diff --git a/app/db_model.py b/app/db_model.py
index 505eb551..cc78e9a8 100644
--- a/app/db_model.py
+++ b/app/db_model.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ if mysql_enable == '1':
conn = MySQLDatabase(mysql_db, user=mysql_user, password=mysql_password, host=mysql_host, port=int(mysql_port))
db = "/var/www/haproxy-wi/app/roxy-wi.db"
- conn = SqliteDatabase(db, pragmas={'timeout': 1000})
+ conn = SqliteDatabase(db, pragmas={'timeout': 1000, 'foreign_keys': 1})
class BaseModel(Model):
@@ -495,10 +495,25 @@ class UserName(BaseModel):
primary_key = False
+class GitSetting(BaseModel):
+ id = AutoField()
+ server_id = ForeignKeyField(Server, on_delete='Cascade')
+ service_id = IntegerField()
+ period = CharField()
+ repo = CharField(null=True)
+ branch = CharField(null=True)
+ cred_id = IntegerField()
+ description = CharField(null=True)
+ class Meta:
+ table_name = 'git_setting'
+ constraints = [SQL('UNIQUE (server_id, service_id)')]
def create_tables():
with conn:
conn.create_tables([User, Server, Role, Telegram, Slack, UUID, Token, ApiToken, Groups, UserGroups, ConfigVersion,
Setting, Cred, Backup, Metrics, WafMetrics, Version, Option, SavedServer, Waf, ActionHistory,
PortScannerSettings, PortScannerPorts, PortScannerHistory, ProvidersCreds, ServiceSetting,
ProvisionedServers, MetricsHttpStatus, SMON, WafRules, Alerts, GeoipCodes, NginxMetrics,
- SystemInfo, Services, UserName])
+ SystemInfo, Services, UserName, GitSetting])
diff --git a/app/funct.py b/app/funct.py
index c4430d49..ddc70c50 100644
--- a/app/funct.py
+++ b/app/funct.py
@@ -948,13 +948,7 @@ def upload_and_restart(server_ip, cfg, **kwargs):
if haproxy_enterprise == '1':
service_name = "hapee-2.0-lb"
if service == 'apache':
- server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip)
- os_info = sql.select_os_info(server_id)
- if "CentOS" in os_info or "Redhat" in os_info:
- service_name = 'httpd'
- else:
- service_name = 'apache2'
+ get_correct_apache_service_name(server_ip)
reload_command = " && sudo systemctl reload " + service_name
restart_command = " && sudo systemctl restart " + service_name
@@ -1998,9 +1992,12 @@ def return_user_status():
return user_status, user_plan
-def get_correct_apache_service_name(server_ip):
+def get_correct_apache_service_name(server_ip=0, server_id=0):
import sql
- server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip)
+ if server_id == 0:
+ server_id = sql.select_server_id_by_ip(server_ip)
os_info = sql.select_os_info(server_id)
if "CentOS" in os_info or "Redhat" in os_info:
diff --git a/app/options.py b/app/options.py
index d78206e0..ed7e30e3 100644
--- a/app/options.py
+++ b/app/options.py
@@ -478,13 +478,8 @@ if form.getvalue('action_apache') is not None and serv is not None:
container_name = sql.get_setting('apache_container_name')
commands = ["sudo docker %s %s" % (action, container_name)]
- os_info = sql.select_os_info(server_id)
+ service_apache_name = funct.get_correct_apache_service_name(0, server_id)
- if "CentOS" in os_info or "Redhat" in os_info:
- service_apache_name = 'httpd'
- else:
- service_apache_name = 'apache2'
commands = ["sudo systemctl %s %s" % (action, service_apache_name)]
funct.ssh_command(serv, commands)
funct.logging(serv, 'Service has been ' + action + 'ed', haproxywi=1, login=1, keep_history=1, service='apache')
@@ -1668,6 +1663,79 @@ if form.getvalue('backup') or form.getvalue('deljob') or form.getvalue('backupup
funct.logging('backup ', ' a backup job for server ' + serv + ' has been updated', haproxywi=1, login=1)
+if form.getvalue('git_backup'):
+ server_id = form.getvalue('server')
+ service_id = form.getvalue('git_service')
+ git_init = form.getvalue('git_init')
+ repo = form.getvalue('git_repo')
+ branch = form.getvalue('git_branch')
+ period = form.getvalue('time')
+ cred = form.getvalue('cred')
+ deljob = form.getvalue('git_deljob')
+ description = form.getvalue('description')
+ servers = sql.get_dick_permit()
+ proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy')
