Convert WAF parameter from string to integer for consistency. Update JavaScript comparison operators for strict equality checks. Remove unused functions and intro.js library to streamline and simplify the codebase.
Removed all references and functionality related to keepalived service. Added detailed status handling for various services including nginx, haproxy, and apache, improving the accuracy of the status checks and error handling for each service. Adjusted user interface elements to reflect the service status changes more clearly.
The commit refactors the server-side modules of the Roxy-WI web interface to use JSON-based APIs for improved data exchange. Specifically, methods for user, group and SSH management have been updated to accept and return JSON data. Simultaneously, error handling is improved to give more informative responses instead of plain strings. The client-side JavaScript code is also refactored to accommodate these changes. Additionally, some minor corrections are made in the UI templates.
The error handling has been refactored in the Roxywi overview and routes files to raise and return more comprehensive exceptions. Unnecessary commented out JSON parsing code in the service installation file has been removed for better code clarity. Aside from these, various minor grammar and formatting fixes have been made to the to improve readability.
The JavaScript paths in many files have been updated to "/app/static/js". A new script for handling checker settings updates, "checker.js", has been added. The commit improves organisation of JavaScript resources by grouping them under a single directory and introduces new functionality for the checker service.
The requirements for el9, deb, and main have been updated to specifically use version 2.27.1 of the "requests" package. In addition, the date formatting function get_time_zoned_date in has been refactored. The default format for the date has been moved to the function arguments, and the function now also checks if the provided date is an instance of datetime before processing it.