# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cgi import os import re import json import http.cookies import distro import sql import modules.roxy_wi_tools as roxy_wi_tools time_zone = sql.get_setting('time_zone') get_date = roxy_wi_tools.GetDate(time_zone) get_config_var = roxy_wi_tools.GetConfigVar() def is_ip_or_dns(server_from_request: str) -> str: ip_regex = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$" dns_regex = "^(?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]+([\\-\\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}$" try: server_from_request = server_from_request.strip() except Exception: pass try: if server_from_request in ( 'roxy-wi-checker', 'roxy-wi-keep_alive', 'roxy-wi-keep-alive', 'roxy-wi-metrics', 'roxy-wi-portscanner', 'roxy-wi-smon', 'roxy-wi-socket', 'roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter', 'prometheus', 'fail2ban', 'all', 'grafana-server', 'rabbitmq-server' ): return server_from_request if re.match(ip_regex, server_from_request): return server_from_request else: if re.match(dns_regex, server_from_request): return server_from_request else: return '' except Exception: return '' form = cgi.FieldStorage() serv = is_ip_or_dns(form.getvalue('serv')) def checkAjaxInput(ajax_input: str): pattern = re.compile('[&;|$`]') if pattern.search(ajax_input): print('error: nice try') return else: from shlex import quote return quote(ajax_input.rstrip()) def get_user_group(**kwargs) -> str: user_group = '' try: cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_group_id = cookie.get('group') user_group_id1 = user_group_id.value groups = sql.select_groups(id=user_group_id1) for g in groups: if g.group_id == int(user_group_id1): if kwargs.get('id'): user_group = g.group_id else: user_group = g.name except Exception: check_user_group() return user_group def logging(server_ip: str, action: str, **kwargs) -> None: login = '' cur_date = get_date.return_date('logs') cur_date_in_log = get_date.return_date('date_in_log') log_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'log_path') if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path) try: user_group = get_user_group() except Exception: user_group = '' try: ip = cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) except Exception: ip = '' try: cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') login = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except Exception: login_name = kwargs.get('login') try: if len(login_name) > 1: login = kwargs.get('login') except Exception: login = '' try: if distro.id() == 'ubuntu': os.system('sudo chown www-data:www-data -R ' + log_path) else: os.system('sudo chown apache:apache -R ' + log_path) except Exception: pass if kwargs.get('haproxywi') == 1 or kwargs.get('roxywi') == 1: if kwargs.get('login'): mess = f"{cur_date_in_log} from {ip} user: {login}, group: {user_group}, {action} on: {server_ip}\n" if kwargs.get('keep_history'): try: keep_action_history(kwargs.get('service'), action, server_ip, login, ip) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) else: mess = f"{cur_date_in_log} {action} from {ip}\n" log_file = f"{log_path}/roxy-wi-{cur_date}.log" elif kwargs.get('provisioning') == 1: mess = f"{cur_date_in_log} from {ip} user: {login}, group: {user_group}, {action}\n" log_file = f"{log_path}/provisioning-{cur_date}.log" else: mess = f"{cur_date_in_log} from {ip} user: {login}, group: {user_group}, {action} on: {server_ip}\n" log_file = f"{log_path}/config_edit-{cur_date}.log" if kwargs.get('keep_history'): keep_action_history(kwargs.get('service'), action, server_ip, login, ip) try: with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write(mess) except IOError as e: print(f'
Cannot write log. Please check log_path in config {e}
') def keep_action_history(service: str, action: str, server_ip: str, login: str, user_ip: str): try: server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=server_ip) if login != '': user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_username(login) else: user_id = 0 if user_ip == '': user_ip = 'localhost' sql.insert_action_history(service, action, server_id, user_id, user_ip) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f'Cannot save a history: {e}', roxywi=1) def telegram_send_mess(mess, **kwargs): import telebot from telebot import apihelper token_bot = '' channel_name = '' if kwargs.get('telegram_channel_id') == 0: return if kwargs.get('telegram_channel_id'): telegrams = sql.get_telegram_by_id(kwargs.get('telegram_channel_id')) else: telegrams = sql.get_telegram_by_ip(kwargs.get('ip')) proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') for telegram in telegrams: token_bot = telegram.token channel_name = telegram.chanel_name if token_bot == '' or channel_name == '': mess = " Can't send message. Add Telegram channel before use alerting at this servers group" logging('Roxy-WI server', mess, roxywi=1) if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': apihelper.proxy = {'https': proxy} try: bot = telebot.TeleBot(token=token_bot) bot.send_message(chat_id=channel_name, text=mess) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) def slack_send_mess(mess, **kwargs): from slack_sdk import WebClient from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError slack_token = '' channel_name = '' if kwargs.get('slack_channel_id') == 0: return if kwargs.get('slack_channel_id'): slacks = sql.get_slack_by_id(kwargs.get('slack_channel_id')) else: slacks = sql.get_slack_by_ip(kwargs.get('ip')) proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') for slack in slacks: slack_token = slack.token channel_name = slack.chanel_name if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxies = dict(https=proxy, http=proxy) client = WebClient(token=slack_token, proxies=proxies) else: client = WebClient(token=slack_token) try: client.chat_postMessage(channel='#' + channel_name, text=mess) except SlackApiError as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) def check_login(user_uuid, token, **kwargs): if user_uuid is None: print('') ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI") try: sql.delete_old_uuid() except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: cannot connect to DB {e}') if user_uuid is not None: if sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) is None: print(f'') return False if kwargs.get('service'): required_service = str(kwargs.get('service')) user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) user_services = sql.select_user_services(user_id) if required_service in user_services: return True else: print('') return False sql.update_last_act_user(user_uuid.value, token) else: print(f'') return False def get_user_id(**kwargs): if kwargs.get('login'): return sql.get_user_id_by_username(kwargs.get('login')) cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') if user_uuid is not None: user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) return user_id def is_admin(level=1): cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_id = cookie.get('uuid') try: role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value) except Exception: role = 4 pass try: return True if role <= level else False except Exception: return False def page_for_admin(level=1) -> None: if not is_admin(level=level): print('') return def return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip: str, **kwargs) -> dict: lib_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') ssh_settings = {} if kwargs.get('id'): sshs = sql.select_ssh(id=kwargs.get('id')) else: sshs = sql.select_ssh(serv=server_ip) for ssh in sshs: ssh_settings.setdefault('enabled', ssh.enable) ssh_settings.setdefault('user', ssh.username) ssh_settings.setdefault('password', ssh.password) ssh_key = f'{lib_path}/keys/{ssh.name}.pem' if ssh.enable == 1 else '' ssh_settings.setdefault('key', ssh_key) ssh_port = [str(server[10]) for server in sql.select_servers(server=server_ip)] ssh_settings.setdefault('port', ssh_port[0]) return ssh_settings def ssh_connect(server_ip): from modules import ssh_connection ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) ssh = ssh_connection.SshConnection(server_ip, ssh_settings['port'], ssh_settings['user'], ssh_settings['password'], ssh_settings['enabled'], ssh_settings['key']) return ssh def get_config(server_ip, cfg, **kwargs): config_path = '' if kwargs.get("keepalived") or kwargs.get("service") == 'keepalived': config_path = sql.get_setting('keepalived_config_path') elif ( kwargs.get("nginx") or kwargs.get("service") == 'nginx' or kwargs.get("apache") or kwargs.get("service") == 'apache' ): config_path = kwargs.get('config_file_name') elif kwargs.get("waf") or kwargs.get("service") == 'waf': if kwargs.get("waf") == 'haproxy': config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') + '/waf/rules/' + kwargs.get("waf_rule_file") elif kwargs.get("waf") == 'nginx': config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_dir') + '/waf/rules/' + kwargs.get("waf_rule_file") else: config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') try: with ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: ssh.get_sftp(config_path, cfg) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: cannot get config: {e}', roxywi=1) def diff_config(oldcfg, cfg, **kwargs): cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) log_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'log_path') user_group = get_user_group() diff = "" date = get_date.return_date('date_in_log') log_date = get_date.return_date('logs') cmd = "/bin/diff -ub %s %s" % (oldcfg, cfg) try: user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') login = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except Exception: login = '' output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) if kwargs.get('return_diff'): for line in output: diff += line + "\n" return diff else: for line in output: diff += f"{date} user: {login}, group: {user_group} {line}\n" log_file = f"{log_path}/config_edit-{log_date}" try: with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write(diff) except IOError: print(f'
Can\'t read write change to log. {stderr}
') pass def get_remote_sections(server_ip: str, service: str) -> str: remote_dir = service + '_dir' config_dir = sql.get_setting(remote_dir) config_dir = return_nice_path(config_dir) section_name = 'server_name' if service == 'apache': section_name = 'ServerName' commands = [f"sudo grep {section_name} {config_dir}*/*.conf -R |grep -v '${{}}\|#'|awk '{{print $1, $3}}'"] backends = ssh_command(server_ip, commands) return backends def get_sections(config, **kwargs): return_config = list() with open(config, 'r') as f: for line in f: if kwargs.get('service') == 'keepalived': ip_pattern = re.compile('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}') find_ip = re.findall(ip_pattern, line) if find_ip: return_config.append(find_ip[0]) else: if line.startswith(( 'global', 'listen', 'frontend', 'backend', 'cache', 'defaults', '#HideBlockStart', '#HideBlockEnd', 'peers', 'resolvers', 'userlist', 'http-errors' )): line = line.strip() return_config.append(line) return return_config def get_section_from_config(config, section): record = False start_line = "" end_line = "" return_config = "" with open(config, 'r') as f: for index, line in enumerate(f): if line.startswith(section + '\n'): start_line = index return_config += line record = True continue if record: if line.startswith(( 'global', 'listen', 'frontend', 'backend', 'cache', 'defaults', '#HideBlockStart', '#HideBlockEnd', 'peers', 'resolvers', 'userlist', 'http-errors' )): record = False end_line = index end_line = end_line - 1 else: return_config += line if end_line == "": f = open(config, "r") line_list = f.readlines() end_line = len(line_list) return start_line, end_line, return_config def rewrite_section(start_line, end_line, config, section): record = False start_line = int(start_line) end_line = int(end_line) return_config = "" with open(config, 'r') as f: for index, line in enumerate(f): index = int(index) if index == start_line: record = True return_config += section return_config += "\n" continue if index == end_line: record = False continue if record: continue return_config += line return return_config def get_userlists(config): return_config = '' with open(config, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('userlist'): line = line.strip() return_config += line + ',' return return_config def get_backends_from_config(server_ip, backends=''): config_date = get_date.return_date('config') configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') format_cfg = 'cfg' try: cfg = configs_dir + get_files(configs_dir, format_cfg)[0] except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) try: cfg = f'{configs_dir}{server_ip}-{config_date}.{format_cfg}' except Exception: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' Cannot generate cfg path', roxywi=1) return try: get_config(server_ip, cfg) except Exception: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' Cannot download config', roxywi=1) print('error: Cannot get backends') return with open(cfg, 'r') as f: for line in f: if backends == 'frontend': if (line.startswith('listen') or line.startswith('frontend')) and 'stats' not in line: line = line.strip() print(line.split(' ')[1], end="
