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} }); $( "#geoip_service" ).on('selectmenuchange',function() { if($('#geoipserv option:selected').val() != '------') { checkGeoipInstallation(); } }); $( "#geoip_install" ).click(function() { var updating_geoip = 0; if ($('#updating_geoip').is(':checked')) { updating_geoip = '1'; } $("#ajax-geoip").html(wait_mess); $.ajax({ url: "/app/install/geoip", data: { server_ip: $('#geoipserv option:selected').val(), service: $('#geoip_service option:selected').val(), update: updating_geoip, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); $("#ajax-geoip").html('') if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('FAILED') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); var p_err = show_pretty_ansible_error(data); toastr.error(p_err); } else if (data.indexOf('success:') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(data); $("#geoip_service").trigger("selectmenuchange"); } else if (data.indexOf('Info') != '-1') { toastr.clear();; } else { toastr.clear();; } } }); 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} else { var getId = new RegExp('[0-9]+'); var id = data.match(getId); $('select:regex(id, group)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newgroup', 'ajax-group', data); } } }); } } function addServer(dialog_id) { toastr.clear() var valid = true; var servername = $('#new-server-add').val(); var newip = $('#new-ip').val(); var newservergroup = $('#new-server-group-add').val(); var cred = $('#credentials').val(); var scan_server = 0; var typeip = 0; var enable = 0; var haproxy = 0; var nginx = 0; var apache = 0; var firewall = 0; var add_to_smon = 0; if ($('#scan_server').is(':checked')) { scan_server = '1'; } if ($('#typeip').is(':checked')) { typeip = '1'; } if ($('#enable').is(':checked')) { enable = '1'; } if ($('#haproxy').is(':checked')) { haproxy = '1'; } if ($('#nginx').is(':checked')) { nginx = '1'; } if ($('#apache').is(':checked')) { apache = '1'; } if ($('#firewall').is(':checked')) { firewall = '1'; } if ($('#add_to_smon').is(':checked')) { add_to_smon = '1'; 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after_server_creating(servername, newip, scan_server); } } }); } } function after_server_creating(servername, newip, scan_server) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/create/after", data: { act: 'after_adding', servername: servername, newip: newip, scan_server: scan_server, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('You should install lshw on the server') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function addCreds(dialog_id) { toastr.clear(); var ssh_enable = 0; if ($('#new-ssh_enable').is(':checked')) { ssh_enable = '1'; } var valid = true; allFields = $([]).add($('#new-ssh-add')).add($('#ssh_user')) allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error"); valid = valid && checkLength($('#new-ssh-add'), "Name", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#ssh_user'), "Credentials", 1); if (valid) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/ssh/create", data: { new_ssh: $('#new-ssh-add').val(), new_group: $('#new-sshgroup').val(), ssh_user: $('#ssh_user').val(), ssh_pass: $('#ssh_pass').val(), ssh_enable: ssh_enable, page: cur_url[0].split('#')[0], token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { var group_name = getGroupNameById($('#new-sshgroup').val()); var getId = new RegExp('ssh-table-[0-9]+'); var id = data.match(getId) + ''; id = id.split('-').pop(); common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'ssh-table-' + id, 'ssh_enable_table', data); $('select:regex(id, credentials)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $("input[type=submit], button").button(); $("input[type=checkbox]").checkboxradio(); $("select").selectmenu(); } } }); } } function getGroupNameById(group_id) { var group_name = '' $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/group/name/" + group_id, async: false, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { group_name = data; } } }); return group_name; } function addRecevier(dialog_id, receiver_name) { var valid = true; toastr.clear(); let allFields = $([]).add($('#' + receiver_name + '-token-add')).add($('#' + receiver_name + '-chanel-add')); allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error"); valid = valid && checkLength($('#' + receiver_name + '-token-add'), "token", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#' + receiver_name + '-chanel-add'), "channel name", 1); if (valid) { toastr.clear(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/receiver/" + receiver_name, data: { receiver: $('#' + receiver_name + '-token-add').val(), channel: $('#' + receiver_name + '-chanel-add').val(), group: $('#new-' + receiver_name + '-group-add').val(), page: cur_url[0].split('#')[0], token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { var getId = new RegExp(receiver_name + '-table-[0-9]+'); var id = data.match(getId) + ''; id = id.split('-').pop(); $('select:regex(id, ' + receiver_name + '_channel)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newgroup', 'checker_' + receiver_name + '_table', data); $("input[type=submit], button").button(); $("input[type=checkbox]").checkboxradio(); $("select").selectmenu(); } } }); } } function addBackup(dialog_id) { var valid = true; toastr.clear(); let allFields = $([]).add($('#backup-server')).add($('#rserver')).add($('#rpath')).add($('#backup-time')).add($('#backup-credentials')); allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error"); valid = valid && checkLength($('#backup-server'), "backup server ", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#rserver'), "remote server", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#rpath'), "remote path", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#backup-time'), "backup time", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#backup-credentials'), "backup credentials", 1); if (valid) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/backup/create", data: { server: $('#backup-server').val(), rserver: $('#rserver').val(), rpath: $('#rpath').val(), type: $('#backup-type').val(), time: $('#backup-time').val(), cred: $('#backup-credentials').val(), description: $('#backup-description').