#!/usr/bin/env python3 import funct mysql_enable = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'enable') if mysql_enable == '1': mysql_user = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_user') mysql_password = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_password') mysql_db = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_db') mysql_host = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_host') mysql_port = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_port') import mysql.connector as sqltool else: db = "haproxy-wi.db" import sqlite3 as sqltool def check_db(): if mysql_enable == '0': import os if os.path.isfile(db): if os.path.getsize(db) > 100: with open(db,'r', encoding = "ISO-8859-1") as f: header = f.read(100) if header.startswith('SQLite format 3'): return False else: return True else: return True else: from mysql.connector import errorcode con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ select id from `groups` where id='1' """ try: cur.execute(sql) except sqltool.Error as err: print('
') if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exist") else: print(err) print('
') return True else: return False con.close() def get_cur(): try: if mysql_enable == '0': con = sqltool.connect(db, isolation_level=None) else: con = sqltool.connect(user=mysql_user, password=mysql_password, host=mysql_host, port=mysql_port, database=mysql_db) cur = con.cursor() except sqltool.Error as e: funct.logging('DB ', ' '+str(e), haproxywi=1, login=1) else: return con, cur def create_table(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() if mysql_enable == '0': sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `username` VARCHAR ( 64 ) UNIQUE, `email` VARCHAR ( 120 ) UNIQUE, `password` VARCHAR ( 128 ), `role` VARCHAR ( 128 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), ldap_user INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, activeuser INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); INSERT INTO user (username, email, password, role, groups) VALUES ('admin','admin@localhost','21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3','admin','1'), ('editor','editor@localhost','5aee9dbd2a188839105073571bee1b1f','editor','1'), ('guest','guest@localhost','084e0343a0486ff05530df6c705c8bb4','guest','1'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `servers` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `hostname` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `ip` VARCHAR ( 64 ) UNIQUE, `groups` VARCHAR ( 64 ), type_ip INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, enable INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, master INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, cred INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, alert INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, metrics INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, port INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 22, `desc` varchar(64), active INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `role` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR ( 80 ) UNIQUE, `description` VARCHAR ( 255 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); INSERT INTO `role` (name, description) VALUES ('admin','Can do everything'), ('editor','Can edit configs'), ('guest','Read only access'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `groups` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `name` VARCHAR ( 80 ), `description` VARCHAR ( 255 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); INSERT INTO `groups` (name, description) VALUES ('All','All servers enter in this group'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cred` ( `id` integer primary key autoincrement, `name` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `enable` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `username` VARCHAR ( 64 ) NOT NULL, `password` VARCHAR ( 64 ) NOT NULL, groups INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE(name,groups) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `uuid` (`user_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `uuid` varchar ( 64 ),`exp` timestamp default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `token` (`user_id` INTEGER, `token` varchar(64), `exp` timestamp default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `telegram` (`id` integer primary key autoincrement, `token` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `chanel_name` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `groups` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `metrics` (`serv` varchar(64), curr_con INTEGER, cur_ssl_con INTEGER, sess_rate INTEGER, max_sess_rate INTEGER,`date` timestamp default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `settings` (`param` varchar(64), value varchar(64), section varchar(64), `desc` varchar(100), `group` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE(param, `group`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `version` (`version` varchar(64)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `options` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `options` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `saved_servers` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `backups` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `rhost` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `rpath` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `type` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `time` VARCHAR ( 120 ), cred INTEGER, `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `waf` (`server_id` INTEGER UNIQUE, metrics INTEGER); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `waf_metrics` (`serv` varchar(64), conn INTEGER, `date` DATETIME default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_groups(user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE(user_id,user_group_id)); """ try: cur.executescript(sql) except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'column email is not unique' or e == "1060 (42S21): column email is not unique' ": print('Updating... go to version 3.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) return False else: return True else: try: for line in open("haproxy-wi.db.sql"): cur.execute(line) except sqltool.Error as e: print('
') print("An error occurred:", e) print('
') return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_31(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = list() sql.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `settings` (`param` varchar(64), value varchar(64), section varchar(64), `desc` varchar(100), `group` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE(param, `group`));") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('time_zone', 'UTC', 'main', 'Time Zone');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('proxy', '', 'main', 'Proxy server. Use proto://ip:port');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('session_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users sessions. In days');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('token_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users tokens. In days');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('tmp_config_path', '/tmp/', 'main', 'Temp store configs, for check. Path must exist');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('cert_path', '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'main', 'Path to SSL dir. Folder owner must be a user which set in the SSH settings. Path must exist');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('lists_path', 'lists', 'main', 'Path to black/white lists. This is a relative path, begins with $HOME_HAPROXY-WI');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('local_path_logs', '/var/log/haproxy.log', 'logs', 'Logs save locally, enabled by default');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('syslog_server_enable', '0', 'logs', 'If exist syslog server for HAproxy logs, enable this option');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('syslog_server', '0', 