+ services = sql.select_services()
+ server_ip = sql.select_server_ip_by_id(server_id)
+ service_name = sql.select_service_name_by_id(service_id).lower()
+ service_config_dir = sql.get_setting(service_name + '_dir')
+ script = 'git_backup.sh'
+ ssh_port = 22
+ ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name = funct.return_ssh_keys_path('localhost',
+ id=int(cred))
+ os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script)
+ if proxy is not None and proxy != '' and proxy != 'None':
+ proxy_serv = proxy
+ else:
+ proxy_serv = ''
+ servers = sql.select_servers(server=server_ip)
+ for server in servers:
+ ssh_port = str(server[10])
+ if repo is None or git_init == '0':
+ repo = ''
+ if branch is None:
+ branch = 'main'
+ commands = ["chmod +x " + script + " && ./" + script + " HOST=" + server_ip + " DELJOB=" + deljob +
+ " SERVICE=" + service_name + " INIT=" + git_init + " SSH_PORT=" + ssh_port + " PERIOD=" + period +
+ " REPO=" + repo + " BRANCH=" + branch + " CONFIG_DIR=" + service_config_dir +
+ " PROXY=" + proxy_serv + " USER=" + str(ssh_user_name) + " KEY=" + str(ssh_key_name)]
+ output, error = funct.subprocess_execute(commands[0])
+ for l in output:
+ if "Traceback" in l or "FAILED" in l:
+ try:
+ print('error: ' + l)
+ break
+ except Exception:
+ print('error: ' + output)
+ break
+ else:
+ if deljob == '0':
+ if sql.insert_new_git(server_id=server_id, service_id=service_id, repo=repo, branch=branch,
+ period=period, cred=cred, description=description):
+ from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+ gits = sql.select_gits(server_id=server_id, service_id=service_id)
+ sshs = sql.select_ssh()
+ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/ajax'), autoescape=True)
+ template = env.get_template('new_git.html')
+ template = template.render(gits=gits, sshs=sshs, servers=servers, services=services, new_add=1)
+ print(template)
+ print('success: Git job has been created')
+ funct.logging(server_ip, ' A new git job has been created', haproxywi=1, login=1,
+ keep_history=1, service=service_name)
+ else:
+ if sql.delete_git(form.getvalue('git_backup')):
+ print('Ok')
+ os.system("rm -f %s" % script)
if form.getvalue('install_nginx'):
funct.install_nginx(form.getvalue('install_nginx'), docker=form.getvalue('docker'))
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/git_backup.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/git_backup.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16272ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/git_backup.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+- hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
+ become: yes
+ become_method: sudo
+ gather_facts: no
+ tasks:
+ - name: Install git
+ package:
+ name: git
+ state: present
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ - name: Create home dir
+ file:
+ path: '/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.ssh'
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0700
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ - name: Copy ssh file
+ copy:
+ src: '{{ KEY }}'
+ dest: '/home/{{ ansible_user }}/.ssh/id_rsa'
+ mode: 0600
+ group: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ owner: '{{ ansible_user }}'
+ force: no
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ - name: Add write permisions
+ shell: "chmod o+wr -R {{ CONFIG_DIR }}"
+ - name: Git init
+ shell: 'cd {{ CONFIG_DIR }} && git init'
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ become: no
+ - name: Git configure
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ CONFIG_DIR }}/.git/config"
+ block: |
+ [user]
+ name = Roxy-WI
+ email = roxy-wi@.com
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ - name: Git add remote
+ shell: 'cd {{ CONFIG_DIR }} && git add --all . && git commit -m "Roxy-WI init repo" && git branch -M {{ BRANCH }} && git remote add origin {{ REPO }}'
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ become: no
+ - name: Git add push
