{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, select %}
{% include 'include/del_confirm.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_users.html' %}
Name |
Description |
{% for group in groups %}
{% if group.1 == "All" %}
{{ group.1 }} |
{{ group.2 }} |
{% else %}
{% set id = 'name-' + group.0|string() %}
{{ input(id, value=group.1) }}
{% set id = 'descript-' + group.0|string() %}
{% if group.2 != "None" %}
{{ input(id, value=group.2, size='60') }}
{% else %}
{{ input(id, value='', size='60') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
+ Add
How to setup groups you can watch in this video
{% include 'include/admin_servers.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_ssh.html' %}
{% include 'include/admin_telegram.html' %}
{% if openvpn != 'package openvpn3-client is not installed' %}
OpenVPN profiles
Profile name
Time of creation
{% for c in openvpn_configs %}
{% endfor %}
OpenVPN sessions
Session name
{% for c in openvpn_sess %}
{{c.split(' ')[0]}}
{{c.split(' ')[4]}}
{% endfor %}
Uploading ovpn files
Ovpn file name |
Upload ovpn file (?)
{{ input('ovpn_upload_name', size='30') }}
{% else %}
You do not have installed OpenVPN client.
Read hear
how to install OpenVPN client
{% endif %}
{% include 'include/admin_settings.html' %}
Description |
{% for s in services %}
{% if s.1.0 == 'active' %}
{% else %}
{% if s.1.0 == 'inactive' or s.1.0 == 'failed' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ s.2 }}
{% endfor %}
You can read about services
{% set current_ver = versions.0 %}
{% set new_ver = versions.1 %}
{% set current_ver_without_dots = versions.2 %}
{% set new_ver_without_dots = versions.3 %}
Service |
Currnet version |
Last version |
{% if new_ver_without_dots > current_ver_without_dots and new_ver != "Sorry cannot get current version" %}
{% endif %}
{% for s in services %}
{% if s.0 == 'smon' or s.0 == 'checker_haproxy' or s.0 == 'keep_alive' or s.0 == 'metrics_haproxy' %}
{% set is_need_update = 0 %}
{% if s.0 == 'smon' %}
{% set service_name = 'SMON' %}
{% set service_link = 'smon' %}
{% if s.3|int() < smon_ver|int() %}
{% set is_need_update = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% elif s.0 == 'checker_haproxy' %}
{% set service_name = 'Checker' %}
{% set service_link = 'checker' %}
{% if s.3|int() < checker_ver|int() %}
{% set is_need_update = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% elif s.0 == 'keep_alive' %}
{% set service_name = 'Auto start' %}
{% set service_link = 'auto_start' %}
{% if s.3|int() < keep_ver|int() %}
{% set is_need_update = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% elif s.0 == 'metrics_haproxy' %}
{% set service_name = 'Metrics' %}
{% set service_link = 'metrics' %}
{% if s.3|int() < metrics_ver|int() %}
{% set is_need_update = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if s.3 != '* is not installed' %}
{% endif %}
{% if s.0 == 'smon' %}
{% elif s.0 == 'checker_haproxy' %}
{% elif s.0 == 'keep_alive' %}
{% elif s.0 == 'metrics_haproxy' %}
{% endif %}
{% if s.3 != '* is not installed' %}
{% if is_need_update %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{service_name}} service is not installed
Read about installation
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
For update you have to use HAProxy-WI repository. How start use repository read
If server uses proxy to connection Internet add proxy settings in yum.conf
Read more about update in
{% include 'include/admin_backup.html' %}
{% include 'include/mon_installation.html' %}
{% include 'include/admins_dialogs.html' %}
{% include 'include/change_pass_form.html' %}