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('info: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear();; } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.warning(data); } else { common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newbackup', 'ajax-backup-table', data); $("select").selectmenu(); } } }); } } function addS3Backup(dialog_id) { var valid = true; toastr.clear(); allFields = $([]).add($('#s3-backup-server')).add($('#s3_server')).add($('#s3_bucket')).add($('#s3_secret_key')).add($('#s3_access_key')) allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error"); valid = valid && checkLength($('#s3-backup-server'), "backup server ", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#s3_server'), "S3 server", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#s3_bucket'), "S3 bucket", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#s3_secret_key'), "S3 secret key", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#s3_access_key'), "S3 access key", 1); if (valid) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/s3backup/create", data: { s3_backup_server: $('#s3-backup-server').val(), s3_server: $('#s3_server').val(), s3_bucket: $('#s3_bucket').val(), s3_secret_key: $('#s3_secret_key').val(), s3_access_key: $('#s3_access_key').val(), time: $('#s3-backup-time').val(), description: $('#s3-backup-description').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('info: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear();; } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.warning(data); } else if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error(data); } else { common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newbackup', 'ajax-backup-s3-table', data); $("select").selectmenu(); } } }); } } function addGit(dialog_id) { var valid = true; toastr.clear(); allFields = $([]).add($('#git-server')).add($('#git-service')).add($('#git-time')).add($('#git-credentials')).add($('#git-branch')) allFields.removeClass("ui-state-error"); valid = valid && checkLength($('#git-server'), "Server ", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#git-service'), "Service", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#git-credentials'), "Credentials", 1); valid = valid && checkLength($('#git-branch'), "Branch name", 1); var git_init = 0; if ($('#git-init').is(':checked')) { git_init = '1'; } if (valid) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/git/create", data: { server: $('#git-server').val(), git_service: $('#git-service').val(), git_init: git_init, git_repo: $('#git-repo').val(), git_branch: $('#git-branch').val(), time: $('#git-time').val(), cred: $('#git-credentials').val(), description: $('#git-description').val(), git_deljob: 0, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('success: ') != '-1') { common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newgit', 'ajax-git-table', data); $("select").selectmenu(); } else if (data.indexOf('info: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear();; } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.warning(data); } } }); } } function sshKeyEnableShow(id) { $('#ssh_enable-'+id).click(function() { if ($('#ssh_enable-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#ssh_pass-'+id).css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#ssh_pass-'+id).css('display', 'block'); } }); if ($('#ssh_enable-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#ssh_pass-'+id).css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#ssh_pass-'+id).css('display', 'block'); } } function confirmDeleteUser(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " +$('#login-'+id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeUser(id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteGroup(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word+ " " +$('#name-'+id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); removeGroup(id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteServer(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " + $('#hostname-' + id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeServer(id); } },{ text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteSsh(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word +" " + $('#ssh_name-' + id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeSsh(id); } },{ text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteReceiver(id, reciever_name) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm-services" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " + $('#' + reciever_name + '-chanel-' + id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeReciver(reciever_name, id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteBackup(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " +$('#backup-server-'+id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeBackup(id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteS3Backup(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " +$('#backup-s3-server-'+id).val() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeS3Backup(id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function confirmDeleteGit(id) { var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: delete_word + " " +$('#git-server-'+id).text() + "?", buttons: [{ text: delete_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); removeGit(id); } },{ text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } function cloneServer(id) { $( "#add-server-button" ).trigger( "click" ); if ($('#enable-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#enable').prop('checked', true) } else { $('#enable').prop('checked', false) } if ($('#typeip-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#typeip').prop('checked', true) } else { $('#typeip').prop('checked', false) } if ($('#haproxy-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#haproxy').prop('checked', true) } else { $('#haproxy').prop('checked', false) } if ($('#nginx-'+id).is(':checked')) { $('#nginx').prop('checked', true) } else { $('#nginx').prop('checked', false) } $('#enable').checkboxradio("refresh"); $('#typeip').checkboxradio("refresh"); $('#haproxy').checkboxradio("refresh"); $('#nginx').checkboxradio("refresh"); $('#new-server-add').val($('#hostname-'+id).val()) $('#new-ip').val($('#ip-'+id).val()) $('#new-port').val($('#port-'+id).val()) $('#desc').val($('#desc-'+id).val()) $('#slavefor').val($('#slavefor-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#slavefor').selectmenu("refresh"); $('#credentials').val($('#credentials-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#credentials').selectmenu("refresh"); if (cur_url[0].indexOf('admin') != '-1') { $('#new-server-group-add').val($('#servergroup-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#new-server-group-add').selectmenu("refresh"); } } function cloneReceiver(id, reciever_name) { $('#add-'+reciever_name+'-button').trigger( "click" ); $('#'+reciever_name+'-token-add').val($('#'+reciever_name+'-token-'+id).val()); $('#'+reciever_name+'-chanel-add').val($('#'+reciever_name+'-chanel-'+id).val()); } function cloneBackup(id) { $( "#add-backup-button" ).trigger( "click" ); $('#rserver').val($('#backup-rserver-'+id).val()) $('#rpath').val($('#backup-rpath-'+id).val()) $('#backup-type').val($('#backup-type-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#backup-type').selectmenu("refresh"); $('#backup-time').val($('#backup-time-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#backup-time').selectmenu("refresh"); $('#backup-credentials').val($('#backup-credentials-'+id+' option:selected').val()).change() $('#backup-credentials').selectmenu("refresh"); } function removeUser(id) { $("#user-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/delete/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data == "ok") { $("#user-" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function removeServer(id) { $("#server-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/delete/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data == "Ok") { $("#server-" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.warning(data); } } }); } function removeGroup(id) { $("#group-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/group/delete/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data == "ok") { $("#group-" + id).remove(); $('select:regex(id, group) option[value=' + id + ']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, group)').selectmenu("refresh"); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function removeSsh(id) { $("#ssh-table-"+id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax( { url: "/app/server/ssh/delete/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' '); if(data == "ok") { $("#ssh-table-"+id).remove(); $('select:regex(id, credentials) option[value='+id+']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, credentials)').selectmenu("refresh"); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } } ); } function removeReciver(receiver_name, receiver_id) { $("#" + receiver_name + "-table-" + receiver_id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/receiver/" + receiver_name, data: { channel_id: receiver_id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "DELETE", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data == "ok") { $("#" + receiver_name + "-table-" + receiver_id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function removeBackup(id) { $("#backup-table-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/backup/delete", data: { deljob: id, cred: $('#backup-credentials-' + id).val(), server: $('#backup-server-' + id).text(), rserver: $('#backup-rserver-' + id).val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { $("#backup-table-" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function removeS3Backup(id) { $("#backup-table-s3-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/s3backup/delete", data: { dels3job: id, s3_bucket: $('#bucket-' + id).text(), s3_backup_server: $('#backup-s3-server-' + id).text(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { $("#s3-backup-table-" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function removeGit(id) { $("#git-table-" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/git/delete", data: { git_backup: id, git_deljob: 1, git_init: 0, repo: 0, branch: 0, time: 0, cred: $('#git-credentials-id-' + id).text(), server: $('#git-server-id-' + id).text(), git_service: $('#git-service-id-' + id).text(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { $("#git-table-" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function updateUser(id) { toastr.remove(); cur_url[0] = cur_url[0].split('#')[0] var usergroup = Cookies.get('group'); var role = $('#role-' + id).val(); var activeuser = 0; if ($('#activeuser-' + id).is(':checked')) { activeuser = '1'; } if (role == null && role !== undefined) { toastr.warning('Please edit this user only on the Admin area'); return false; } toastr.remove(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/update", data: { updateuser: $('#login-' + id).val(), email: $('#email-' + id).val(), role: role, usergroup: usergroup, activeuser: activeuser, id: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.remove(); $("#user-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#user-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function updateGroup(id) { toastr.clear(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/group/update", data: { updategroup: $('#name-' + id).val(), descript: $('#descript-' + id).val(), id: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#group-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#group-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); $('select:regex(id, group) option[value=' + id + ']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, group)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); } } }); } function updateServer(id) { toastr.clear(); let typeip = 0; let enable = 0; let firewall = 0; let protected_serv = 0; if ($('#typeip-' + id).is(':checked')) { typeip = '1'; } if ($('#enable-' + id).is(':checked')) { enable = '1'; } if ($('#firewall-' + id).is(':checked')) { firewall = '1'; } if ($('#protected-' + id).is(':checked')) { protected_serv = '1'; } var servergroup = $('#servergroup-' + id + ' option:selected').val(); if (cur_url[0].indexOf('servers#') != '-1') { servergroup = $('#new-server-group-add').val(); } $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/update", data: { updateserver: $('#hostname-' + id).val(), port: $('#port-' + id).val(), servergroup: servergroup, typeip: typeip, firewall: firewall, enable: enable, slave: $('#slavefor-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), cred: $('#credentials-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), id: id, desc: $('#desc-' + id).val(), protected: protected_serv, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#server-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#server-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function uploadSsh() { toastr.clear(); if ($("#ssh-key-name option:selected").val() == "------" || $('#ssh_cert').val() == '') { toastr.error('All fields must be completed'); } else { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/ssh/upload", data: { ssh_cert: $('#ssh_cert').val(), name: $('#ssh-key-name').val(), pass: $('#ssh-key-pass').