import os import re from flask import render_template, request import modules.db.sql as sql import modules.server.ssh as mod_ssh import modules.server.server as server_mod import modules.common.common as common import modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import modules.roxy_wi_tools as roxy_wi_tools import modules.service.common as service_common time_zone = sql.get_setting('time_zone') get_date = roxy_wi_tools.GetDate(time_zone) get_config_var = roxy_wi_tools.GetConfigVar() def get_config(server_ip, cfg, **kwargs): config_path = '' if kwargs.get("keepalived") or kwargs.get("service") == 'keepalived': config_path = sql.get_setting('keepalived_config_path') elif ( kwargs.get("nginx") or kwargs.get("service") == 'nginx' or kwargs.get("apache") or kwargs.get("service") == 'apache' ): config_path = common.checkAjaxInput(kwargs.get('config_file_name')) config_path = config_path.replace('92', '/') elif kwargs.get("waf") or kwargs.get("service") == 'waf': if kwargs.get("waf") == 'haproxy': config_path = f'{sql.get_setting("haproxy_dir")}/waf/rules/{kwargs.get("waf_rule_file")}' elif kwargs.get("waf") == 'nginx': config_path = f'{sql.get_setting("nginx_dir")}/waf/rules/{kwargs.get("waf_rule_file")}' else: config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') if not common.check_is_conf(config_path): raise Exception('error: nice try 2') try: with mod_ssh.ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: ssh.get_sftp(config_path, cfg) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: cannot get config: {e}', roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: cannot get config: {e}') def upload(server_ip, path, file): try: with mod_ssh.ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: ssh.put_sftp(file, path) except Exception as e: error = str(e.args) roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: Cannot upload {file} to {path} to server: {server_ip}: {error}', roxywi=1) print(f'error: Cannot upload {file} to {path} to server: {server_ip}: {error}') raise Exception(error) def upload_and_restart(server_ip: str, cfg: str, just_save: str, service: str, **kwargs): file_format = 'conf' config_path = kwargs.get('config_file_name') service_name = '' container_name = '' reload_or_restart_command = '' config_date = get_date.return_date('config') server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=server_ip) if config_path and config_path != 'undefined': config_path = kwargs.get('config_file_name').replace('92', '/') if service == 'haproxy': config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') file_format = 'cfg' if service == 'keepalived': config_path = sql.get_setting('keepalived_config_path') file_format = 'cfg' if '..' in config_path: raise Exception('error: nice try') tmp_file = f"{sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path')}/{config_date}.{file_format}" is_dockerized = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, service, 'dockerized') if is_dockerized == '1': service_cont_name = f'{service}_container_name' container_name = sql.get_setting(service_cont_name) reload_command = f" && sudo docker kill -s HUP {container_name}" restart_command = f" && sudo docker restart {container_name}" else: service_name = service if service == 'haproxy': haproxy_enterprise = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, 'haproxy', 'haproxy_enterprise') if haproxy_enterprise == '1': service_name = "hapee-2.0-lb" if service == 'apache': service_name = service_common.get_correct_apache_service_name(0, server_id) reload_command = f" && sudo systemctl reload {service_name}" restart_command = f" && sudo systemctl restart {service_name}" if just_save in ('save', 'test'): action = just_save elif just_save == 'reload': action = 'reload' reload_or_restart_command = reload_command else: try: service_common.is_not_allowed_to_restart(server_id, service) except Exception as e: return str(e) action = 'restart' reload_or_restart_command = restart_command if kwargs.get('login'): login = kwargs.get('login') else: login = 1 try: os.system(f"dos2unix -q {cfg}") except OSError: raise Exception('error: there is no dos2unix') if service == "keepalived": move_config = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "save": commands = [move_config] else: commands = [move_config + reload_or_restart_command] elif service == "nginx": if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it exec {container_name} nginx -t " else: check_config = "sudo nginx -t " check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path} && {check_config}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip, service='nginx') elif service == "apache": if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it exec {container_name} sudo apachectl configtest " else: check_config = "sudo apachectl configtest " check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path} && {check_config}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] # if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): # commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip, service='apache') elif service == 'waf': check_and_move = f"sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "save": commands = [check_and_move] else: commands = [check_and_move + reload_or_restart_command] else: if is_dockerized == '1': check_config = f"sudo docker exec -it {container_name} haproxy -c -f {tmp_file}" else: check_config = f"sudo {service_name} -c -f {tmp_file}" move_config = f" && sudo mv -f {tmp_file} {config_path}" if action == "test": commands = [f"{check_config} && sudo rm -f {tmp_file}"] elif action == "save": commands = [check_config + move_config] else: commands = [check_config + move_config + reload_or_restart_command] if sql.return_firewall(server_ip): commands[0] += open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip=server_ip) try: upload(server_ip, tmp_file, cfg) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'error: Cannot upload config: {e}', roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: Cannot upload config: {e}') try: if action != 'test': roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, 'A new config file has been uploaded', login=login, keep_history=1, service=service) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) # If master then save version of config in a new way if not kwargs.get('slave') and service != 'waf': from pathlib import Path diff = '' try: old_cfg = kwargs.get('oldcfg') path = Path(old_cfg) except Exception: old_cfg = '' path = Path(old_cfg) if not path.is_file(): old_cfg = f'{tmp_file}.old' try: get_config(server_ip, old_cfg, service=service, config_file_name=config_path) except Exception: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', 'Cannot download config for diff', roxywi=1) try: diff = diff_config(old_cfg, cfg, return_diff=1) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) try: user_id = roxywi_common.get_user_id(login=kwargs.get('login')) sql.insert_config_version(server_id, user_id, service, cfg, config_path, diff) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) try: error = server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, commands) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'{e}') try: if action == 'reload' or action == 'restart': roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f'Service has been {action}ed', login=login, keep_history=1, service=service) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) if error.strip() != 'haproxy' and error.strip() != 'nginx': return error.strip() def master_slave_upload_and_restart(server_ip, cfg, just_save, service, **kwargs): slave_output = '' masters = sql.is_master(server_ip) config_file_name = kwargs.get('config_file_name') oldcfg = kwargs.get('oldcfg') waf = kwargs.get('waf') try: server_name = sql.get_hostname_by_server_ip(server_ip) except Exception: server_name = server_ip if kwargs.get('login'): login = kwargs.get('login') else: login = '' for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: try: slv_output = upload_and_restart( master[0], cfg, just_save, service, waf=waf, config_file_name=config_file_name, slave=1 ) slave_output += f'
slave_server:\n{slv_output}' except Exception as e: return f'{e}' try: output = upload_and_restart( server_ip, cfg, just_save, service, waf=waf, config_file_name=config_file_name, oldcfg=oldcfg, login=login ) except Exception as e: return f'{e}' output = server_name + ':\n' + output output = output + slave_output return output def open_port_firewalld(cfg, server_ip, **kwargs): try: conf = open(cfg, "r") except IOError: print('
Cannot read exported config file
') return firewalld_commands = ' &&' ports = '' for line in conf: if kwargs.get('service') == 'nginx': if "listen " in line and '#' not in line: try: listen = ' '.join(line.split()) listen = listen.split(" ")[1] listen = listen.split(";")[0] try: listen = int(listen) ports += str(listen) + ' ' firewalld_commands += f' sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={listen}/tcp --permanent -q &&' except Exception: pass except Exception: pass else: if "bind" in line: try: bind = line.split(":") bind[1] = bind[1].strip(' ') bind = bind[1].split("ssl") bind = bind[0].strip(' \t\n\r') try: bind = int(bind) firewalld_commands += f' sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port={bind}/tcp --permanent -q &&' ports += str(bind) + ' ' except Exception: pass except Exception: pass firewalld_commands += 'sudo firewall-cmd --reload -q' roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f' Next ports have been opened: {ports}') return firewalld_commands def diff_config(oldcfg, cfg, **kwargs): log_path = get_config_var.get_config_var('main', 'log_path') user_group = roxywi_common.get_user_group() diff = "" date = get_date.return_date('date_in_log') log_date = get_date.return_date('logs') cmd = "/bin/diff -ub %s %s" % (oldcfg, cfg) try: user_uuid = request.cookies.get('uuid') login = sql.get_user_name_by_uuid(user_uuid) except Exception: login = '' output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd) if kwargs.get('return_diff'): for line in output: diff += line + "\n" return diff else: for line in output: diff += f"{date} user: {login}, group: {user_group} {line}\n" log_file = f"{log_path}/config_edit-{log_date}" try: with open(log_file, 'a') as log: log.write(diff) except IOError: print(f'
Can\'t read write change to log. {stderr}
') pass def show_finding_in_config(stdout: str, **kwargs) -> str: grep = '' out = '
' if kwargs.get('grep'): grep = kwargs.get('grep') grep = re.sub(r'[?|$|!|^|*|\]|\[|,| |]', r'', grep) for line in stdout: if kwargs.get('grep'): line = line.replace(grep, f'{grep}') line_class = "line" if '--' in line else "line3" out += f'
