import os import base64 from cryptography.fernet import Fernet import paramiko from flask import render_template from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict import app.modules.db.cred as cred_sql import as group_sql import app.modules.db.server as server_sql import app.modules.common.common as common from app.modules.server import ssh_connection import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import app.modules.roxy_wi_tools as roxy_wi_tools from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import IdResponse, IdDataResponse, CredRequest error_mess = common.error_mess get_config = roxy_wi_tools.GetConfigVar() def return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip: str, **kwargs) -> dict: ssh_settings = {} if kwargs.get('id'): sshs = cred_sql.select_ssh(id=kwargs.get('id')) else: sshs = cred_sql.select_ssh(serv=server_ip) for ssh in sshs: if ssh.password: try: password = decrypt_password(ssh.password) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: password = ssh.password if ssh.passphrase: try: passphrase = decrypt_password(ssh.passphrase) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: passphrase = ssh.passphrase ssh_key = _return_correct_ssh_file(ssh) ssh_settings.setdefault('enabled', ssh.key_enabled) ssh_settings.setdefault('user', ssh.username) ssh_settings.setdefault('password', password) ssh_settings.setdefault('key', ssh_key) ssh_settings.setdefault('passphrase', passphrase) try: ssh_port = [str(server[10]) for server in server_sql.select_servers(server=server_ip)] ssh_settings.setdefault('port', ssh_port[0]) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: Cannot get SSH port: {e}') return ssh_settings def ssh_connect(server_ip): ssh_settings = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) ssh = ssh_connection.SshConnection(server_ip, ssh_settings) return ssh def create_ssh_cred(name: str, password: str, group: int, username: str, enable: int, is_api: int, shared: int) -> dict: lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() if password and password != "''": try: password = crypt_password(password) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: password = '' try: last_id = cred_sql.insert_new_ssh(name, enable, group, username, password, shared) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handle_json_exceptions(e, 'Cannot create new SSH credentials') roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'New SSH credentials {name} has been created', roxywi=1, login=1) if is_api: return IdResponse(id=last_id).model_dump(mode='json') else: data = render_template('ajax/new_ssh.html', groups=group_sql.select_groups(), sshs=cred_sql.select_ssh(name=name), lang=lang, adding=1 ) return IdDataResponse(id=last_id, data=data).model_dump(mode='json') def upload_ssh_key(ssh_id: int, key: str, passphrase: str) -> None: key = key.replace("'", "") ssh = cred_sql.get_ssh(ssh_id) group_name = group_sql.get_group_name_by_id(ssh.group_id) lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') full_dir = f'{lib_path}/keys/' name = ssh_keys = f'{full_dir}{name}_{group_name}.pem' if key != '': try: key = paramiko.pkey.load_private_key(key, password=passphrase) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: key.write_private_key_file(ssh_keys) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: os.chmod(ssh_keys, 0o600) except IOError as e: raise Exception(e) if passphrase: try: passphrase = crypt_password(passphrase) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: passphrase = '' try: cred_sql.update_ssh_passphrase(ssh_id, passphrase) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) roxywi_common.logging("Roxy-WI server", f"A new SSH cert has been uploaded {ssh_keys}", roxywi=1, login=1) def update_ssh_key(body: CredRequest, group_id: int, ssh_id: int) -> None: ssh = cred_sql.get_ssh(ssh_id) ssh_key_name = _return_correct_ssh_file(ssh) if body.password != '' and body.password is not None: try: body.password = crypt_password(body.password) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) if os.path.isfile(ssh_key_name): new_ssh_key_name = _return_correct_ssh_file(body) os.rename(ssh_key_name, new_ssh_key_name) os.chmod(new_ssh_key_name, 0o600) try: cred_sql.update_ssh(ssh_id,, body.key_enabled, group_id, body.username, body.password, body.shared) roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'The SSH credentials {} has been updated ', roxywi=1, login=1) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) def delete_ssh_key(ssh_id) -> None: name = '' for sshs in cred_sql.select_ssh(id=ssh_id): name = if sshs.key_enabled == 1: ssh_key_name = _return_correct_ssh_file(sshs) try: os.remove(ssh_key_name) except Exception: pass try: cred_sql.delete_ssh(ssh_id) roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'The SSH credentials {name} has deleted', roxywi=1, login=1) except Exception as e: raise e def crypt_password(password: str) -> bytes: """ Crypt password :param password: plain password :return: crypted text """ salt = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'secret_phrase') fernet = Fernet(salt.encode()) try: crypted_pass = fernet.encrypt(password.encode()) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: Cannot crypt password: {e}') return crypted_pass def decrypt_password(password: str) -> str: """ Decrypt password :param password: crypted password :return: plain text """ salt = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'secret_phrase') fernet = Fernet(salt.encode()) try: decryp_pass = fernet.decrypt(password.encode()).decode() except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: Cannot decrypt password: {e}') return decryp_pass def get_creds(group_id: int = None, cred_id: int = None, not_shared: bool = False) -> list: json_data = [] if group_id and cred_id: creds = cred_sql.select_ssh(group=group_id, cred_id=cred_id, not_shared=not_shared) elif group_id: creds = cred_sql.select_ssh(group=group_id) else: creds = cred_sql.select_ssh() for cred in creds: cred_dict = model_to_dict(cred) cred_dict['name'] = cred_dict['name'].replace("'", "") if cred.key_enabled == 1: ssh_key_file = _return_correct_ssh_file(cred) if os.path.isfile(ssh_key_file): with open(ssh_key_file, 'rb') as key: cred_dict['private_key'] = base64.b64encode('utf-8') else: cred_dict['private_key'] = '' else: cred_dict['private_key'] = '' if cred_dict['password']: try: cred_dict['password'] = decrypt_password(cred_dict['password']) except Exception: pass if cred_dict['passphrase']: cred_dict['passphrase'] = decrypt_password(cred_dict['passphrase']) json_data.append(cred_dict) return json_data def _return_correct_ssh_file(cred: CredRequest) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') group_name = group_sql.get_group_name_by_id(cred.group_id) # if not cred.key_enabled: # return '' if group_name not in return f'{lib_path}/keys/{}_{group_name}.pem' else: return f'{lib_path}/keys/{}.pem'