import os import sys os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/')) from bottle import route, run, template, hook, response, request, post import sql import funct def return_dict_from_out(id, out): data = {} data[id] = {} for k in out: if "Ncat:" not in k: k = k.split(':') data[id][k[0]] = k[1].strip() else: data[id] = {"error":"Can\'t connect to HAproxy"} return data def check_permit_to_server(id): servers = sql.select_servers(id_hostname=id) login = request.headers.get('login') for s in servers: servers = sql.get_dick_permit(username=login, ip=s[2]) return servers def get_server(id): data = {} try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: data = { 'id':s[0], 'hostname':s[1], 'ip':s[2], 'group':s[3], 'virt':s[4], 'enable':s[5], 'master':s[6], 'creds':s[7], 'alert':s[8], 'metrics':s[9] } except: server = data return dict(server=data) def get_status(id): try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: cmd = 'echo "show info" |nc %s %s -w 1|grep -e "Ver\|CurrConns\|Maxco\|MB\|Uptime:"' % (s[2], sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port')) out = funct.subprocess_execute(cmd) data = return_dict_from_out(id, out[0]) except: data = {} data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(status=data) def get_all_statuses(): data = {} try: servers = sql.select_servers() login = request.headers.get('login') sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port') for s in servers: servers = sql.get_dick_permit(username=login) for s in servers: cmd = 'echo "show info" |nc %s %s -w 1|grep -e "Ver\|CurrConns\|Maxco\|MB\|Uptime:"' % (s[2], sock_port) data[s[2]] = {} out = funct.subprocess_execute(cmd) data[s[2]] = return_dict_from_out(s[1], out[0]) except: data = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(status=data) def actions(id, action): if action == 'start' or action == 'stop' or action == 'restart': try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: cmd = [ "sudo systemctl %s haproxy" % action ] error = funct.ssh_command(s[2], cmd) done = error if error else 'done' data = {'id':s[0],'ip':s[2],'action':action,'hostname':s[1],'status':done} return dict(status=data) except: return dict(status='error') else: return dict(status='wrong action') def runtime(id): data = {} try: action = request.headers.get('action') haproxy_sock = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock') servers = check_permit_to_server(id) cmd = [ 'echo "%s" |sudo socat stdio %s' % (action, haproxy_sock) ] for s in servers: out = funct.ssh_command(s[2], cmd) data = {} data[id] = {} sep_data = out.split('\r\n') data[id] = {'ouput':sep_data} return dict(status=data) except: return dict(status='error') def show_backends(id): data = {} try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: out = funct.show_backends(s[2], ret=1) data = {id: out} except: data = {} data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(backends=data) def get_config(id): data = {} try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: cfg = '/tmp/'+s[2]+'.cfg' out = funct.get_config(s[2], cfg) os.system("sed -i 's/\\n/\n/g' "+cfg) try: conf = open(cfg, "r") config_read = conf.close except IOError: conf = '
Can\'t read import config file' data = {id: config_read} except: data = {} data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(config=data) def upload_config(id): data = {} body = request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') save = request.headers.get('action') login = request.headers.get('login') if save == '': save = 'save' elif save == 'restart': save = '' try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: ip = s[2] cfg = '/tmp/'+ip+'.cfg' cfg_for_save = hap_configs_dir + ip + "-" + funct.get_data('config') + ".cfg" try: with open(cfg, "w") as conf: conf.write(body) return_mess = 'config was uploaded' os.system("/bin/cp %s %s" % (cfg, cfg_for_save)) out = funct.upload_and_restart(ip, cfg, just_save=save) funct.logging('localhost', " config was uploaded via REST API", login=login) if out: return_mess == out except IOError: return_mess = "cannot upload config" data = {id: return_mess} except: data = {} data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(config=data) def add_to_config(id): data = {} body = request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8') save = request.headers.get('action') hap_configs_dir = funct.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir') login = request.headers.get('login') if save == '': save = 'save' elif save == 'restart': save = '' try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: ip = s[2] cfg = '/tmp/'+ip+'.cfg' cfg_for_save = hap_configs_dir + ip + "-" + funct.get_data('config') + ".cfg" out = funct.get_config(ip, cfg) try: with open(cfg, "a") as conf: conf.write('\n'+body+'\n') return_mess = 'section was added to the config' os.system("/bin/cp %s %s" % (cfg, cfg_for_save)) funct.logging('localhost', " section was added via REST API", login=login) out = funct.upload_and_restart(ip, cfg, just_save=save) if out: return_mess = out except IOError: return_mess = "cannot upload config" data = {id: return_mess} except: data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) return dict(config=data) def show_log(id): data = {} rows = request.headers.get('rows') waf = request.headers.get('waf') grep = request.headers.get('grep') hour = request.headers.get('starthour') minut = request.headers.get('startminut') hour1 = request.headers.get('endhour') minut1 = request.headers.get('endminut') if rows is None: rows = '10' if waf is None: waf = '0' if hour is None: hour = '00' if minut is None: minut = '00' if hour1 is None: hour1 = '24' if minut1 is None: minut1 = '00' try: servers = check_permit_to_server(id) for s in servers: ip = s[2] except: data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"} return dict(error=data) out = funct.show_haproxy_log(ip, rows=rows, waf=str(waf), grep=grep, hour=str(hour), minut=str(minut), hour1=str(hour1), minut1=str(minut1), html=0) data = {id: out} return dict(log=data)