From 831fbf4df9b058317cb9bda1376d1fea69c8ec46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pavel Loginov
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2022 18:51:13 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] v5.3.6.0
app/ | 2 +-
app/ | 27 +-
app/ | 73 +--
app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf.yml | 11 +
.../ansible/roles/waf/defaults/main.yml | 2 +
.../roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml | 12 +
.../roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml | 27 ++
app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/main.yml | 389 ++++++++++++++++
.../modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2 | 435 ++++++++++++++++++
.../ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.conf.j2 | 12 +
.../roles/waf/templates/waf.service.j2 | 15 +
.../roles/waf/templates/waf_rsyslog.conf.j2 | 2 +
app/scripts/ | 228 ++-------
app/templates/ajax/overivewWaf.html | 129 +++---
app/templates/waf.html | 46 +-
app/ | 31 +-
inc/add.js | 2 +-
17 files changed, 1122 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf.yml
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/defaults/main.yml
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/main.yml
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.conf.j2
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.service.j2
create mode 100644 app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf_rsyslog.conf.j2
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
index b819a9a0..f0180032 100644
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ def update_db_v_5_3_2_2(**kwargs):
def update_ver():
- query = Version.update(version='')
+ query = Version.update(version='')
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
index 6f82c0e9..0c0b72b7 100644
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
@@ -743,10 +743,15 @@ def install_haproxy(server_ip, **kwargs):
def waf_install(server_ip):
import sql
script = ""
- tmp_config_path = sql.get_setting('tmp_config_path')
proxy = sql.get_setting('proxy')
haproxy_dir = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir')
ver = check_haproxy_version(server_ip)
+ service = ' WAF'
+ ssh_enable, ssh_user_name, ssh_user_password, ssh_key_name = return_ssh_keys_path(server_ip)
+ ssh_port = '22'
+ if ssh_enable == 0:
+ ssh_key_name = ''
os.system("cp scripts/%s ." % script)
@@ -755,22 +760,20 @@ def waf_install(server_ip):
proxy_serv = ''
- commands = ["sudo chmod +x " + tmp_config_path+script + " && " + tmp_config_path+script + " PROXY=" + proxy_serv +
- " HAPROXY_PATH=" + haproxy_dir + " VERSION=" + ver]
+ commands = ["chmod +x " + script + " && ./" + script + " PROXY=" + proxy_serv + " HAPROXY_PATH=" + haproxy_dir +
+ " VERSION='" + ver + "' SSH_PORT=" + ssh_port + " HOST=" + server_ip +
+ " USER=" + ssh_user_name + " PASS='" + ssh_user_password + "' KEY=" + ssh_key_name]
- error = str(upload(server_ip, tmp_config_path, script))
+ output, error = subprocess_execute(commands[0])
- if error:
- print('error: '+error)
- logging('localhost', error, haproxywi=1)
+ if show_installation_output(error, output, service):
+ ssh_command(server_ip, commands, print_out="1")
+ sql.insert_waf_metrics_enable(server_ip, "0")
+ sql.insert_waf_rules(server_ip)
os.system("rm -f %s" % script)
- ssh_command(server_ip, commands, print_out="1")
- sql.insert_waf_metrics_enable(server_ip, "0")
- sql.insert_waf_rules(server_ip)
def install_nginx(server_ip, **kwargs):
import sql
diff --git a/app/ b/app/
index 19b10961..3f60400f 100644
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
@@ -632,42 +632,61 @@ if act == "overview":
if act == "overviewwaf":
- import asyncio
import http.cookies
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+ env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/ajax'), autoescape=True,
+ extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols', ''])
+ template = env.get_template('overivewWaf.html')
- async def async_get_overviewWaf(serv1, serv2):
- haproxy_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir')
- commands0 = ["ps ax |grep waf/bin/modsecurity |grep -v grep |wc -l"]
- commands1 = ["cat %s/waf/modsecurity.conf |grep SecRuleEngine |grep -v '#' |awk '{print $2}'" % haproxy_path]
+ servers = sql.select_servers(server=serv)
+ cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE"))
+ user_id = cookie.get('uuid')
- server_status = (serv1, serv2,
- funct.ssh_command(serv2, commands0),
- funct.ssh_command(serv2, commands1).strip(),
- sql.select_waf_metrics_enable_server(serv2))
- return server_status
+ haproxy_path = ''
+ returned_servers = []
+ waf = ''
+ metrics_en = 0
+ waf_process = ''
+ waf_mode = ''
+ for server in servers:
+ haproxy = sql.select_haproxy(server[2])
+ if haproxy == 1:
+ haproxy_path = sql.get_setting('haproxy_dir')
+ waf = sql.select_waf_servers(server[2])
+ metrics_en = sql.select_waf_metrics_enable_server(server[2])
+ try:
+ waf_len = len(waf)
+ except:
+ waf_len = 0
- async def get_runner_overviewWaf():
- env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates/ajax'), autoescape=True,
- extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols', ''])
- template = env.get_template('overivewWaf.html')
+ if waf_len >= 1:
+ command = ["ps ax |grep waf/bin/modsecurity |grep -v grep |wc -l"]
+ commands1 = [
+ "cat %s/waf/modsecurity.conf |grep SecRuleEngine |grep -v '#' |awk '{print $2}'" % haproxy_path]
