import paramiko from paramiko import SSHClient class SshConnection: def __init__(self, server_ip, ssh_port, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_enable, ssh_key_name=None): self.ssh = SSHClient() self.ssh.load_system_host_keys() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.server_ip = server_ip self.ssh_port = ssh_port self.ssh_user_name = ssh_user_name self.ssh_user_password = ssh_user_password self.ssh_enable = ssh_enable self.ssh_key_name = ssh_key_name def __enter__(self): try: if self.ssh_enable == 1: k = paramiko.pkey.load_private_key_file(self.ssh_key_name) self.ssh.connect( hostname=self.server_ip, port=self.ssh_port, username=self.ssh_user_name, pkey=k, timeout=11, banner_timeout=200 ) else: self.ssh.connect( hostname=self.server_ip, port=self.ssh_port, username=self.ssh_user_name, password=self.ssh_user_password, timeout=11, banner_timeout=200 ) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: raise paramiko.SSHException('error: Authentication failed, please verify your credentials') except paramiko.SSHException as sshException: raise paramiko.SSHException(f'error: Unable to establish SSH connection: {sshException}') except paramiko.PasswordRequiredException as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(f'error: {e}') except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as badHostKeyException: raise paramiko.SSHException(f'error: Unable to verify server\'s host key: {badHostKeyException}') except Exception as e: if e == "No such file or directory": raise paramiko.SSHException(f'error: {e}. Check SSH key') elif e == "Invalid argument": raise paramiko.SSHException('error: Check the IP of the server') else: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.ssh.close() def run_command(self, command): try: stdin, stdout, stderr = self.ssh.exec_command(command, get_pty=True) except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) return stdin, stdout, stderr def get_sftp(self, config_path, cfg): try: sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) try: sftp.get(config_path, cfg) except Exception as e: sftp.close() raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) try: sftp.close() except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) def put_sftp(self, file, full_path): try: sftp = self.ssh.open_sftp() except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) try: sftp.put(file, full_path) except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e)) try: sftp.close() except Exception as e: raise paramiko.SSHException(str(e))