") def get_all_stick_table(): hap_sock_p = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd = 'echo "show table"|nc %s %s |awk \'{print $3}\' | tr -d \'\n\' | tr -d \'[:space:]\'' % (serv, hap_sock_p) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return output[0] def get_stick_table(table): hap_sock_p = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd = 'echo "show table %s"|nc %s %s |awk -F"#" \'{print $2}\' |head -1 | tr -d \'\n\'' % (table, serv, hap_sock_p) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) tables_head = [] for i in output[0].split(','): i = i.split(':')[1] tables_head.append(i) cmd = 'echo "show table %s"|nc %s %s |grep -v "#"' % (table, serv, hap_sock_p) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return tables_head, output def show_installation_output(error, output, service): if error and "WARNING" not in error: logging('Roxy-WI server', error, roxywi=1) print('error: ' + error) return False else: for line in output: if any(s in line for s in ("Traceback", "FAILED", "error", "ERROR", "UNREACHABLE")): try: print(line) break except Exception: print(output) break else: print(f'success: {service} has been installed') logging('Roxy-WI server', error, roxywi=1, keep_history=1, service=service) return True def install_haproxy(server_ip, **kwargs): script = "install_haproxy.sh" hap_sock_p = str(sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port')) stats_port = str(sql.get_setting('stats_port')) server_state_file = sql.get_setting('server_state_file') stats_user = sql.get_setting('stats_user') stats_password = sql.get_setting('stats_password') proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') container_name = sql.get_setting('haproxy_container_name') haproxy_ver = kwargs.get('hapver') server_for_installing = kwargs.get('server') docker = kwargs.get('docker') proxy_serv = '' ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script) if haproxy_ver is None: haproxy_ver = '2.6.0-1' if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy syn_flood_protect = '1' if kwargs.get('syn_flood') == "1" else '' commands = [ f"chmod +x {script} && ./{script} PROXY={proxy_serv} SOCK_PORT={hap_sock_p} STAT_PORT={stats_port} " f"STAT_FILE={server_state_file} DOCKER={docker} SSH_PORT={ssh_settings['port']} STATS_USER={stats_user} " f"CONT_NAME={container_name} HAP_DIR={haproxy_dir} STATS_PASS='{stats_password}' HAPVER={haproxy_ver} " f"SYN_FLOOD={syn_flood_protect} HOST={server_ip} USER={ssh_settings['user']} PASS='{ssh_settings['password']}' " f"KEY={ssh_settings['key']}" ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if server_for_installing: service = server_for_installing + ' HAProxy' else: service = ' HAProxy' if show_installation_output(error, output, service): sql.update_haproxy(server_ip) if docker == '1': server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) sql.insert_or_update_service_setting(server_id, 'haproxy', 'dockerized', '1') sql.insert_or_update_service_setting(server_id, 'haproxy', 'restart', '1') os.remove(script) def waf_install(server_ip): script = "waf.sh" proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') ver = check_haproxy_version(server_ip) service = ' WAF' proxy_serv = '' ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) os.system(f"cp scripts/{script} .") if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy commands = [ f"chmod +x {script} && ./{script} PROXY={proxy_serv} HAPROXY_PATH={haproxy_dir} VERSION='{ver}' " f"SSH_PORT={ssh_settings['port']} HOST={server_ip} USER={ssh_settings['user']} PASS='{ssh_settings['password']}' " f"KEY={ssh_settings['key']}" ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if show_installation_output(error, output, service): sql.insert_waf_metrics_enable(server_ip, "0") sql.insert_waf_rules(server_ip) os.remove(script) def waf_nginx_install(server_ip): script = "waf_nginx.sh" proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') nginx_dir = sql.get_setting('nginx_dir') service = ' WAF' proxy_serv = '' ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) os.system(f"cp scripts/{script} .") if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy commands = [ f"chmod +x {script} && ./{script} PROXY={proxy_serv} NGINX_PATH={nginx_dir} SSH_PORT={ssh_settings['port']} " f"HOST={server_ip} USER={ssh_settings['user']} PASS='{ssh_settings['password']}' KEY={ssh_settings['key']}" ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if show_installation_output(error, output, service): sql.insert_nginx_waf_rules(server_ip) sql.insert_waf_nginx_server(server_ip) os.remove(script) def install_nginx(server_ip, **kwargs): script = "install_nginx.sh" stats_user = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_user') stats_password = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_password') stats_port = str(sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_port')) stats_page = sql.get_setting('nginx_stats_page') config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_config_path') nginx_dir = sql.get_setting('nginx_dir') server_for_installing = kwargs.get('server') proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') docker = kwargs.get('docker') container_name = sql.get_setting('nginx_container_name') proxy_serv = '' ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) os.system(f"cp scripts/{script} .") if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy syn_flood_protect = '1' if form.getvalue('syn_flood') == "1" else '' commands = [ f"chmod +x {script} && ./{script} PROXY={proxy_serv} STATS_USER={stats_user} STATS_PASS='{stats_password}' " f"SSH_PORT={ssh_settings['port']} CONFIG_PATH={config_path} CONT_NAME={container_name} STAT_PORT={stats_port} " f"STAT_PAGE={stats_page} SYN_FLOOD={syn_flood_protect} DOCKER={docker} nginx_dir={nginx_dir} HOST={server_ip} " f"USER={ssh_settings['user']} PASS='{ssh_settings['password']}' KEY={ssh_settings['key']}" ] output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if server_for_installing: service = server_for_installing + ' Nginx' else: service = ' Nginx' if show_installation_output(error, output, service): sql.update_nginx(server_ip) if docker == '1': server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) sql.insert_or_update_service_setting(server_id, 'nginx', 'dockerized', '1') sql.insert_or_update_service_setting(server_id, 'nginx', 'restart', '1') os.remove(script) def update_roxy_wi(service): restart_service = '' if distro.id() == 'ubuntu': try: if service == 'roxy-wi-keep_alive': service = 'roxy-wi-keep-alive' except Exception: pass if service != 'roxy-wi': restart_service = ' && sudo systemctl restart ' + service cmd = 'sudo -S apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ' + service + restart_service else: if service != 'roxy-wi': restart_service = ' && sudo systemctl restart ' + service cmd = 'sudo -S yum -y install ' + service + restart_service output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) print(output) print(stderr) def check_haproxy_version(server_ip): hap_sock_p = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') ver = "" cmd = f"echo 'show info' |nc {server_ip} {hap_sock_p} |grep Version |awk '{{print $2}}'" output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) for line in output: ver = line return ver def upload(server_ip, path, file, **kwargs): full_path = path + file if kwargs.get('dir') == "fullpath": full_path = path try: with ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: ssh.put_sftp(file, full_path) except Exception as e: error = str(e.args) logging('Roxy-WI server', error, roxywi=1) print(f' Cannot upload {file} to {full_path} to server: {server_ip} error: {error}') return error def upload_and_restart(server_ip: str, cfg: str, **kwargs): error = '' service_name = '' container_name = '' reload_or_restart_command = '' file_format = 'conf' config_path = kwargs.get('config_file_name') config_date = get_date.return_date('config') server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=server_ip) if kwargs.get("nginx"): service = 'nginx' elif kwargs.get("apache"): service = 'apache' elif kwargs.get("keepalived"): service = 'keepalived' config_path = sql.get_setting('keepalived_config_path') file_format = 'cfg' elif kwargs.get('waf'): service = 'waf' else: service = 'haproxy' config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') file_format = 'cfg' tmp_file = f"{sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path')}/{config_date}.