import os from flask import render_template, request import app.modules.db.sql as sql import app.modules.db.add as add_sql import app.modules.db.server as server_sql import app.modules.server.ssh as ssh_mod import app.modules.common.common as common import app.modules.config.config as config_mod import app.modules.config.common as config_common import app.modules.server.server as server_mod import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import app.modules.service.common as service_common import app.modules.roxy_wi_tools as roxy_wi_tools get_config = roxy_wi_tools.GetConfigVar() def save_to_haproxy_config(config: str, server_ip: str, name: str) -> str: roxywi_common.check_is_server_in_group(server_ip) cfg = config_common.generate_config_path('haproxy', server_ip) config_mod.get_config(server_ip, cfg) try: with open(cfg, "a") as conf: conf.write(config) except IOError as e: raise Exception(f"error: Cannot read import config file {e}") try: output = config_mod.master_slave_upload_and_restart(server_ip, cfg, "save", 'haproxy') except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f"Add has been added a new {name}") except Exception: pass if output: return output else: return name def save_nginx_config(config_add: str, server_ip: str, config_name: str) -> str: roxywi_common.check_is_server_in_group(server_ip) sub_folder = 'conf.d' if 'upstream' in config_name else 'sites-enabled' cfg = config_common.generate_config_path('nginx', server_ip) nginx_dir = common.return_nice_path(sql.get_setting('nginx_dir')) config_file_name = f'{nginx_dir}{sub_folder}/{config_name}.conf' try: with open(cfg, "w") as conf: conf.write(config_add) except IOError: return "error: Cannot save a new config" try: roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, "add/nginx add new %s" % config_name) except Exception: pass output = config_mod.master_slave_upload_and_restart(server_ip, cfg, "save", 'nginx', config_file_name=config_file_name) if output: return output else: return config_name def get_userlists(config): return_config = '' with open(config, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('userlist'): line = line.strip() return_config += line + ',' return return_config def show_userlist(server_ip: str) -> str: configs_dir = get_config.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') format_file = 'cfg' try: sections = get_userlists(configs_dir + roxywi_common.get_files(configs_dir, format_file)[0]) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) try: cfg = config_common.generate_config_path('haproxy', server_ip) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Cannot generate a cfg path {e}', roxywi=1) try: config_mod.get_config(server_ip, cfg) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Cannot download a config {e}', roxywi=1) try: sections = get_userlists(cfg) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Cannot get Userlists from the config file {e}', roxywi=1) sections = 'error: Cannot get Userlists' return sections def add_userlist() -> str: generate = request.form.get('generateconfig') server_ip = request.form.get('serv') name = f"userlist {request.form.get('new_userlist')}\n" new_userlist_groups = "" if request.form.get('userlist-group') is not None: groups = request.form.getlist('userlist-group') for group in groups: if group == '': continue new_userlist_groups += f" group {group}\n" new_users_list = "" if request.form.get('userlist-user') is not None: users = request.form.getlist('userlist-user') passwords = request.form.getlist('userlist-password') userlist_user_group = request.form.getlist('userlist-user-group') i = 0 for user in users: if user == '': continue try: group = f' groups {userlist_user_group[i]}' except Exception: group = '' new_users_list += f" user {user} insecure-password {passwords[i]} {group}\n" i += 1 config_add = "\n" + name + new_userlist_groups + new_users_list if generate: return config_add else: try: return save_to_haproxy_config(config_add, server_ip, name) except Exception as e: return str(e) def get_bwlist(color: str, group: str, list_name: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/lists/{group}/{color}/{list_name}" try: with open(list_path, 'r') as f: return except IOError as e: return f"error: Cannot read {color} list: {e}" def get_bwlists_for_autocomplete(color: str, group: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/lists/{group}/{color}" lists = roxywi_common.get_files(list_path, "lst") lines = '' for line in lists: lines += line + ' ' return lines def create_bwlist(server_ip: str, list_name: str, color: str, group: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_name = f"{list_name.split('.')