import json import modules.db.sql as sql import modules.server.ssh as mod_ssh import modules.common.common as common import modules.roxywi.auth as roxywi_auth import modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common form = common.form def ssh_command(server_ip: str, commands: list, **kwargs): if server_ip == '': return 'error: IP cannot be empty' if kwargs.get('timeout'): timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') else: timeout = 2 try: with mod_ssh.ssh_connect(server_ip) as ssh: for command in commands: try: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.run_command(command, timeout=timeout) except Exception as e: print(f'error: {e}') roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Something wrong with SSH connection. Probably sudo with password {e}', roxywi=1) return str(e) if stderr: for line in stderr.readlines(): if line: print(f'error: {line}') roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' {line}', roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: {line}') try: if kwargs.get('raw'): return stdout.readlines() if kwargs.get("ip") == "1": show_ip(stdout) elif kwargs.get("show_log") == "1": import modules.roxywi.logs as roxywi_logs return roxywi_logs.show_log(stdout, grep=kwargs.get("grep")) elif kwargs.get('return_err') == 1: return'UTF-8') else: return'UTF-8') except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Something wrong with SSH connection. Probably sudo with password {e}', roxywi=1) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f' Something wrong with SSH connection: {e}', roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: {e}') def subprocess_execute(cmd): import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() output = stdout.splitlines() return output, stderr def is_file_exists(server_ip: str, file: str) -> bool: cmd = [f'[ -f {file} ] && echo yes || echo no'] out = ssh_command(server_ip, cmd) return True if 'yes' in out else False def is_service_active(server_ip: str, service_name: str) -> bool: cmd = [f'systemctl is-active {service_name}'] out = ssh_command(server_ip, cmd) out = out.strip() return True if 'active' == out else False def get_remote_files(server_ip: str, config_dir: str, file_format: str): config_dir = common.return_nice_path(config_dir) if file_format == 'conf': commands = [f'sudo ls {config_dir}*/*.{file_format}'] else: commands = [f'sudo ls {config_dir}|grep {file_format}$'] config_files = ssh_command(server_ip, commands) return config_files def show_ip(stdout): for line in stdout: if "Permission denied" in line: print(f'error: {line}') else: print(line) def get_system_info(server_ip: str) -> str: server_ip = common.is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) if server_ip == '': return 'error: IP cannot be empty' server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip) command = ["sudo lshw -quiet -json"] command1 = ['sudo hostnamectl |grep "Operating System"|awk -F":" \'{print $2}\''] try: sys_info_returned = ssh_command(server_ip, command, timeout=5) except Exception as e: raise e if 'command not found' in sys_info_returned: raise Exception(f' You should install lshw on the server {server_ip}. Update System info after installation.') try: os_info = ssh_command(server_ip, command1) except Exception as e: raise e os_info = os_info.strip() system_info = json.loads(sys_info_returned) sys_info = {'hostname': system_info['id'], 'family': ''} cpu = {'cpu_model': '', 'cpu_core': 0, 'cpu_thread': 0, 'hz': 0} network = {} ram = {'slots': 0, 'size': 0} disks = {} try: sys_info['family'] = system_info['configuration']['family'] except Exception: pass for i in system_info['children']: if i['class'] == 'network': try: ip = i['configuration']['ip'] except Exception: ip = '' network[i['logicalname']] = { 'description': i['description'], 'mac': i['serial'], 'ip': ip } for k, j in i.items(): if isinstance(j, list): for b in j: try: if b['class'] == 'processor': cpu['cpu_model'] = b['product'] cpu['cpu_core'] += 1 cpu['hz'] = round(int(b['capacity']) / 1000000) try: cpu['cpu_thread'] += int(b['configuration']['threads']) except Exception: cpu['cpu_thread'] = 1 except Exception: pass try: if b['id'] == 'memory': ram['size'] = round(b['size'] / 1073741824) for memory in b['children']: ram['slots'] += 1 except Exception: pass try: if b['class'] == 'storage': for p, pval in b.items(): if isinstance(pval, list): for disks_info in pval: for volume_info in disks_info['children']: if isinstance(volume_info['logicalname'], list): volume_name = volume_info['logicalname'][0] mount_point = volume_info['logicalname'][1] size = round(volume_info['capacity'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = volume_info['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = volume_info['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass try: if b['class'] == 'bridge': if 'children' in b: for s in b['children']: if s['class'] == 'network': if 'children' in s: for net in s['children']: network[net['logicalname']] = { 'description': net['description'], 'mac': net['serial'] } if s['class'] == 'storage': for p, pval in s.items(): if isinstance(pval, list): for disks_info in pval: if 'children' in disks_info: for volume_info in disks_info['children']: if isinstance(volume_info['logicalname'], dict): volume_name = volume_info['logicalname'][0] mount_point = volume_info['logicalname'][1] size = round(volume_info['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = volume_info['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = volume_info['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } for z, n in s.items(): if isinstance(n, list): for y in n: if y['class'] == 'network': try: for q in y['children']: try: ip = q['configuration']['ip'] except Exception: ip = '' network[q['logicalname']] = { 'description': q['description'], 'mac': q['serial'], 'ip': ip} except Exception: try: network[y['logicalname']] = { 'description': y['description'], 'mac': y['serial'], 'ip': y['configuration']['ip']} except Exception: pass if y['class'] == 'disk': try: for q in y['children']: try: if isinstance(q['logicalname'], list): volume_name = q['logicalname'][0] mount_point = q['logicalname'][1] size = round(q['capacity'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = q['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = q['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception: pass if y['class'] == 'storage' or y['class'] == 'generic': try: for q in y['children']: for o in q['children']: try: volume_name = o['logicalname'] mount_point = '' size = round(o['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = '' state = '' disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass for w in o['children']: try: if isinstance(w['logicalname'], list): volume_name = w['logicalname'][0] mount_point = w['logicalname'][1] try: size = round(w['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' except Exception: size = '' fs = w['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = w['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass except Exception: pass try: for q, qval in y.items(): if isinstance(qval, list): for o in qval: for w in o['children']: if isinstance(w['logicalname'], list): volume_name = w['logicalname'][0] mount_point = w['logicalname'][1] size = round(w['size'] / 1073741824) size = str(size) + 'Gb' fs = w['configuration']['mount.fstype'] state = w['configuration']['state'] disks[volume_name] = { 'mount_point': mount_point, 'size': size, 'fs': fs, 'state': state } except Exception: pass except Exception: pass try: sql.insert_system_info(server_id, os_info, sys_info, cpu, ram, network, disks) except Exception as e: raise e def show_system_info() -> None: from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader server_ip = form.getvalue('server_ip') server_ip = common.is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) server_id = form.getvalue('server_id') if server_ip == '': print('error: IP or DNS name is not valid') return env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/'), autoescape=True, extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols", ""]) env.globals['string_to_dict'] = common.string_to_dict template = env.get_template('ajax/show_system_info.html') if sql.is_system_info(server_id): try: get_system_info(server_ip) system_info = sql.select_one_system_info(server_id) template = template.render(system_info=system_info, server_ip=server_ip, server_id=server_id) print(template) except Exception as e: print(f'Cannot update server info: {e}') else: system_info = sql.select_one_system_info(server_id) template = template.render(system_info=system_info, server_ip=server_ip, server_id=server_id) print(template) def update_system_info() -> None: from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader server_ip = form.getvalue('server_ip') server_ip = common.is_ip_or_dns(server_ip) server_id = form.getvalue('server_id') if server_ip == '': print('error: IP or DNS name is not valid') return sql.delete_system_info(server_id) env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/'), autoescape=True, extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols", ""]) env.globals['string_to_dict'] = common.string_to_dict template = env.get_template('ajax/show_system_info.html') try: get_system_info(server_ip) system_info = sql.select_one_system_info(server_id) template = template.render(system_info=system_info, server_ip=server_ip, server_id=server_id) print(template) except Exception as e: print(f'error: Cannot update server info: {e}') def show_firewalld_rules() -> None: from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader serv = common.checkAjaxInput(form.getvalue('viewFirewallRules')) cmd = ["sudo iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers|sed 's/ */ /g'|grep -v -E 'Chain|target'"] cmd1 = ["sudo iptables -L IN_public_allow -n --line-numbers|sed 's/ */ /g'|grep -v -E 'Chain|target'"] cmd2 = ["sudo iptables -L OUTPUT -n --line-numbers|sed 's/ */ /g'|grep -v -E 'Chain|target'"] input_chain = ssh_command(serv, cmd, raw=1) input_chain2 = [] for each_line in input_chain: input_chain2.append(each_line.strip('\n')) if 'error:' in input_chain: print(input_chain) return in_public_allow = ssh_command(serv, cmd1, raw=1) output_chain = ssh_command(serv, cmd2, raw=1) lang = roxywi_common.get_user_lang() env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates')) template = env.get_template('ajax/firewall_rules.html') template = template.render(input_chain=input_chain2, IN_public_allow=in_public_allow, output_chain=output_chain, lang=lang) print(template) def create_server(hostname, ip, group, typeip, enable, master, cred, port, desc, haproxy, nginx, apache, firewall, scan_server, **kwargs) -> bool: if not roxywi_auth.is_admin(level=2, role_id=kwargs.get('role_id')): raise Exception('not enough permission') if sql.add_server(hostname, ip, group, typeip, enable, master, cred, port, desc, haproxy, nginx, apache, firewall): try: try: sql.insert_new_checker_setting_for_server(ip) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging(f'Cannot insert Checker settings for {hostname}', str(e), roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: Cannot insert Checker settings for {hostname} {e}') if scan_server == '1': nginx_config_path = sql.get_setting('nginx_config_path') haproxy_config_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_config_path') haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir') apache_config_path = sql.get_setting('apache_config_path') keepalived_config_path = sql.get_setting('keepalived_config_path') if is_file_exists(ip, nginx_config_path): sql.update_nginx(ip) if is_file_exists(ip, haproxy_config_path): sql.update_haproxy(ip) if is_file_exists(ip, keepalived_config_path): sql.update_keepalived(ip) if is_file_exists(ip, apache_config_path): sql.update_apache(ip) if is_file_exists(ip, haproxy_dir + '/waf/bin/modsecurity'): sql.insert_waf_metrics_enable(ip, "0") sql.insert_waf_rules(ip) if is_service_active(ip, 'firewalld'): sql.update_firewall(ip) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging(f'Cannot scan a new server {hostname}', str(e), roxywi=1) raise Exception(f'error: Cannot scan a new server {hostname} {e}') try: get_system_info(ip) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.logging(f'Cannot get information from {hostname}', str(e), roxywi=1, login=1) raise Exception(f'error: Cannot get information from {hostname} {e}') return True else: return False def server_is_up(server_ip: str) -> None: cmd = [f'if ping -c 1 -W 1 {server_ip} >> /dev/null; then echo up; else echo down; fi'] server_status, stderr = subprocess_execute(cmd) print(server_status)