mirror of https://github.com/Aidaho12/haproxy-wi
v8.1.2: Rename `group` to `group_id` in settings and related files.
Updated the `group` attribute to `group_id` in the Settings model and all related instances in the codebase to improve clarity and consistency. This change affects model definitions, setting initialization, and queries throughout the project.pull/401/head
@ -16,86 +16,83 @@ def default_values():
apache_dir = 'httpd'
data_source = [
{'param': 'time_zone', 'value': 'UTC', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Time Zone', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'license', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'proxy', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'IP address and port of the proxy server. Use proto://ip:port', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'session_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user session (in days)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'token_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user token (in days)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'tmp_config_path', 'value': '/tmp/', 'section': 'main',
'desc': 'Path to the temporary directory. A valid path should be specified as the value of this parameter. '
'The directory must be owned by the user specified in SSH settings', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'cert_path', 'value': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'section': 'main',
'desc': 'Path to SSL dir. Folder owner must be a user which set in the SSH settings. Path must exist', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'maxmind_key', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key for downloading GeoIP DB. You can create it on maxmind.com', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/haproxy/', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'The path for HAProxy logs', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'syslog_server_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Enable getting logs from a syslog server', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'syslog_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'IP address of the syslog_server', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'log_time_storage', 'value': '14', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Retention period for user activity logs (in days)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Username for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Password for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_port', 'value': '8085', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Port for HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'URI for HAProxy stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_dir', 'value': '/etc/haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy directory', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_config_path', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy configuration file', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'server_state_file', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy state file', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock', 'value': '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Socket port for HAProxy', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock_port', 'value': '1999', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'HAProxy sock port', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_container_name', 'value': 'haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Docker container name for HAProxy service', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_log_path', 'value': f'/var/log/{apache_dir}/', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Path to Apache logs. Apache service for Roxy-WI', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'The path for NGINX logs', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Username for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Password for Stats web page NGINX', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_port', 'value': '8086', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Stats port for web page NGINX', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'URI Stats for web page NGINX', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_dir', 'value': '/etc/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the NGINX directory with config files', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_config_path', 'value': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the main NGINX configuration file', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_container_name', 'value': 'nginx', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Docker container name for NGINX service', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Enable LDAP', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'IP address of the LDAP server', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_port', 'value': '389', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP port (port 389 or 636 is used by default)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP username. Format: user@domain.com', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP password', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_base', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_domain', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP domain for logging in', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_class_search', 'value': 'user', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Class for searching the user', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_user_attribute', 'value': 'userPrincipalName', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Attribute to search users by', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_search_field', 'value': 'mail', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'User\'s email address', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_type', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Use LDAPS', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'port_scan_interval', 'value': '5', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Port scanner (in minutes)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'portscanner_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Port scanner history', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Retention period for SMON history', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Checker history', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'action_keep_history_range', 'value': '30', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Action history', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_maxconn_threshold', 'value': '90', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Threshold value for alerting, in %', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_check_interval', 'value': '1', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Checker (in minutes)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_ssl_expire_warning_alert', 'value': '14', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Warning alert about a SSL certificate expiration (in days)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_ssl_expire_critical_alert', 'value': '7', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Critical alert about a SSL certificate expiration (in days)', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'master_ip', 'value': '', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'master_port', 'value': '5100', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'agent_port', 'value': '5101', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_host', 'value': '', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server host', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_port', 'value': '5672', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server port', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_port', 'value': '5672', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server port', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_vhost', 'value': '/', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server vhost', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_queue', 'value': 'roxy-wi', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server queue', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_user', 'value': 'roxy-wi', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server user', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_password', 'value': 'roxy-wi123', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server user password', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'The path for Apache logs', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Username for accessing Apache stats page', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Password for Apache stats webpage', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_port', 'value': '8087', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Stats port for webpage Apache', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'URI Stats for webpage Apache', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_dir', 'value': '/etc/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the