from flask.views import MethodView from flask_pydantic import validate from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required from flask import render_template, request, jsonify, g from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict import app.modules.db.ha_cluster as ha_sql import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import app.modules.common.common as common import app.modules.service.ha_cluster as ha_cluster import app.modules.service.installation as service_mod from app.middleware import get_user_params, page_for_admin, check_group, check_services from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import BaseResponse, IdResponse, HAClusterRequest, HAClusterVIP class HAView(MethodView): methods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), check_services, page_for_admin(level=3), check_group()] def __init__(self): self.group_id = g.user_params['group_id'] def get(self, service: str, cluster_id: int): """ This endpoint retrieves information about the specified HA Cluster. --- tags: - HA Cluster parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to retrieve information from.' required: true type: 'integer' responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'object' properties: description: type: 'string' eth: type: 'string' group_id: type: 'integer' haproxy: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' name: type: 'string' nginx: type: 'integer' pos: type: 'integer' syn_flood: type: 'integer' use_src: type: 'integer' vip: type: 'string' virt_server: type: 'boolean' default: description: Unexpected error """ if not cluster_id: if request.method == 'GET': kwargs = { 'clusters': ha_sql.select_clusters(self.group_id), 'is_needed_tool': common.is_tool('ansible'), 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription(), 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], } return render_template('ha_cluster.html', **kwargs) else: settings = {} clusters = ha_sql.select_cluster(cluster_id) router_id = ha_sql.get_router_id(cluster_id, default_router=1) slaves = ha_sql.select_cluster_slaves(cluster_id, router_id) cluster_services = ha_sql.select_cluster_services(cluster_id) vip = ha_sql.select_cluster_vip(cluster_id, router_id) is_virt = ha_sql.check_ha_virt( for cluster in clusters: settings = model_to_dict(cluster) settings.setdefault('vip', settings.setdefault('virt_server', is_virt) settings.setdefault('use_src', vip.use_src) settings.setdefault('return_master', vip.return_master) for slave in slaves: if slave[31]: settings.setdefault('eth', slave[32]) for c_s in cluster_services: if int(c_s.service_id) == 1: settings.setdefault('haproxy', 1) elif int(c_s.service_id) == 2: settings.setdefault('nginx', 1) elif int(c_s.service_id) == 4: settings.setdefault('apache', 1) return jsonify(settings) @validate(body=HAClusterRequest) def post(self, service: str, body: HAClusterRequest): """ This endpoint allows to create a new HA cluster. --- tags: - HA Cluster parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: body name: body required: true schema: required: - name - services type: object properties: servers: type: 'array' description: Must be at least 2 servers. One of them must be master = 1 items: type: 'object' properties: eth: type: 'string' description: Ethernet interface to bind VIP address master: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' name: type: string description: type: string vip: type: string virt_server: type: integer return_to_master: type: string syn_flood: type: integer use_src: type: integer services: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: enabled: type: integer docker: type: integer router_id: type: integer responses: 201: description: HA cluster created successfully 400: description: Invalid request data default: description: Unexpected error """ try: cluster_id = ha_cluster.create_cluster(body, self.group_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot create cluster') if body.reconfigure: try: self._install_service(body, cluster_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot reconfigure cluster') return IdResponse(id=cluster_id).model_dump(mode='json'), 201 @validate(body=HAClusterRequest) def put(self, service: str, cluster_id: int, body: HAClusterRequest): """ This endpoint allows to update a HA cluster. --- tags: - HA Cluster parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to update' required: true type: 'integer' - in: body name: body required: true schema: required: - name - services type: object properties: servers: type: 'array' description: Must be at least 2 servers. One of them must be master = 1 items: type: 'object' properties: eth: type: 'string' description: Ethernet interface to bind VIP address master: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' name: type: string description: type: string vip: type: string virt_server: type: integer return_to_master: type: string syn_flood: type: integer use_src: type: integer services: type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: enabled: type: integer docker: type: integer responses: 201: description: HA cluster updated successfully 400: description: Invalid request data 404: description: HA cluster not found default: description: Unexpected error """ try: ha_cluster.update_cluster(body, cluster_id, self.group_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update cluster') if body.reconfigure: try: self._install_service(body, cluster_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot reconfigure cluster') return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 201 @staticmethod def delete(service: str, cluster_id: int): """ Delete a HA cluster --- tags: - HA Cluster parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to delete' required: true type: 'integer' responses: 204: description: HA cluster deletion successful 400: description: Invalid request data 404: description: HA cluster not found """ try: ha_cluster.delete_cluster(cluster_id) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 204 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot delete cluster') @staticmethod def _install_service(body: HAClusterRequest, cluster_id: int): try: output = service_mod.install_service('keepalived', body, cluster_id) except Exception as e: raise e if len(output['failures']) > 0 or len(output['dark']) > 0: raise Exception('Cannot install Keepalived. Check Apache error log') cluster_services = ha_cluster.get_services_dict(body) for service, value in cluster_services.items(): if not value['enabled']: continue else: try: output = service_mod.install_service(service, body) except Exception as e: raise e if len(output['failures']) > 0 or len(output['dark']) > 0: raise Exception(f'Cannot install {service.title()}. Check Apache error log') class HAVIPView(MethodView): methods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), check_services, page_for_admin(level=3), check_group()] def __init__(self): self.group_id = g.user_params['group_id'] @staticmethod def get(service: str, cluster_id: int, vip_id: int): """ This endpoint retrieves information about the specified VIP. --- tags: - HA Cluster VIP parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to retrieve' required: true type: 'integer' - in: 'path' name: 'vip_id' description: 'ID of the VIP to retrieve' required: true type: 'integer' responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: object properties: cluster_id: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' return_master: type: 'integer' router_id: type: 'integer' use_src: type: 'integer' vip: type: 'string' default: description: Unexpected error """ try: vip = ha_sql.select_cluster_vip_by_vip_id(cluster_id, vip_id) settings = model_to_dict(vip, recurse=False) is_virt = ha_sql.check_ha_virt( settings.setdefault('virt_server', is_virt) return jsonify(settings) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot get VIP') @validate(body=HAClusterVIP) def post(self, service: str, cluster_id: int, body: HAClusterVIP): """ This endpoint allows to create a VIP for HA cluster. --- tags: - HA Cluster VIP parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to update' required: true type: 'integer' - in: body name: body required: true schema: required: - servers - vip type: object properties: servers: type: 'array' description: Must be at least 2 servers. One of them must be master = 1 items: type: 'object' properties: id: type: 'integer' master: type: 'integer' vip: type: string virt_server: type: integer return_master: type: integer use_src: type: integer responses: 201: description: VIP created successfully 400: description: Invalid request data 404: description: VIP not found default: description: Unexpected error """ try: vip_id = ha_cluster.insert_vip(cluster_id, body, self.group_id) return IdResponse(id=vip_id).model_dump(mode='json'), 201 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot create VIP') @validate(body=HAClusterVIP) def put(self, service: str, cluster_id: int, vip_id: int, body: HAClusterVIP): """ This endpoint allows to update a VIP for HA cluster. --- tags: - HA Cluster VIP parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to update' required: true type: 'integer' - in: 'path' name: 'vip_id' description: 'ID of the VIP to update' required: true type: 'integer' - in: body name: body required: true schema: required: - servers - vip type: object properties: servers: type: 'array' description: Must be at least 2 servers. One of them must be master = 1 items: type: 'object' properties: id: type: 'integer' master: type: 'integer' vip: type: string virt_server: type: integer return_master: type: string use_src: type: integer responses: 201: description: VIP updated successfully 400: description: Invalid request data 404: description: VIP not found default: description: Unexpected error """ try: vip = ha_sql.select_cluster_vip_by_vip_id(cluster_id, vip_id) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot find VIP') try: ha_cluster.update_vip(cluster_id, vip.router_id, body, self.group_id) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 201 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot update VIP') @staticmethod def delete(service: str, cluster_id: int, vip_id: int): """ Delete a VIP --- tags: - HA Cluster VIP parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to delete VIP from' required: true type: 'integer' - in: 'path' name: 'vip_id' description: 'ID of the VIP to delete' required: true type: 'integer' responses: 204: description: VIP deletion successful 400: description: Invalid request data 404: description: VIP not found """ vip = ha_sql.select_cluster_vip_by_vip_id(cluster_id, vip_id) router = ha_sql.get_router(vip.router_id) if router.default == 1: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(Exception(''), 'You cannot delete default VIP') try: ha_sql.delete_ha_router(vip.router_id) return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 204 except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handler_exceptions_for_json_data(e, 'Cannot delete VIP') class HAVIPsView(MethodView): methods = ["GET"] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), check_services, page_for_admin(level=3), check_group()] @staticmethod def get(service: str, cluster_id: int): """ This endpoint retrieves information about the specified VIPs. --- tags: - HA Cluster VIP parameters: - in: 'path' name: 'service' description: 'Can be only "cluster"' required: true type: 'string' - in: 'path' name: 'cluster_id' description: 'ID of the HA cluster to retrieve' required: true type: 'integer' responses: 200: description: Successful operation schema: type: 'array' items: type: 'object' properties: cluster_id: type: 'object' properties: description: type: 'string' group_id: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' name: type: 'string' pos: type: 'integer' syn_flood: type: 'integer' id: type: 'integer' return_master: type: 'integer' router_id: type: 'integer' use_src: type: 'integer' vip: type: 'string' default: description: Unexpected error """ vips = ha_sql.select_cluster_vips(cluster_id) vips = [model_to_dict(vip, recurse=False) for vip in vips] return jsonify(vips)