+ shell: 'cd {{ CONFIG_DIR }} && GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" git push -u origin {{ BRANCH }}'
+ when: INIT == '1'
+ become: no
+ - name: Creates git job
+ cron:
+ name: "Git backup {{ SERVICE }} configs"
+ special_time: "{{ PERIOD }}"
+ job: 'cd {{ CONFIG_DIR }} && git add --all . && git commit -m "Roxy-WI backup job at $(date)" && git push --set-upstream origin {{ BRANCH }}'
+ when: DELJOB == '0'
+ become: no
+ - name: Removes git backup job
+ cron:
+ name: "Git backup {{ SERVICE }} configs"
+ state: absent
+ when: DELJOB == '1'
+ become: no
diff --git a/app/scripts/git_backup.sh b/app/scripts/git_backup.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc744409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/git_backup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+for ARGUMENT in "$@"
+ KEY=$(echo $ARGUMENT | cut -f1 -d=)
+ VALUE=$(echo $ARGUMENT | cut -f2 -d=)
+ case "$KEY" in
+ KEY) KEY=${VALUE} ;;
+ *)
+ esac
+echo "$HOST ansible_port=$SSH_PORT" >> $PWD/$HOST
+ansible-playbook $PWD/roles/git_backup.yml --key-file $KEY -e "ansible_user=$USER variable_host=$HOST DELJOB=$DELJOB SERVICE=$SERVICE INIT=$INIT REPO=$REPO BRANCH=$BRANCH PERIOD=$PERIOD CONFIG_DIR=$CONFIG_DIR PROXY=$PROXY KEY=$KEY" -i $PWD/$HOST
+if [ $? -gt 0 ]
+ echo "error: Cannot create a git job"
+rm -f $PWD/$HOST
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/servers.py b/app/servers.py
index 0034fe89..a4e41f54 100644
--- a/app/servers.py
+++ b/app/servers.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ try:
settings = sql.get_setting('', all=1)
geoip_country_codes = sql.select_geoip_country_codes()
services = sql.select_services()
+ gits = sql.select_gits()
except Exception as e:
@@ -44,5 +45,6 @@ output_from_parsed_template = template.render(title="Servers: ",
+ gits=gits,
diff --git a/app/sql.py b/app/sql.py
index e0175297..0d80bb38 100755
--- a/app/sql.py
+++ b/app/sql.py
@@ -3146,6 +3146,15 @@ def select_services():
return query_res
+def select_service_name_by_id(service_id):
+ try:
+ service = Services.get(Services.service_id == service_id).service
+ except Exception as e:
+ return out_error(e)
+ else:
+ return service
def insert_user_name(user_name):
@@ -3211,3 +3220,38 @@ def select_user_all():
return False
return query_res
+def insert_new_git(server_id, service_id, repo, branch, period, cred, description):
+ try:
+ GitSetting.insert(server_id=server_id, service_id=service_id, repo=repo, branch=branch, period=period, cred_id=cred,
+ description=description).execute()
+ except Exception as e:
+ out_error(e)
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def select_gits(**kwargs):
+ if kwargs.get("server_id") is not None and kwargs.get("service_id") is not None:
+ query = GitSetting.select().where((GitSetting.server_id == kwargs.get("server_id")) & (GitSetting.service_id == kwargs.get("service_id")))
+ else:
+ query = GitSetting.select().order_by(GitSetting.id)
+ try:
+ query_res = query.execute()
+ except Exception as e:
+ out_error(e)
+ else:
+ return query_res
+def delete_git(git_id):
+ query = GitSetting.delete().where(GitSetting.id == git_id)
+ try:
+ query.execute()
+ except Exception as e:
+ out_error(e)
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
diff --git a/app/templates/ajax/new_git.html b/app/templates/ajax/new_git.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a07e0f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/templates/ajax/new_git.html
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{% for b in gits %}
+ {% for server in servers %}
+ {% if server.0|string() == b.server_id|string() %}
+ {{ server.0 }}
+ {{ server.1 }}
+ |
+ {% for s in services %}
+ {% if s.service_id == b.service_id %}
+ {{ s.service_id }}
+ {{ s.service }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ |
+ {% set values = {'hourly':'hourly','daily':'daily','weekly':'weekly', 'monthly':'monthly'} %}
+ {% for v, des in values|dictsort(false, 'value') %}
+ {% if v == b.period %}
+ {{ des }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ |
+ {% if b.repo %}
+ {{ b.repo }}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% if b.branch %}
+ {{ b.branch }}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% for ssh in sshs %}
+ {% if ssh.enable == 1 %}
+ {% if ssh.id == b.cred_id %}
+ {{ ssh.id }}
+ {{ ssh.name }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ |
+ {% if b.description %}
+ {{b.description}}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ |
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/app/templates/include/admin_backup.html b/app/templates/include/admin_backup.html
index a26cf546..12d3cdc1 100644
--- a/app/templates/include/admin_backup.html
+++ b/app/templates/include/admin_backup.html
@@ -1,6 +1,41 @@
- {% if user_status == 0 or user_plan == 'user' %}
- {% include 'include/no_sub.html' %}
- {% else %}
+ {% if user_status == 0 or user_plan == 'user' %}
+ {% include 'include/no_sub.html' %}
+ {% else %}
+ Servers |
+ Service |
+ Period |
+ Repo |
+ Branch |
+ Credentials |
+ Description |
+ |
+ {% include 'ajax/new_git.html' %}
+ Add git job
+ You can read the description of all parameters
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if user_status == 0 or user_plan == 'user' %}
+ {% include 'include/no_sub.html' %}
+ {% else %}
Servers |
@@ -73,4 +108,6 @@
You can read the description of all parameters
- {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
diff --git a/app/templates/include/admins_dialogs.html b/app/templates/include/admins_dialogs.html
index 44fb0985..bc509f62 100644
--- a/app/templates/include/admins_dialogs.html
+++ b/app/templates/include/admins_dialogs.html
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@
@@ -255,6 +255,99 @@
+ {% include 'include/tr_validate_tips.html' %}
+ Server
+ *
+ |
+ |
+ Service
+ *
+ |
+ |
+ Period
+ *
+ |
+ {% set values = {'hourly':'hourly','daily':'daily','weekly':'weekly', 'monthly':'monthly'} %}
+ {{ select('git-time', values=values, selected='hourly', required='required', class='force_close') }}
+ |
+ Init a new repository
+ |
+ {{ checkbox('git-init')}}
+ |
+ Repository
+ *
+ |
+ {{ input('git-repo', size='30', placeholder="git@github.com:user/haproxy_configs.git", title="Use only connect via SSH") }}
+ |
+ Branch name
+ *
+ |
+ {{ input('git-branch', size='30', placeholder="main") }}
+ |
+ Credentials for a git user
+ *
+ |
+ |
+ Description
+ |
+ {{ input('git-description', size='30') }}
+ |
diff --git a/app/users.py b/app/users.py
index 4f60c165..c0c6fcaa 100644
--- a/app/users.py
+++ b/app/users.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ try:
ldap_enable = sql.get_setting('ldap_enable')
grafana, stderr = funct.subprocess_execute("systemctl is-active grafana-server")
services = sql.select_services()
+ gits = sql.select_gits()
except Exception:
@@ -48,5 +49,6 @@ template = template.render(title="Admin area: Manage users",
+ gits=gits,
diff --git a/inc/users.js b/inc/users.js
index 80ba6646..8e5cb330 100644
--- a/inc/users.js
+++ b/inc/users.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
var awesome = "/inc/fontawesome.min.js"
$( function() {
+ $( "#backup_tabs" ).tabs();
$( "#interface" ).autocomplete({
source: function( request, response ) {
$.ajax( {
@@ -585,6 +586,41 @@ $( function() {
+ $('#add-git-button').click(function() {
+ addGitDialog.dialog('open');
+ });
+ var addGitDialog = $( "#git-add-table" ).dialog({
+ autoOpen: false,
+ resizable: false,
+ height: "auto",
+ width: 600,
+ modal: true,
+ title: "Create a new git job",
+ show: {
+ effect: "fade",
+ duration: 200
+ },
+ hide: {
+ effect: "fade",
+ duration: 200
+ },
+ buttons: {
+ "Add": function () {
+ addGit(this);
+ },
+ Cancel: function () {
+ $(this).dialog("close");
+ clearTips();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('#git-init').click(function() {
+ if ($('#git-init').is(':checked')) {
+ $('.git-init-params').show();
+ } else {
+ $('.git-init-params').hide();
+ }
+ });
$( "#ajax-users input" ).change(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id').split('-');