Apache directory with config files', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_config_path', 'value': '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the main Apache configuration file', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_container_name', 'value': 'apache', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Docker container name for Apache service', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'keepalived_config_path', 'value': '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'Path to the main Keepalived configuration file', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'keepalived_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/keepalived/', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'The path for Keepalived logs', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_ssl', 'value': '0', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Enable TLS', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_from', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Address of sender', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_host', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'SMTP server address', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_port', 'value': '25', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'SMTP server port', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'User for auth', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Password for auth', 'group': '1'},
{'param': 'time_zone', 'value': 'UTC', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Time Zone', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'license', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'proxy', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'IP address and port of the proxy server. Use proto://ip:port', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'session_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user session (in days)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'token_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user token (in days)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'tmp_config_path', 'value': '/tmp/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the temporary directory.', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'cert_path', 'value': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to SSL dir.', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'maxmind_key', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key for downloading GeoIP DB. You can create it on maxmind.com', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/haproxy/', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'The path for HAProxy logs', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'syslog_server_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Enable getting logs from a syslog server', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'syslog_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'IP address of the syslog_server', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'log_time_storage', 'value': '14', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Retention period for user activity logs (in days)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Username for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Password for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_port', 'value': '8085', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Port for HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'URI for HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_dir', 'value': '/etc/haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy directory', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_config_path', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy configuration file', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'server_state_file', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy state file', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock', 'value': '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Socket port for HAProxy', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock_port', 'value': '1999', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'HAProxy sock port', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'haproxy_container_name', 'value': 'haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Docker container name for HAProxy service', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_log_path', 'value': f'/var/log/{apache_dir}/', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Path to Apache logs. Apache service for Roxy-WI', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'The path for NGINX logs', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Username for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Password for Stats web page NGINX', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_port', 'value': '8086', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Stats port for web page NGINX', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'URI Stats for web page NGINX', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_dir', 'value': '/etc/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the NGINX directory with config files', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_config_path', 'value': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the main NGINX configuration file', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'nginx_container_name', 'value': 'nginx', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Docker container name for NGINX service', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Enable LDAP', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'IP address of the LDAP server', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_port', 'value': '389', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP port (port 389 or 636 is used by default)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP username. Format: user@domain.com', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP password', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_base', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_domain', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP domain for logging in', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_class_search', 'value': 'user', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Class for searching the user', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_user_attribute', 'value': 'userPrincipalName', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Attribute to search users by', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_search_field', 'value': 'mail', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'User\'s email address', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'ldap_type', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Use LDAPS', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'port_scan_interval', 'value': '5', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Port scanner (in minutes)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'portscanner_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Port scanner history', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Retention period for SMON history', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_keep_history_range', 'value': '14', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Checker history', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'action_keep_history_range', 'value': '30', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Retention period for Action history', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_maxconn_threshold', 'value': '90', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Threshold value for alerting, in %', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'checker_check_interval', 'value': '1', 'section': 'monitoring', 'desc': 'Check interval for Checker (in minutes)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_ssl_expire_warning_alert', 'value': '14', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Warning alert about a SSL certificate expiration (in days)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'smon_ssl_expire_critical_alert', 'value': '7', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': 'Critical alert about a SSL certificate expiration (in days)', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'master_ip', 'value': '', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'master_port', 'value': '5100', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'agent_port', 'value': '5101', 'section': 'smon', 'desc': '', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_host', 'value': '', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server host', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_port', 'value': '5672', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server port', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_port', 'value': '5672', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server port', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_vhost', 'value': '/', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server vhost', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_queue', 'value': 