Pavel Loginov 2020-08-16 09:22:09 +02:00
parent b0fdd6ab0a
commit f6f344b1e9
4 changed files with 3 additions and 495 deletions

View File

@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/'))
from bottle import route, run, template, hook, response, request, error
import sql
import funct
import api_funct
import json
_error_auth = '403 Auth before'
_allow_origin = '*'
_allow_methods = 'PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS'
_allow_headers = 'Authorization, Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Requested-With'
def check_login():
login = request.headers.get('login')
password_from_user = request.headers.get('password')
USERS = sql.select_users(user=login)
password = funct.get_hash(password_from_user)
return False
for users in USERS:
if users[7] == 0:
return False
if login in users[1] and password == users[3]:
return True
return False
def enable_cors():
'''Add headers to enable CORS'''
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = _allow_origin
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = _allow_methods
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = _allow_headers
def error_handler_500(error):
return json.dumps({"status": "error", "message": str(error.exception)})
@route('/', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/help', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
data = {
'help': 'show all available endpoints',
'servers':'show info about all servers',
'servers/status':'show status all servers',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>':'show info about the server by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/status':'show HAProxy status by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/runtime':'exec HAProxy runtime commands by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/backends':'show backends by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/action/start':'start HAProxy service by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/action/stop':'stop HAProxy service by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/action/restart':'restart HAProxy service by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/config/get':'get HAProxy config from the server by id or hostname or ip',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/config/send':'send HAProxy config to the server by id or hostname or ip. Has to have config header with config and action header for action after upload. Action header accepts next value: save, test, reload and restart. May be empty for just save',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/config/add':'add section to the HAProxy config by id or hostname or ip. Has to have config header with section and action header for action after upload. Action header accepts next value: save, test, reload and restart. May be empty for just save',
'server/<id,hostname,ip>/log':'show HAProxy log by id or hostname or ip. May to have config next headers: rows(format INT) default: 10 grep, waf(if needs WAF log) deault: 0, start_hour(format: 24) default: 00, start_minut, end_hour(format: 24) default: 24, end_minut'
return dict(help=data)
@route('/servers', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def get_servers():
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
login = request.headers.get('login')
servers = sql.get_dick_permit(username=login)
data = {}
for s in servers:
data[s[0]] = {
return dict(servers=data)
@route('/servers/status', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback():
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.get_all_statuses()
@route('/server/<id>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.get_server(id)
@route('/server/<id>/status', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/status', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.get_status(id)
@route('/server/<id>/action/<action:re:[a-z]+>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/action/<action:re:[a-z]+>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id, action):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.actions(id, action)
@route('/server/<id>/runtime', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/runtime', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.runtime(id)
@route('/server/<id>/backends', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/backends', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.show_backends(id)
@route('/server/<id>/config/get', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/config/get', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.get_config(id)
@route('/server/<id>/config/send', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/config/send', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.upload_config(id)
@route('/server/<id>/config/add', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/config/add', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.add_to_config(id)
@route('/server/<id>/log', method=['GET', 'POST'])
@route('/server/<id:int>/log', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def callback(id):
if not check_login():
return dict(error=_error_auth)
return api_funct.show_log(id)

