#!/usr/bin/env python3 import distro from sql import out_error from db_model import * from funct import check_ver def default_values(): if distro.id() == 'ubuntu': apache_dir = 'apache2' else: apache_dir = 'httpd' data_source = [ {'param': 'time_zone', 'value': 'UTC', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Time Zone', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'proxy', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'IP address and port of the proxy server. Use proto://ip:port', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'session_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user session (in days)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'token_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user token (in days)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'tmp_config_path', 'value': '/tmp/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the temporary directory. A valid path should be specified as the value of this parameter. The directory must be owned by the user specified in SSH settings', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'cert_path', 'value': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to SSL dir. Folder owner must be a user which set in the SSH settings. Path must exist', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ssl_local_path', 'value': 'certs', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the directory with the saved local SSL certificates. The value of this parameter is specified as a relative path beginning with $HOME_ROXY_WI/app/', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'lists_path', 'value': 'lists', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the black and the wild list. The value of this paramer should be specified as a relative path beginning with $HOME_ROXY-WI', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'local_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/haproxy.log', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'The default local path for saving logs', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'syslog_server_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Enable getting logs from a syslog server; (0 - no, 1 - yes)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'syslog_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'IP address of the syslog_server', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'log_time_storage', 'value': '14', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Retention period for user activity logs (in days)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Username for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Password for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'stats_port', 'value': '8085', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Port for HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'URI for HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'haproxy_dir', 'value': '/etc/haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy directory', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'haproxy_config_path', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy configuration file', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'server_state_file', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy state file', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'haproxy_sock', 'value': '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Socket port for HAProxy', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'haproxy_sock_port', 'value': '1999', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'HAProxy sock port', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'apache_log_path', 'value': '/var/log/'+apache_dir+'/', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Path to Apache logs', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_path_error_logs', 'value': '/var/log/nginx/error.log', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Nginx error log', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Username for accessing Nginx stats page', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Password for Stats web page Ngin', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_stats_port', 'value': '8086', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Stats port for web page