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('success') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(data) } else { toastr.error('Something wrong, check and try again'); } } }); } } function updateSSH(id) { toastr.clear(); var ssh_enable = 0; if ($('#ssh_enable-' + id).is(':checked')) { ssh_enable = '1'; } var group = $('#sshgroup-' + id).val(); if (cur_url[0].indexOf('servers') != '-1') { group = $('#new-server-group-add').val(); } $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/ssh/update", data: { name: $('#ssh_name-' + id).val(), group: group, ssh_enable: ssh_enable, ssh_user: $('#ssh_user-' + id).val(), ssh_pass: $('#ssh_pass-' + id).val(), id: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#ssh-table-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#ssh-table-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); $('select:regex(id, credentials) option[value=' + id + ']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name) option[value=' + $('#ssh_name-' + id).val() + ']').remove(); $('select:regex(id, credentials)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); $('select:regex(id, ssh-key-name)').append('').selectmenu("refresh"); } } }); } function updateReceiver(id, receiver_name) { if (cur_url[0].indexOf('servers') != '-1') { var group = $('#new-group').val(); } else { var group = $('#' + receiver_name + 'group-' + id).val(); } toastr.clear(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/receiver/" + receiver_name, data: { receiver_token: $('#' + receiver_name + '-token-' + id).val(), channel: $('#' + receiver_name + '-chanel-' + id).val(), group: group, id: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "PUT", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#" + receiver_name + "-table-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#" + receiver_name + "-table-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function updateBackup(id) { toastr.clear(); if ($("#backup-type-" + id + " option:selected").val() == "-------" || $('#backup-rserver-' + id).val() == '' || $('#backup-rpath-' + id).val() == '') { toastr.error('All fields must be completed'); } else { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/backup/update", data: { backupupdate: id, server: $('#backup-server-' + id).text(), rserver: $('#backup-rserver-' + id).val(), rpath: $('#backup-rpath-' + id).val(), type: $('#backup-type-' + id).val(), time: $('#backup-time-' + id).val(), cred: $('#backup-credentials-' + id).val(), description: $('#backup-description-' + id).val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#backup-table-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#backup-table-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } } function showApacheLog(serv) { var rows = $('#rows').val(); var grep = $('#grep').val(); var exgrep = $('#exgrep').val(); var hour = $('#time_range_out_hour').val(); var minute = $('#time_range_out_minut').val(); var hour1 = $('#time_range_out_hour1').val(); var minute1 = $('#time_range_out_minut1').val(); var url = "/app/logs/apache_internal/" + serv + "/" + rows; $.ajax( { url: url, data: { rows: rows, serv: serv, grep: grep, exgrep: exgrep, hour: hour, minute: minute, hour1: hour1, minute1: minute1, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function( data ) { $("#ajax").html(data); } } ); } function checkSshConnect(ip) { $.ajax( { url: "/app/server/check/ssh/" + ip, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function( data ) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data) } else if(data.indexOf('failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data) } else if(data.indexOf('Errno') != '-1') { toastr.error(data) } else { toastr.clear(); toastr.success('Connect is accepted'); } } } ); } function openChangeUserPasswordDialog(id) { changeUserPasswordDialog(id); } function openChangeUserServiceDialog(id) { changeUserServiceDialog(id); } function changeUserPasswordDialog(id) { var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); var superAdmin_pass = $('#translate').attr('data-superAdmin_pass'); var change_word = $('#translate').attr('data-change2'); var password_word = $('#translate').attr('data-password'); if ($('#role-'+id + ' option:selected' ).val() == 'Select a role') { toastr.warning(superAdmin_pass); return false; } $( "#user-change-password-table" ).dialog({ autoOpen: true, resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 600, modal: true, title: change_word + " " + $('#login-' + id).val() + " " + password_word, show: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, hide: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, buttons: [{ text: change_word, click: function () { changeUserPassword(id, $(this)); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); $('#missmatchpass').hide(); } }] }); } function changeUserPassword(id, d) { var pass = $('#change-password').val(); var pass2 = $('#change2-password').val(); if (pass != pass2) { $('#missmatchpass').show(); } else { $('#missmatchpass').hide(); toastr.clear(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/password", data: { updatepassowrd: pass, id: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#user-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#user-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); d.dialog("close"); } } }); } } function changeUserServiceDialog(id) { var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); var manage_word = $('#translate').attr('data-manage'); var services_word = $('#translate').attr('data-services3'); var save_word = $('#translate').attr('data-save'); var superAdmin_services = $('#translate').attr('data-superAdmin_services'); if ($('#role-' + id + ' option:selected').val() == 'Select a role') { toastr.warning(superAdmin_services); return false; } $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/services/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $('#change-user-service-form').html(data); $("#change-user-service-dialog").