{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% if manage_rules == '1' %} {% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, checkbox %} {% for r in rules %} {% endfor %}
Rule name Enabled Description
{{r.rule_name}} {% set id = 'rule_id-' + r.id|string() %} {% if r.en == 1 %} {{ checkbox(id, checked='checked') }} {% else %} {{ checkbox(id) }} {% endif %} {{r.desc}} View/Edit

+ Add

{% elif waf_rule_file %}

Config {{waf_rule_file}} from {{ serv }}

Back {% if role <= 3 %} {% if service == 'haproxy' %} {% elif service == 'nginx' %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% else %} {% if servers_all|length == 0 %} {% include 'include/getstarted.html' %} {% else %} {% if service == 'haproxy' %} {% endif %} {% for s in servers_all %} {% endfor %}
Server Actions WAF modeMetricsManage rules Log
{% if service == 'haproxy' %}
Time range:
{% for s in servers %}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for s in servers %} {{s.ip}} {% endfor %}
Read the description and watch a video about WAF here
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}