr('title'); if (edited) { tabel_title = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-2-overview").attr('data-edit'); } let dialog_div = $("#create-ha-cluster-step-2").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 630, modal: true, title: tabel_title, show: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, hide: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, buttons: [{ text: save_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); saveCluster(jsonData, cluster_id, edited); } }, { text: apply_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); saveCluster(jsonData, cluster_id, edited, 1); } }, { text: back_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); createHaClusterStep1(edited, cluster_id, false); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); clearClusterDialog(edited); } }] }); dialog_div.dialog('open'); } function saveCluster(jsonData, cluster_id=0, edited=0, reconfigure=0) { let virt_server = 0; let return_master = 0; let syn_flood = 0; let use_src = 0; let hap = 0; let hap_docker = 0; let nginx = 0; let nginx_docker = 0; let apache = 0; let req_method = 'POST'; let url = api_prefix + '/ha/cluster'; if ($('#virt_server').is(':checked')) { virt_server = 1; } if ($('#return_master').is(':checked')) { return_master = '1'; } if ($('#syn_flood').is(':checked')) { syn_flood = '1'; } if ($('#use_src').is(':checked')) { use_src = '1'; } if ($('#hap').is(':checked')) { hap = '1'; } if ($('#hap_docker').is(':checked')) { hap_docker = '1'; } if ($('#nginx').is(':checked')) { nginx = '1'; } if ($('#nginx_docker').is(':checked')) { nginx_docker = '1'; } if ($('#apache').is(':checked')) { apache = '1'; } if (edited) { req_method = 'PUT'; url = api_prefix + '/ha/cluster/' + cluster_id; } jsonData['name'] = $('#ha-cluster-name').val(); jsonData['description'] = $('#ha-cluster-desc').val(); jsonData['vip'] = $('#vrrp-ip').val(); jsonData['virt_server'] = virt_server; jsonData['return_master'] = return_master; jsonData['syn_flood'] = syn_flood; jsonData['use_src'] = use_src; jsonData['services'] = {'haproxy': {'enabled': hap, 'docker': hap_docker}}; jsonData['services']['nginx'] = {'enabled': nginx, 'docker': nginx_docker}; jsonData['services']['apache'] = {'enabled': apache, 'docker': 0}; jsonData['router_id'] = $('#router_id-' + cluster_id).val(); $.ajax({ url: url, type: req_method, async: false, data: JSON.stringify(jsonData), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (data) { if (data.status === 'failed') { toastr.error(data.error); } else { if (!edited) { cluster_id = data.id; getHaCluster(cluster_id, true); } else { getHaCluster(cluster_id); $("#cluster-" + cluster_id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#cluster-" + cluster_id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } } }); if (reconfigure) { Reconfigure(jsonData, cluster_id); } } function Reconfigure(jsonData, cluster_id) { let servers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonData)); $("#wait-mess").html(wait_mess); $("#wait-mess").show(); let total_installation = 1; if (servers['services']['haproxy']['enabled']) { total_installation = total_installation + 1; } if (servers['services']['nginx']['enabled']) { total_installation = total_installation + 1; } if (servers['services']['apache']['enabled']) { total_installation = total_installation + 1; } let server_creating_title = $("#server_creating1").attr('title'); let server_creating = $("#server_creating1").dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 574, modal: true, title: server_creating_title, close: function () { cleanProvisioningProccess('#server_creating1 ul li', '#created-mess', '#creating-error', '#creating-warning', '#creating-progress'); }, buttons: { Close: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); cleanProvisioningProccess('#server_creating1 ul li', '#created-mess', '#creating-error', '#creating-warning', '#creating-progress'); } } }); server_creating.dialog('open'); let progress_step = 100 / total_installation; $.when(installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'keepalived', progress_step, cluster_id)).done(function () { if (servers['services']['haproxy']['enabled']) { $.when(installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'haproxy', progress_step, cluster_id)).done(function () { if (servers['services']['nginx']['enabled']) { $.when(installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'nginx', progress_step, cluster_id)).done(function () { if (servers['services']['apache']['enabled']) { installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'apache', progress_step, cluster_id); } }); } else { if (servers['services']['apache']['enabled']) { installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'apache', progress_step, cluster_id); } } }); } else { if (servers['services']['nginx']['enabled']) { $.when(installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'nginx', progress_step, cluster_id)).done(function () { if (servers['services']['apache']['enabled']) { installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'apache', progress_step, cluster_id); } }); } else { if (servers['services']['apache']['enabled']) { installServiceCluster(jsonData, 'apache', progress_step, cluster_id); } } } }); } function installServiceCluster(jsonData, service, progress_step, cluster_id) { let servers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(jsonData)); servers['cluster_id'] = cluster_id; let li_id = 'creating-' + service + '-'; let install_mess = translate_div.attr('data-installing'); let timeout_mess = translate_div.attr('data-roxywi_timeout'); let something_wrong = translate_div.attr('data-something_wrong'); $('#server_creating_list').append('
  • ' + install_mess + ' ' + nice_service_name[service] + '
  • '); return $.ajax({ url: "/install/" + service, type: "POST", data: JSON.stringify(servers), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", statusCode: { 500: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_service_name[service], servers["name"], li_id, servers['cluster_id'], progress_step, something_wrong); }, 504: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_service_name[service], servers["name"], li_id, servers['cluster_id'], progress_step, timeout_mess); }, }, success: function (data) { if (data.status === 'failed') { showErrorStatus(nice_service_name[service], servers["name"], li_id, servers['cluster_id'], progress_step, something_wrong); } else { checkInstallResp(data, servers['cluster_id'], progress_step, servers["name"], li_id, nice_service_name[service]); } } }); } function showErrorStatus(service_name, server_name, li_id, server_id, progress_step, message) { let check_apache_log = translate_div.attr('data-check_apache_log'); $('#' + li_id + server_id).removeClass('proccessing'); $('#' + li_id + server_id).addClass('processing_error'); $.getScript(awesome); $('#creating-error').show(); $('#creating-error').append('
    ' + message + ' ' + service_name + ' ' + server_name + '. '+check_apache_log+'
    '); increaseProgressValue(progress_step); } function checkInstallResp(output, server_id, progress_step, name, li_id, service_name) { output = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(output)); let was_installed = translate_div.attr('data-was_installed'); let something_wrong = translate_div.attr('data-something_wrong'); for (let k in output['ok']) { $('#' + li_id + server_id).removeClass('proccessing'); $('#' + li_id + server_id).addClass('proccessing_done'); $('#created-mess').show(); $('#created-mess').append('
    ' + service_name + ' ' + was_installed +' ' + k + '
    '); } for (let k in output['failures']) { showErrorStatus(service_name, k, li_id, server_id, progress_step, something_wrong); } for (let k in output['dark']) { showErrorStatus(service_name, k, li_id, server_id, progress_step, something_wrong); } increaseProgressValue(progress_step); $.getScript(awesome); } function increaseProgressValue(progress_step) { let progress_id = '#creating-progress'; let waid_id = '#wait-mess'; progress_step = Math.ceil(parseFloat(progress_step)); let cur_proggres_value = $(progress_id).css('width').split('px')[0] / $(progress_id).parent().width() * 100; let new_progress = Math.ceil(parseFloat(cur_proggres_value)) + progress_step; new_progress = Math.ceil(parseFloat(new_progress)); if (parseFloat(new_progress) > 90) { $(waid_id).hide(); new_progress = parseFloat(100); $('.progress-bar-striped > div').css('animation', ''); } $(progress_id).css('width', new_progress+'%'); } function add_vip_ha_cluster(cluster_id, cluster_name, vip_id='', vip='', edited=0) { let save_word = translate_div.attr('data-save'); let tabel_title = $("#add-vip-table").attr('title'); let buttons = []; if (edited) { $.ajax({ url: api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id + "/vip/" + vip_id, type: "GET", async: false, success: function (data) { let clusterSettings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); if (clusterSettings.return_master) { $('#vrrp-ip-add-return_master').