'roxy-wi', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server queue', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_user', 'value': 'roxy-wi', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server user', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'rabbitmq_password', 'value': 'roxy-wi123', 'section': 'rabbitmq', 'desc': 'RabbitMQ-server user password', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'The path for Apache logs', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Username for accessing Apache stats page', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Password for Apache stats webpage', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_port', 'value': '8087', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Stats port for webpage Apache', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'URI Stats for webpage Apache', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_dir', 'value': '/etc/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the Apache directory with config files', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_config_path', 'value': '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the main Apache configuration file', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'apache_container_name', 'value': 'apache', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Docker container name for Apache service', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'keepalived_config_path', 'value': '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'Path to the main Keepalived configuration file', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'keepalived_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/keepalived/', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'The path for Keepalived logs', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_ssl', 'value': '0', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Enable TLS', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_from', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Address of sender', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_host', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'SMTP server address', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_port', 'value': '25', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'SMTP server port', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'User for auth', 'group_id': '1'},
{'param': 'mail_smtp_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'mail', 'desc': 'Password for auth', 'group_id': '1'},
@ -679,6 +676,20 @@ def update_db_v_8_1_0_3():
print("An error occurred:", e)
def update_db_v_8_1_2():
migrator.rename_column('settings', 'group', 'group_id'),
except Exception as e:
if e.args[0] == 'no such column: "group"' or 'column "group" does not exist' in str(e) or str(e) == '(1060, no such column: "group")':
print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 8.1.2")
elif e.args[0] == "'bool' object has no attribute 'sql'":
print("Updating... DB has been updated to version 8.1.2")
print("An error occurred:", e)
def update_ver():
@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ class Setting(BaseModel):
value = CharField(null=True)
section = CharField()
desc = CharField()
group = IntegerField(null=True, constraints=[SQL('DEFAULT 1')])
group_id = IntegerField(null=True, constraints=[SQL('DEFAULT 1')])
class Meta:
table_name = 'settings'
primary_key = False
constraints = [SQL('UNIQUE (param, `group`)')]
constraints = [SQL('UNIQUE (param, group_id)')]
class Groups(BaseModel):
@ -32,55 +32,55 @@ def add_group(name: str, description: str) -> int:
def add_setting_for_new_group(group_id):
group_id = str(group_id)
data_source = [
{'param': 'time_zone', 'value': 'UTC', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Time Zone', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'proxy', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'IP address and port of the proxy server . Use proto://ip:port', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'session_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user session (in days)', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'token_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user token (in days)', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'tmp_config_path', 'value': '/tmp/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the temporary directory.', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'cert_path', 'value': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to SSL dir', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/haproxy/', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'The default local path for saving logs', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'syslog_server_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Enable getting logs from a syslog server; (0 - no, 1 - yes)', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'syslog_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'IP address of the syslog_server', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Username for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Password for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_port', 'value': '8085', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Port for HAProxy stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'URI for HAProxy stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_dir', 'value': '/etc/haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy directory', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_config_path', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy configuration file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'server_state_file', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy state file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock', 'value': '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy sock file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock_port', 'value': '1999', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Socket port for HAProxy', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_container_name', 'value': 'haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Docker container name for HAProxy service', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'maxmind_key', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key for downloading GeoIP DB. You can create it on maxmind.com', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'NGINX error log', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Username for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Password for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_port', 'value': '8086', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Stats port for web page NGINX', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'URI Stats for web page NGINX', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_dir', 'value': '/etc/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the NGINX directory with config files', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_config_path', 'value': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the main NGINX configuration file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_container_name', 'value': 'nginx', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Docker container name for NGINX service', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Enable LDAP', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'IP address of the LDAP server', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_port', 'value': '389', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP port (port 389 or 636 is used by default)', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP username. Format: user@domain.com', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP password', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_base', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_domain', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP domain for logging in', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_class_search', 'value': 'user', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Class for searching the user', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_user_attribute', 'value': 'sAMAccountName', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Attribute to search users by', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_search_field', 'value': 'mail', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'User\'s email address', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_type', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Use LDAPS', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'The path for Apache logs', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Username for accessing Apache stats page', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Password for Apache stats webpage', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_port', 'value': '8087', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Stats port for webpage Apache', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'URI Stats for webpage Apache', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_dir', 'value': '/etc/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the Apache directory with config files', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_config_path', 'value': '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the main Apache configuration file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_container_name', 'value': 'apache', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Docker container name for Apache service', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'keepalived_config_path', 'value': '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'Path to the main Keepalived configuration file', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'keepalived_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/keepalived/', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'The path for Keepalived logs', 'group': group_id},
