Added support for managing Docker settings and improved the handling of service-specific configurations. Updated various backup methods and database columns to ensure consistency and clarity. Included new database migration scripts to handle renamed columns.
Replaced `ServiceInstallFromApi` with `ServiceInstall` for API validation in installation views and function parameters. Simplified the `ServiceInstall` class by removing duplicate attributes and making list and dict attributes optional.
Extended InstallView with PUT and DELETE methods to allow updating service settings and deleting installations. Made adjustments to the request and response schemas, including using ServiceInstallFromApi and adding IdStrResponse.
Added try-except blocks for better exception handling and updated VIP retrieval logic. Changed the structure from using server names and IPs to using IDs in both backend and frontend code. Updated template selections and introduced new expected version options.
Added return_master setting, removed unnecessary code, and improved exception handling throughout the project. Key updates include enabling return_master by default, simplifying database update methods, handling empty IP exceptions more appropriately, and refining JavaScript validations.