{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, select, copy_to_clipboard, checkbox %} {% include 'include/del_confirm.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_users.html' %}
{% for group in groups %} {% if group.name == "Default" %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Name Description
{{ group.name }} {{ group.description }} {% set id = 'name-' + group.group_id|string() %} {{ input(id, value=group.name) }} {% set id = 'descript-' + group.group_id|string() %} {% if group.description is not none %} {{ input(id, value=group.description, size='60') }} {% else %} {{ input(id, value='', size='60') }} {% endif %}

+ Add

How to setup groups you can read in this article and this article
{% include 'include/admin_servers.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_ssh.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_settings.html' %}
Service Actions Version Description
You can read about services here
Service Current version Latest version Description
Note: For updating you have to use Roxy-WI RPM or DEB. Read here how to start using repository

If the Roxy-WI server uses a proxy to connect to the Internet, add the proxy settings to yum.conf

Read more about updating in docs and changelog
{% include 'include/admin_backup.html' %}
{% include 'include/mon_installation.html' %}
{% include 'include/admins_dialogs.html' %} {% endblock %}