$( function() { $(".redirectUpstream").on("click", function () { resetProxySettings(); $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 1); $("#serv").selectmenu("open"); }); $( "#serv" ).on('selectmenuchange',function() { $('#name').focus(); }); var add_server_var = '
: ' + ' ' + 'max_fails: ' + ' fail_timeout: s' $('[name=add-server-input]').click(function() { $("[name=add_servers]").append(add_server_var); changePortCheckFromServerPort(); }); $('.advance-show-button').click(function() { $('.advance').fadeIn(); $('.advance-show-button').css('display', 'none'); $('.advance-hide-button').css('display', 'block'); return false; }); $('.advance-hide-button').click(function() { $('.advance').fadeOut(); $('.advance-show-button').css('display', 'block'); $('.advance-hide-button').css('display', 'none'); return false; }); }); function resetProxySettings() { $('[name=upstream]').val(''); $('input:checkbox').prop("checked", false); $('[name=check-servers]').prop("checked", true); $('input:checkbox').checkboxradio("refresh"); $('.advance-show').fadeIn(); $('.advance').fadeOut(); $('[name=mode').val('http'); $('select').selectmenu('refresh'); $("#path-cert-listen").attr('required', false); $("#path-cert-frontend").attr('required', false); } function checkIsServerFiled(select_id, message = 'Select a server first') { if ($(select_id).val() == null || $(select_id).val() == '') { toastr.warning(message); return false; } return true; } function generateConfig(form_name) { var frm = $('#' + form_name); if (form_name == 'add-upstream') { serv = '#serv' name_id = '#name' } if (!checkIsServerFiled(serv)) return false; if (!checkIsServerFiled(name_id, 'The name cannot be empty')) return false; var input = $("") .attr("name", "generateconfig").val("1").attr("type", "hidden").attr("id", "generateconfig"); $('#' + form_name + ' input[name=acl_then_value]').each(function () { if (!$(this).val()) { $(this).val('IsEmptY') } }); $('#' + form_name + ' input[name=ip]').each(function () { if (!$(this).val()) { $(this).val('IsEmptY') } }); $('#' + form_name + ' input[name=port]').each(function () { if (!$(this).val()) { $(this).val('IsEmptY') } }); frm.append(input); var generated_title = $('#translate').attr('data-generated_config'); $.ajax({ url: frm.attr('action'), data: frm.serialize(), type: frm.attr('method'), success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Fatal') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error(data); } else { $('#dialog-confirm-body').text(data); $("#dialog-confirm-cert").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 650, modal: true, title: generated_title, buttons: { Ok: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); } } }); $("#generateconfig").remove(); $('#' + form_name + ' input[name=ip]').each(function () { if ($(this).val() == 'IsEmptY') { $(this).val('') } }); $('#' + form_name + ' input[name=port]').each(function () { if ($(this).val() == 'IsEmptY') { $(this).val('') } }); } function addProxy(form_name) { var frm = $('#'+form_name); if (form_name == 'add-upstream') { serv = '#serv' name_id = '#name' } if(!checkIsServerFiled(serv)) return false; if(!checkIsServerFiled(name_id, 'The name cannot be empty')) return false; $('#'+form_name +' input[name=ip]').each(function(){ if ($(this).val().length === 0){ $(this).val('IsEmptY') } }); $('#'+form_name +' input[name=port]').each(function(){ if ($(this).val().length === 0){ $(this).val('IsEmptY') } }); $.ajax({ url: frm.attr('action'), data: frm.serialize(), type: frm.attr('method'), success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\n/g, "
"); if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Fatal') != '-1') { returnNiceCheckingConfig(data); } else if (data == '') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('error: Proxy cannot be empty'); } else { toastr.clear(); returnNiceCheckingConfig(data); toastr.info('Section has been added. Do not forget to restart the server'); resetProxySettings(); } } }); $('#'+form_name +' input[name=ip]').each(function(){ if ($(this).val() == 'IsEmptY'){ $(this).val('') } }); $('#'+form_name +' input[name=port]').each(function(){ if ($(this).val() == 'IsEmptY'){ $(this).val('') } }); }