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 700, modal: true, title: manage_word + " " + $('#login-' + id).val() + " " + services_word, buttons: [{ text: save_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); changeUserServices(id); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } } }); } function changeUserServices(user_id) { var jsonData = {}; jsonData[user_id] = {}; $('#checked_services tbody tr').each(function () { var this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; jsonData[user_id][this_id] = {} }); $.ajax( { url: "/app/user/services/" + user_id, data: { jsonDatas: JSON.stringify(jsonData), changeUserServicesUser: $('#login-'+user_id).val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function( data ) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $("#user-" + user_id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#user-" + user_id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } } ); } function addServiceToUser(service_id) { var service_name = $('#add_service-'+service_id).attr('data-service_name'); var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var service_word = $('#translate').attr('data-service'); var length_tr = $('#checked_services tbody tr').length; var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '' + ''+service_name+'' + '-'; $('#add_service-'+service_id).remove(); $("#checked_services tbody").append(html_tag); } function removeServiceFromUser(service_id) { var service_name = $('#remove_service-'+service_id).attr('data-service_name'); var add_word = $('#translate').attr('data-add'); var service_word = $('#translate').attr('data-service'); var length_tr = $('#all_services tbody tr').length; var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '' + ''+service_name+'' + '+'; $('#remove_service-'+service_id).remove(); $("#all_services tbody").append(html_tag); } function confirmAjaxServiceAction(action, service) { let cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); let action_word = $('#translate').attr('data-'+action); $( "#dialog-confirm-services" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: action_word + " " + service+"?", buttons: [{ text: action_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); ajaxActionServices(action, service); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }] }); } function ajaxActionServices(action, service) { $.ajax( { url: "/app/admin/tools/action/" + service + "/" + action, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function( data ) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.warning(data); } else { window.history.pushState("services", "services", cur_url[0].split("#")[0] + "#tools"); toastr.success('The ' + service + ' has been ' + action +'ed'); loadServices(); } }, error: function(){ alert(w.data_error); } } ); } function updateService(service, action='update') { $("#ajax-update").html('') $("#ajax-update").html(wait_mess); $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/tools/update/" + service, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('Complete!') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Unpacking') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(service + ' has been ' + action + 'ed'); } else if (data.indexOf('Unauthorized') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Status code: 401') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('It looks like there is no authorization in the Roxy-WI repository. Your subscription may have expired or there is no subscription. How to get the subscription'); } else if (data.indexOf('but not installed') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('There is setting for Roxy-WI repository, but Roxy-WI is installed without repository. Please reinstall with package manager'); } else if (data.indexOf('No Match for argument') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Unable to find a match') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('It seems like Roxy-WI repository is not set. Please read docs for detail'); } else if (data.indexOf('password for') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('It seems like apache user needs to be add to sudoers. Please read docs for detail'); } else if (data.indexOf('No packages marked for update') != '-1') { toastr.clear();'It seems like the lastest version Roxy-WI is installed'); } else if (data.indexOf('Connection timed out') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('Cannot connect to Roxy-WI repository. Connection timed out'); } else if (data.indexOf('--disable') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error('It seems like there is a problem with repositories'); } else if (data.indexOf('Error: Package') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('conflicts with file from') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('0 upgraded, 0 newly installed') != '-1') {'There is no a new version of ' + service); } else { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(service + ' has been ' + action + 'ed'); } $("#ajax-update").html(''); loadupdatehapwi(); loadServices(); show_version(); } }); } function confirmDeleteOpenVpnProfile(id) { $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 400, modal: true, title: "Are you sure you want to delete profile " +id+ "?", buttons: { "Delete": function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); removeOpenVpnProfile(id); }, Cancel: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } } }); } function removeOpenVpnProfile(id) { $("#" + id).css("background-color", "#f2dede"); $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/openvpn/delete", data: { openvpndel: id, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data == "ok") { $("#" + id).remove(); } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } }); } function uploadOvpn() { toastr.clear(); if ($("#ovpn_upload_name").val() == '' || $('#ovpn_upload_file').val() == '') { toastr.error('All fields must be completed'); } else { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/openvpn/upload", data: { uploadovpn: $('#ovpn_upload_file').val(), ovpnname: $('#ovpn_upload_name').