+ waf_process = funct.ssh_command(server[2], command)
+ waf_mode = funct.ssh_command(server[2], commands1).strip()
- servers = []
- cookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE"))
- user_id = cookie.get('uuid')
- futures = [async_get_overviewWaf(server[1], server[2]) for server in sql.select_servers(server=serv)]
- for i, future in enumerate(asyncio.as_completed(futures)):
- result = await future
- servers.append(result)
- servers_sorted = sorted(servers, key=funct.get_key)
- template = template.render(service_status=servers_sorted, role=sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value))
- print(template)
+ server_status = (server[1],
+ server[2],
+ waf_process,
+ waf_mode,
+ metrics_en,
+ waf_len)
+ else:
+ server_status = (server[1],
+ server[2],
+ waf_process,
+ waf_mode,
+ metrics_en,
+ waf_len)
+ returned_servers.append(server_status)
- ioloop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- ioloop.run_until_complete(get_runner_overviewWaf())
- ioloop.close()
+ servers_sorted = sorted(returned_servers, key=funct.get_key)
+ template = template.render(service_status=servers_sorted, role=sql.get_user_role_by_uuid(user_id.value))
+ print(template)
if act == "overviewServers":
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..204a30db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+- name: Install WAF
+ hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
+ become: yes
+ become_method: sudo
+ gather_facts: yes
+ roles:
+ - role: waf
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/defaults/main.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2fbef5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+modsec_ver: "2.9.5"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90045725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- name: Install git
+ package:
+ name: git
+ state: present
+- name: Git clone spoa-modsecurity
+ command: chdir=/tmp/ git clone
+- name: Set ModSec foleder
+ set_fact:
+ mod_sec_dir: /tmp/spoa-modsecurity
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..162e3627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+- name: Download HAProxy tarball
+ get_url:
+ url: "{{ VERSION_MAJ }}/src/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}.tar.gz"
+ dest: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}.tar.gz"
+- name: Create HAProxy directory
+ file:
+ path: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}"
+ state: directory
+- name: Untar HAProxy tarball
+ become: true
+ become_user: root
+ unarchive:
+ src: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}.tar.gz"
+ dest: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}"
+ remote_src: true
+- name: Copy HAProxy files
+ synchronize:
+ src: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}/"
+ dest: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}"
+- name: Set ModSec foleder
+ set_fact:
+ mod_sec_dir: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}/contrib/modsecurity"
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/main.yml b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..966b488b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+- name: Installing WAF
+ block:
+ - name: Set SSH port
+ set_fact:
+ ansible_port: "{{SSH_PORT}}"
+ - name: Check that WAF has been installed
+ stat:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/modsecurity.conf"
+ register: stat_result
+ - name: Fail if has been installed
+ fail:
+ msg="info HAProxy WAF has already installed"
+ when: stat_result.stat.exists
+ - name: install the el7 RPMS for HAProxy
+ yum:
+ name:
+ - yajl-devel
+ -
+ state: latest
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS'
+ - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '7'
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ - name: install the el8 RPMS for HAProxy
+ yum:
+ name:
+ -
+ state: latest
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS'
+ - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == '8'
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ - name: install the common RPMS for HAProxy
+ yum:
+ name:
+ - httpd-devel
+ - libxml2-devel
+ - gcc
+ - curl-devel
+ - pcre-devel
+ - wget
+ - automake
+ - libevent-devel
+ - libtool
+ state: latest
+ when:
+ - ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS'
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ - name: Install needed packages
+ apt:
+ name:
+ - libevent-dev
+ - apache2-dev
+ - libpcre3-dev
+ - libxml2-dev
+ - gcc
+ - libpcre3-dev
+ - wget
+ - libcurl4-nss-dev
+ - libyajl-dev
+ - libxml2
+ - automake
+ state: present
+ when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian' or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Ubuntu'
+ environment:
+ http_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ https_proxy: "{{PROXY}}"
+ - name: Download Modsec tarball
+ become: false
+ get_url:
+# url:
+ url: "{{ modsec_ver }}/modsecurity-{{ modsec_ver }}.tar.gz"
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity.tar.gz
+ owner: "{{ ansible_user }}"
+ - name: Create HAProxy directory
+ become: false
+ file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity
+ state: directory
+ - name: Untar Modsec tarball
+ become: false
+ unarchive:
+ src: /tmp/modsecurity.tar.gz
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity/
+ remote_src: true