[0]}.lst" list_path = f"{lib_path}/lists/{group}/{color}/{list_name}" try: open(list_path, 'a').close() try: roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f'A new list {color} {list_name} has been created', roxywi=1, login=1) except Exception: pass return 'success: ' except IOError as e: return f'error: Cannot create a new {color} list. {e}, ' def save_bwlist(list_name: str, list_con: str, color: str, group: str, server_ip: str, action: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/lists/{group}/{color}/{list_name}" path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') + "/" + color servers = [] output = '' try: with open(list_path, "w") as file: file.write(list_con) except IOError as e: return f'error: Cannot save {color} list. {e}' if server_ip != 'all': servers.append(server_ip) masters = server_sql.is_master(server_ip) for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: servers.append(master[0]) else: server = roxywi_common.get_dick_permit() for s in server: servers.append(s[2]) for serv in servers: server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo mkdir {path}") server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo chown $(whoami) {path}") try: config_mod.upload(serv, f'{path}/{list_name}', list_path) except Exception as e: output += f'error: Upload fail: to {serv}: {e} , ' output += f'success: Edited {color} list was uploaded to {serv} , ' try: roxywi_common.logging(serv, f'Has been edited the {color} list {list_name}', roxywi=1, login=1) except Exception: pass server_id = server_sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=serv) haproxy_service_name = service_common.get_correct_service_name('haproxy', server_id) if action == 'restart': server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo systemctl restart {haproxy_service_name}") elif action == 'reload': server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo systemctl reload {haproxy_service_name}") return output def delete_bwlist(list_name: str, color: str, group: str, server_ip: str) -> str: servers = [] lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/lists/{group}/{color}/{list_name}" path = f"{sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir')}/{color}" output = '' try: os.remove(list_path) except IOError as e: return f'error: Cannot delete {color} list from Roxy-WI server. {e} , ' if server_ip != 'all': servers.append(server_ip) masters = server_sql.is_master(server_ip) for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: servers.append(master[0]) else: server = roxywi_common.get_dick_permit() for s in server: servers.append(s[2]) for serv in servers: try: server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo rm {path}/{list_name}") except Exception as e: return f'error: Deleting fail: {e} , ' output += f'success: the {color} list has been deleted on {serv} , ' roxywi_common.logging(serv, f'has been deleted the {color} list {list_name}', roxywi=1, login=1) return output def edit_map(map_name: str, group: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/maps/{group}/{map_name}" try: with open(list_path, 'r') as f: read_map = except IOError as e: return f"error: Cannot read {map_name} list: {e}" else: return read_map def create_map(server_ip: str, map_name: str, group: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') map_name = f"{map_name.split('.')[0]}.map" map_path = f'{lib_path}/maps/{group}/' full_path = f'{map_path}{map_name}' try: server_mod.subprocess_execute(f'sudo mkdir -p {map_path}') common.set_correct_owner(lib_path) except Exception as e: raise Exception(f'error: cannot create a local folder for maps: {e}') try: os.mknod(full_path) roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f'A new map {map_name} has been created', roxywi=1, login=1) except IOError as e: raise Exception(f'error: Cannot create a new {map_name} map. {e}') else: return 'success: ' def save_map(map_name: str, list_con: str, group: str, server_ip: str, action: str) -> str: lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') map_path = f"{lib_path}/maps/{group}/{map_name}" output = '' try: with open(map_path, "w") as file: file.write(list_con) except IOError as e: return f'error: Cannot save {map_name} list. {e}' path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') + "/maps" servers = [] if server_ip != 'all': servers.append(server_ip) masters = server_sql.is_master(server_ip) for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: servers.append(master[0]) else: server = roxywi_common.get_dick_permit() for s in server: servers.append(s[2]) for serv in servers: server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo mkdir {path}") server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo chown $(whoami) {path}") try: config_mod.upload(serv, f'{path}/{map_name}', map_path) except Exception as e: output += f'error: Upload fail to: {serv}: {e} , ' try: roxywi_common.logging(serv, f'Has been edited the map {map_name}', roxywi=1, login=1) except Exception: pass server_id = server_sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip=serv) haproxy_service_name = service_common.get_correct_service_name('haproxy', server_id) if action == 'restart': server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo systemctl restart {haproxy_service_name}") elif action == 'reload': server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo systemctl reload {haproxy_service_name}") output += f'success: Edited {map_name} map was uploaded to {serv} , ' return output def delete_map(map_name: str, group: str, server_ip: str) -> str: servers = [] lib_path = get_config.get_config_var('main', 'lib_path') list_path = f"{lib_path}/maps/{group}/{map_name}" path = f"{sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir')}/maps" output = '' try: os.remove(list_path) except IOError as e: return f'error: Cannot delete {map_name} map from Roxy-WI