{file_format}" is_dockerized = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, service, 'dockerized') if is_dockerized == '1': service_cont_name = f'{service}_container_name' container_name = sql.get_setting(service_cont_name) reload_command = f" && sudo docker kill -s HUP {container_name}" restart_command = f" && sudo docker restart {container_name}" else: service_name = service if service == 'haproxy': haproxy_enterprise = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, 'haproxy', 'haproxy_enterprise') if haproxy_enterprise == '1': service_name = "hapee-2.0-lb" if service == 'apache': service_name = get_correct_apache_service_name(server_ip, 0) reload_command = f" && sudo systemctl reload {service_name}" restart_command = f" && sudo systemctl restart {service_name}" if kwargs.get("just_save") == 'save': action = 'save' elif kwargs.get("just_save") == 'test': action = 'test' elif kwargs.get("just_save") == 'reload': action = 'reload' reload_or_restart_command = reload_command else: is_not_allowed_to_restart(server_id, service) action = 'restart' reload_or_restart_command = restart_command if kwargs.get('login'): login = kwargs.get('login') else: login = 1 try: os.system(f"dos2unix {cfg}") except OSError: return 'Please install dos2unix' if service == "keepalived": move_config = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "save": commands = [move_config] else: commands = [move_config + reload_or_restart_command] elif service == "nginx": if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it exec {container_name} nginx -t " else: check_config = "sudo nginx -t " check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path} && {check_config}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip, service='nginx') elif service == "apache": if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it exec {container_name} sudo apachectl configtest " else: check_config = "sudo apachectl configtest " check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path} && {check_config}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] # if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): # commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip, service='nginx') elif service == 'waf': check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] else: if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it {container_name} haproxy -c -f {tmp_file}" else: check_config = f"sudo {service_name} -c -f {tmp_file}" move_config = f" && sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_config + move_config] else: commands = [check_config + move_config + reload_or_restart_command] if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip) try: upload(server_ip, tmp_file, cfg, dir='fullpath') try: if action != 'test': logging(server_ip, 'A new config file has been uploaded', login=login, keep_history=1, service=service) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) # If master then save version of config in a new way if not kwargs.get('slave') and service != 'waf': from pathlib import Path diff = '' try: old_cfg = kwargs.get('oldcfg') path = Path(old_cfg) except Exception: old_cfg = '' path = Path(old_cfg) if not path.is_file(): old_cfg = f'{tmp_file}.old' try: get_config(server_ip, old_cfg, service=service, config_file_name=config_path) except Exception: logging('Roxy-WI server', 'Cannot download config for diff', roxywi=1) try: diff = diff_config(old_cfg, cfg, return_diff=1) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) try: user_id = get_user_id(login=kwargs.get('login')) sql.insert_config_version(server_id, user_id, service, cfg, config_path, diff) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) return error try: error = ssh_command(server_ip, commands) try: if action == 'reload' or action == 'restart': logging(server_ip, f'Service has been {action}ed', login=login, keep_history=1, service=service) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) return e if error.strip() != 'haproxy' and error.strip() != 'nginx': return error.strip() def master_slave_upload_and_restart(server_ip, cfg, just_save, **kwargs): slave_output = '' try: server_name = sql.get_hostname_by_server_ip(server_ip) except Exception: server_name = serv if kwargs.get('login'): login = kwargs.get('login') else: login = '' is_master = [masters[0] for masters in sql.is_master(server_ip)] if is_master[0] is not None: slv_output = upload_and_restart( is_master[0], cfg, just_save=just_save, nginx=kwargs.get('nginx'), waf=kwargs.get('waf'), apache=kwargs.get('apache'), config_file_name=kwargs.get('config_file_name'), slave=1 ) slave_output += f'
slave_server:\n{slv_output}' output = upload_and_restart( server_ip, cfg, just_save=just_save, nginx=kwargs.get('nginx'), waf=kwargs.get('waf'), apache=kwargs.get('apache'), config_file_name=kwargs.get('config_file_name'), oldcfg=kwargs.get('oldcfg'), login=login ) output = server_name + ':\n' + output output = output + slave_output return output def open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip, **kwargs): try: conf = open(cfg, "r") except IOError: print('
Cannot read exported config file
') return firewalld_commands = ' &&' ports = '' for line in conf: if kwargs.get('service') == 'nginx': if "listen " in line and '#' not in line: try: listen = ' '.join(line.split()) listen = listen.split(" ")[1] listen = listen.split(";")[0] try: listen = int(listen) ports += str(listen) + ' ' firewalld_commands += f' sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={listen}/tcp --permanent -q &&' except Exception: pass except Exception: pass else: if "bind" in line: try: bind = line.split(":") bind[1] = bind[1].strip(' ') bind = bind[1].split("ssl") bind = bind[0].strip(' \t\n\r') try: bind = int(bind) firewalld_commands += f' sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={bind}/tcp --permanent -q &&' ports += str(bind) + ' ' except Exception: pass except Exception: pass firewalld_commands += 'sudo firewall-cmd --reload -q' logging(server_ip, f' Next ports have been opened: {ports}') return firewalld_commands def check_haproxy_config(server_ip): server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=server_ip) is_dockerized = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, 'haproxy', 'dockerized') config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') if is_dockerized == '1': container_name = sql.get_setting('haproxy_container_name') commands = [f"sudo docker exec -it {container_name} haproxy -q -c -f {config_path}"] else: commands = [f"haproxy -q -c -f {config_path}"] with ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: for command in commands: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.run_command(command) if not stderr.read(): return True else: return False def check_nginx_config(server_ip): commands = [f"nginx -q -t -p {sql.get_setting('nginx_dir')}"] with ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: for command in commands: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.run_command(command) if not stderr.read(): return True else: return False def show_log(stdout, **kwargs): i = 0 out = '' grep = '' if kwargs.get('grep'): grep = kwargs.get('grep') grep = re.sub(r'[?