+ - name: Copy modsecurity
+ copy:
+ src: "/tmp/modsecurity/modsecurity-{{ modsec_ver }}/"
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity/
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Set execute permision to configure
+ become: true
+ command: chdir=/tmp/modsecurity/ chmod +x configure
+ args:
+ warn: no
+ - name: Re configure Modsecurity
+ become: true
+ command: chdir=/tmp/modsecurity/ autoreconf -f -i
+ - name: Configure Modsecurity
+ become: true
+ command: chdir=/tmp/modsecurity/ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/modsecurity --enable-standalone-module --disable-mlogc --enable-pcre-study --without-lua --enable-pcre-jit
+ - name: Make Modsecurity
+ command: chdir=/tmp/modsecurity/ make
+ - name: Make Install Modsecurity
+ command: chdir=/tmp/modsecurity/ make -C standalone install
+ - name: Creates directory
+ file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
+ state: directory
+ - name: Copy Modsec libs
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/modsecurity/standalone/.libs/
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/modsecurity/standalone/
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec apache files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/modsecurity/apache2/
+ dest: /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Include task for HAProxy <= 2.3.16
+ include: haproxy_under_2.4.0.yml
+ when: VERSION is version('2.3.16', '<=')
+ - name: Include task for HAProxy >= 2.4.0
+ include: haproxy_above_2.4.0.yml
+ when: VERSION is version('2.4.0', '>=')
+ - name: Make APT Modsecurity module for HAProxy
+ command: "chdir={{ mod_sec_dir }} make MODSEC_INC=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include MODSEC_LIB=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include APACHE2_INC=/usr/include/apache2/ APR_INC=/usr/include/apr-1.0"
+ when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian' or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Ubuntu'
+ - name: Make EL Modsecurity module for HAProxy
+ command: "chdir={{ mod_sec_dir }} make MODSEC_INC=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include MODSEC_LIB=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include APACHE2_INC=/usr/include/httpd/ APR_INC=/usr/include/apr-1"
+ when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat" or ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'CentOS'
+ - name: Make WAF rules directory
+ file:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Make WAF bin directory
+ file:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/bin"
+ state: directory
+ - name: Copy Modsec module to HAProxy dir
+ copy:
+ src: "{{ mod_sec_dir }}/modsecurity"
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/bin"
+ mode: '0744'
+ remote_src: true
+ - name: Download modsecurity conf
+ get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/modsecurity.conf"
+ - name: Insert Modsec rules
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/modsecurity.conf"
+ block: |
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_ignore_static.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_avs_traffic.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_brute_force.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_dos_protection.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_13_xml_enabler.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_authentication_tracking.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_scanner_integration.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_username_tracking.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_20_protocol_violations.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_21_protocol_anomalies.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_23_request_limits.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_25_cc_known.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_25_cc_track_pan.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_30_http_policy.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_35_bad_robots.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_40_generic_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_40_http_parameter_pollution.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_41_sql_injection_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_41_xss_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_42_comment_spam.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_42_tight_security.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_45_trojans.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_av_scanning.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_scanner_integration.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_xss_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_lfi_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_sqli_attacks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_47_common_exceptions.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_49_inbound_blocking.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_50_outbound.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_55_marketing.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_56_pvi_checks.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_59_outbound_blocking.conf
+ Include {{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_60_correlation.conf
