from typing import Optional from flask.views import MethodView from flask_pydantic import validate from flask import jsonify from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required import app.modules.db.sql as sql import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common import as smon_mod from app.middleware import get_user_params, page_for_admin, check_group from app.modules.roxywi.class_models import ( BaseResponse, GroupQuery, SettingsRequest ) from app.modules.common.common_classes import SupportClass class SettingsView(MethodView): methods = ['GET', 'POST'] decorators = [jwt_required(), get_user_params(), page_for_admin(level=2), check_group()] @validate(query=GroupQuery) def get(self, section: Optional[str], query: GroupQuery): """ Get Settings --- tags: - Settings summary: Get settings of the application. description: Returns either all settings or settings from the specified section. parameters: - name: section in: path description: The name of the settings section. Only 'main', 'smon', 'rabbitmq', 'ldap', 'monitoring', 'logs', 'haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived' are allowed. If none get all settings. required: true type: string enum: ['main', 'smon', 'rabbitmq', 'ldap', 'monitoring', 'logs', 'haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'] - name: group_id in: query description: This parameter is used only for the superAdmin role. required: false type: integer produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: OK schema: type: array items: type: object properties: desc: type: string description: The description of the setting. example: "The path for NGINX logs" group: type: integer description: The group number of the setting. example: 1 param: type: string description: The parameter name of the setting. example: "nginx_path_logs" section: type: string description: The section name of the setting. example: "nginx" value: type: string description: The value of the setting. example: "/var/log/nginx/" """ try: group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(query) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handle_json_exceptions(e, 'Cannot get Settings') settings = sql.get_setting('', group_id=group_id, section=section, all=1) return jsonify([model_to_dict(setting) for setting in settings]) @validate(body=SettingsRequest, query=GroupQuery) def post(self, section: str, body: SettingsRequest, query: GroupQuery): """ Update settings --- tags: - Settings summary: Create or update a setting. description: Can be used to create a new setting or update an existing one in the specified section. parameters: - name: section in: path description: The name of the settings section. Only 'main', 'smon', 'rabbitmq', 'ldap', 'monitoring', 'logs', 'haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived' are allowed. If none get all settings. required: true type: string enum: ['main', 'smon', 'rabbitmq', 'ldap', 'monitoring', 'logs', 'haproxy', 'nginx', 'apache', 'keepalived'] - name: group_id in: query description: The parameter is used only for the superAdmin role. required: false type: integer - name: body in: body description: Updated settings values. required: true schema: type: object properties: param: type: string description: The parameter name of the setting. value: type: string description: The new value for the setting. example: param: "some_param" value: "some_value" produces: - application/json responses: 201: description: OK """ try: val = body.value.replace('92', '/') except Exception: val = body.value try: group_id = SupportClass.return_group_id(query) except Exception as e: return roxywi_common.handle_json_exceptions(e, 'Cannot get Settings') try: sql.update_setting(body.param, val, group_id) except Exception as e: roxywi_common.handle_json_exceptions(e, 'Cannot update settings') roxywi_common.logging('Roxy-WI server', f'The {body.param} setting has been changed to: {val}', roxywi=1, login=1) if body.param == 'master_port': try: smon_mod.change_smon_port(int(val)) except Exception as e: return f'{e}' return BaseResponse().model_dump(mode='json'), 201