'logs', 'IP address syslog server');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('log_time_storage', '14', 'logs', 'Time of storage of logs of user activity, in days');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_user', 'admin', 'haproxy', 'Username for Stats web page HAproxy');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_password', 'password', 'haproxy', 'Password for Stats web page HAproxy');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_port', '8085', 'haproxy', 'Port Stats web page HAproxy');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_page', 'stats', 'haproxy', 'URI Stats web page HAproxy');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_dir', '/etc/haproxy/', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy dir');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_config_path', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy config');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('server_state_file', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy state file');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_sock', '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy sock file');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_sock_port', '1999', 'haproxy', 'HAProxy sock port');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('apache_log_path', '/var/log/httpd/', 'logs', 'Path to Apache logs');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_enable', '0', 'ldap', 'If 1 ldap enabled');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_server', '', 'ldap', 'IP address ldap server');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_port', '389', 'ldap', 'Default port is 389 or 636');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_user', '', 'ldap', 'Login for connect to LDAP server. Enter: user@domain.com');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_password', '', 'ldap', 'Password for connect to LDAP server');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_base', '', 'ldap', 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_domain', '', 'ldap', 'Domain for login, that after @, like user@domain.com, without user@');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_class_search', 'user', 'ldap', 'Class to search user');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_user_attribute', 'sAMAccountName', 'ldap', 'User\'s attribute for search');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_search_field', 'mail', 'ldap', 'Field where user e-mail saved');") for i in sql: try: cur.execute(i) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... go to version 3.2') return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_4_5_2(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `version` (`version` varchar(64)); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: version' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'version' ": print('Updating... go to version 3.4.7') else: print("DB was update to") return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_4_5_22(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() if mysql_enable == '0': sql = """insert into version ('version') values (''); """ else: sql = """INSERT INTO version VALUES (''); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: print('Cannot insert version %s' % e) cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_4_7(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `options` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `options` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: id' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'id' ": print('Updating... go to version 2.6') else: print("DB was update to 3.4.7") return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_5_3(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `saved_servers` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: id' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'id' ": print('DB was update to 3.5.3') else: print("DB was update to 3.5.3") return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_8_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = list() sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_class_search', 'user', 'ldap', 'Class to search user');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_user_attribute', 'sAMAccountName', 'ldap', 'User attribute for search');") for i in sql: try: cur.execute(i) con.commit() except sqltool.Error: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... go to version') cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_12(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `backups` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `rhost` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `rpath` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `type` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `time` VARCHAR ( 120 ), cred INTEGER, `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`)); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: id' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'id' ": print('Updating... go to version') else: print("Updating... go to version") return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_12_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ssl_local_path', 'certs', 'main', 'Path to dir for local save SSL certs. This is a relative path, begins with $HOME_HAPROXY-WI/app/'); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: param' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'param' ": print('Updating... go to version') else: print("Updating... go to version") return False else: return True cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_3_13(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN keepalived INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: keepalived' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'keepalived' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.0.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... go to version 4.0.0") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = list() sql.append("update settings set section = 'main', `desc` = 'Temp store configs, for check' where param = 'tmp_config_path';") sql.append("update settings set section = 'main' where param = 'cert_path';") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_path_error_logs', '/var/log/nginx/error.log', 'nginx', 'Nginx error log');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_stats_user', 'admin', 'nginx', 'Username for Stats web page Nginx');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_stats_password', 'password', 'nginx', 'Password for Stats web page Nginx');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_stats_port', '8086', 'nginx', 'Stats port for web page Nginx');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_stats_page', 'stats', 'nginx', 'URI Stats for web page Nginx');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_dir', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/', 'nginx', 'Path to Nginx dir');") sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('nginx_config_path', '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf', 'nginx', 'Path to Nginx config');") for i in sql: try: cur.execute(i) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('Updating... one more for version 4.0.0') cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_41(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN nginx INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: nginx' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'nginx' ": print('Updating... one more for version 4.0.