+ - name: Download unicode.mapping
+ get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/unicode.mapping"
+ - name: Download owasp-modsecurity-crs
+ get_url:
+ url:
+ dest: /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
+ - name: Create owasp directory
+ file:
+ path: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
+ state: directory
+ - name: Untar owasp-modsecurity-crs tarball
+ become: true
+ become_user: root
+ unarchive:
+ src: /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
+ dest: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
+ remote_src: true
+ - name: Copy owasp files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/
+ dest: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs conf file
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf"
+ remote_src: true
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs activated_rules files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/activated_rules/
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs base_rules files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/base_rules/
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs experimental_rules files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/experimental_rules/
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs optional_rules files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/optional_rules/
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Copy Modsec crs slr_rules files
+ copy:
+ src: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/slr_rules/
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/"
+ remote_src: yes
+ - name: Ensure ModSec engine mode on
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/modsecurity.conf"
+ regexp: '^SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly'
+ line: SecRuleEngine On
+ - name: Change ModSec audit log
+ ansible.builtin.lineinfile:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/modsecurity.conf"
+ regexp: '^SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEFHZ'
+ line: SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEH
+ - name: Create modsecurity_crs_10_setup
+ template:
+ src: modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf"
+ - name: Create WAF service file
+ template:
+ src: waf.service.j2
+ dest: /etc/systemd/system/waf.service
+ mode: 0644
+ - name: Create WAF rsyslog file
+ template:
+ src: waf_rsyslog.conf.j2
+ dest: /etc/rsyslog.d/waf.conf
+ mode: 0644
+ - name: Create WAF conf file
+ template:
+ src: waf.conf.j2
+ dest: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/waf.conf"
+ mode: 0644
+ - name: Insert Modsec backend
+ blockinfile:
+ path: "{{ HAPROXY_PATH }}/haproxy.cfg"
+ block: |
+ backend waf
+ mode tcp
+ timeout connect 5s
+ timeout server 3m
+ server waf check
+ - name: Daemon-reload for WAF service
+ systemd:
+ daemon_reexec: yes
+ - name: Start and enable WAF service
+ systemd:
+ name: waf
+ state: started
+ enabled: yes
+ always:
+ - name: Remove modsecurity.tar.gz
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity.tar.gz
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove modsecurity-2.9.2
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity-2.9.2
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove HAProxy
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: "/tmp/haproxy-{{ VERSION }}"
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove modsecurity
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove modsecurity.conf
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/modsecurity.conf
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove owasp.tar.gz
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
+ state: absent
+ - name: Remove spoa-modsecurity
+ ansible.builtin.file:
+ path: /tmp/spoa-modsecurity
+ state: absent
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2 b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06daec52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# Core ModSecurity Rule Set ver.2.2.9
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Trustwave All rights reserved.
+# The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set is distributed under
+# Apache Software License (ASL) version 2
+# Please see the enclosed LICENCE file for full details.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------
+# -- [[ Recommended Base Configuration ]] -------------------------------------------------
+# The configuration directives/settings in this file are used to control
+# the OWASP ModSecurity CRS. These settings do **NOT** configure the main
+# ModSecurity settings such as:
+# - SecRuleEngine
+# - SecRequestBodyAccess
+# - SecAuditEngine
+# - SecDebugLog
+# You should use the modsecurity.conf-recommended file that comes with the
+# ModSecurity source code archive.
+# Ref:
+# -- [[ Rule Version ]] -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rule version data is added to the "Producer" line of Section H of the Audit log:
+# - Producer: ModSecurity for Apache/2.7.0-rc1 (; OWASP_CRS/2.2.4.
+# Ref:
+SecComponentSignature "OWASP_CRS/2.2.9"
+# -- [[ Modes of Operation: Self-Contained vs. Collaborative Detection ]] -----------------
+# Each detection rule uses the "block" action which will inherit the SecDefaultAction
+# specified below. Your settings here will determine which mode of operation you use.