View File

@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/'))
from bottle import route, run, template, hook, response, request, post
import sql
import funct
def return_dict_from_out(id, out):
data = {}
data[id] = {}
for k in out:
if "Ncat:" not in k:
k = k.split(':')
data[id][k[0]] = k[1].strip()
data[id] = {"error":"Can\'t connect to HAproxy"}
return data
def check_permit_to_server(id):
servers = sql.select_servers(id_hostname=id)
login = request.headers.get('login')
for s in servers:
servers = sql.get_dick_permit(username=login, ip=s[2])
return servers
def get_server(id):
data = {}
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
data = {
server = data
return dict(server=data)
def get_status(id):
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
cmd = 'echo "show info" |nc %s %s -w 1|grep -e "Ver\|CurrConns\|Maxco\|MB\|Uptime:"' % (s[2], sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port'))
out = funct.subprocess_execute(cmd)
data = return_dict_from_out(id, out[0])
data = {}
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(status=data)
def get_all_statuses():
data = {}
servers = sql.select_servers()
login = request.headers.get('login')
sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port')
for s in servers:
servers = sql.get_dick_permit(username=login)
for s in servers:
cmd = 'echo "show info" |nc %s %s -w 1|grep -e "Ver\|CurrConns\|Maxco\|MB\|Uptime:"' % (s[2], sock_port)
data[s[2]] = {}
out = funct.subprocess_execute(cmd)
data[s[2]] = return_dict_from_out(s[1], out[0])
data = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(status=data)
def actions(id, action):
if action == 'start' or action == 'stop' or action == 'restart':
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
cmd = [ "sudo systemctl %s haproxy" % action ]
error = funct.ssh_command(s[2], cmd)
done = error if error else 'done'
data = {'id':s[0],'ip':s[2],'action':action,'hostname':s[1],'status':done}
return dict(status=data)
return dict(status='error')
return dict(status='wrong action')
def runtime(id):
data = {}
action = request.headers.get('action')
haproxy_sock = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock')
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
cmd = [ 'echo "%s" |sudo socat stdio %s' % (action, haproxy_sock) ]
for s in servers:
out = funct.ssh_command(s[2], cmd)
data = {}
data[id] = {}
sep_data = out.split('\r\n')
data[id] = {'ouput':sep_data}
return dict(status=data)
return dict(status='error')
def show_backends(id):
data = {}
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
out = funct.show_backends(s[2], ret=1)
data = {id: out}
data = {}
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(backends=data)
def get_config(id):
data = {}
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
cfg = '/tmp/'+s[2]+'.cfg'
out = funct.get_config(s[2], cfg)
os.system("sed -i 's/\\n/\n/g' "+cfg)
conf = open(cfg, "r")
config_read =
except IOError:
conf = '<br />Can\'t read import config file'
data = {id: config_read}
data = {}
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(config=data)
def upload_config(id):
data = {}
body = request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
save = request.headers.get('action')
login = request.headers.get('login')
if save == '':
save = 'save'
elif save == 'restart':
save = ''
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
ip = s[2]
cfg = '/tmp/'+ip+'.cfg'
cfg_for_save = hap_configs_dir + ip + "-" + funct.get_data('config') + ".cfg"
with open(cfg, "w") as conf:
return_mess = 'config was uploaded'
os.system("/bin/cp %s %s" % (cfg, cfg_for_save))
out = funct.upload_and_restart(ip, cfg, just_save=save)
funct.logging('localhost', " config was uploaded via REST API", login=login)
if out:
return_mess == out
except IOError:
return_mess = "cannot upload config"
data = {id: return_mess}
data = {}
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(config=data)
def add_to_config(id):
data = {}
body = request.body.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
save = request.headers.get('action')
hap_configs_dir = funct.get_config_var('configs', 'haproxy_save_configs_dir')
login = request.headers.get('login')
if save == '':
save = 'save'
elif save == 'restart':
save = ''
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
ip = s[2]
cfg = '/tmp/'+ip+'.cfg'
cfg_for_save = hap_configs_dir + ip + "-" + funct.get_data('config') + ".cfg"
out = funct.get_config(ip, cfg)
with open(cfg, "a") as conf:
return_mess = 'section was added to the config'
os.system("/bin/cp %s %s" % (cfg, cfg_for_save))
funct.logging('localhost', " section was added via REST API", login=login)
out = funct.upload_and_restart(ip, cfg, just_save=save)
if out:
return_mess = out
except IOError:
return_mess = "cannot upload config"
data = {id: return_mess}
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
return dict(config=data)
def show_log(id):
data = {}
rows = request.headers.get('rows')
waf = request.headers.get('waf')
grep = request.headers.get('grep')
hour = request.headers.get('starthour')
minut = request.headers.get('startminut')
hour1 = request.headers.get('endhour')
minut1 = request.headers.get('endminut')
if rows is None:
rows = '10'
if waf is None:
waf = '0'
if hour is None:
hour = '00'
if minut is None:
minut = '00'
if hour1 is None:
hour1 = '24'
if minut1 is None:
minut1 = '00'
servers = check_permit_to_server(id)
for s in servers:
ip = s[2]
data[id] = {"error":"Cannot find the server"}
return dict(error=data)
out = funct.show_haproxy_log(ip, rows=rows, waf=str(waf), grep=grep, hour=str(hour), minut=str(minut), hour1=str(hour1), minut1=str(minut1), html=0)
data = {id: out}
return dict(log=data)

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
import os, sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/'))
import api
import bottle
application = bottle.default_app()
application.catchall = False

View File

@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
- name: Set passlib version
passlib_ver: "python3-passlib"
when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == 8 and (ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS')
when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8' and (ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS')
ignore_errors: True
- name: Set passlib version
passlib_ver: "python3-passlib"
when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == 7 or (ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian' or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Ubuntu')
passlib_ver: "python-passlib"
when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '7' or (ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian' or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Ubuntu')
ignore_errors: True