Nginx', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'URI Stats for web page Nginx', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_dir', 'value': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the Nginx directory', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'nginx_config_path', 'value': '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the Nginx configuration file', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Enable LDAP (1 - yes, 0 - no)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'IP address of the LDAP server', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_port', 'value': '389', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP port (port 389 or 636 is used by default)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP username. Format: user@domain.com', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP password', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_base', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_domain', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP domain for logging in', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_class_search', 'value': 'user', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Class for searching the user', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_user_attribute', 'value': 'sAMAccountName', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Attribute to search users by', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_search_field', 'value': 'mail', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'User\'s email address', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'ldap_type', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Use LDAPS (1 - yes, 0 - no)', 'group': '1'}, ] try: Setting.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) data_source = [ {'username': 'admin', 'email': 'admin@localhost', 'password': '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 'role': 'superAdmin', 'groups': '1'}, {'username': 'editor', 'email': 'editor@localhost', 'password': '5aee9dbd2a188839105073571bee1b1f', 'role': 'admin', 'groups': '1'}, {'username': 'guest', 'email': 'guest@localhost', 'password': '084e0343a0486ff05530df6c705c8bb4', 'role': 'guest', 'groups': '1'} ] try: User.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) data_source = [ {'name': 'superAdmin', 'description': 'Has the highest level of administrative permissions and controls the actions of all other users'}, {'name': 'admin', 'description': 'Has access everywhere except the Admin area'}, {'name': 'editor', 'description': 'Has the same rights as the admin but has no access to the Servers page'}, {'name': 'guest', 'description': 'Read-only access'} ] try: Role.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) try: Groups.insert(name='All', description='All servers are included in this group by default').on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) def update_db_v_3_4_5_22(): try: Version.insert(version='').execute() except Exception as e: print('Cannot insert version %s' % e) def update_db_v_41(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN nginx INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: nginx' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'nginx\'")': print('Updating... one more for version 4.0.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... one more for version 4.0.0") def update_db_v_42(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN haproxy INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: haproxy' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'haproxy\'")': print('Updating... go to version 4.2.3') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... go to version 4.2.3") def update_db_v_4_3_0(**kwargs): try: UserGroups.insert_from(User.select(User.user_id, User.groups), fields=[UserGroups.user_id, UserGroups.user_group_id]).