+# -- [[ Self-Contained Mode ]] --
+# Rules inherit the "deny" disruptive action. The first rule that matches will block.
+# -- [[ Collaborative Detection Mode ]] --
+# This is a "delayed blocking" mode of operation where each matching rule will inherit
+# the "pass" action and will only contribute to anomaly scores. Transactional blocking
+# can be applied
+# -- [[ Alert Logging Control ]] --
+# You have three options -
+# - To log to both the Apache error_log and ModSecurity audit_log file use: "log"
+# - To log *only* to the ModSecurity audit_log file use: "nolog,auditlog"
+# - To log *only* to the Apache error_log file use: "log,noauditlog"
+# Ref:
+# Ref:
+SecDefaultAction "phase:1,deny,log"
+SecDefaultAction "phase:2,deny,log"
+# -- [[ Collaborative Detection Severity Levels ]] ----------------------------------------
+# These are the default scoring points for each severity level. You may
+# adjust these to you liking. These settings will be used in macro expansion
+# in the rules to increment the anomaly scores when rules match.
+# These are the default Severity ratings (with anomaly scores) of the individual rules -
+# - 2: Critical - Anomaly Score of 5.
+# Is the highest severity level possible without correlation. It is
+# normally generated by the web attack rules (40 level files).
+# - 3: Error - Anomaly Score of 4.
+# Is generated mostly from outbound leakage rules (50 level files).
+# - 4: Warning - Anomaly Score of 3.
+# Is generated by malicious client rules (35 level files).
+# - 5: Notice - Anomaly Score of 2.
+# Is generated by the Protocol policy and anomaly files.
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900001', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.critical_anomaly_score=5, \
+ setvar:tx.error_anomaly_score=4, \
+ setvar:tx.warning_anomaly_score=3, \
+ setvar:tx.notice_anomaly_score=2, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Collaborative Detection Scoring Initialization and Threshold Levels ]] ------------------------------
+# These variables are used in macro expansion in the 49 inbound blocking and 59
+# outbound blocking files.
+# **MUST HAVE** ModSecurity v2.5.12 or higher to use macro expansion in numeric
+# operators. If you have an earlier version, edit the 49/59 files directly to
+# set the appropriate anomaly score levels.
+# You should set the score level (rule 900003) to the proper threshold you
+# would prefer. If set to "5" it will work similarly to previous Mod CRS rules
+# and will create an event in the error_log file if there are any rules that
+# match. If you would like to lessen the number of events generated in the
+# error_log file, you should increase the anomaly score threshold to something
+# like "20". This would only generate an event in the error_log file if there
+# are multiple lower severity rule matches or if any 1 higher severity item matches.
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900002', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.anomaly_score=0, \
+ setvar:tx.sql_injection_score=0, \
+ setvar:tx.xss_score=0, \
+ setvar:tx.inbound_anomaly_score=0, \
+ setvar:tx.outbound_anomaly_score=0, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900003', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.inbound_anomaly_score_level=5, \
+ setvar:tx.outbound_anomaly_score_level=4, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Collaborative Detection Blocking ]] -----------------------------------------------
+# This is a collaborative detection mode where each rule will increment an overall
+# anomaly score for the transaction. The scores are then evaluated in the following files:
+# Inbound anomaly score - checked in the modsecurity_crs_49_inbound_blocking.conf file
+# Outbound anomaly score - checked in the modsecurity_crs_59_outbound_blocking.conf file
+# If you want to use anomaly scoring mode, then uncomment this line.
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900004', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.anomaly_score_blocking=on, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ GeoIP Database ]] -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# There are some rulesets that need to inspect the GEO data of the REMOTE_ADDR data.
+# You must first download the MaxMind GeoIP Lite City DB -
+# You then need to define the proper path for the SecGeoLookupDb directive
+# Ref:
+# Ref:
+#SecGeoLookupDb /opt/modsecurity/lib/GeoLiteCity.dat
+# -- [[ Regression Testing Mode ]] --------------------------------------------------------
+# If you are going to run the regression testing mode, you should uncomment the
+# following rule. It will enable DetectionOnly mode for the SecRuleEngine and
+# will enable Response Header tagging so that the client testing script can see
+# which rule IDs have matched.