|$|.|!|^|*|\]|\[|,| |]', r'', grep) for line in stdout: i = i + 1 if kwargs.get('grep'): line = line.replace(grep, f'{grep}') line_class = "line3" if i % 2 == 0 else "line" out += f'
' return out def show_finding_in_config(stdout: str, **kwargs) -> str: grep = '' out = '
' if kwargs.get('grep'): grep = kwargs.get('grep') grep = re.sub(r'[?|$|!|^|*|\]|\[|,| |]', r'', grep) for line in stdout: if kwargs.get('grep'): line = line.replace(grep, f'{grep}') line_class = "line" if '--' in line else "line3" out += f'
' out += '
' return out def show_roxy_log( serv, rows='10', waf='0', grep=None, hour='00', minut='00', hour1='24', minut1='00', service='haproxy', **kwargs ) -> str: exgrep = form.getvalue('exgrep') log_file = form.getvalue('file') date = checkAjaxInput(hour) + ':' + checkAjaxInput(minut) date1 = checkAjaxInput(hour1) + ':' + checkAjaxInput(minut1) rows = checkAjaxInput(rows) waf = checkAjaxInput(waf) cmd = '' awk_column = 3 if grep is not None: grep_act = '|egrep "%s"' % checkAjaxInput(grep) else: grep_act = '' if exgrep is not None: exgrep_act = '|egrep -v "%s"' % checkAjaxInput(exgrep) else: exgrep_act = '' log_file = checkAjaxInput(log_file) if log_file is not None else log_file if service in ('nginx', 'haproxy', 'apache', 'keepalived'): syslog_server_enable = sql.get_setting('syslog_server_enable') if syslog_server_enable is None or syslog_server_enable == 0: if service == 'nginx': local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('nginx_path_logs') commands = ["sudo cat %s/%s |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, log_file, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act)] elif service == 'apache': local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('apache_path_logs') commands = [ "sudo cat %s/%s| awk -F\"/|:\" '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, log_file, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) ] elif service == 'keepalived': local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('keepalived_path_logs') commands = [ "sudo cat %s/%s| awk '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % ( local_path_logs, log_file, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) ] else: local_path_logs = sql.get_setting('haproxy_path_logs') commands = ["sudo cat %s/%s| awk '$3>\"%s:00\" && $3<\"%s:00\"' |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, log_file, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act)] syslog_server = serv else: commands = ["sudo cat /var/log/%s/syslog.log | sed '/ %s:00/,/ %s:00/! d' |tail -%s %s %s %s" % (serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, grep, exgrep_act)] syslog_server = sql.get_setting('syslog_server') if waf == "1": local_path_logs = '/var/log/waf.log' commands = ["sudo cat %s |tail -%s %s %s" % (local_path_logs, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act)] if kwargs.get('html') == 0: a = ssh_command(syslog_server, commands) return show_log(a, html=0, grep=grep) else: return ssh_command(syslog_server, commands, show_log='1', grep=grep) elif service == 'apache_internal': apache_log_path = sql.get_setting('apache_log_path') if serv == 'roxy-wi.access.log': cmd = 'sudo cat {}| awk -F"/|:" \'$3>"{}:00" && $3<"{}:00"\' |tail -{} {} {}'.format(apache_log_path + "/" + serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) elif serv == 'roxy-wi.error.log': cmd = "sudo cat {}| awk '$4>\"{}:00\" && $4<\"{}:00\"' |tail -{} {} {}".format(apache_log_path + "/" + serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) elif serv == 'fail2ban.log': cmd = 'sudo cat {}| awk -F"/|:" \'$3>"{}:00" && $3<"{}:00\' |tail -{} {} {}'.format("/var/log/" + serv, date, date1, rows, grep_act, exgrep_act) output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return show_log(output, grep=grep) elif service == 'internal': log_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'log_path') logs_files = get_files(log_path, "log") user_group = get_user_group() user_grep = '' if user_group != '' and user_group != 'Default': user_grep = "|grep 'group: " + user_group + "'" for key, value in logs_files: if int(serv) == key: serv = value break else: return 'Haha' if serv == 'backup.log': awk_column = 2 cmd = f"cat {log_path}/{serv}| awk '${awk_column}>\"{date}:00\" && ${awk_column}<\"{date1}:00\"' {user_grep} {grep_act} {exgrep_act} |tail -{rows}" output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return show_log(output, grep=grep) def roxy_wi_log(**kwargs) -> list: log_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'log_path') if kwargs.get('log_id'): selects = get_files(log_path, "log") for key, value in selects: log_file = f"{kwargs.get('file')}.log" if log_file == value: return key else: user_group_id = get_user_group(id=1) if user_group_id != 1: user_group = get_user_group() group_grep = f'|grep "group: {user_group}"' else: group_grep = '' cmd = f"find {log_path}/roxy-wi-* -type f -exec stat --format '%Y :%y %n' '{{}}' \; | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- " \ f"| head -1 |awk '{{print $4}}' |xargs tail {group_grep}|sort -r" try: output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) return output except Exception: return [''] def show_ip(stdout): for line in stdout: if "Permission denied" in line: print(f'error: {line}') else: print(line) def server_status(stdout): proc_count = "" for line in stdout: if "Ncat: " not in line: for k in line: try: proc_count = k.split(":")[1] except Exception: proc_count = 1 else: proc_count = 0 return proc_count def ssh_command(server_ip: str, commands: list, **kwargs): if server_ip == '': return 'error: IP cannot be empty' with ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: for command in commands: try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.run_command(command) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Something wrong with SSH connection. Probably sudo with password {e}', roxywi=1) return str(e) try: if kwargs.get('raw'): return stdout.readlines() if kwargs.get("ip") == "1": show_ip(stdout) elif kwargs.get("show_log") == "1": return show_log(stdout, grep=kwargs.get("grep")) elif kwargs.get('return_err') == 1: return stderr.