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... one more for version 4.0.0") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_42(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN haproxy INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: haproxy' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'haproxy' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.2.3') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... go to version 4.2.3") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_3(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_groups(user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, user_group_id INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE(user_id,user_group_id)); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: haproxy' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'haproxy' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.3.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_3_0(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() if mysql_enable == '1': sql = """ insert OR IGNORE into user_groups(user_id, user_group_id) select user.id, user.groups from user; """ else: sql = """ insert OR IGNORE into user_groups(user_id, user_group_id) select id, groups from user; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: haproxy' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'haproxy' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.3.1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_3_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN pos INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: pos' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'pos' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.3.2') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB was update to 4.3.1") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_3_2(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('ldap_type', '0', 'ldap', 'If 0 then will be used LDAP, if 1 then will be used LDAPS '); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'columns param, group are not unique' or e == " 1060 (42S21): columns param, group are not unique ": print('Updating... go to version 4.4.0') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... go to version 4.4.0") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_4(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `smon` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `ip` INTEGER, `port` INTEGER, `status` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, `en` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, `desc` varchar(64), `response_time` varchar(64), `time_state` integer default 0, `group` varchar(64), `script` varchar(64), `http` varchar(64), `http_status` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, `body` varchar(64), `body_status` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, `telegram_channel_id` INTEGER, `user_group` INTEGER, UNIQUE(ip, port, http, body), PRIMARY KEY(`id`) );""" try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: pos' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'pos' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.4.1') else: print("An error occurred:", e) cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_4_2(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `waf_rules` (`id` INTEGER NOT NULL, serv varchar(64), `rule_name` varchar(64), `rule_file` varchar(64), `desc` varchar(1024), `en` INTEGER DEFAULT 1, UNIQUE(serv, rule_name), PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: version' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'version' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.4.1') else: print("Updating... go to version to 4.4.1") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_4_2_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD COLUMN `group` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: group' or e == " 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'group' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.4.2') else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("DB was update to 4.4.2") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_3_2_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() groups = '' sql = """ select id from `groups` """ try: cur.execute(sql) except sqltool.Error as e: funct.out_error(e) else: groups = cur.fetchall() for g in groups: sql = """ INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`, `group`) values('haproxy_enterprise', '0', 'haproxy', 'Use this option, if your HAProxy is enterprise. It change service name for rebooting/reloading', '%s'); """ % g[0] try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'columns param, group are not unique' or e == " 1060 (42S21): columns param, group are not unique ": pass else: print("An error occurred:", e) else: print("Updating... groups") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_5(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `alerts` (`id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `message` varchar(64), `level` varchar(64), `ip` varchar(64), `port` INTEGER, `user_group` INTEGER default 1, `service` varchar(64), `date` DATETIME default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY(`id`) ); """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: version' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'version' ": print('Updating... go to version 4.5.0') else: print("Updating... go to version to 4.5.0") cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_5_1(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """ select name from role where name = 'superAdmin';""" try: cur.execute(sql) except sqltool.Error as e: funct.out_error(e) else: role = cur.fetchall() if not role: sql = list() sql.append("update role set name = 'superAdmin' where id = '1';") sql.append("update role set name = 'admin', `description` = 'Has access everywhere except the Admin area' where id = '2';") sql.append("update role set id = '4' where id = '3';") sql.append("INSERT INTO role (id, name, `description`) values('3', 'editor', 'Has the same as the admin except the Servers page');") sql.append("update user set role = 'superAdmin' where role = 'admin';") sql.append("update user set role = 'admin' where role = 'editor';") for i in sql: try: cur.execute(i) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('DB was update to 4.5.0') cur.close() con.close() def update_db_v_4_5_4(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = list() sql.append("ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN `nginx_active` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;") sql.append("ALTER TABLE `servers` ADD COLUMN `firewall_enable` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;") sql.append("delete from settings where param = 'firewall_enable';") for i in sql: try: cur.execute(i) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: pass else: if kwargs.get('silent') != 1: print('DB was update to 4.5.4') cur.close() con.close() def update_ver(**kwargs): con, cur = get_cur() sql = """update version set version = ''; """ try: cur.execute(sql) con.commit() except sqltool.Error as e: print('Cannot update version') cur.close() con.close() def update_all(): update_db_v_31() update_db_v_3_4_5_2() if funct.check_ver() is None: update_db_v_3_4_5_22() update_db_v_3_4_7() update_db_v_3_5_3() update_db_v_3_8_1() update_db_v_3_12() update_db_v_3_12_1() update_db_v_3_13() update_db_v_4() update_db_v_41() update_db_v_42() update_db_v_4_3() update_db_v_4_3_0() update_db_v_4_3_1() update_db_v_4_3_2() update_db_v_4_4() update_db_v_4_4_2() update_db_v_4_4_2_1() update_db_v_4_3_2_1() update_db_v_4_5() update_db_v_4_5_1() update_db_v_4_5_4() update_ver() def update_all_silent(): update_db_v_31(silent=1) update_db_v_3_4_5_2(silent=1) if funct.check_ver() is None: update_db_v_3_4_5_22() update_db_v_3_4_7(silent=1) update_db_v_3_5_3(silent=1) update_db_v_3_8_1(silent=1) update_db_v_3_12(silent=1) update_db_v_3_12_1(silent=1) update_db_v_3_13(silent=1) update_db_v_4(silent=1) update_db_v_41(silent=1) update_db_v_42(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_0(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_2(silent=1) update_db_v_4_4(silent=1) update_db_v_4_4_2(silent=1) update_db_v_4_4_2_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_3_2_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_1(silent=1) update_db_v_4_5_4(silent=1) update_ver() if __name__ == "__main__": create_table() update_all()