+# You must specify the your source IP address where you will be running the tests
+# from.
+#SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@ipMatch" \
+ "id:'900005', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ ctl:ruleEngine=DetectionOnly, \
+ setvar:tx.regression_testing=1, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ HTTP Policy Settings ]] ----------------------------------------------------------
+# Set the following policy settings here and they will be propagated to the 23 rules
+# file (modsecurity_common_23_request_limits.conf) by using macro expansion.
+# If you run into false positives, you can adjust the settings here.
+# Only the max number of args is uncommented by default as there are a high rate
+# of false positives. Uncomment the items you wish to set.
+# -- Maximum number of arguments in request limited
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900006', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.max_num_args=255, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- Limit argument name length
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900007', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.arg_name_length=100, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- Limit value name length
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900008', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.arg_length=400, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- Limit arguments total length
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900009', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.total_arg_length=64000, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- Individual file size is limited
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900010', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.max_file_size=1048576, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- Combined file size is limited
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900011', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.combined_file_sizes=1048576, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# Set the following policy settings here and they will be propagated to the 30 rules
+# file (modsecurity_crs_30_http_policy.conf) by using macro expansion.
+# If you run into false positves, you can adjust the settings here.
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900012', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:'tx.allowed_methods=GET HEAD POST OPTIONS', \
+ setvar:'tx.allowed_request_content_type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml|application/xml|application/x-amf|application/json', \
+ setvar:'tx.allowed_http_versions=HTTP/0.9 HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1', \
+ setvar:'tx.restricted_extensions=.asa/ .asax/ .ascx/ .axd/ .backup/ .bak/ .bat/ .cdx/ .cer/ .cfg/ .cmd/ .com/ .config/ .conf/ .cs/ .csproj/ .csr/ .dat/ .db/ .dbf/ .dll/ .dos/ .htr/ .htw/ .ida/ .idc/ .idq/ .inc/ .ini/ .key/ .licx/ .lnk/ .log/ .mdb/ .old/ .pass/ .pdb/ .pol/ .printer/ .pwd/ .resources/ .resx/ .sql/ .sys/ .vb/ .vbs/ .vbproj/ .vsdisco/ .webinfo/ .xsd/ .xsx/', \
+ setvar:'tx.restricted_headers=/Proxy-Connection/ /Lock-Token/ /Content-Range/ /Translate/ /via/ /if/', \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Content Security Policy (CSP) Settings ]] -----------------------------------------
+# The purpose of these settings is to send CSP response headers to
+# Mozilla FireFox users so that you can enforce how dynamic content
+# is used. CSP usage helps to prevent XSS attacks against your users.
+# Reference Link:
+# Uncomment this SecAction line if you want use CSP enforcement.
+# You need to set the appropriate directives and settings for your site/domain and
+# and activate the CSP file in the experimental_rules directory.
+# Ref:
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900013', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.csp_report_only=1, \
+ setvar:tx.csp_report_uri=/csp_violation_report, \
+ setenv:'csp_policy=allow \'self\'; img-src *; media-src *; style-src *; frame-ancestors *; script-src *; report-uri %{tx.csp_report_uri}', \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Brute Force Protection ]] ---------------------------------------------------------
+# If you are using the Brute Force Protection rule set, then uncomment the following
+# lines and set the following variables:
+# - Protected URLs: resources to protect (e.g. login pages) - set to your login page
+# - Burst Time Slice Interval: time interval window to monitor for bursts
+# - Request Threshold: request # threshold to trigger a burst
+# - Block Period: temporary block timeout
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900014', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:'tx.brute_force_protected_urls=#/login.jsp# #/partner_login.php#', \
+ setvar:'tx.brute_force_burst_time_slice=60', \
+ setvar:'tx.brute_force_counter_threshold=10', \
+ setvar:'tx.brute_force_block_timeout=300', \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ DoS Protection ]] ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# If you are using the DoS Protection rule set, then uncomment the following
+# lines and set the following variables:
+# - Burst Time Slice Interval: time interval window to monitor for bursts
+# - Request Threshold: request # threshold to trigger a burst
+# - Block Period: temporary block timeout
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900015', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:'tx.dos_burst_time_slice=60', \
+ setvar:'tx.dos_counter_threshold=100', \
+ setvar:'tx.dos_block_timeout=600', \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Check UTF enconding ]] -----------------------------------------------------------
+# We only want to apply this check if UTF-8 encoding is actually used by the site, otherwise
+# it will result in false positives.