{'param': 'time_zone', 'value': 'UTC', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Time Zone', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'proxy', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'IP address and port of the proxy server . Use proto://ip:port', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'session_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user session (in days)', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'token_ttl', 'value': '5', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'TTL for a user token (in days)', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'tmp_config_path', 'value': '/tmp/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to the temporary directory.', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'cert_path', 'value': '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'Path to SSL dir', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/haproxy/', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'The default local path for saving logs', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'syslog_server_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'Enable getting logs from a syslog server; (0 - no, 1 - yes)', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'syslog_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'logs', 'desc': 'IP address of the syslog_server', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Username for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Password for accessing HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_port', 'value': '8085', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Port for HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'URI for HAProxy stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_dir', 'value': '/etc/haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy directory', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_config_path', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy configuration file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'server_state_file', 'value': '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy state file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock', 'value': '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Path to the HAProxy sock file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_sock_port', 'value': '1999', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Socket port for HAProxy', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'haproxy_container_name', 'value': 'haproxy', 'section': 'haproxy', 'desc': 'Docker container name for HAProxy service', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'maxmind_key', 'value': '', 'section': 'main', 'desc': 'License key for downloading GeoIP DB. You can create it on maxmind.com', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'NGINX error log', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Username for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Password for accessing NGINX stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_port', 'value': '8086', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Stats port for web page NGINX', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'URI Stats for web page NGINX', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_dir', 'value': '/etc/nginx/', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the NGINX directory with config files', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_config_path', 'value': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Path to the main NGINX configuration file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'nginx_container_name', 'value': 'nginx', 'section': 'nginx', 'desc': 'Docker container name for NGINX service', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_enable', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Enable LDAP', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_server', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'IP address of the LDAP server', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_port', 'value': '389', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP port (port 389 or 636 is used by default)', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_user', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP username. Format: user@domain.com', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_password', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP password', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_base', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Base domain. Example: dc=domain, dc=com', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_domain', 'value': '', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'LDAP domain for logging in', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_class_search', 'value': 'user', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Class for searching the user', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_user_attribute', 'value': 'sAMAccountName', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Attribute to search users by', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_search_field', 'value': 'mail', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'User\'s email address', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'ldap_type', 'value': '0', 'section': 'ldap', 'desc': 'Use LDAPS', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'The path for Apache logs', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_user', 'value': 'admin', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Username for accessing Apache stats page', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_password', 'value': 'password', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Password for Apache stats webpage', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_port', 'value': '8087', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Stats port for webpage Apache', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_stats_page', 'value': 'stats', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'URI Stats for webpage Apache', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_dir', 'value': '/etc/httpd/', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the Apache directory with config files', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_config_path', 'value': '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Path to the main Apache configuration file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'apache_container_name', 'value': 'apache', 'section': 'apache', 'desc': 'Docker container name for Apache service', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'keepalived_config_path', 'value': '/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'Path to the main Keepalived configuration file', 'group_id': group_id},
{'param': 'keepalived_path_logs', 'value': '/var/log/keepalived/', 'section': 'keepalived', 'desc': 'The path for Keepalived logs', 'group_id': group_id},
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def delete_group(group_id):
def delete_group_settings(group_id):
group_for_delete = Setting.delete().where(Setting.group == group_id)
group_for_delete = Setting.delete().where(Setting.group_id == group_id)
except Exception as e:
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ def get_setting(param, **kwargs):
user_group_id = 1
if kwargs.get('all') and not kwargs.get('section'):
query = Setting.select().where(Setting.group == user_group_id).order_by(Setting.section.desc())
query = Setting.select().where(Setting.group_id == user_group_id).order_by(Setting.section.desc())
elif kwargs.get('section'):
query = Setting.select().where((Setting.group == user_group_id) & (Setting.section == kwargs.get('section')))
query = Setting.select().where((Setting.group_id == user_group_id) & (Setting.section == kwargs.get('section')))
query = Setting.select().where((Setting.param == param) & (Setting.group == user_group_id))
query = Setting.select().where((Setting.param == param) & (Setting.group_id == user_group_id))
query_res = query.execute()
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def get_setting(param, **kwargs):
def update_setting(param: str, val: str, user_group: int) -> None:
query = Setting.update(value=val).where((Setting.param == param) & (Setting.group == user_group))
query = Setting.update(value=val).where((Setting.param == param) & (Setting.group_id == user_group))
except Exception as e:
Reference in New Issue