' out += '
' return out def show_compare_config(server_ip: str, service: str) -> str: lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() config_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', f'{service}_save_configs_dir') if service in ('nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'): return_files = roxywi_common.get_files(config_dir, 'conf', server_ip=server_ip) elif service == 'haproxy': return_files = roxywi_common.get_files(config_dir, 'cfg', server_ip=server_ip) else: return 'error: Wrong service' return render_template('ajax/show_compare_configs.html', serv=server_ip, return_files=return_files, lang=lang) def compare_config(service: str, left: str, right: str) -> str: lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() if service in ('haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'): configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', f'{service}_save_configs_dir') else: return 'error: Wrong service' cmd = f'diff -pub {configs_dir}{left} {configs_dir}{right}' output, stderr = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd) return render_template('ajax/compare.html', stdout=output, lang=lang) def show_config(server_ip: str, service: str, config_file_name: str, configver: str) -> str: user_uuid = request.cookies.get('uuid') group_id = int(request.cookies.get('group')) role_id = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_uuid, group_id) try: config_file_name = config_file_name.replace('/', '92') except Exception: config_file_name = '' if service in ('nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'): configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', f'{service}_save_configs_dir') cfg = '.conf' else: configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') cfg = '.cfg' if '..' in configs_dir: raise Exception('error: nice try') if configver is None: cfg = f"{configs_dir}{server_ip}-{get_date.return_date('config')}{cfg}" try: get_config(server_ip, cfg, service=service, config_file_name=config_file_name) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: cfg = configs_dir + configver try: with open(cfg, 'r') as file: conf = file.readlines() except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: Cannot read config file: {e}') if configver is None: os.remove(cfg) is_serv_protected = sql.is_serv_protected(server_ip) server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) hostname = sql.get_hostname_by_server_ip(server_ip) is_restart = sql.select_service_setting(server_id, service, 'restart') lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() return render_template( 'ajax/config_show.html', conf=conf, serv=server_ip, configver=configver, role=role_id, service=service, config_file_name=config_file_name, is_serv_protected=is_serv_protected, is_restart=is_restart, lang=lang, hostname=hostname ) def show_config_files(server_ip: str, service: str, config_file_name: str) -> str: service_config_dir = sql.get_setting(f'{service}_dir') return_files = server_mod.get_remote_files(server_ip, service_config_dir, 'conf') if 'error: ' in return_files: raise Exception(return_files) try: config_file_name = config_file_name.replace('92', '/') except Exception: config_file_name = '' return_files += ' ' + sql.get_setting(f'{service}_config_path') lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() return render_template( 'ajax/show_configs_files.html', serv=server_ip, service=service, return_files=return_files, lang=lang, config_file_name=config_file_name, path_dir=service_config_dir ) def list_of_versions(server_ip: str, service: str, configver: str, for_delver: int) -> str: if service not in ('haproxy', 'nginx', 'keepalived', 'apache'): raise Exception('error: wrong service') users = sql.select_users() service_desc = sql.select_service(service) configs = sql.select_config_version(server_ip, service_desc.slug) lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() action = f'/app/config/versions/{service_desc.slug}/{server_ip}' configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', f'{service_desc.service}_save_configs_dir') if service == 'haproxy': files = roxywi_common.get_files(configs_dir, 'cfg', server_ip) else: files = roxywi_common.get_files(configs_dir, 'conf', server_ip) return render_template( 'ajax/show_list_version.html', server_ip=server_ip, service=service, action=action, return_files=files, configver=configver, for_delver=for_delver, configs=configs, users=users, lang=lang ) def return_cfg(service: str, server_ip: str, config_file_name: str) -> str: if service == 'haproxy': file_format = 'cfg' else: file_format = 'conf' if service in ('haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'): configs_dir = get_config_var.get_config_var('configs', f'{service}_save_configs_dir') else: raise Exception('error: Wrong service') if service in ('nginx', 'apache'): config_file_name = config_file_name.replace('92', '/') conf_file_name_short = config_file_name.split('/')[-1] cfg = f"{configs_dir}{server_ip}-{conf_file_name_short}-{get_date.return_date('config')}.{file_format}" else: cfg = f"{configs_dir}{server_ip}-{get_date.return_date('config')}.{file_format}" try: os.system(f"/bin/rm -f {configs_dir}*.old") except Exception: pass return cfg