+# Uncomment this line if your site uses UTF8 encoding
+SecAction \
+ "id:'900016', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ setvar:tx.crs_validate_utf8_encoding=1, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+# -- [[ Enable XML Body Parsing ]] -------------------------------------------------------
+# The rules in this file will trigger the XML parser upon an XML request
+# Initiate XML Processor in case of xml content-type
+SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "text/xml" \
+ "id:'900017', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none,t:lowercase, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass, \
+ chain"
+ SecRule REQBODY_PROCESSOR "!@streq XML" \
+ "ctl:requestBodyProcessor=XML"
+# -- [[ Global and IP Collections ]] -----------------------------------------------------
+# Create both Global and IP collections for rules to use
+# There are some CRS rules that assume that these two collections
+# have already been initiated.
+SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent "^(.*)$" \
+ "id:'900018', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none,t:sha1,t:hexEncode, \
+ setvar:tx.ua_hash=%{matched_var}, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:x-forwarded-for "^\b(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\b" \
+ "id:'900019', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ capture, \
+ setvar:tx.real_ip=%{tx.1}, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+SecRule &TX:REAL_IP "!@eq 0" \
+ "id:'900020', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ initcol:global=global, \
+ initcol:ip=%{tx.real_ip}_%{tx.ua_hash}, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
+SecRule &TX:REAL_IP "@eq 0" \
+ "id:'900021', \
+ phase:1, \
+ t:none, \
+ initcol:global=global, \
+ initcol:ip=%{remote_addr}_%{tx.ua_hash}, \
+ setvar:tx.real_ip=%{remote_addr}, \
+ nolog, \
+ pass"
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.conf.j2 b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb9c76da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+spoe-agent modsecurity-agent
+ messages check-request
+ option var-prefix modsec
+ timeout hello 100ms
+ timeout idle 30s
+ timeout processing 15ms
+ use-backend waf
+spoe-message check-request
+ args unique-id method path query req.ver req.hdrs_bin req.body_size req.body
+ event on-frontend-http-request
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.service.j2 b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.service.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d45cae41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf.service.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Description=HAProxy WAF
+ExecStart={{HAPROXY_PATH}}/waf/bin/modsecurity -n 4 -f {{HAPROXY_PATH}}/waf/modsecurity.conf
+ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf_rsyslog.conf.j2 b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf_rsyslog.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3b0b7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/scripts/ansible/roles/waf/templates/waf_rsyslog.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+if $programname startswith "waf" then /var/log/waf.log
+& stop
diff --git a/app/scripts/ b/app/scripts/
index 50cee663..d98a1c31 100644
--- a/app/scripts/
+++ b/app/scripts/
@@ -9,218 +9,42 @@ do
+ KEY) KEY=${VALUE} ;;
-VERSION=$(echo 2.1.3| awk -F"-" '{print $1}')
+VERSION=$(echo "$VERSION"| awk -F"-" '{print $1}')
VERSION_MAJ=$(echo "$VERSION" | awk -F"." '{print $1"."$2}')
-function do_clean() {
- sudo rm -f /tmp/modsecurity.tar.gz
- sudo rm -rf /tmp/modsecurity
- sudo rm -rf /tmp/haproxy-*
- sudo rm -f /tmp/modsecurity.conf
- sudo rm -f /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
- sudo rm -rf /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9
if (( $(awk 'BEGIN {print ("'$VERSION_MAJ'" < "'1.8'")}') )); then
echo 'error: Need HAProxy version 1.8 or later'
exit 1
-if [[ $PROXY != "" ]]
+echo "$HOST ansible_port=$SSH_PORT" > $PWD/$HOST
+if [[ $KEY == "" ]]; then
+ ansible-playbook $PWD/roles/waf.yml -e "ansible_user=$USER ansible_ssh_pass='$PASS' variable_host=$HOST PROXY=$PROXY HAPROXY_PATH=$HAPROXY_PATH VERSION=$VERSION VERSION_MAJ=$VERSION_MAJ SSH_PORT=$SSH_PORT" -i $PWD/$HOST
+ ansible-playbook $PWD/roles/waf.yml --key-file $KEY -e "ansible_user=$USER variable_host=$HOST PROXY=$PROXY HAPROXY_PATH=$HAPROXY_PATH VERSION=$VERSION VERSION_MAJ=$VERSION_MAJ SSH_PORT=$SSH_PORT" -i $PWD/$HOST
+if [ $? -gt 0 ]
- export http_proxy="$PROXY"
- export https_proxy="$PROXY"
-if [ -f "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/modsecurity.conf ];then
- echo -e 'info: Haproxy WAF has already installed.'