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('success') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(data); location.reload(); } else { toastr.error('Something wrong, check and try again'); } } }); } } function OpenVpnSess(id, action) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/openvpn/" + action + "/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('success') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.success(data) location.reload() } else { toastr.error('Something wrong, check and try again'); } } }); } function viewFirewallRules(ip) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/firewall/" + ip, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.clear(); $("#firewall_rules_body").html(data); $("#firewall_rules" ).dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 860, modal: true, title: "Firewall rules", buttons: { Close: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); $("#firewall_rules_body").html(''); } } }); } } } ); } function loadServices() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/tools", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $('#ajax-services-body').html(data); $.getScript(awesome); } } } ); } function loadupdatehapwi() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/update", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('danger') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $('#ajax-updatehapwi-body').html(data); } } } ); } function checkUpdateRoxy() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/update/check", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { loadupdatehapwi(); } } ); } function loadchecker() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/settings/load", type: "GET", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('group_error') == '-1' && data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $('#checker').html(data); $( "select" ).selectmenu(); $("button").button(); $( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio(); $.getScript('/inc/users.js'); $.getScript(awesome); // $( "#checker_tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", tab ); } } } ); } function loadopenvpn() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/admin/openvpn", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('group_error') == '-1' && data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $('#openvpn').html(data); $.getScript(awesome); } } } ); } function checkReceiver(channel_id, receiver_name) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/check/" + channel_id + "/" + receiver_name, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error_code') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.success('Test message has been sent'); } } }); } function updateServerInfo(ip, id) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/system_info/update/" + ip + "/" + id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error_code') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $("#server_info-" + id).html(data); $('#server_info-' + id).show(); $('#server_info_link-' + id).attr('title', 'Hide System info'); $.getScript(awesome); } } }); } function showServerInfo(id, ip) { var close_word = $('#translate').attr('data-close'); var server_info = $('#translate').attr('data-server_info'); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/system_info/get/" + ip + "/" +id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error_code') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $("#server-info").html(data); $("#dialog-server-info").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 1000, modal: true, title: server_info + " (" + ip + ")", buttons: [{ text: close_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); $.getScript(awesome); } } }); } function updateHaproxyCheckerSettings(id) { toastr.clear(); let email = 0; let server = 0; let backend = 0; let maxconn = 0; if ($('#haproxy_server_email-' + id).is(':checked')) { email = '1'; } if ($('#haproxy_server_status-' + id).is(':checked')) { server = '1'; } if ($('#haproxy_server_backend-' + id).is(':checked')) { backend = '1'; } if ($('#haproxy_server_maxconn-' + id).is(':checked')) { maxconn = '1'; } $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/settings/update", data: { service: 'haproxy', setting_id: id, email: email, server: server, backend: backend, maxconn: maxconn, telegram_id: $('#haproxy_server_telegram_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), slack_id: $('#haproxy_server_slack_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), pd_id: $('#haproxy_server_pd_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); $("#haproxy_server_tr_id-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#haproxy_server_tr_id-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function updateKeepalivedCheckerSettings(id) { toastr.clear(); let email = 0; let server = 0; let backend = 0; if ($('#keepalived_server_email-' + id).is(':checked')) { email = '1'; } if ($('#keepalived_server_status-' + id).is(':checked')) { server = '1'; } if ($('#keepalived_server_backend-' + id).is(':checked')) { backend = '1'; } $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/settings/update", data: { service: 'keepavlied', setting_id: id, email: email, server: server, backend: backend, telegram_id: $('#keepalived_server_telegram_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), slack_id: $('#keepalived_server_slack_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), pd_id: $('#keepalived_server_pd_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); $("#keepalived_server_tr_id-" + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#keepalived_server_tr_id-" + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function updateServiceCheckerSettings(id, service_name) { toastr.clear(); let email = 0; let server = 0; if ($('#' + service_name + '_server_email-' + id).is(':checked')) { email = '1'; } if ($('#' + service_name + '_server_status-' + id).is(':checked')) { server = '1'; } $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/settings/update", data: { service: service_name, setting_id: id, email: email, server: server, telegram_id: $('#' + service_name + '_server_telegram_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), slack_id: $('#' + service_name + '_server_slack_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), pd_id: $('#' + service_name + '_server_pd_channel-' + id + ' option:selected').val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else if (data.indexOf('ok') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); $('#' + service_name + '_server_tr_id-' + id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $('#' + service_name + '_server_tr_id-' + id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function