Enhance various service functions to accept and process group_id from user parameters. This update ensures that settings and actions are correctly scoped to the user's group, improving access control and accuracy of the returned data.
Removed all references and functionality related to keepalived service. Added detailed status handling for various services including nginx, haproxy, and apache, improving the accuracy of the status checks and error handling for each service. Adjusted user interface elements to reflect the service status changes more clearly.
Removed the `check_version.html` template and moved version checking to `script.js`. This refactoring simplifies the codebase by consolidating version check handling into JavaScript, removing deprecated HTML templates, and enhancing the backend logic and API routes.
Refactoring of the function 'action_service' has been completed in the roxywi module. The function for different actions ('start', 'stop', and 'restart') has been replaced by a dictionary for more clean and efficient code. This change also enhances code readability and maintainability.
The code changes focus on enhancing the server application's functionality by improving the error handling mechanism and streamlining the logic. Modifications include refining how servers get created, updated, and deleted, optimizing how ssh related actions are performed, and ensuring more accurate server scanning. The changes help reduce potential errors and make the application more efficient.
The JavaScript paths in many files have been updated to "/app/static/js". A new script for handling checker settings updates, "checker.js", has been added. The commit improves organisation of JavaScript resources by grouping them under a single directory and introduces new functionality for the checker service.
Improve error handling in tools list and adjust status check command
Enhanced error handling in tools list loop within the 'common.py' file to provide more specific error messages. Additionally, the command for checking a tool's status was adjusted to remove unnecessary sudo usage. Also, updated the service check in the 'roxy.py' file from 'sshd' to 'rsyslog'.