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8') else: return stdout.read().decode(encoding='UTF-8') except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Something wrong with SSH connection. Probably sudo with password {e}', roxywi=1) for line in stderr.readlines(): if line: print(f'error: {line}') logging('Roxy-WI server', f' {line}', roxywi=1) def subprocess_execute(cmd): import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() output = stdout.splitlines() return output, stderr def show_backends(server_ip, **kwargs): hap_sock_p = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') cmd = f'echo "show backend" |nc {server_ip} {hap_sock_p}' output, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) if stderr: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' ' + stderr, roxywi=1) if kwargs.get('ret'): ret = list() else: ret = "" for line in output: if any(s in line for s in ('#', 'stats', 'MASTER', '<')): continue if len(line) > 1: back = json.dumps(line).split("\"") if kwargs.get('ret'): ret.append(back[1]) else: print(back[1], end="
") if kwargs.get('ret'): return ret def get_files(folder=None, file_format='cfg') -> list: import glob if folder is None: folder = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') if file_format == 'log': file = [] else: file = set() return_files = set() i = 0 for files in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, f'*.{file_format}*'))): if file_format == 'log': try: file += [(i, files.split('/')[4])] except Exception as e: print(e) else: file.add(files.split('/')[-1]) i += 1 files = file if file_format == 'cfg' or file_format == 'conf': for file in files: ip = file.split("-") if serv == ip[0]: return_files.add(file) return sorted(return_files, reverse=True) else: return file def get_remote_files(server_ip: str, config_dir: str, file_format: str): config_dir = return_nice_path(config_dir) if file_format == 'conf': commands = [f'sudo ls {config_dir}*/*.{file_format}'] else: commands = [f'sudo ls {config_dir}|grep {file_format}$'] config_files = ssh_command(server_ip, commands) return config_files def return_nice_path(return_path: str) -> str: if ( 'nginx' not in return_path and 'haproxy' not in return_path and 'apache2' not in return_path and 'httpd' not in return_path and 'keepalived' not in return_path ): return 'error: The path must contain the name of the service. Check it in Roxy-WI settings' if return_path[-1] != '/': return_path += '/' return return_path def get_key(item): return item[0] def check_ver(): return sql.get_ver() def check_new_version(service): import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry current_ver = check_ver() proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') res = '' user_name = sql.select_user_name() retry_strategy = Retry( total=3, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], method_whitelist=["HEAD", "GET", "OPTIONS"] ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry_strategy) roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.Session() roxy_wi_get_plan.mount("https://", adapter) try: if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_dict = {"https": proxy, "http": proxy} response = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/get/{service}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict) if service == 'roxy-wi': requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/send/{current_ver}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict) roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/user-name/{user_name}', timeout=1, proxies=proxy_dict) else: response = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/get/{service}', timeout=1) if service == 'roxy-wi': requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/version/send/{current_ver}', timeout=1) roxy_wi_get_plan = requests.get(f'https://roxy-wi.org/user-name/{user_name}', timeout=1) res = response.content.decode(encoding='UTF-8') if service == 'roxy-wi': try: status = roxy_wi_get_plan.content.decode(encoding='UTF-8') status = status.split(' ') sql.update_user_status(status[0], status[1].strip(), status[2].strip()) except Exception: pass except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' ' + str(e), roxywi=1) return res def versions(): try: current_ver = check_ver() current_ver_without_dots = current_ver.split('.') current_ver_without_dots = ''.join(current_ver_without_dots) current_ver_without_dots = current_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '') if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 2: current_ver_without_dots += '00' if len(current_ver_without_dots) == 3: current_ver_without_dots += '0' current_ver_without_dots = int(current_ver_without_dots) except Exception: current_ver = "Sorry cannot get current version" current_ver_without_dots = 0 try: new_ver = check_new_version('roxy-wi') new_ver_without_dots = new_ver.split('.') new_ver_without_dots = ''.join(new_ver_without_dots) new_ver_without_dots = new_ver_without_dots.replace('\n', '') if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 2: new_ver_without_dots += '00' if len(new_ver_without_dots) == 3: new_ver_without_dots += '0' new_ver_without_dots = int(new_ver_without_dots) except Exception as e: new_ver = "Cannot get a new version" new_ver_without_dots = 0 logging('Roxy-WI server', ' ' + str(e), roxywi=1) return current_ver, new_ver, current_ver_without_dots, new_ver_without_dots def get_hash(value): if value is None: return value import hashlib h = hashlib.md5(value.encode('utf-8')) p = h.hexdigest() return p def get_users_params(**kwargs): cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) try: user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') user = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except Exception: print('') return try: role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) except Exception: print('') return try: user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) user_services = sql.select_user_services(user_id) token = sql.get_token(user_uuid.value) except Exception: print('') return if kwargs.get('virt') and kwargs.get('haproxy'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(virt=1, haproxy=1) elif kwargs.get('virt'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(virt=1) elif kwargs.get('disable'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(disable=0) elif kwargs.get('haproxy'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(haproxy=1) elif kwargs.get('service'): servers = sql.get_dick_permit(service=kwargs.get('service')) else: servers = sql.get_dick_permit() return user, user_uuid, role, token, servers, user_services def check_user_group(**kwargs): if kwargs.get('token') is not None: return True if kwargs.get('user_uuid'): group_id = kwargs.get('user_group_id') user_uuid = kwargs.get('user_uuid') user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid) else: cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') group = cookie.get('group') group_id = group.value user_id = sql.get_user_id_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) if sql.check_user_group(user_id, group_id): return True else: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' has tried to actions in not his group ', roxywi=1, login=1) try: ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI").split('&')[0] except Exception: ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI") ref = checkAjaxInput(ref) print(f'') return def check_is_server_in_group(server_ip: str) -> bool: group_id = get_user_group(id=1) servers = sql.select_servers(server=server_ip) for s in servers: if (s[2] == server_ip and int(s[3]) == int(group_id)) or group_id == 1: return True else: logging('Roxy-WI server', ' has tried to actions in not his group server ', roxywi=1, login=1) try: ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI").split('&')[0] except Exception: ref = os.environ.get("REQUEST_URI") ref = checkAjaxInput(ref) print(f'') return False def check_service(server_ip, service_name): server_ip = is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) commands = ["systemctl is-active " + service_name] return ssh_command(server_ip, commands) def get_service_version(server_ip: str, service_name: str) -> str: server_ip = is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) if service_name == 'haproxy_exporter': commands = ["/opt/prometheus/exporters/haproxy_exporter --version 2>&1 |head -1|awk '{print $3}'"] elif service_name == 'nginx_exporter': commands = ["/opt/prometheus/exporters/nginx_exporter 2>&1 |head -1 |awk -F\"=\" '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'"] elif service_name == 'node_exporter': commands = ["node_exporter --version 2>&1 |head -1|awk '{print $3}'"] elif service_name == 'apache_exporter': commands = ["/opt/prometheus/exporters/apache_exporter --version 2>&1 |head -1|awk '{print $3}'"] ver = ssh_command(server_ip, commands) if ver != '': return ver else: return 'no' def get_services_status(): services = [] is_in_docker = is_docker() services_name = { 'roxy-wi-checker': 'Checker backends master service', 'roxy-wi-keep_alive': 'Auto start service', 'roxy-wi-metrics': 'Metrics master service', 'roxy-wi-portscanner': 'Port scanner service', 'roxy-wi-smon': 'Simple monitoring network ports', 'roxy-wi-socket': 'Socket service', 'roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter': 'Prometheus exporter', 'prometheus': 'Prometheus service', 'grafana-server': 'Grafana service', 'fail2ban': 'Fail2ban service', 'rabbitmq-server': 'Message broker service' } for s, v in services_name.items(): if is_in_docker: cmd = f"sudo supervisorctl status {s}|awk '{{print $2}}'" else: cmd = f"systemctl is-active {s}" status, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) if s != 'roxy-wi-keep_alive': service_name = s.split('_')[0] if s == 'grafana-server': service_name = 'grafana' elif s == 'roxy-wi-keep_alive' and distro.id() == 'ubuntu': service_name = 'roxy-wi-keep-alive' else: service_name = s if service_name == 'prometheus': cmd = "prometheus --version 2>&1 |grep prometheus|awk '{print $3}'" else: if distro.id() == 'ubuntu': cmd = f"apt list --installed 2>&1 |grep {service_name}|awk '{{print $2}}'|sed 's/-/./'" else: cmd = f"rpm -q {service_name}|awk -F\"{service_name}\" '{{print $2}}' |awk -F\".noa\" '{{print $1}}' |sed 's/-//1' |sed 's/-/./'" service_ver, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) try: if service_ver[0] == 'command' or service_ver[0] == 'prometheus:': service_ver[0] = '' except Exception: pass try: services.append([s, status, v, service_ver[0]]) except Exception: services.append([s, status, v, '']) return services def is_file_exists(server_ip: str, file: str) -> bool: cmd = [f'[ -f {file} ] && echo yes || echo no'] out = ssh_command(server_ip, cmd) return True if 'yes' in out else False def is_service_active(server_ip: str, service_name: str) -> bool: cmd = [f'systemctl is-active {service_name}'] out = ssh_command(server_ip, cmd) out = out.strip() return True if 'active' == out else False def get_system_info(server_ip: str) -> str: server_ip = is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) if server_ip == '': return 'error: IP cannot be empty' server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) command = ["sudo lshw -quiet -json"] try: sys_info_returned = ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: raise e command = ['sudo hostnamectl |grep "Operating System"|awk -F":" \'{print $2}\''] try: os_info = ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: raise e os_info = os_info.strip() system_info = json.loads(sys_info_returned) sys_info = {'hostname': system_info['id'], 'family': ''} cpu = {'cpu_model': '', 'cpu_core': 0, 'cpu_thread': 0, 'hz': 0} network = {} ram = {'slots': 0, 'size': 0} disks = {} try: sys_info['family'] = system_info['configuration']['family'] except Exception: pass for i in system_info['children']: if i['class'] == 'network': try: ip = i['configuration']['ip'] except Exception: ip = '' network[i['logicalname']] = { 'description': i['description'], 'mac': i['serial'], 'ip': ip } for k, j in i.items(): if isinstance(j, list): for b in j: try: if b['class'] == 'processor': cpu['cpu_model'] = b['product'] cpu['cpu_core'] += 1 cpu['hz'] = round(int(b['capacity']) / 1000000) try: cpu['cpu_thread'] += int(b['configuration']['threads']) except Exception: cpu['cpu_thread'] = 1 except Exception: pass try: if b['id'] == 'memory': ram['size'] = round(b['size'] / 1073741824) for memory in b['children']: ram['slots'] += 1 except Exception: pass try: if b['class'] == 'storage': for p, pval in b.items(): if isinstance(pval, list): for disks_info in pval: for volume_info in disks_info['children']: if isinstance(volume_info['logicalname'], list): volume_name = volume_info['logicalname'][0] mount_point = volume_info['logicalname'][1] size = round(volume_info['capacity'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = volume_info['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = volume_info['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass try: if b['class'] == 'bridge': if 'children' in b: for s in b['children']: if s['class'] == 'network': if 'children' in s: for net in s['children']: network[net['logicalname']] = { 'description': net['description'], 'mac': net['serial'] } if s['class'] == 'storage': for p, pval in s.items(): if isinstance(pval, list): for disks_info in pval: if 'children' in disks_info: for volume_info in disks_info['children']: if isinstance(volume_info['logicalname'], dict): volume_name = volume_info['logicalname'][0] mount_point = volume_info['logicalname'][1] size = round(volume_info['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = volume_info['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = volume_info['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } for z, n in s.items(): if