{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} {% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, checkbox %} {% if user_status == 0 or user_plan == 'user' %} {% include 'include/no_sub.html' %} {% elif not is_needed_tool %}

You have not installed Ansible

. There is no server

Read here how to install Ansible.

{% else %}

Create a new HA cluster

Current installation Master Current installation Slave Master Interface Slave Interface VRRP IP
{{ input('interface', size='7', title='Interface for VRRP address on a Master server') }} {{ input('slave_interface', size='7', title='Interface for VRRP address a Slave server') }} {{ input('vrrp-ip', size='14') }}
Add VIRT Stay as Master SYN-flood protection HAProxy NGINX
{{ checkbox('virt_server', title='Roxy-WI will add VRRP address as a separated server', checked='checked') }} {{ checkbox('return_to_master', title='If checked, the Keepalived master will not release VRRP if the service is down') }} {{ checkbox('syn_flood') }} {{ checkbox('hap', title='Roxy-WI will try to install HAProxy') }} {{ checkbox('nginx', title='Roxy-WI will try to install NGINX') }}

Add VRRP to an existing cluster

Current installation Master Current installation Slave Master Interface Slave Interface VRRP IP
{{ input('interface-add', size='7', title='Interface for VRRP address') }} {{ input('slave_interface-add', size='7', title='Interface for VRRP address') }} {{ input('vrrp-ip-add', size='14') }}
Restart Return to Master state
{{ checkbox('kp', title='If checked Roxy-WI will restart Keepalived') }} {{ checkbox('add_return_to_master', checked='checked') }}
Read How to create high available cluster
{% endif %} {% endblock %}