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: haproxy' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'haproxy\'")': print('Updating... go to version 4.3.1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) def update_db_v_4_3_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN pos INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: pos' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'pos\'")': print('Updating... go to version 4.3.2') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB has been updated to 4.3.1") def update_db_v_4_4_2_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD COLUMN `group` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;""" try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: group' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'group\'")': print('Updating... go to version 4.4.2') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB has been updated to 4.4.2") def update_db_v_4_5_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ select name from role where name = 'superAdmin';""" try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: out_error(e) else: role = cursor.fetchall() if not role: sql = list() sql.append("update role set name = 'superAdmin' where id = '1';") sql.append("update role set name = 'admin', `description` = 'Has access everywhere except the Admin area' where id = '2';") sql.append("update role set id = '4' where id = '3';") sql.append("INSERT INTO role (id, name, `description`) values('3', 'editor', 'Has the same as the admin except the Servers page');") sql.append("update user set role = 'superAdmin' where role = 'admin';") sql.append("update user set role = 'admin' where role = 'editor';") for i in sql: try: cursor.execute(i) except: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('DB has been updated to 4.5.0') def update_db_v_4_5_4(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = list() sql.append("ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN `nginx_active` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;") sql.append("ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN `firewall_enable` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;") sql.append("delete from settings where param = 'firewall_enable';") for i in sql: try: cursor.execute(i) except Exception as e: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... go to version 4.5.7') def update_db_v_4_5_7(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN nginx_alert INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: nginx_alert' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'nginx_alert\'")': print('Updating... go to version 4.5.8') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB has been updated to 4.3.1") def update_db_v_4_5_8_1(**kwargs): data_source = [ {'code': 'RW', 'name': 'Rwanda'}, {'code': 'SO', 'name': 'Somalia'}, {'code': 'YE', 'name': 'Yemen'}, {'code': 'IQ', 'name': 'Iraq'}, {'code': 'SA', 'name': 'Saudi Arabia'}, {'code': 'IR', 'name': 'Iran'}, {'code': 'CY', 'name': 'Cyprus'}, {'code': 'TZ', 'name': 'Tanzania'}, {'code': 'SY', 'name': 'Syria'}, {'code': 'AM', 'name': 'Armenia'}, {'code': 'KE', 'name': 'Kenya'}, {'code': 'CD', 'name': 'DR Congo'}, {'code': 'DJ', 'name': 'Djibouti'}, {'code': 'UG', 'name': 'Uganda'}, {'code': 'CF', 'name': 'Central African Republic'}, {'code': 'SC', 'name': 'Seychelles'}, {'code': 'JO', 'name': 'Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan'}, {'code': 'LB', 'name': 'Lebanon'}, {'code': 'KW', 'name': 'Kuwait'}, {'code': 'OM', 'name': 'Oman'}, {'code': 'QA', 'name': 'Qatar'}, {'code': 'BH', 'name': 'Bahrain'}, {'code': 'AE', 'name': 'United Arab Emirates'}, {'code': 'IL', 'name': 'Israel'}, {'code': 'TR', 'name': 'Turkey'}, {'code': 'ET', 'name': 'Ethiopia'}, {'code': 'ER', 'name': 'Eritrea'}, {'code': 'EG', 'name': 'Egypt'}, {'code': 'SD', 'name': 'Sudan'}, {'code': 'GR', 'name': 'Greece'}, {'code': 'BI', 'name': 'Burundi'}, {'code': 'EE', 'name': 'Estonia'}, {'code': 'LV', 'name': 'Latvia'}, {'code': 'AZ', 'name': 'Azerbaijan'}, {'code': 'LT', 'name': 'Republic of Lithuania'}, {'code': 'SJ', 'name': 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'}, {'code': 'GE', 'name': 'Georgia'}, {'code': 'MD', 'name': 'Republic of Moldova'}, {'code': 'BY', 'name': 'Belarus'}, {'code': 'FI', 'name': 'Finland'}, {'code': 'AX', 'name': 'Åland'}, {'code': 'UA', 'name': 'Ukraine'}, {'code': 'MK', 'name': 'North Macedonia'}, {'code': 'HU', 'name': 'Hungary'}, {'code': 'BG', 'name': 'Bulgaria'}, {'code': 'AL', 'name': 'Albania'}, {'code': 'PL', 'name': 'Poland'}, {'code': 'RO', 'name': 'Romania'}, {'code': 'XK', 'name': 'Kosovo'}, {'code': 'ZW', 'name': 'Zimbabwe'}, {'code': 'ZM', 'name': 'Zambia'}, {'code': 'KM', 'name': 'Comoros'}, {'code': 'MW', 'name': 'Malawi'}, {'code': 'LS', 'name': 