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Changes will take effect only afterrestartX"); } else { $('#' + apply_div).html("You have made changes to the server: " + ip_for_restart + ". Changes will take effect only after restart. Go to the HAProxy Overview page and restartX"); } $.getScript('/inc/overview.js'); } } }); } function autoRefreshStyle(autoRefresh) { var margin; if (cur_url[0] == "/" || cur_url[0] == "waf" || cur_url[0] == "metrics") { if (autoRefresh < 60000) { autoRefresh = 60000; } } autoRefresh = autoRefresh / 1000; if (autoRefresh == 60) { timeRange = " minute" autoRefresh = autoRefresh / 60; } else if (autoRefresh > 60 && autoRefresh < 3600) { timeRange = " minutes" autoRefresh = autoRefresh / 60; } else if (autoRefresh >= 3600 && autoRefresh < 86401) { timeRange = " hours" autoRefresh = autoRefresh / 3600; } else { timeRange = " seconds"; } $('#1').text(autoRefresh + timeRange); $('#0').text(autoRefresh + timeRange); $('.auto-refresh-pause').css('display', 'inline'); $('.auto-refresh-resume').css('display', 'none'); $('.auto-refresh-pause').css('margin-left', "-25px"); $('.auto-refresh-resume').css('margin-left', "-25px"); $('#browse_history').css("border-bottom", "none"); $('.auto-refresh img').remove(); 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You should disable this setting for this server or enable the firewalld service on the server.') } data = data.replaceAll('Configuration file is valid', ''); data = data.replaceAll('Warnings were found.', ''); data = data.replaceAll('nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok', ''); data = data.replaceAll('nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful', ''); data = data.replaceAll('Syntax OK', ''); output = data.split('
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    ' + alert_error + '
    ');'Config not applied'); } else if (alert_warning) { toastr.warning(server_name + '
    ' + alert_warning + '
    '); toastr.success('' + server_name + ' Configuration file is valid'); } else { toastr.success('' + server_name + ' Configuration file is valid'); } if (alert_warning2) { toastr.warning(server_name2 + '
    ' + alert_warning2 + '
    '); toastr.success('' + server_name2 + ' Configuration file is valid'); } else if (server_name2) { toastr.success('' + server_name2 + ' Configuration file is valid'); } } function show_version() { NProgress.configure({showSpinner: false}); $.ajax( { url: "/app/internal/show_version", success: function( data ) { $('#version').html(data); var showUpdates = $( "#show-updates" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 600, modal: true, title: 'There is a new Roxy-WI version', buttons: { Close: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); clearTips(); } } }); $('#show-updates-button').click(function() { showUpdates.dialog('open'); }); } } ); NProgress.configure({showSpinner: true}); } function statAgriment() { var cur_url = window.location.href.split('/app/').pop(); cur_url = cur_url.split('/'); if (localStorage.getItem('statistic') == null && cur_url != 'login') { var titles = new Map() var body = new Map() var yes_ans = new Map() var no_ans = new Map() var ver_question = randomIntFromInterval(1, 2); titles.set(1, 'Help us improve Roxy-WI'); titles.set(2, 'Data collection agreement'); body.set(1, 'We want to improve the user experience by collecting anonymous statistics. No marketing.'); body.set(2, 'We’d like to improve your experience in Roxy-WI, so we ask for statistics collection. No personal data is collected.'); yes_ans.set(1, 'Yes'); yes_ans.set(2, 'Agree and help the Roxy-WI team'); no_ans.set(1, 'No'); no_ans.set(2, 'Disagree'); $("#statistic").dialog({ autoOpen: true, resizable: false, height: "auto", width: 600, modal: true, title: titles.get(ver_question), show: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, hide: { effect: "fade", duration: 200 }, buttons: [{ "id": "statYesBut", text: "Yes", click: function () { localStorage.setItem('statistic', '1'); $(this).dialog("close"); sendGet('page/ans/1/' + ver_question); statAgriment(); }, }, { "id": "statNoBut", text: "No", click: function () { localStorage.setItem('statistic', '0'); $(this).dialog("close"); sendGet('page/ans/0/' + ver_question); } }] }); $("#statYesBut").html('' + yes_ans.get(ver_question) + ''); $("#statNoBut").html('' + no_ans.get(ver_question) + ''); $("#statistic-body").html(body.get(ver_question)); } if (localStorage.getItem('statistic') == 1) { cur_url = btoa(cur_url); sendGet('/page/send/'+cur_url); } } function startIntro(intro) { intro = intro.setOptions({'exitOnOverlayClick': false}); var intro_url = cur_url[0].split('#')[0]; var intro_history = {}; intro.onbeforechange(function (targetElement) { if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 3) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 1); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 4) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 2); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 6) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 3); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 7) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 4); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 9) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 6); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 10) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 7); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 12) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 8); } if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 5) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 1); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 13) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 2); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 16) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 6); } else if (intro_url == '' && this._currentStep == 18) { $("#tabs").tabs("option", "active", 7); } }); intro.onbeforeexit(function () { if(localStorage.getItem('intro') === null) { intro_history[intro_url] = '1'; localStorage.setItem('intro', JSON.stringify(intro_history)); } else { intro_history = localStorage.getItem('intro'); intro_history = JSON.parse(intro_history); intro_history[intro_url] = '1'; localStorage.setItem('intro', JSON.stringify(intro_history)); } }); intro.onexit(function() { sendGet('intro/' + intro_url + '/' + this._currentStep); }); if(localStorage.getItem('intro') === null) { if (intro_url.split('#')[0] == '' || intro_url.split('#')[0] == '') { $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", 0 ); } intro.start(); } else { intro_history = localStorage.getItem('intro'); intro_history = JSON.parse(intro_history); if (intro_history[intro_url] != '1') { if (intro_url.split('#')[0] == '' || intro_url.split('#')[0] == '') { $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", 0 ); } intro.start(); } } } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event){ statAgriment(); }); function sendGet(page) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var theUrl = '' + page;"GET", theUrl, true); // true for asynchronous xmlHttp.send(null); } function show_pretty_ansible_error(data) { try { data = data.split('error: '); var p_err = JSON.parse(data[1]); return p_err['msg']; } catch (e) { return data; } } function openTab(tabId) { $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", tabId ); } function showPassword(input) { var x = document.getElementById(input); if (x.type === "password") { x.type = "text"; } else { x.type = "password"; } }