#!/bin/bash cp app/haproxy-webintarface.config /tmp/ git reset --hard git pull https://github.com/Aidaho12/haproxy-wi.git mkdir keys mkdir app/certs chmod +x app/*py chmod +x app/tools/*py if hash apt-get 2>/dev/null; then apt-get install git net-tools lshw dos2unix apache2 gcc netcat python3-pip gcc-c++ -y else yum -y install git nmap-ncat net-tools python34 dos2unix python34-pip httpd python34-devel gcc-c++ fi cd app/ ./update_db.py pip3 install -r ../requirements.txt echo "" echo "#################" echo "Change in config:" diff --expand-tabs -W 100 -y /tmp/haproxy-webintarface.config haproxy-webintarface.config echo "" echo "Please set your config" echo "" echo "################" echo "Your config saved in /tmp/haproxy-webintarface.config. Please compare with new and set your env back" echo ""