'Lesotho'}, {'code': 'BW', 'name': 'Botswana'}, {'code': 'MU', 'name': 'Mauritius'}, {'code': 'SZ', 'name': 'Eswatini'}, {'code': 'RE', 'name': 'Réunion'}, {'code': 'ZA', 'name': 'South Africa'}, {'code': 'YT', 'name': 'Mayotte'}, {'code': 'MZ', 'name': 'Mozambique'}, {'code': 'MG', 'name': 'Madagascar'}, {'code': 'AF', 'name': 'Afghanistan'}, {'code': 'PK', 'name': 'Pakistan'}, {'code': 'BD', 'name': 'Bangladesh'}, {'code': 'TM', 'name': 'Turkmenistan'}, {'code': 'TJ', 'name': 'Tajikistan'}, {'code': 'LK', 'name': 'Sri Lanka'}, {'code': 'BT', 'name': 'Bhutan'}, {'code': 'IN', 'name': 'India'}, {'code': 'MV', 'name': 'Maldives'}, {'code': 'IO', 'name': 'British Indian Ocean Territory'}, {'code': 'NP', 'name': 'Nepal'}, {'code': 'MM', 'name': 'Myanmar'}, {'code': 'UZ', 'name': 'Uzbekistan'}, {'code': 'KZ', 'name': 'Kazakhstan'}, {'code': 'KG', 'name': 'Kyrgyzstan'}, {'code': 'TF', 'name': 'French Southern Territories'}, {'code': 'HM', 'name': 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands'}, {'code': 'CC', 'name': 'Cocos [Keeling] Islands'}, {'code': 'PW', 'name': 'Palau'}, {'code': 'VN', 'name': 'Vietnam'}, {'code': 'TH', 'name': 'Thailand'}, {'code': 'ID', 'name': 'Indonesia'}, {'code': 'LA', 'name': 'Laos'}, {'code': 'TW', 'name': 'Taiwan'}, {'code': 'PH', 'name': 'Philippines'}, {'code': 'MY', 'name': 'Malaysia'}, {'code': 'CN', 'name': 'China'}, {'code': 'HK', 'name': 'Hong Kong'}, {'code': 'BN', 'name': 'Brunei'}, {'code': 'MO', 'name': 'Macao'}, {'code': 'KH', 'name': 'Cambodia'}, {'code': 'KR', 'name': 'South Korea'}, {'code': 'JP', 'name': 'Japan'}, {'code': 'KP', 'name': 'North Korea'}, {'code': 'SG', 'name': 'Singapore'}, {'code': 'CK', 'name': 'Cook Islands'}, {'code': 'TL', 'name': 'East Timor'}, {'code': 'RU', 'name': 'Russia'}, {'code': 'MN', 'name': 'Mongolia'}, {'code': 'AU', 'name': 'Australia'}, {'code': 'CX', 'name': 'Christmas Island'}, {'code': 'MH', 'name': 'Marshall Islands'}, {'code': 'FM', 'name': 'Federated States of Micronesia'}, {'code': 'PG', 'name': 'Papua New Guinea'}, {'code': 'SB', 'name': 'Solomon Islands'}, {'code': 'TV', 'name': 'Tuvalu'}, {'code': 'NR', 'name': 'Nauru'}, {'code': 'VU', 'name': 'Vanuatu'}, {'code': 'NC', 'name': 'New Caledonia'}, {'code': 'NF', 'name': 'Norfolk Island'}, {'code': 'NZ', 'name': 'New Zealand'}, {'code': 'FJ', 'name': 'Fiji'}, {'code': 'LY', 'name': 'Libya'}, {'code': 'CM', 'name': 'Cameroon'}, {'code': 'SN', 'name': 'Senegal'}, {'code': 'CG', 'name': 'Congo Republic'}, {'code': 'PT', 'name': 'Portugal'}, {'code': 'LR', 'name': 'Liberia'}, {'code': 'CI', 'name': 'Ivory Coast'}, {'code': 'GH', 'name': 'Ghana'}, {'code': 'GQ', 'name': 'Equatorial Guinea'}, {'code': 'NG', 'name': 'Nigeria'}, {'code': 'BF', 'name': 'Burkina Faso'}, {'code': 'TG', 'name': 'Togo'}, {'code': 'GW', 'name': 'Guinea-Bissau'}, {'code': 'MR', 'name': 'Mauritania'}, {'code': 'BJ', 'name': 'Benin'}, {'code': 'GA', 'name': 'Gabon'}, {'code': 'SL', 'name': 'Sierra Leone'}, {'code': 'ST', 'name': 'São Tomé and Príncipe'}, {'code': 'GI', 'name': 'Gibraltar'}, {'code': 'GM', 'name': 'Gambia'}, {'code': 'GN', 'name': 'Guinea'}, {'code': 'TD', 'name': 'Chad'}, {'code': 'NE', 'name': 'Niger'}, {'code': 'ML', 'name': 'Mali'}, {'code': 'EH', 'name': 'Western Sahara'}, {'code': 'TN', 'name': 'Tunisia'}, {'code': 'ES', 'name': 'Spain'}, {'code': 'MA', 'name': 'Morocco'}, {'code': 'MT', 'name': 'Malta'}, {'code': 'DZ', 'name': 'Algeria'}, {'code': 'FO', 'name': 'Faroe Islands'}, {'code': 'DK', 'name': 'Denmark'}, {'code': 'IS', 'name': 'Iceland'}, {'code': 'GB', 'name': 'United Kingdom'}, {'code': 'CH', 'name': 'Switzerland'}, {'code': 'SE', 'name': 'Sweden'}, {'code': 'NL', 'name': 'Netherlands'}, {'code': 'AT', 'name': 'Austria'}, {'code': 'BE', 'name': 'Belgium'}, {'code': 'DE', 'name': 'Germany'}, {'code': 'LU', 'name': 'Luxembourg'}, {'code': 'IE', 'name': 'Ireland'}, {'code': 'MC', 'name': 'Monaco'}, {'code': 'FR', 'name': 'France'}, {'code': 'AD', 'name': 'Andorra'}, {'code': 'LI', 'name': 'Liechtenstein'}, {'code': 'JE', 'name': 'Jersey'}, {'code': 'IM', 'name': 'Isle of Man'}, {'code': 'GG', 'name': 'Guernsey'}, {'code': 'SK', 'name': 'Slovakia'}, {'code': 'CZ', 'name': 'Czechia'}, {'code': 'NO', 'name': 'Norway'}, {'code': 'VA', 'name': 'Vatican City'}, {'code': 'SM', 'name': 'San Marino'}, {'code': 'IT', 'name': 'Italy'}, {'code': 'SI', 'name': 'Slovenia'}, {'code': 