@@ -994,6 +1030,14 @@ function addServer(dialog_id) {
$( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio();
$( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup();
$( "select" ).selectmenu();
+ var getId = new RegExp('server-[0-9]+');
+ var id = data.match(getId) + '';
+ id = id.split('-').pop();
+ $('select:regex(id, git-server)').append('
+ $('select:regex(id, backup-server)').append('
+ $('select:regex(id, haproxy_exp_addserv)').append('
+ $('select:regex(id, nginx_exp_addserv)').append('
+ $('select:regex(id, node_exp_addserv)').append('
} );
@@ -1169,6 +1213,54 @@ function addBackup(dialog_id) {
} );
+function addGit(dialog_id) {
+ var valid = true;
+ toastr.clear();
+ allFields = $( [] ).add( $('#git-server') ).add( $('#git-service') ).add( $('#git-time')).add( $('#git-credentials') ).add( $('#git-branch') )
+ allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" );
+ valid = valid && checkLength( $('#git-server'), "Server ", 1 );
+ valid = valid && checkLength( $('#git-service'), "Service", 1 );
+ valid = valid && checkLength( $('#git-credentials'), "Credentials", 1 );
+ valid = valid && checkLength( $('#git-branch'), "Branch name", 1 );
+ var git_init = 0;
+ if ($('#git-init').is(':checked')) {
+ git_init = '1';
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: "options.py",
+ data: {
+ git_backup: '1',
+ server: $('#git-server').val(),
+ git_service: $('#git-service').val(),
+ git_init: git_init,
+ git_repo: $('#git-repo').val(),
+ git_branch: $('#git-branch').val(),
+ time: $('#git-time').val(),
+ cred: $('#git-credentials').val(),
+ description: $('#git-description').val(),
+ git_deljob: 0,
+ token: $('#token').val()
+ },
+ type: "POST",
+ success: function( data ) {
+ data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' ');
+ if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1') {
+ toastr.error(data);
+ } else if (data.indexOf('success: ') != '-1') {
+ common_ajax_action_after_success(dialog_id, 'newgit', 'ajax-git-table', data);
+ $( "select" ).selectmenu();
+ } else if (data.indexOf('info: ') != '-1') {
+ toastr.clear();
+ toastr.info(data);
+ } else if (data.indexOf('warning: ') != '-1') {
+ toastr.clear();
+ toastr.warning(data);
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ }
function updateSettings(param, val) {
$.ajax( {
@@ -1322,7 +1414,7 @@ function confirmDeleteBackup(id) {
height: "auto",
width: 400,
modal: true,
- title: "Are you sure you want to delete job for" +$('#backup-server-'+id).val() + "?",
+ title: "Are you sure you want to delete job for " +$('#backup-server-'+id).val() + "?",
buttons: {
"Delete": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
@@ -1334,6 +1426,24 @@ function confirmDeleteBackup(id) {
+function confirmDeleteGit(id) {
+ $( "#dialog-confirm" ).dialog({
+ resizable: false,
+ height: "auto",
+ width: 400,
+ modal: true,
+ title: "Are you sure you want to delete job for " +$('#git-server-'+id).text() + "?",
+ buttons: {
+ "Delete": function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ removeGit(id);
+ },
+ Cancel: function() {
+ $( this ).dialog( "close" );
+ }
+ }
+ });
function cloneServer(id) {
$( "#add-server-button" ).trigger( "click" );
if ($('#enable-'+id).is(':checked')) {
@@ -1554,6 +1664,33 @@ function removeBackup(id) {
} );
+function removeGit(id) {
+ $("#git-table-"+id).css("background-color", "#f2dede");
+ $.ajax( {
+ url: "options.py",
+ data: {
+ git_backup: id,
+ git_deljob: 1,
+ git_init: 0,
+ repo: 0,
+ branch: 0,
+ time: 0,
+ cred: $('#git-credentials-id-'+id).text(),
+ server: $('#git-server-id-'+id).text(),
+ git_service: $('#git-service-id-'+id).text(),
+ token: $('#token').val()
+ },
+ type: "POST",
+ success: function( data ) {
+ data = data.replace(/\s+/g,' ');
+ if(data.indexOf('Ok') != '-1') {
+ $("#git-table-"+id).remove();
+ } else if (data.indexOf('error:') != '-1' || data.indexOf('unique') != '-1') {
+ toastr.error(data);
+ }
+ }
+ } );
function updateUser(id) {
cur_url[0] = cur_url[0].split('#')[0]