$( function() { $( "#ajaxwafstatus input" ).change(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); metrics_waf(id); }); } ); function metrics_waf(name) { var enable = 0; if ($('#'+name).is(':checked')) { enable = '1'; } $.ajax( { url: "options.py", data: { metrics_waf: name, enable: enable, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function( data ) { showOverviewWaf(); setTimeout(function() { $( "#"+name ).parent().parent().removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); } } ); } function installWaf(ip) { $("#ajax").html('') $("#ajax").html('
Please don\'t close and don\'t represh page. Wait until the work is completed. This may take some time
'); $.ajax( { url: "options.py", data: { installwaf: ip, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if (data.indexOf('error') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { $("#ajax").html('
'+data+''); $('#errorMess').click(function() { $('#error').remove(); $('.alert-danger').remove(); }); } else if (data.indexOf('success') != '-1' ){ $('.alert-danger').remove(); $('.alert-warning').remove(); $("#ajax").html('
'+data+''); showOverviewWaf() } } } ); } function changeWafMode(id) { var waf_mode = $('#'+id+' option:selected').val(); var server_hostname = id.split('_')[0]; $.ajax( { url: "options.py", data: { change_waf_mode: waf_mode, server_hostname: server_hostname, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function( data ) { alert('Do not forget restart WAF server: '+server_hostname) $( '#'+server_hostname+'-select-line' ).addClass( "update", 1000 ); setTimeout(function() { $( '#'+server_hostname+'-select-line' ).removeClass( "update" ); }, 2500 ); } } ); }