import json from flask import render_template, request, jsonify, g from flask_login import login_required from datetime import datetime from app.routes.smon import bp from middleware import get_user_params import app.modules.db.sql as sql import app.modules.common.common as common import app.modules.roxywi.auth as roxywi_auth import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import as smon_mod import as tools_common @bp.route('/dashboard') @login_required @get_user_params() def smon(): """ Dashboard route for the smon tool. :return: The rendered dashboard template with the necessary parameters. :rtype: flask.Response """ roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask() kwargs = { 'autorefresh': 1, 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': sql.smon_list(g.user_params['group_id']), 'group': g.user_params['group_id'], 'smon_status': tools_common.is_tool_active('roxy-wi-smon'), 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription(), } return render_template('smon/dashboard.html', **kwargs) @bp.route('/dashboard//') @login_required @get_user_params() def smon_dashboard(smon_id, check_id): """ :param smon_id: The ID of the SMON (Server Monitoring) service. :param check_id: The ID of the check associated with the SMON service. :return: The rendered SMON dashboard template. This method is used to render the SMON dashboard template for a specific SMON service and check. It retrieves relevant data from the database and passes it to the template for rendering *. The `smon_id` parameter specifies the ID of the SMON service. The `check_id` parameter specifies the ID of the check associated with the SMON service. The method performs the following steps: 1. Checks user group for Flask access. 2. Retrieves the SMON object from the database using the `smon_id` and `check_id` parameters. 3. Gets the current date and time using the `get_present_time()` function from the common module. 4. Sets the initial value of `cert_day_diff` as 'N/A'. 5. Tries to calculate the average response time for the SMON service using the `get_avg_resp_time` function from the SQL module. If an exception occurs, the average response time is * set to 0. 6. Tries to retrieve the last response time for the SMON service and check using the `get_last_smon_res_time_by_check` function from the SQL module. If an exception occurs, the last * response time is set to 0. 7. Iterates over the retrieved SMON object and checks if the SSL expiration date is not None. If it is not None, calculates the difference in days between the expiration date and the * present date using the `datetime.strptime()` function and assigns it to `cert_day_diff`. 8. Constructs a dictionary (`kwargs`) containing various parameters required for rendering the template, including `autorefresh`, `lang`, `smon`, `group`, `user_subscription`, `check *_interval`, `uptime`, `avg_res_time`, `smon_name`, `cert_day_diff`, `check_id`, `dashboard_id`, and `last_resp_time`. 9. Renders the SMON history template ('include/smon/smon_history.html') using the `render_template` function from Flask, passing the `kwargs` dictionary as keyword arguments. """ roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask() smon = sql.select_one_smon(smon_id, check_id) present = common.get_present_time() cert_day_diff = 'N/A' try: avg_res_time = round(sql.get_avg_resp_time(smon_id, check_id), 2) except Exception: avg_res_time = 0 try: last_resp_time = round(sql.get_last_smon_res_time_by_check(smon_id, check_id), 2) except Exception: last_resp_time = 0 for s in smon: if s.smon_id.ssl_expire_date is not None: ssl_expire_date = datetime.strptime(s.smon_id.ssl_expire_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cert_day_diff = (ssl_expire_date - present).days kwargs = { 'autorefresh': 1, 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': smon, 'group': g.user_params['group_id'], 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription(), 'check_interval': sql.get_setting('smon_check_interval'), 'uptime': smon_mod.check_uptime(smon_id), 'avg_res_time': avg_res_time, 'smon_name': sql.get_smon_service_name_by_id(smon_id), 'cert_day_diff': cert_day_diff, 'check_id': check_id, 'dashboard_id': smon_id, 'last_resp_time': last_resp_time } return render_template('include/smon/smon_history.html', **kwargs) @bp.route('/status-page', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT']) @login_required @get_user_params() def status_page(): """ This function handles the '/status-page' route with methods GET, POST, DELETE, and PUT. It requires the user to be logged in and retrieves user parameters. :return: - GET method: Renders the 'smon/manage_status_page.html' template with the following keyword arguments: - 'lang': The language from user parameters - 'smon': The list of smon from sql.smon_list() using the 'group_id' from user parameters - 'pages': The status pages from sql.select_status_pages() using the 'group_id' from user parameters - 'smon_status': The status of the 'roxy-wi-smon' tool from tools_common.is_tool_active() - 'user_subscription': The user subscription from roxywi_common.return_user_subscription() - POST method: Creates a status page with the following parameters: - 'name': The name of the status page - 'slug': The slug of the status page - 'desc': The description of the status page - 'checks': The checks for the status page - PUT method: Edits a status page with the following parameters: - 'page_id': The ID of the status page - 'name': The updated name of the status page - 'slug': The updated slug of the status page - 'desc': The updated description of the status page - 'checks': The updated checks for the status page - DELETE method: Deletes a status page with the following parameter: - 'page_id': The ID of the status page The function returns different values based on the method used: - POST method: Returns the result of smon_mod.create_status_page() for creating the status page or an exception message in case of an error. - PUT method: Returns the result of smon_mod.edit_status_page() for editing the status page or an exception message in case of an error. - DELETE method: Returns 'ok' if the status page is successfully deleted or an exception message in case of an error. .. note:: - The checks for the status page should not be empty. If no checks are selected, it returns an error message. - Any exceptions raised during the process will be returned as exception messages. """ if request.method == 'GET': kwargs = { 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': sql.smon_list(g.user_params['group_id']), 'pages': sql.select_status_pages(g.user_params['group_id']), 'smon_status': tools_common.is_tool_active('roxy-wi-smon'), 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription() } return render_template('smon/manage_status_page.html', **kwargs) elif request.method == 'POST': name = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('name')) slug = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('slug')) desc = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('desc')) checks = json.loads(request.form.get('checks')) if not len(checks['checks']): return 'error: Please check Checks for Status page' try: return smon_mod.create_status_page(name, slug, desc, checks['checks']) except Exception as e: return f'{e}' elif request.method == 'PUT': page_id = int(request.form.get('page_id')) name = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('name')) slug = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('slug')) desc = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('desc')) checks = json.loads(request.form.get('checks')) if not len(checks['checks']): return 'error: Please check Checks for Status page' try: return smon_mod.edit_status_page(page_id, name, slug, desc, checks['checks']) except Exception as e: return f'{e}' elif request.method == 'DELETE': page_id = int(request.form.get('page_id')) try: sql.delete_status_page(page_id) except Exception as e: return f'{e}' else: return 'ok' @bp.route('/status/checks/') @login_required def get_checks(page_id): """ :param page_id: The ID of the page for which to fetch the checks. :return: A JSON response with an array of check IDs. """ returned_check = [] try: checks = sql.select_status_page_checks(page_id) except Exception as e: return f'error: Cannot get checks: {e}' for check in checks: returned_check.append(str(check.check_id)) return jsonify(returned_check) @bp.route('/status/') def show_smon_status_page(slug): slug = common.checkAjaxInput(slug) return smon_mod.show_status_page(slug) @bp.route('/status/avg/') def smon_history_statuses_avg(page_id): return smon_mod.avg_status_page_status(page_id) @bp.route('/history') @login_required @get_user_params() def smon_history(): roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask() kwargs = { 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': sql.alerts_history('SMON', g.user_params['group_id']), 'smon_status': tools_common.is_tool_active('roxy-wi-smon'), 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription() } return render_template('smon/history.html', **kwargs) @bp.route('/history/host/') @login_required @get_user_params() def smon_host_history(server_ip): roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask() needed_host = common.is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) smon_status = tools_common.is_tool_active('roxy-wi-smon') smon = sql.alerts_history('SMON', g.user_params['group_id'], host=needed_host) user_subscription = roxywi_common.return_user_subscription() kwargs = { 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': smon, 'smon_status': smon_status, 'user_subscription': user_subscription } return render_template('smon/history.html', **kwargs) @bp.route('/history/metric/') @login_required def smon_history_metric(dashboard_id): return jsonify(smon_mod.history_metrics(dashboard_id)) @bp.route('/history/statuses/') def smon_history_statuses(dashboard_id): return smon_mod.history_statuses(dashboard_id) @bp.route('/history/cur_status//') @login_required def smon_history_cur_status(dashboard_id, check_id): return smon_mod.history_cur_status(dashboard_id, check_id) @bp.route('/admin') @login_required @get_user_params() def smon_admin(): roxywi_auth.page_for_admin(level=3) user_group = g.user_params['group_id'] kwargs = { 'lang': g.user_params['lang'], 'smon': sql.select_smon(user_group), 'smon_status': tools_common.is_tool_active('roxy-wi-smon'), 'user_subscription': roxywi_common.return_user_subscription(), 'telegrams': sql.get_user_telegram_by_group(user_group), 'slacks': sql.get_user_slack_by_group(user_group), 'pds': sql.get_user_pd_by_group(user_group), 'smon_tcp': sql.select_smon_tcp(), 'smon_ping': sql.select_smon_ping(), 'smon_http': sql.select_smon_http(), 'smon_dns': sql.select_smon_dns() } return render_template('smon/add.html', **kwargs)'/add') @login_required def smon_add(): user_group = roxywi_common.get_user_group(id=1) name = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonname')) hostname = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmon')) port = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonport')) enable = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonenable')) url = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonurl')) body = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonbody')) group = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmongroup')) desc = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmondescription')) telegram = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmontelegram')) slack = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonslack')) pd = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonpd')) check_type = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonchecktype')) resolver = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonresserver')) record_type = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmondns_record_type')) packet_size = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmonpacket_size')) http_method = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('newsmon_http_method')) lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang_for_flask() try: last_id = smon_mod.create_smon( name, hostname, port, enable, url, body, group, desc, telegram, slack, pd, packet_size, check_type, resolver, record_type, user_group, http_method ) except Exception as e: return str(e), 200 else: if last_id: kwargs = { 'smon': sql.select_smon_by_id(last_id), 'pds': sql.get_user_pd_by_group(user_group), 'slacks': sql.get_user_slack_by_group(user_group), 'telegrams': sql.get_user_telegram_by_group(user_group), 'smon_service': sql.select_smon_check_by_id(last_id, check_type), 'check_type': check_type, 'lang': lang } return render_template('ajax/smon/show_new_smon.html', **kwargs)'/update/') @login_required def smon_update(smon_id): roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask() name = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonName')) ip = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonIp')) port = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonPort')) en = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonEn')) url = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonUrl')) body = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonBody')) telegram = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonTelegram')) slack = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonSlack')) pd = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonPD')) group = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonGroup')) desc = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonDesc')) check_type = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('check_type')) resolver = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonResServer')) record_type = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonRecordType')) packet_size = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmonPacket_size')) http_method = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('updateSmon_http_method')) if roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask(): try: status = smon_mod.update_smon( smon_id, name, ip, port, en, url, body, telegram, slack, pd, group, desc, check_type, resolver, record_type, packet_size, http_method ) except Exception as e: return f'{e}', 200 else: return status @bp.route('/delete/') @login_required def smon_delete(smon_id): user_group = roxywi_common.get_user_group(id=1) if roxywi_common.check_user_group_for_flask(): try: status = smon_mod.delete_smon(smon_id, user_group) except Exception as e: return f'{e}', 200 else: return status'/refresh') @login_required def smon_show(): sort = common.checkAjaxInput(request.form.get('sort')) return smon_mod.show_smon(sort)