checkWebPanel() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/check/rabbit", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error_code') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.success('Test message has been sent'); } } }); } function checkEmail() { $.ajax({ url: "/app/checker/check/email", // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('error_code') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { toastr.success('Test message has been sent'); } } }); } function checkGeoipInstallation() { $.ajax( { url: "/app/install/geoip/" + $('#geoip_service option:selected').val() + "/" + $('#geoipserv option:selected').val(), // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function( data ) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); if(data.indexOf('No such file or directory') != '-1' || data.indexOf('cannot access') != '-1') { $('#cur_geoip').html('GeoIPLite is not installed'); $('#geoip_install').show(); } else { $('#cur_geoip').html('GeoIPLite is installed'); $('#geoip_install').hide(); } } } ); } function installService(service) { $("#ajax").html('') var syn_flood = 0; var docker = 0; var select_id = '#' + service + 'addserv'; var nice_names = {'haproxy': 'HAProxy', 'nginx': 'NGINX', 'apache': 'Apache'}; if ($('#' + service + '_syn_flood').is(':checked')) { syn_flood = '1'; } if ($('#' + service + '_docker').is(':checked')) { docker = '1'; } if ($(select_id).val() == '------' || $(select_id).val() === null) { var select_server = $('#translate').attr('data-select_server'); toastr.warning(select_server); return false } var jsonData = {}; jsonData['servers'] = {'0': {}} jsonData['services'] = {}; jsonData['services'][service] = {}; jsonData['syn_flood'] = syn_flood; jsonData['servers']['0']['ip'] = $(select_id).val(); jsonData['servers']['0']['master'] = '0'; jsonData['servers']['0']['name'] = $(select_id + ' option:selected').text(); if (service == 'haproxy') { jsonData['servers']['0']['version'] = $('#hapver option:selected').val(); } jsonData['services'][service]['enabled'] = 1; jsonData['services'][service]['docker'] = docker; $("#ajax").html(wait_mess); $.ajax({ url: "/app/install/" + service, 500: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_names[service], $(select_id + ' option:selected').text()); }, 504: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_names[service], $(select_id + ' option:selected').text()); }, data: { jsonData: JSON.stringify(jsonData), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { try { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } catch (e) { parseAnsibleJsonOutput(data, nice_names[service], select_id); $(select_id).trigger("selectmenuchange"); } } }); } function installExporter(exporter) { $("#ajaxmon").html(''); $("#ajaxmon").html(wait_mess); var exporter_id = '#' + exporter + '_exp_addserv'; var ext_prom = 0; if ($('#' + exporter + '_ext_prom').is(':checked')) { ext_prom = '1'; } var nice_names = {'haproxy': 'HAProxy exporter', 'nginx': 'NGINX exporter', 'apache': 'Apache exporter', 'node': 'Node exporter', 'keepalived': 'Keepalived exporter'}; $("#ajax").html(wait_mess); $.ajax({ url: "/app/install/exporter/" + exporter, 500: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_names[exporter], $(exporter_id + ' option:selected').text()); }, 504: function () { showErrorStatus(nice_names[exporter], $(exporter_id + ' option:selected').text()); }, data: { server_ip: $(exporter_id).val(), exporter_v: $('#' + exporter + 'expver').val(), ext_prom: ext_prom, token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { try { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } } catch (e) { parseAnsibleJsonOutput(data, nice_names[exporter], exporter_id); $(exporter_id).trigger("selectmenuchange"); } } }); } function showExporterVersion(exporter) { var nice_names = {'haproxy': 'HAProxy', 'nginx': 'NGINX', 'apache': 'Apache', 'node': 'Node', 'keepalived': 'Keepalived'}; $.ajax({ url: "/app/install/exporter/"+ exporter +"/version/" + $('#' + exporter + '_exp_addserv option:selected').val(), // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') { toastr.clear(); toastr.error(data); } else if (data == 'no' || data.indexOf('command') != '-1' || data.indexOf('_exporter:') != '-1' || data == '') { $('#cur_'+ exporter +'_exp_ver').text(nice_names[exporter]+' exporter has not been installed'); } else { $('#cur_'+ exporter +'_exp_ver').text(data); } } }); } function showServiceVersion(service) { $.ajax({ url: "/app/install/" + service + "/version/" + $('#' + service + 'addserv option:selected').val(), // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1') { toastr.warning(data); $('#cur_' + service + '_ver').text(''); } else if(data.indexOf('bash') != '-1' || data.indexOf('such') != '-1' || data.indexOf('command not found') != '-1' || data.indexOf('from') != '-1') { $('#cur_' + service + '_ver').text(service + ' has not installed'); $('#' + service + '_install').text('Install'); $('#' + service + '_install').attr('title', 'Install'); } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') { toastr.warning(data); } else if (data == '') { $('#cur_' + service + '_ver').text(service + ' has not installed'); $('#' + service + '_install').text('Install'); $('#' + service + '_install').attr('title', 'Install'); } else { $('#cur_' + service + '_ver').text(data); $('#cur_' + service + '_ver').css('font-weight', 'bold'); $('#' + service + '_install').text('Update'); $('#' + service + '_install').attr('title', 'Update'); } } }); } function serverIsUp(server_ip, server_id) { var cur_url = window.location.href.split('/').pop(); if (cur_url.split('#')[1] == 'servers') { $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/check/server/" + server_ip, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (data.indexOf('up') != '-1') { $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverNone'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverDown'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).addClass('serverUp'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).attr('title', 'Server is reachable'); } else if (data.indexOf('down') != '-1') { $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverNone'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverUp'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).addClass('serverDown'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).attr('title', 'Server is unreachable'); } else { $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverDown'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).removeClass('serverUp'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).addClass('serverNone'); $('#server_status-' + server_id).attr('title', 'Cannot get server status'); } } }); } } function confirmChangeGroupsAndRoles(user_id) { var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); var action_word = $('#translate').attr('data-save'); var user_groups_word = $('#translate').attr('data-user_groups'); var username = $('#login-' + user_id).val(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/groups/" + user_id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "POST", success: function (data) { $("#groups-roles").html(data); $("#groups-roles").