'ME', 'name': 'Montenegro'}, {'code': 'HR', 'name': 'Croatia'}, {'code': 'BA', 'name': 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'}, {'code': 'AO', 'name': 'Angola'}, {'code': 'NA', 'name': 'Namibia'}, {'code': 'SH', 'name': 'Saint Helena'}, {'code': 'BV', 'name': 'Bouvet Island'}, {'code': 'BB', 'name': 'Barbados'}, {'code': 'CV', 'name': 'Cabo Verde'}, {'code': 'GY', 'name': 'Guyana'}, {'code': 'GF', 'name': 'French Guiana'}, {'code': 'SR', 'name': 'Suriname'}, {'code': 'PM', 'name': 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon'}, {'code': 'GL', 'name': 'Greenland'}, {'code': 'PY', 'name': 'Paraguay'}, {'code': 'UY', 'name': 'Uruguay'}, {'code': 'BR', 'name': 'Brazil'}, {'code': 'FK', 'name': 'Falkland Islands'}, {'code': 'GS', 'name': 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands'}, {'code': 'JM', 'name': 'Jamaica'}, {'code': 'DO', 'name': 'Dominican Republic'}, {'code': 'CU', 'name': 'Cuba'}, {'code': 'MQ', 'name': 'Martinique'}, {'code': 'BS', 'name': 'Bahamas'}, {'code': 'BM', 'name': 'Bermuda'}, {'code': 'AI', 'name': 'Anguilla'}, {'code': 'TT', 'name': 'Trinidad and Tobago'}, {'code': 'KN', 'name': 'St Kitts and Nevis'}, {'code': 'DM', 'name': 'Dominica'}, {'code': 'AG', 'name': 'Antigua and Barbuda'}, {'code': 'LC', 'name': 'Saint Lucia'}, {'code': 'TC', 'name': 'Turks and Caicos Islands'}, {'code': 'AW', 'name': 'Aruba'}, {'code': 'VG', 'name': 'British Virgin Islands'}, {'code': 'VC', 'name': 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'}, {'code': 'MS', 'name': 'Montserrat'}, {'code': 'MF', 'name': 'Saint Martin'}, {'code': 'BL', 'name': 'Saint Barthélemy'}, {'code': 'GP', 'name': 'Guadeloupe'}, {'code': 'GD', 'name': 'Grenada'}, {'code': 'KY', 'name': 'Cayman Islands'}, {'code': 'BZ', 'name': 'Belize'}, {'code': 'SV', 'name': 'El Salvador'}, {'code': 'GT', 'name': 'Guatemala'}, {'code': 'HN', 'name': 'Honduras'}, {'code': 'NI', 'name': 'Nicaragua'}, {'code': 'CR', 'name': 'Costa Rica'}, {'code': 'VE', 'name': 'Venezuela'}, {'code': 'EC', 'name': 'Ecuador'}, {'code': 'CO', 'name': 'Colombia'}, {'code': 'PA', 'name': 'Panama'}, {'code': 'HT', 'name': 'Haiti'}, {'code': 'AR', 'name': 'Argentina'}, {'code': 'CL', 'name': 'Chile'}, {'code': 'BO', 'name': 'Bolivia'}, {'code': 'PE', 'name': 'Peru'}, {'code': 'MX', 'name': 'Mexico'}, {'code': 'PF', 'name': 'French Polynesia'}, {'code': 'PN', 'name': 'Pitcairn Islands'}, {'code': 'KI', 'name': 'Kiribati'}, {'code': 'TK', 'name': 'Tokelau'}, {'code': 'TO', 'name': 'Tonga'}, {'code': 'WF', 'name': 'Wallis and Futuna'}, {'code': 'WS', 'name': 'Samoa'}, {'code': 'NU', 'name': 'Niue'}, {'code': 'MP', 'name': 'Northern Mariana Islands'}, {'code': 'GU', 'name': 'Guam'}, {'code': 'PR', 'name': 'Puerto Rico'}, {'code': 'VI', 'name': 'U.S. Virgin Islands'}, {'code': 'UM', 'name': 'U.S. Minor Outlying Islands'}, {'code': 'AS', 'name': 'American Samoa'}, {'code': 'CA', 'name': 'Canada'}, {'code': 'US', 'name': 'United States'}, {'code': 'PS', 'name': 'Palestine'}, {'code': 'RS', 'name': 'Serbia'}, {'code': 'AQ', 'name': 'Antarctica'}, {'code': 'SX', 'name': 'Sint Maarten'}, {'code': 'CW', 'name': 'Curaçao'}, {'code': 'BQ', 'name': 'Bonaire'}, {'code': 'SS', 'name': 'South Sudan'} ] try: GeoipCodes.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: print(str(e)) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... go to version 4.5.6') def update_db_v_4_5_8_2(**kwargs): groups = '' query = Groups.select() try: query_res = query.execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) else: groups = query_res for g in groups: try: Setting.insert(param='maxmind_key', value='', section='haproxy', desc='License key for downloading to GeoLite2 DB. You can create it on maxmind.com', group=g.group_id).execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if ( str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique' or str(e) == '(1062, "Duplicate entry \'maxmind_key-1\' for key \'param\'")' or str(e) == 'UNIQUE constraint failed: settings.param, settings.group' ): pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... groups") def update_db_v_4_5_9(**kwargs): data_source = [ {'param': 'smon_check_interval', 'value': '1', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for SMON (in minutes)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'checker_check_interval', 'value': '1', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Checker (in minutes)', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'port_scan_interval', 'value': '5', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Port scanner (in minutes)', 'group': '1'}, ] try: Setting.