Aidaho12 2018-08-15 21:36:05 +06:00
parent ebbe0b9a7c
commit 914d04eede
3 changed files with 49 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ def update_db_v_2_91(**kwargs):
except sqltool.Error as e:
if kwargs.get('silent') != 1:
if e.args[0] == 'column param is not unique' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'cred' ":
if e.args[0] == 'column param is not unique' or e == "1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'lists_path' for key 'param'":
print('Updating... go to version 3.0')
print("An error occurred:", e)
@ -522,45 +522,51 @@ def update_db_v_3(**kwargs):
print("An error occurred:", e)
return False
def update_db_v_31(**kwargs):
con, cur = get_cur()
sql = [ "ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD COLUMN `desc` varchar(64); ",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('time_zone', 'UTC', 'main', 'Time Zone');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('proxy', '', 'main', 'Proxy server. Use proto://ip:port');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('session_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users sessions. In days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('token_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users tokens. In days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('local_path_logs', '/var/log/haproxy.log', 'logs', 'Logs save locally, disable by default');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('syslog_server_enable', '0', 'logs', 'If exist syslog server for HAproxy logs, enable this option');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('syslog_server', '0', 'logs', 'IP address syslog server');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('log_time_storage', '14', 'logs', 'Time of storage of logs of user activity, in days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('restart_command', 'systemctl restart haproxy', 'haproxy', 'Command for restart HAproxy service');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('status_command', 'systemctl status haproxy', 'haproxy', 'Command for status check HAproxy service');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_user', 'admin', 'haproxy', 'Username for Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_password', 'password', 'haproxy', 'Password for Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_port', '8085', 'haproxy', 'Port Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('stats_page', 'stats', 'haproxy', 'URI Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_dir', '/etc/haproxy/', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy dir');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_config_path', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy config');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('server_state_file', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy state file');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_sock', '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy sock file');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_sock_port', '1999', 'haproxy', 'HAProxy sock port');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('tmp_config_path', '/tmp/', 'haproxy', 'Temp store configs, for haproxy check');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('cert_path', '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'haproxy', 'Path to SSL dir');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('firewall_enable', '0', 'haproxy', 'If enable this option Haproxy-wi will be configure firewalld based on config port');",
"update settings set `section` = 'main', `desc` = 'Path to black/white lists` where param = 'lists_path' "]
for i in sql:
except sqltool.Error as e:
if kwargs.get('silent') != 1:
if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: desc' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'desc' ":
print('DB was update to 3.0 It\' last version')
print("An error occurred:", e)
return False
sql = [ "ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD COLUMN desc varchar(128); ",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('time_zone', 'UTC', 'main', 'Time Zone');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('proxy', '', 'main', 'Proxy server. Use proto://ip:port');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('session_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users sessions. In days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('token_ttl', '5', 'main', 'Time to live users tokens. In days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('local_path_logs', '/var/log/haproxy.log', 'logs', 'Logs save locally, disable by default');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('syslog_server_enable', '0', 'logs', 'If exist syslog server for HAproxy logs, enable this option');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('syslog_server', '0', 'logs', 'IP address syslog server');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('log_time_storage', '14', 'logs', 'Time of storage of logs of user activity, in days');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('restart_command', 'systemctl restart haproxy', 'haproxy', 'Command for restart HAproxy service');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('status_command', 'systemctl status haproxy', 'haproxy', 'Command for status check HAproxy service');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('stats_user', 'admin', 'haproxy', 'Username for Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('stats_password', 'password', 'haproxy', 'Password for Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('stats_port', '8085', 'haproxy', 'Port Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('stats_page', 'stats', 'haproxy', 'URI Stats web page HAproxy');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('haproxy_dir', '/etc/haproxy/', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy dir');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('haproxy_config_path', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy config');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('server_state_file', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy state file');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('haproxy_sock', '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy sock file');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('haproxy_sock_port', '1999', 'haproxy', 'HAProxy sock port');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('tmp_config_path', '/tmp/', 'haproxy', 'Temp store configs, for haproxy check');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('cert_path', '/etc/ssl/certs/', 'haproxy', 'Path to SSL dir');",
"INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, desc) values('firewall_enable', '0', 'haproxy', 'If enable this option Haproxy-wi will be configure firewalld based on config port');" ]
for i in sql:
except sqltool.Error as e:
if kwargs.get('silent') != 1:
if e.args[0] == 'duplicate column name: id' or e == "1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'id' ":
print('DB was update to 3.0 It\' last version')
print("An error occurred:", e)
return False
return True
return True
def update_all():
@ -579,6 +585,7 @@ def update_all():
def update_all_silent():
@ -597,4 +604,5 @@ def update_all_silent():

View File

@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ template = template.render(h2 = 1, title = "Settings",
role = sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value),
user = user,
settings = settings,
token = token)
token = token)

View File

@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ def get_setting(param, **kwargs):
print('<span class="alert alert-danger" id="error">An error occurred: ' + e + ' <a title="Close" id="errorMess"><b>X</b></a></span>')
if kwargs.get('all'):
return cur
return cur.fetchall()
for value in cur.fetchone():
return value