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#vrrp-ip-add-return_master').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.virt_server) { $('#vrrp-ip-add-virt_server').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#vrrp-ip-add-virt_server').prop('checked', false); } if (clusterSettings.use_src) { $('#vrrp-ip-add-use_src').prop('checked', true); } else { $('#vrrp-ip-add-use_src').prop('checked', false); } $( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio("refresh"); } }); $('#vrrp-ip-add').val(vip); tabel_title = $("#add-vip-table").attr('data-edit'); buttons = [{ text: save_word, click: function () { if (!ValidateIPaddress($('#vrrp-ip-add').val())) { toastr.error('error: Wrong VIP'); return false; } jsonData = createJsonVip('#vip_servers div span'); if (!validateSlaves(jsonData)) { return false; } saveVip(jsonData, cluster_id, $(this), edited, vip_id); toastr.clear(); } }, { text: delete_word, click: function () { if (!ValidateIPaddress($('#vrrp-ip-add').val())) { toastr.error('error: Wrong VIP'); return false; } jsonData = createJsonVip('#vip_servers div span'); saveVip(jsonData, cluster_id, $(this), edited, vip_id, true); toastr.clear(); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog('close'); clearClusterDialog(); toastr.clear(); } }] } else { buttons = [{ text: save_word, click: function () { if (!ValidateIPaddress($('#vrrp-ip-add').val())) { toastr.error('error: Wrong VIP'); return false; } jsonData = createJsonVip('#vip_servers div span'); if (!validateSlaves(jsonData)) { return false; } saveVip(jsonData, cluster_id, $(this), edited, vip_id); toastr.clear(); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog('close'); clearClusterDialog(); toastr.clear(); } }] } let url = "/ha/cluster/slaves/" + cluster_id; if (vip_id) { url = "/ha/cluster/slaves/" + cluster_id + "/" + vip_id; } $.ajax({ url: url, success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $('#vip_servers').html(data); } } }); $.getScript(ha); let dialog_div = $("#add-vip").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 630, modal: true, title: tabel_title + ' ' + cluster_name, show: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, hide: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, close: function () { clearClusterDialog($(this)); }, buttons: buttons }); dialog_div.dialog('open'); } function saveVip(jsonData, cluster_id, dialog_id, edited, vip_id='', deleted=false) { let req_type = 'POST' let return_master = 0 let virt_server = 0 let use_src = 0 if ($('#vrrp-ip-add-return_master').is(':checked')) { return_master = '1'; } if ($('#vrrp-ip-add-virt_server').is(':checked')) { virt_server = true; } if ($('#vrrp-ip-add-use_src').is(':checked')) { use_src = '1'; } jsonData['vip'] = $('#vrrp-ip-add').val(); jsonData['return_master'] = return_master; jsonData['virt_server'] = virt_server; jsonData['use_src'] = use_src; let url = api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id + "/vip"; if (edited) { req_type = 'PUT'; url = api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id + "/vip/" + vip_id; } if (deleted) { req_type = 'DELETE'; url = api_prefix + "/ha/cluster/" + cluster_id + "/vip/" + vip_id; } $.ajax({ url: url, data: JSON.stringify(jsonData), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", type: req_type, statusCode: { 204: function (xhr) { getHaCluster(cluster_id); dialog_id.dialog('destroy'); clearClusterDialog(); }, 404: function (xhr) { getHaCluster(cluster_id); dialog_id.dialog('destroy'); clearClusterDialog(); } }, success: function (data) { if (data) { if (data.status === "failed") { toastr.error(data); } else { getHaCluster(cluster_id); dialog_id.dialog('destroy'); clearClusterDialog(); } } } }); } function get_interface(input_id, server_ip) { input_id.autocomplete({ source: function (request, response) { $.ajax({ url: "/server/show/if/" + server_ip, success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { response(data.split(" ")); } } }); }, autoFocus: true, minLength: -1 }); } function get_keepalived_ver(div_id, server_ip) { $.ajax({ url: api_prefix + "/service/keepalived/" + server_ip + "/status", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", statusCode: { 404: function (xhr) { div_id.text('Keepalived has not installed'); } }, success: function (data) { if (!data.Version) { div_id.text('Keepalived has not installed'); } else { div_id.text(data.Version); div_id.css('font-weight', 'bold'); } } }); } function addCheckToStatus(server_id, server_ip) { let hostname = $('#add_check-' + server_id).attr('data-name'); let service_word = translate_div.attr('data-service'); let start_enter = translate_div.attr('data-start_enter'); let length_tr = $('#all-checks').length; let tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } let html_tag = '
    ' + '
    ' + hostname + '
    ' + '' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    '; $('#add_check-' + server_id).remove(); $("#enabled-check").append(html_tag); $.getScript(ha); } function removeCheckFromStatus(server_id, server_ip) { let hostname = $('#remove_check-' + server_id).attr('data-name'); let add_word = translate_div.attr('data-add'); let service_word = translate_div.attr('data-service'); let length_tr = $('#all_services tbody tr').length; let tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } let html_tag = '
    ' + '
    ' + hostname + '
    ' + '
    '; $('#remove_check-' + server_id).remove(); $("#all-checks").append(html_tag); } function createJsonCluster(div_id) { let jsonData = {}; jsonData = {'servers': []}; jsonData['servers'].push({ 'id': $('#ha-cluster-master option:selected').attr('data-id'), 'eth': $('#ha-cluster-master-interface').val(), 'master': 1 }); $(div_id).each(function () { let this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; let eth = $('#slave_int-' + this_id).val(); jsonData['servers'].push({'id': this_id, 'eth': eth, 'master': 0}); }); return jsonData; } function createJsonVip(div_id) { let jsonData = {}; jsonData = {'servers': []}; $(div_id).each(function () { let this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; let eth1 = $('#slave_int-' + this_id).val(); let eth = $('#master_int-' + this_id).val(); if (eth) { jsonData['servers'].push({'id': this_id, 'eth': eth, 'master': 1}); } else { jsonData['servers'].push({'id': this_id,'eth': eth1, 'master': 0}); } }); return jsonData; } function validateSlaves(jsonData) { console.log(jsonData) if (Object.keys(jsonData['servers']).length === 1) { toastr.error('error: There is must be at least one slave server'); return false; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(jsonData['servers'])) { for (const [key1, value1] of Object.entries(value)) { if (value1.length === 0) { toastr.error('error: Enter interface for slave server'); return false; } } } return true; } function clearClusterDialog(edited=0) { $('#ha-cluster-name').val(''); $('#ha-cluster-desc').val(''); $('#ha-cluster-master-interface').val(''); $('#vrrp-ip').val(''); $('#vrrp-ip').prop("readonly", false); $('#vrrp-ip-add').val(''); $('#vrrp-ip-edit').val(''); $('#cur_master_ver').text(''); $('#virt_server').prop('checked', true); $('#return_master').prop('checked', true); $('#use_src').prop('checked', false); $('#hap').prop('checked', false); $('#hap_docker').prop('checked', false); $('#nginx').prop('checked', false); $('#nginx_docker').prop('checked', false); $("input[type=checkbox]").checkboxradio("refresh"); $('#ha-cluster-master option:selected').remove(); $("#ha-cluster-master option").each(function (index) { $(this).remove(); $(this).prop('disabled', false); }); $('#ha-cluster-master option').attr('selected', false); $('#ha-cluster-master option:first').attr('selected', 'selected'); $('#ha-cluster-master').selectmenu("refresh"); } function getHaCluster(cluster_id, new_cluster=false) { $.ajax({ url: "/ha/cluster/get/" + cluster_id, success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { if (new_cluster) { $('.up-pannel').append(data); } else { $('#cluster-' + cluster_id).replaceWith(data); } $.getScript(awesome); $('#cluster-' + cluster_id).removeClass('animated-background'); } } }); }