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique': pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 4.5.9') def update_db_v_5_0_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = list() sql.append("alter table provisioned_servers add column project VARCHAR ( 64 )") sql.append("alter table provisioned_servers add column network_name VARCHAR ( 64 )") sql.append("alter table provisioned_servers add column volume_type VARCHAR ( 64 )") sql.append("alter table provisioned_servers add column name_template VARCHAR ( 64 )") for i in sql: try: cursor.execute(i) except: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.0.1') def update_db_v_5_1_2(**kwargs): data_source = [ {'param': 'smon_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for SMON history', 'group': '1'}, {'param': 'checker_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Checker history', 'group': '1'} ] try: Setting.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique': pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.1.2') def update_db_v_5_1_3(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN protected INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;""" try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'duplicate column name: protected' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'protected\'")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.1.3') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB has been updated to version 5.1.3") def update_db_v_5_2_0(**kwargs): try: Setting.insert(param='portscanner_keep_history_range', value=14, section='monitoring', desc='Retention period for Port scanner history').execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if ( str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique' or str(e) == '(1062, "Duplicate entry \'portscanner_keep_history_range-1\' for key \'param\'")' or str(e) == 'UNIQUE constraint failed: settings.param, settings.group' ): pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.0') def update_db_v_5_2_4(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ALTER TABLE `user` ADD COLUMN user_services varchar(20) DEFAULT '1 2 3';""" try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'duplicate column name: user_services' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'user_services\'")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.4') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.4") def update_db_v_5_2_4_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN nginx_metrics integer DEFAULT 0;""" try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'duplicate column name: nginx_metrics' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'nginx_metrics\'")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.4-1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.4-1") def update_db_v_5_2_5(**kwargs): query = Role.update(name='user').where(Role.name == 'editor') try: query.execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'column name is not unique' or str(e) == '(1060, "column name is not unique")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.5-1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.5") def update_db_v_5_2_5_1(**kwargs): query = User.update(role='user').where(User.role == 'editor') try: query.execute() except Exception as e: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.5-1") def update_db_v_5_2_5_2(**kwargs): query = Role.delete().where(Role.name == 'editor') try: query.execute() except Exception as e: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.5-2") def update_db_v_5_2_5_3(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = list() sql.append("alter table user add column last_login_date timestamp default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'") sql.append("alter table user add column last_login_ip VARCHAR ( 64 )") for i in sql: try: cursor.execute(i) except: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.5-3') def update_db_v_5_2_6(**kwargs): query = Setting.delete().where(Setting.param == 'haproxy_enterprise') try: query.execute() except Exception