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 700, modal: true, title: user_groups_word + ' ' + username, buttons: [{ text: action_word, click: function () { saveGroupsAndRoles(user_id); $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } }); } function addGroupToUser(group_id) { var group_name = $('#add_group-'+group_id).attr('data-group_name'); var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var group2_word = $('#translate').attr('data-group2'); var length_tr = $('#all_groups tbody tr').length; const roles = {1: 'superAdmin', 2: 'amdin', 3: 'user', 4: 'guest'}; var options_roles = ''; for (const [role_id, role_name] of Object.entries(roles)) { options_roles += ''; } var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '\n' + ' '+group_name+'\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' -' $('#add_group-'+group_id).remove(); $("#checked_groups tbody").append(html_tag); } function removeGroupFromUser(group_id) { var group_name = $('#remove_group-'+group_id).attr('data-group_name'); var add_word = $('#translate').attr('data-add'); var group2_word = $('#translate').attr('data-group2'); var length_tr = $('#all_groups tbody tr').length; var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '\n' + ' '+group_name+'\n' + ' +' $('#remove_group-'+group_id).remove(); $("#all_groups tbody").append(html_tag); } function saveGroupsAndRoles(user_id) { var length_tr = $('#checked_groups tbody tr').length; var jsonData = {}; jsonData[user_id] = {}; $('#checked_groups tbody tr').each(function () { var this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; var role_id = $('#add_role-' + this_id).val(); jsonData[user_id][this_id] = {'role_id': role_id}; }); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(jsonData)) { if (Object.keys(value).length === 0) { toastr.error('error: User must have at least one group'); return false; } } $.ajax({ url: "/app/user/groups/save", data: { changeUserGroupsUser: $('#login-' + user_id).val(), jsonDatas: JSON.stringify(jsonData), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error: ') != '-1') { toastr.warning(data); } else { $("#user-" + user_id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#user-" + user_id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function openChangeServerServiceDialog(server_id) { var cancel_word = $('#translate').attr('data-cancel'); var action_word = $('#translate').attr('data-save'); var user_groups_word = $('#translate').attr('data-user_groups'); var hostname = $('#hostname-' + server_id).val(); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/services/" + server_id, // data: { // token: $('#token').val() // }, // type: "GET", success: function (data) { $("#groups-roles").html(data); $("#groups-roles").dialog({ resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 700, modal: true, title: user_groups_word + ' ' + hostname, buttons: [{ text: action_word, click: function () { changeServerServices(server_id); $(this).dialog("close"); } }, { text: cancel_word, click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); } }] }); } }); } function addServiceToServer(service_id) { var service_name = $('#add_service-'+service_id).attr('data-service_name'); var delete_word = $('#translate').attr('data-delete'); var service_word = $('#translate').attr('data-service'); var length_tr = $('#checked_services tbody tr').length; var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '' + ''+service_name+'' + '-'; $('#add_service-'+service_id).remove(); $("#checked_services tbody").append(html_tag); } function removeServiceFromServer(service_id) { var service_name = $('#remove_service-'+service_id).attr('data-service_name'); var add_word = $('#translate').attr('data-add'); var service_word = $('#translate').attr('data-service'); var length_tr = $('#all_services tbody tr').length; var tr_class = 'odd'; if (length_tr % 2 != 0) { tr_class = 'even'; } var html_tag = '' + ''+service_name+'' + '+'; $('#remove_service-'+service_id).remove(); $("#all_services tbody").append(html_tag); } function changeServerServices(server_id) { var jsonData = {}; $('#checked_services tbody tr').each(function () { var this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; jsonData[this_id] = 1 }); $('#all_services tbody tr').each(function () { var this_id = $(this).attr('id').split('-')[1]; jsonData[this_id] = 0 }); $.ajax({ url: "/app/server/services/" + server_id, data: { jsonDatas: JSON.stringify(jsonData), changeServerServicesServer: $('#hostname-' + server_id).val(), token: $('#token').val() }, type: "POST", success: function (data) { if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('Failed') != '-1') { toastr.error(data); } else { $("#server-" + server_id).addClass("update", 1000); setTimeout(function () { $("#server-" + server_id).removeClass("update"); }, 2500); } } }); } function showErrorStatus(service_name, server) { var something_wrong = $('#translate').attr('data-something_wrong'); toastr.error(something_wrong + ' ' + service_name + ' ' + server); } function parseAnsibleJsonOutput(output, service_name, select_id) { output = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(output)); var check_apache_log = $('#translate').attr('data-check_apache_log'); var was_installed = $('#translate').attr('data-was_installed'); for (var k in output['ok']) { var server_name = $(select_id + ' option[value="'+k+'"]').text(); toastr.success(service_name + ' ' + was_installed +' ' + server_name); } for (var k in output['failures']) { var server_name = $(select_id + ' option[value="'+k+'"]').text(); showErrorStatus(service_name, server_name); } for (var k in output['dark']) { var server_name = $(select_id + ' option[value="'+k+'"]').text(); showErrorStatus(service_name, server_name); } }