# haproxy-webintarface A simple web interface for managing Haproxy servers ![alt text](image/5.jpeg "Edit config page") # Install For install just dowload archive and untar somewhere: $ cd /opt/haproxy-webintarface $ tar xf haproxy-webintarface-master.zip # Settings edit haproxy-webintarface.config with your env copy ssh key on all HAproxy servers For online edit HAproxy settings enable socket on HAproxt servers: global log local2 debug err stats socket *:1999 level admin ![alt text](image/4.jpeg "View logs page") # Start Create systemd service to auto start: [Unit] Description=Haproxy web interface After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=simple User=user ExecStart=/opt/haproxy/server.py >> /opt/haproxy/log/haproxy-webface.log RestartSec=2s Restart=on-failure TimeoutStopSec=1s #StandardOutput=null [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ![alt text](image/1.jpeg "Start page")