{% import 'languages/'+lang|default('en')+'.html' as lang %} {% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, select, checkbox %} {% from 'include/provisioning/variables.html' import generate_opt_options, get_nice_name %} {% for s in server %}
General information | |
Server name | {{s.name}} |
Provider credentials * | |
Region | {{s.region}} {% set id = 'aws_edit_region-'+s.id|string() %} {{get_nice_name(id, s.region, 'aws', 'region', params)}} |
Instance | |
Instance type * |
{{input('aws_edit_size', size='26', value=s.instance_type)}}
Instance types list is here
OS * | {{ generate_opt_options('aws_edit_oss', 'aws', 'image', params, first=s.os) }} |
SSH key pair name * |
{{input('aws_edit_ssh_name', size='26', value=s.ssh_key_name)}}
The SSH key must exist in the region where the instance is being edited
Volume | |
Volume size * | {{input('aws_edit_volume_size', size='26', value=s.volume_size, type='number')}}Gb |
Volume type * | {{ generate_opt_options('aws_edit_volume_type', 'aws', 'volume_type', params, first=s.volume_type) }} |
Delete on termination |
{% set checked='checked' %}
{% if s.delete_on_termination == 'false' %}
{% set checked='' %}
{% endif %}
{{checkbox('aws_edit_delete_on_termination', checked=checked)}}
Whether the volume should be destroyed on instance termination
Network | |
Public IP | |
Firewall |
{{checkbox('aws_edit_firewall', checked=checked)}}
Roxy-WI will create Security group and open 22, 443, 1999, 8085, 8086 ports. Otherwise, all ports will be closed
Be aware: some changes may cause server re-creation. And all your data will be lost |