as e: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.2.6") def update_db_v_5_3_0(**kwargs): groups = '' query = Groups.select() try: query_res = query.execute() except Exception as e: out_error(e) else: groups = query_res for g in groups: try: data_source = [ {'param': 'nginx_container_name', 'value': 'nginx', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Docker container name for Nginx service', 'group': g.group_id}, {'param': 'haproxy_container_name', 'value': 'haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Docker container name for HAProxy service', 'group': g.group_id}, ] try: Setting.insert_many(data_source).on_conflict_ignore().execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique': pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if ( str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique' or str(e) == '(1062, "Duplicate entry \'nginx_container_name\' for key \'param\'")' or str(e) == 'UNIQUE constraint failed: settings.param, settings.group' ): pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) def update_db_v_5_3_1(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN keepalived_active INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: keepalived_active' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'keepalived_active\'")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.3.1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.3.1") def update_db_v_5_3_2(**kwargs): try: Setting.insert(param='checker_maxconn_threshold', value=90, section='monitoring', desc='Threshold value for alerting, in %').execute() except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if ( str(e) == 'columns param, group are not unique' or str(e) == '(1062, "Duplicate entry \'checker_maxconn_threshold-1\' for key \'param\'")' or str(e) == 'UNIQUE constraint failed: settings.param, settings.group' ): pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.3.2') def update_db_v_5_3_2_2(**kwargs): cursor = conn.cursor() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN keepalived_alert INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cursor.execute(sql) except Exception as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: keepalived_alert' or str(e) == '(1060, "Duplicate column name \'keepalived_alert\'")': print('Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.3.2') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 5.3.2") def update_ver(): query = Version.update(version='') try: query.execute() except: print('Cannot update version') def update_all(): if check_ver() is None: update_db_v_3_4_5_22() update_db_v_41() update_db_v_42() update_db_v_4_3_0() update_db_v_4_3_1() update_db_v_4_4_2_1() update_db_v_4_5_1() update_db_v_4_5_4() update_db_v_4_5_7() update_db_v_4_5_8_1() update_db_v_4_5_8_2() update_db_v_4_5_9() update_db_v_5_0_1() update_db_v_5_1_2() update_db_v_5_1_3() update_db_v_5_2_0() update_db_v_5_2_4() update_db_v_5_2_4_1() update_db_v_5_2_5() update_db_v_5_2_5_1() update_db_v_5_2_5_2() update_db_v_5_2_5_3() update_db_v_5_2_6() update_db_v_5_3_0() update_db_v_5_3_1() update_db_v_5_3_2() update_db_v_5_3_2_2() update_ver() def update_all_silent(): if check_ver() is None: update_db_v_3_4_5_22() update_db_v_41(silent=1) update_db_v_42(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_0(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_4_2_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_4(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_7(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_8_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_8_2(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_9(silent=1) update_db_v_5_0_1(silent=1) update_db_v_5_1_2(silent=1) update_db_v_5_1_3(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_0(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_4(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_4_1(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_5(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_5_1(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_5_2(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_5_3(silent=1) update_db_v_5_2_6(silent=1) update_db_v_5_3_0(silent=1) update_db_v_5_3_1(silent=1) update_db_v_5_3_2(silent=1) update_db_v_5_3_2_2(silent=1) update_ver() if __name__ == "__main__": create_tables() default_values() update_all()