isinstance(n, list): for y in n: if y['class'] == 'network': try: for q in y['children']: try: ip = q['configuration']['ip'] except Exception: ip = '' network[q['logicalname']] = { 'description': q['description'], 'mac': q['serial'], 'ip': ip} except Exception: try: network[y['logicalname']] = { 'description': y['description'], 'mac': y['serial'], 'ip': y['configuration']['ip']} except Exception: pass if y['class'] == 'disk': try: for q in y['children']: try: if isinstance(q['logicalname'], list): volume_name = q['logicalname'][0] mount_point = q['logicalname'][1] size = round(q['capacity'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = q['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = q['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception: pass if y['class'] == 'storage' or y['class'] == 'generic': try: for q in y['children']: for o in q['children']: try: volume_name = o['logicalname'] mount_point = '' size = round(o['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = '' state = '' disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass for w in o['children']: try: if isinstance(w['logicalname'], list): volume_name = w['logicalname'][0] mount_point = w['logicalname'][1] try: size = round(w['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' except Exception: size = '' fs = w['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = w['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass except Exception: pass try: for q, qval in y.items(): if isinstance(qval, list): for o in qval: for w in o['children']: if isinstance(w['logicalname'], list): volume_name = w['logicalname'][0] mount_point = w['logicalname'][1] size = round(w['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = w['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = w['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass except Exception: pass try: sql.insert_system_info(server_id, os_info, sys_info, cpu, ram, network, disks) except Exception as e: raise e def string_to_dict(dict_string) -> dict: from ast import literal_eval return literal_eval(dict_string) def send_message_to_rabbit(message: str, **kwargs) -> None: import pika rabbit_user = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_user') rabbit_password = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_password') rabbit_host = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_host') rabbit_port = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_port') rabbit_vhost = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_vhost') if kwargs.get('rabbit_queue'): rabbit_queue = kwargs.get('rabbit_queue') else: rabbit_queue = sql.get_setting('rabbitmq_queue') credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(rabbit_user, rabbit_password) parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters( rabbit_host, rabbit_port, rabbit_vhost, credentials ) connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection.channel() channel.queue_declare(queue=rabbit_queue) channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=rabbit_queue, body=message) connection.close() def is_restarted(server_ip: str, action: str) -> None: cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")) user_uuid = cookie.get('uuid') user_role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_uuid.value) if sql.is_serv_protected(server_ip) and int(user_role) > 2: print(f'error: This server is protected. You cannot {action} it') return def is_not_allowed_to_restart(server_id: int, service: str) -> None: is_restart = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, service, 'restart') if int(is_restart) == 1: print('warning: this service is not allowed to be restarted') return def return_user_status(): user_status = sql.select_user_status() user_plan = sql.select_user_plan() return user_status, user_plan def get_correct_apache_service_name(server_ip=None, server_id=0) -> str: if server_id is None: server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) try: os_info = sql.select_os_info(server_id) except Exception: return 'error: cannot get server info' if "CentOS" in os_info or "Redhat" in os_info: return 'httpd' else: return 'apache2' def is_docker() -> bool: path = "/proc/self/cgroup" if not os.path.isfile(path): return False with open(path) as f: for line in f: if re.match("\d+:[\w=]+:/docker(-[ce]e)?/\w+", line): return True return False def send_email(email_to: str, subject: str, message: str) -> None: from smtplib import SMTP try: from email.MIMEText import MIMEText except Exception: from email.mime.text import MIMEText mail_ssl = sql.get_setting('mail_ssl') mail_from = sql.get_setting('mail_from') mail_smtp_host = sql.get_setting('mail_smtp_host') mail_smtp_port = sql.get_setting('mail_smtp_port') mail_smtp_user = sql.get_setting('mail_smtp_user') mail_smtp_password = sql.get_setting('mail_smtp_password') msg = MIMEText(message) msg['Subject'] = 'Roxy-WI: ' + subject msg['From'] = 'Roxy-WI <' + mail_from + '>' msg['To'] = email_to try: smtp_obj = SMTP(mail_smtp_host, mail_smtp_port) if mail_ssl: smtp_obj.starttls() smtp_obj.login(mail_smtp_user, mail_smtp_password) smtp_obj.send_message(msg) logging('Roxy-WI server', f'An email has been sent to {email_to}', roxywi=1) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: unable to send email: {e}', roxywi=1) def send_email_to_server_group(subject: str, mes: str, group_id: int) -> None: try: users_email = sql.select_users_emails_by_group_id(group_id) for user_email in users_email: send_email(user_email.email, subject, mes) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: unable to send email: {e}', roxywi=1) def alert_routing( server_ip: str, service_id: int, group_id: int, level: str, mes: str, alert_type: str ) -> None: subject: str = level + ': ' + mes server_id: int = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) checker_settings = sql.select_checker_settings_for_server(service_id, server_id) try: json_for_sending = {"user_group": group_id, "message": subject} send_message_to_rabbit(json.dumps(json_for_sending)) except Exception as e: logging('Roxy-WI server', 'error: unable to send message: ' + str(e), roxywi=1) for setting in checker_settings: if alert_type == 'service' and setting.service_alert: telegram_send_mess(mes, telegram_channel_id=setting.telegram_id) slack_send_mess(mes, slack_channel_id=setting.slack_id) if setting.email: send_email_to_server_group(subject, mes, group_id) if alert_type == 'backend' and setting.backend_alert: telegram_send_mess(mes, telegram_channel_id=setting.telegram_id) slack_send_mess(mes, slack_channel_id=setting.slack_id) if setting.email: send_email_to_server_group(subject, mes, group_id) if alert_type == 'maxconn' and setting.maxconn_alert: telegram_send_mess(mes, telegram_channel_id=setting.telegram_id) slack_send_mess(mes, slack_channel_id=setting.slack_id) if setting.email: send_email_to_server_group(subject, mes, group_id) def get_data(log_type, **kwargs): return get_date.return_date(log_type, **kwargs)