server. {e} , ' if server_ip != 'all': servers.append(server_ip) masters = server_sql.is_master(server_ip) for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: servers.append(master[0]) else: server = roxywi_common.get_dick_permit() for s in server: servers.append(s[2]) for serv in servers: try: server_mod.ssh_command(serv, f"sudo rm {path}/{map_name}") except Exception as e: return f'error: Deleting fail: {e} , ' roxywi_common.logging(serv, f'has been deleted the {map_name} map', roxywi=1, login=1) output += f'success: the {map_name} map has been deleted on {serv} , ' return output def create_saved_option(option: str, group: int) -> str: if add_sql.insert_new_option(option, group): return render_template('ajax/new_option.html', options=add_sql.select_options(option=option)) def get_saved_option(group: str, term: str) -> dict: options = add_sql.select_options(group=group, term=term) a = {} v = 0 for i in options: a[v] = i.options v = v + 1 return a def update_saved_option(option, option_id) -> bool: try: add_sql.update_options(option, option_id) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: return True def create_saved_server(server: str, group: str, desc: str) -> str: if add_sql.insert_new_saved_server(server, desc, group): return render_template('ajax/new_saved_servers.html', server=add_sql.select_saved_servers(server=server)) def get_saved_servers(group: str, term: str) -> dict: servers = add_sql.select_saved_servers(group=group, term=term) a = {} v = 0 for i in servers: a[v] = {} a[v]['value'] = {} a[v]['desc'] = {} a[v]['value'] = i.server a[v]['desc'] = i.description v = v + 1 return a def get_le_cert(server_ip: str, lets_domain: str, lets_email: str) -> str: proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy') ssl_path = common.return_nice_path(sql.get_setting('cert_path'), is_service=0) haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') script = "" proxy_serv = '' ssh_settings = ssh_mod.return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip) full_path = '/var/www/haproxy-wi/app' os.system(f"cp {full_path}/scripts/{script} {full_path}/{script}") if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None': proxy_serv = proxy commands = [ f"chmod +x {full_path}/{script} && {full_path}/{script} PROXY={proxy_serv} haproxy_dir={haproxy_dir} DOMAIN={lets_domain} " f"EMAIL={lets_email} SSH_PORT={ssh_settings['port']} SSL_PATH={ssl_path} HOST={server_ip} USER={ssh_settings['user']} " f"PASS='{ssh_settings['password']}' KEY={ssh_settings['key']}" ] output, error = server_mod.subprocess_execute(commands[0]) if error: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', error, roxywi=1) return error else: for line in output: if any(s in line for s in ("msg", "FAILED")): try: line = line.split(':')[1] line = line.split('"')[1] return line + "
" except Exception: return output else: os.remove(f'{full_path}/{script}') return 'success: Certificate has been created' def get_ssl_cert(server_ip: str, cert_id: int) -> str: cert_path = sql.get_setting('cert_path') command = f"openssl x509 -in {cert_path}/{cert_id} -text" try: return server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: return f'error: Cannot connect to the server {e}' def get_ssl_raw_cert(server_ip: str, cert_id: str) -> str: cert_path = sql.get_setting('cert_path') command = f"cat {cert_path}/{cert_id}" try: return server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: return f'error: Cannot connect to the server {e}' def get_ssl_certs(server_ip: str) -> str: cert_path = sql.get_setting('cert_path') command = f"sudo ls -1t {cert_path} |grep -E 'pem|crt|key'" try: return server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: return f'error: Cannot connect to the server: {e}' def del_ssl_cert(server_ip: str, cert_id: str) -> str: cert_path = sql.get_setting('cert_path') command = f"sudo rm -f {cert_path}/{cert_id}" try: return server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command) except Exception as e: return f'error: Cannot delete the certificate {e}' def upload_ssl_cert(server_ip: str, ssl_name: str, ssl_cont: str) -> list[str]: cert_path = sql.get_setting('cert_path') tmp_path = sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path') output = [] server_ip = str(server_ip) if ssl_name is None: raise Exception('Please enter a desired name') else: name = f"{ssl_name}.pem" path_to_file = f"{tmp_path}/{ssl_name}.pem" try: with open(path_to_file, "w") as ssl_cert: ssl_cert.write(ssl_cont) except IOError as e: raise IOError(f'Cannot save the SSL key file: {e}') masters = server_sql.is_master(server_ip) for master in masters: if master[0] is not None: config_mod.upload(master[0], f'{cert_path}/{name}', path_to_file) output.append(f'success: the SSL file has been uploaded to {master[0]} into: {cert_path}/{name}') try: config_mod.upload(server_ip, f'{cert_path}/{name}', path_to_file) output.append(f'success: the SSL file has been uploaded to {server_ip} into: {cert_path}/{name}') except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', str(e), roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'Cannot upload SSL cert: {e}') roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f"A new certificate {name} has been uploaded to {server_ip}", roxywi=1, login=1) return output