#!/usr/bin/env python3 import html import cgi import os import http.cookies from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation import funct import sql form = cgi.FieldStorage() serv = form.getvalue('serv') servNew = form.getvalue('serNew') funct.head("Edit HAproxy config") funct.check_config() funct.check_login() funct.page_for_admin(level = 1) path_config = "haproxy-webintarface.config" config = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) config.read(path_config) log_path = config.get('main', 'log_path') hap_configs_dir = config.get('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') funct.chooseServer("config.py", "Edit HAproxy config", "y") if serv is not None: cfg = hap_configs_dir + serv + "-" + funct.get_data('config') + ".cfg" if form.getvalue('serv') is not None and form.getvalue('open') is not None : funct.logging(serv, "config.py open config") funct.get_config(serv, cfg) try: conf = open(cfg, "r") except IOError: print('<div class="alert alert-danger">Can\'t read import config file</div>') print("<center><h3>Config from %s</h3>" % serv) print('<form action="config.py" method="get">') print('<input type="hidden" value="%s" name="serv">' % serv) print('<input type="hidden" value="%s.old" name="oldconfig">' % cfg) print('<textarea name="config" class="config" rows="35" cols="100">%s</textarea>' % conf.read()) print('<p>') funct.get_button("Just save", value="save") funct.get_button("Save and restart") print('</p></form>') conf.close os.system("/bin/mv %s %s.old" % (cfg, cfg)) if form.getvalue('serv') is not None and form.getvalue('config') is not None: funct.logging(serv, "config.py edited config") config = form.getvalue('config') oldcfg = form.getvalue('oldconfig') save = form.getvalue('save') try: with open(cfg, "a") as conf: conf.write(config) except IOError: print("Can't read import config file") print('<center><div class="alert alert-info">New config was saved as: %s </div></center>' % cfg) MASTERS = sql.is_master(serv) for master in MASTERS: if master[0] != None: funct.upload_and_restart(master[0], cfg, just_save=save) funct.upload_and_restart(serv, cfg, just_save=save) os.system("/bin/diff -ub %s %s >> %s/config_edit-%s.log" % (oldcfg, cfg, log_path, funct.get_data('logs'))) os.system("/bin/rm -f " + hap_configs_dir + "*.old") print('</br><a href="viewsttats.py?serv=%s" target="_blank" title="View stats">Go to view stats</a> <br />' % serv) funct.footer()