Enhance various service functions to accept and process group_id from user parameters. This update ensures that settings and actions are correctly scoped to the user's group, improving access control and accuracy of the returned data.
Add support for reconfiguring clusters by calling `_install_service` method within both the `create` and `update` operations. Enhanced `install_service` method to handle `HAClusterRequest` data, and introduced `reconfigure` flag within the `HAClusterRequest` model.
Updated variable types from `var` to `let` in script.js for block scope. Renamed `file_name` to `file_path` for consistency across templates and models. Added additional error conditions for alert handling in the JavaScript code.
Removed all references and functionality related to keepalived service. Added detailed status handling for various services including nginx, haproxy, and apache, improving the accuracy of the status checks and error handling for each service. Adjusted user interface elements to reflect the service status changes more clearly.
Added logging for exceptions in user login and authentication processes. Enhanced `update_db.py` to include error handling for database migration and added a new database update version 8 function.
Replaced hostname lookups with unified server object retrieval in metrics and credential management endpoints. Added proxy environment variables to ModSecurity download tasks and improved error handling across various modules.
Added try-except blocks for better exception handling and updated VIP retrieval logic. Changed the structure from using server names and IPs to using IDs in both backend and frontend code. Updated template selections and introduced new expected version options.
Remove obsolete HTML template and streamline server selection to use JSON. Enhanced server selection and error handling in AJAX calls, fixed minor syntax issues, and updated various routes for consistency.
Removed outdated Debian, EL7, EL8, and EL9 requirement files. Improved various VIP handling and validation functionalities, including changes to VIP endpoints and associated JavaScript functions. Minor enhancements and bug fixes across multiple modules and views.
Added support for deleting configuration file versions via the DELETE method in ServiceConfigVersionsView. Updated corresponding routes, templates, and scripts to handle this functionality.
Integrated port scanner endpoints to manage and retrieve scanner configurations. Removed unused imports and redundant code blocks across multiple files for better performance and readability. Simplified error handling and consolidated port scanner settings operations.
Removed the `check_version.html` template and moved version checking to `script.js`. This refactoring simplifies the codebase by consolidating version check handling into JavaScript, removing deprecated HTML templates, and enhancing the backend logic and API routes.
Simplified imports and cleaned up unused functionalities in `admin/views.py`. Switched `var` to `let` in `script.js` for better scope management. Adjusted `showOverviewWaf` function for consistency. Removed `check_services` decorator from `ServiceActionView`. Enhanced `Checker` class model and improved error handling in `CheckerView`. Added `update_checker_setting_for_server` method in `checker.py`.
Added return_master setting, removed unnecessary code, and improved exception handling throughout the project. Key updates include enabling return_master by default, simplifying database update methods, handling empty IP exceptions more appropriately, and refining JavaScript validations.
Refactor user-related modules, updating data handling, roles, and methods. Simplify server status check process by removing event-based handling and replacing it with straightforward AJAX requests.
Refactoring of the function 'action_service' has been completed in the roxywi module. The function for different actions ('start', 'stop', and 'restart') has been replaced by a dictionary for more clean and efficient code. This change also enhances code readability and maintainability.
In auth.py, removed an unnecessary pass statement and reassigned unused bind variables. Also, added a check to assign a default value to 'session_ttl' if it is None. In installation.py, rolled back the nginxinc.nginx version used during ansible galaxy installation from 0.24.2 to 0.24.1.
This update reviews and adjusts multiple code segments across the project. The improvements are mainly focused on error handling with more informative exceptions and error messages. Additionally, data formatting and retrieval have been streamlined, mainly regarding JSON data preparation and use in several functions, which should expedite the data processing and enhance the code maintainability. Minor changes were also done on the front-end logic for error handling and improved user interaction.
The code changes focus on enhancing the server application's functionality by improving the error handling mechanism and streamlining the logic. Modifications include refining how servers get created, updated, and deleted, optimizing how ssh related actions are performed, and ensuring more accurate server scanning. The changes help reduce potential errors and make the application more efficient.
The commit refactors the server-side modules of the Roxy-WI web interface to use JSON-based APIs for improved data exchange. Specifically, methods for user, group and SSH management have been updated to accept and return JSON data. Simultaneously, error handling is improved to give more informative responses instead of plain strings. The client-side JavaScript code is also refactored to accommodate these changes. Additionally, some minor corrections are made in the UI templates.
The error handling has been refactored in the Roxywi overview and routes files to raise and return more comprehensive exceptions. Unnecessary commented out JSON parsing code in the service installation file has been removed for better code clarity. Aside from these, various minor grammar and formatting fixes have been made to the README.md to improve readability.
The code adjustments primarily focus on improving layout management and enhancing backend functionality. Specifically, the CSS styles have been modified to adjust the alignment and width of certain elements. Additionally, new HTML templates have been created to refine the display of server details and a new link has been added. In the ansible tasks, logic has been added to handle the installation of packages and modification of NGINX version retrieval. In the logs module, an exception has been added to handle cases where the syslog server IP is not defined.
The method `check_user_group_for_flask` has been updated to first check for 'user_uuid' and 'user_group_id' within the given kwargs. If these are not available, it will fall back to retrieve 'uuid' and 'group' from the cookies. This change makes the method more flexible in terms of data source it can utilize, and improves the module's usability when parameters are directly provided.
Introduced an optional parameter in check_user_group_for_flask function to accept API tokens and return if it is provided. Enhanced error handling in get_all_statuses function in api_funct.py to catch and inform specific exceptions instead of returning a generic error message. Minor cleanups and import optimizations in other modules.
This commit applies exception handling for the network operations methods and removes unused/commented-out code. The added exception handling checks for incorrect input to nettools methods and raises explicit exceptions with descriptive messages. This dramatically simplifies the debugging process, providing better visibility into runtime errors.
This commit streamlines the way user group data is handled, both in scripts and server-side logic. The group settings URL has been simplified and the logic for updating user groups also has been optimized. Eliminated unnecessary checks in the user.py module, and updated the routing logic for group data to utilize a single route with HTTP GET and PUT methods. Removed unsuccessful group changing errors.
The JavaScript paths in many files have been updated to "/app/static/js". A new script for handling checker settings updates, "checker.js", has been added. The commit improves organisation of JavaScript resources by grouping them under a single directory and introduces new functionality for the checker service.
Improve error handling in tools list and adjust status check command
Enhanced error handling in tools list loop within the 'common.py' file to provide more specific error messages. Additionally, the command for checking a tool's status was adjusted to remove unnecessary sudo usage. Also, updated the service check in the 'roxy.py' file from 'sshd' to 'rsyslog'.