{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, select, checkbox %}
{% include 'include/del_confirm.html' %}
{% if not is_terraform %}
You have not installed Terraform. Read here how to install Terraform
{% elif servers|length == 0 %}
{% include 'include/getstarted.html' %}
{% else %}
Name |
Provider |
{% if role == 1 %}
Group |
{% endif %}
Cloud |
Region |
OS |
IP |
Instance type |
Status |
Created at |
{% include 'ajax/provisioning/provisioned_servers.html' %}
+ Add
{% endif %}
Name |
Cloud |
{% if role == 1 %}
Group |
{% endif %}
Created at |
Edited at |
{% include 'ajax/provisioning/providers.html' %}
+ Add
{% include 'include/provisioning/creating_dialogs.html' %}
{% include 'include/provisioning/providers_dialogs.html' %}
{% endblock %}