{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}
Create Listen
A "listen" section defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic.
Create HTTP Listen
Create HTTP proxy
Create SSL Listen
Create HTTPS Proxy with the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTP traffic. You need have uploaded a PEM certificat
Create HTTPS Listen
Create HTTPS Proxy without the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTPS traffic
Create Frontend
A "frontend" section describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections. And forwards them to backend
Create HTTP Frontend
Create HTTP Frontend
Create SSL Frontend
Create HTTPS Frontend with the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTP traffic. You need have uploaded a PEM certificat
Create HTTPS Frontend
Create HTTPS Frontend without the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTPS traffic
Create Backend
A "backend" section describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect to forward incoming connections.

Create HTTP Backend
Create HTTP Backend
Create SSL Backend
Create HTTPS Backend with the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTP traffic. You need have uploaded a PEM certificat
Create HTTPS Backend
Create HTTPS Backend without the SSL termination on HAProxy and SSL offload. HAProxy will send to backends HTTPS traffic
{% if add %}

{{ add }} was success added

{{ conf_add }}
{% endif %}

Add listen

Select server:
Note: If you reconfigure Master server, Slave will reconfigured automatically
A "listen" section defines a complete proxy with its frontend and backend parts combined in one section. It is generally useful for TCP-only traffic.

All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits, '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are case-sensitive, which means that "www" and "WWW" are two different proxies.

Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names. However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered.
IP and Port: :
IP for bind listner, if empty will be assignet on all IPs. Start typing ip, or press down.
If you use VRRP keep in blank. If you assign an IP, the slave will not start
This value should not exceed the global maxconn. Default global maxconn value: 2000
Web acceleration(?):
Servers: :
Default params: inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
Advanced: Show Advanced settings

Add frontend

Select server:
Note: If you reconfigure Master server, Slave will reconfigured automatically
A "frontend" section describes a set of listening sockets accepting client connections.

All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits, '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are case-sensitive, which means that "www" and "WWW" are two different proxies.

Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names. However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered.
IP and Port: :
IP for bind listner, if empty will be assignet on all IPs. Start typing ip, or press down.
If you use VRRP keep in blank. If you assign an IP, the slave will not start
This value should not exceed the global maxconn. Default global maxconn value: 2000
Web acceleration(?):
Default backend
Start typing backend, or press down

Note: If backend don\t exist, you must create backend first.

Advanced: Show Advanced settings

Add backend

Select server:
Note: If you reconfigure Master server, Slave will reconfigured automatically
A "backend" section describes a set of servers to which the proxy will connect to forward incoming connections.

All proxy names must be formed from upper and lower case letters, digits, '-' (dash), '_' (underscore) , '.' (dot) and ':' (colon). ACL names are case-sensitive, which means that "www" and "WWW" are two different proxies.

Historically, all proxy names could overlap, it just caused troubles in the logs. Since the introduction of content switching, it is mandatory that two proxies with overlapping capabilities (frontend/backend) have different names. However, it is still permitted that a frontend and a backend share the same name, as this configuration seems to be commonly encountered.
Web acceleration(?):
Servers: :
Default params: inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5
Advanced: Show Advanced settings
View certificates Exist certificates
Upload SSL certificates Certificate name Paste certificate content here(?)

{% for option in options %} {% if option.2 == group or group == '1' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Id Optinons
{{ option.0 }}

+ Add

In this section you can create, edit and delete options with given parameters. And after use them as autocomplete in the "Add" sections

How to use pre saved option you can see in this video
{% for s in saved_servers %} {% if s.3 == group or group == '1' %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Server Description

+ Add

In this section you can create, edit and delete servers. And after use them as autocomplete in the "Add" sections

How to use pre saved servers you can see in this video
{% endblock %}