import re error_mess = 'error: All fields must be completed' def is_ip_or_dns(server_from_request: str) -> str: ip_regex = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$" dns_regex = "^(?!-)[A-Za-z0-9-]+([\\-\\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}$" try: server_from_request = server_from_request.strip() except Exception: pass try: if server_from_request in ( 'roxy-wi-checker', 'roxy-wi-keep_alive', 'roxy-wi-keep-alive', 'roxy-wi-metrics', 'roxy-wi-portscanner', 'roxy-wi-smon', 'roxy-wi-socket', 'roxy-wi-prometheus-exporter', 'prometheus', 'fail2ban', 'all', 'grafana-server', 'rabbitmq-server' ): return server_from_request if re.match(ip_regex, server_from_request): return server_from_request else: if re.match(dns_regex, server_from_request): return server_from_request else: return '' except Exception: return '' def checkAjaxInput(ajax_input: str): if not ajax_input: return '' pattern = re.compile('[&;|$`]') if print('error: nice try') return else: from shlex import quote return quote(ajax_input.rstrip()) def check_is_service_folder(service_path: str) -> bool: if ( 'nginx' not in service_path and 'haproxy' not in service_path and 'apache2' not in service_path and 'httpd' not in service_path and 'keepalived' not in service_path ) or '..' in service_path: return False else: return True def return_nice_path(return_path: str, is_service=1) -> str: if not check_is_service_folder(return_path) and is_service: return 'error: The path must contain the name of the service. Check it in Roxy-WI settings' if return_path[-1] != '/': return_path += '/' return return_path def check_is_conf(config_path: str) -> bool: if check_is_service_folder(config_path): if 'conf' in config_path or 'cfg' in config_path: return True raise Exception('error: nice try') def string_to_dict(dict_string) -> dict: from ast import literal_eval return literal_eval(dict_string) def get_key(item): return item[0] def is_tool(name): from shutil import which is_tool_installed = which(name) return True if is_tool_installed is not None else False