sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('server_state_file', '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.state', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy state file');")
sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('haproxy_sock', '/var/run/haproxy.sock', 'haproxy', 'Path to HAProxy sock file');")
sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('firewall_enable', '0', 'main', 'If enable this option Haproxy-wi will be configure firewalld based on config port');")
sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('firewall_enable', '0', 'haproxy', 'If enable this option Haproxy-wi will be configure firewalld based on config port');")
sql.append("INSERT INTO settings (param, value, section, `desc`) values('apache_log_path', '/var/log/httpd/', 'logs', 'Path to Apache logs');")