mirror of https://github.com/Aidaho12/haproxy-wi
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ Web interface(user-friendly web GUI, alerting, monitoring and secure) for managi

# Features:
1. Configure HAProxy In a jiffy with haproxy-wi
2. View and analyse Status of all Frontend/backend server via haproxy-wi from a single control panel.
1. Configure HAProxy In a jiffy with HAProxy-WI
2. View and analyse Status of all Frontend/backend server via HAProxy-WI from a single control panel.
3. Enable/disable servers through stats page without rebooting HAProxy
4. View/Analyse HAproxy logs straight from the haproxy-wi web interface
4. View/Analyse HAproxy logs straight from the HAProxy-WI web interface
5. Create and visualise the HAproxy workflow from Web Ui.
6. Push Your changes to your HAproxy servers with a single click through web interface
7. Get info on past changes, Evaluate your config files and restore a previous stable config anytime with a single click straight from Web interface
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Web interface(user-friendly web GUI, alerting, monitoring and secure) for managi
15. Send notifications to telegram directly from HAProxy-WI
16. HAProxy-WI supports high Availability to ensure uptime to all Master slave servers configured
17. SSL certificate support.
18. SSH Key support for managing multiple HAproxy Servers straight from haproxy-wi
18. SSH Key support for managing multiple HAProxy Servers straight from HAProxy-WI
19. SYN flood protect
20. Alerting about changes backends state
21. Alerting about HAProxy service state
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Web interface(user-friendly web GUI, alerting, monitoring and secure) for managi
28. Mobile-ready desing
30. Installation and Upgrading HAProxy service via HAProxy-WI
31. Backup HAProxy's config files through HAProxy-WI

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if mysql_enable == '1':
mysql_password = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_password')
mysql_db = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_db')
mysql_host = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_host')
mysql_port = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_port')
mysql_port = funct.get_config_var('mysql', 'mysql_port')
import mysql.connector as sqltool
db = "/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/haproxy-wi.db"
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ def create_table(**kwargs):
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `version` (`version` varchar(64));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `options` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `options` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `saved_servers` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `backups` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `rhost` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `rpath` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `type` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `time` VARCHAR ( 120 ), cred INTEGER, `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
@ -456,9 +457,10 @@ def update_db_v_3_8_1(**kwargs):
def update_ver(**kwargs):
con, cur = get_cur()
sql = """update version set version = ''; """
sql = """update version set version = ''; """
@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `settings` (`param` varchar(64) UNIQUE, value varchar
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `version` (`version` varchar(64));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `options` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `options` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `saved_servers` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `groups` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `backups` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL, `server` VARCHAR ( 64 ), `rhost` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `rpath` VARCHAR ( 120 ), `time` VARCHAR ( 120 ), cred INTEGER, `description` VARCHAR ( 120 ), PRIMARY KEY(`id`));
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ def write_user_token(login, user_token):
except sqltool.Error as e:
print('<span class="alert alert-danger" id="error">An error occurred: ' + e.args[0] + ' <a title="Close" id="errorMess"><b>X</b></a></span>')
for id in cur.fetchall():
if mysql_enable == '1':
sql = """ insert into token (user_id, token, exp) values('%s', '%s', now()+ INTERVAL %s day) """ % (id[0], user_token, token_ttl)
@ -620,6 +620,7 @@ def update_ssh(id, name, enable, group, username, password):
def show_update_ssh(name, page):
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/ajax'))
@ -1501,7 +1502,7 @@ if form.getvalue('updateuser') is not None:
if check_group(group, role_id):
if funct.is_admin(level=role_id):
update_user(new_user, email, role, group, id, activeuser)
funct.logging('user with id '+id, ' user '+user+' updated ', haproxywi=1, login=1)
funct.logging('user with id '+id, ' user '+new_user+' updated ', haproxywi=1, login=1)
funct.logging(new_user, ' tried to privilege escalation', haproxywi=1, login=1)
@ -1687,7 +1688,6 @@ if form.getvalue('sshdel') is not None:
if delete_ssh(sshdel):
funct.logging('the ssh '+sshdel, ' deleted ', haproxywi=1, login=1)
if form.getvalue('newtelegram'):
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
<td class="padding10 first-collumn" style="width: 20%;">
{% set values = dict() %}
{% set values = {'2.0.5-1':'2.0.5-1','2.0.6-1':'2.0.6-1', '2.0.7-1':'2.0.7-1', '2.0.9-1':'2.0.9-1', '2.0.11-1':'2.0.11-1'} %}
{% set values = {'2.0.5-1':'2.0.5-1','2.0.6-1':'2.0.6-1', '2.0.7-1':'2.0.7-1', '2.0.9-1':'2.0.9-1', '2.0.11-1':'2.0.11-1', '2.0.12-1':'2.0.12-1'} %}
{{ select('hapver', values=values, selected='2.0.11-1', required='required') }}
<td class="padding10 first-collumn">
@ -305,6 +305,7 @@
<div id="ajax"></div>
<div id="group_error" style="display: none;">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
@ -354,6 +355,76 @@
<input type="submit" tabindex="-1" style="position:absolute; top:-1000px">
<div id="backup-add-table" title="Add a new backup job " style="display: none;">
<table class="overview">
<td class="padding20" style="width: 40%;">
Choose server for backup
<span class="need-field">*</span>
<select autofocus required name="backup-server" id="backup-server">
<option disabled>Choose server</option>
{% for s in servers %}}
<option value="{{ s.2 }}">{{ s.1 }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<td class="padding20">
Enter backup server
<span class="need-field">*</span>
{{ input('rserver', size='30', placeholder="", required="required") }}
<td class="padding20">
Enter remote folder
<span class="need-field">*</span>
{{ input('rpath', size='30', placeholder="/var/backups", required="required") }}
<td class="padding20">
Period time
<span class="need-field">*</span>
{% set values = {'hourly':'hourly','daily':'daily','weekly':'weekly', 'monthly':'monthly'} %}
{{ select('backup-time', values=values, selected='weekly', required='required', class='force_close') }}
<td class="padding20">
Credentials for remote server
<span class="need-field">*</span>
<select id="backup-credentials" required>
<option disabled selected>Choose credentials</option>
{% for ssh in sshs %}
{% if ssh.2 == 1 and ssh.5|string() == group %}
<option value="{{ssh.0}}">{{ssh.1}}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td class="padding20">
{{ input('backup-description', size='30') }}
{% include 'include/change_pass_form.html' %}
Reference in New Issue