- exit 0
-if hash apt-get 2>/dev/null; then
- sudo apt install libevent-dev apache2-dev libpcre3-dev libxml2-dev gcc pcre-devel wget libxml2 -y
+ echo "error: Cannot install WAF"
- if [[ $(cat /etc/*rele* |grep VERSION_ID |awk -F"\"" '{print $2}') -eq 7 ]]; then
- sudo yum install -y >> /dev/null
- sudo yum install -y >> /dev/null
- else
- sudo rpm -ivh
- fi
- sudo yum install -y httpd-devel libxml2-devel gcc curl-devel pcre-devel wget libevent-devel -y >> /dev/null
+ echo "success"
-wget -O /tmp/modsecurity.tar.gz >> /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo -e "Can't download WAF application. Check the Internet connection"
- do_clean
- exit 1
-cd /tmp || exit
-sudo tar xf modsecurity.tar.gz
-sudo mv modsecurity-2.9.2 modsecurity
-sudo bash -c 'cd /tmp/modsecurity && \
-sudo ./configure --prefix=/tmp/modsecurity --enable-standalone-module --disable-mlogc --enable-pcre-study --without-lua --enable-pcre-jit >> /dev/null && \
-sudo make >> /dev/null && \
-sudo make -C standalone install >> /dev/null'
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo -e "error: Can't compile waf application"
- do_clean
- exit 1
-sudo mkdir -p /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-sudo cp -R /tmp/modsecurity/standalone/.libs/ /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-sudo cp -R /tmp/modsecurity/standalone/ /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-sudo cp -R /tmp/modsecurity/apache2/ /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /tmp/modsecurity/
-mv /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/.libs/* /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-mv /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/apache2/* /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-mv /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include/standalone/* /tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include
-wget -O /tmp/haproxy-"$VERSION".tar.gz$VERSION_MAJ/src/haproxy-"$VERSION".tar.gz
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo -e "error: Can't download Haproxy application. Check the Internet connection"
- do_clean
- exit 1
-cd /tmp || exit
-sudo tar xf /tmp/haproxy-"$VERSION".tar.gz
-sudo mkdir "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf
-sudo mkdir "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/bin
-sudo mkdir "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/rules
-cd /tmp/haproxy-"$VERSION"/contrib/modsecurity || exit
-if hash apt-get 2>/dev/null; then
- sudo make MODSEC_INC=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include MODSEC_LIB=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include APR_INC=/usr/include/apr-1 >> /dev/null
- sudo make MODSEC_INC=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include MODSEC_LIB=/tmp/modsecurity/INSTALL/include APACHE2_INC=/usr/include/httpd/ APR_INC=/usr/include/apr-1 >> /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo -e "error: Can't compile WAF application"
- do_clean
- exit 1
-sudo mv /tmp/haproxy-"$VERSION"/contrib/modsecurity/modsecurity "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/bin
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo -e "error: Can't compile WAF application"
- do_clean
- exit 1
-wget -O /tmp/modsecurity.conf
-sudo bash -c cat << EOF >> /tmp/modsecurity.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_ignore_static.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_avs_traffic.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_brute_force.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_11_dos_protection.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_13_xml_enabler.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_authentication_tracking.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_scanner_integration.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_username_tracking.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_16_username_tracking.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_20_protocol_violations.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_21_protocol_anomalies.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_23_request_limits.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_25_cc_known.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_25_cc_track_pan.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_30_http_policy.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_35_bad_robots.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_40_generic_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_40_http_parameter_pollution.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_41_sql_injection_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_41_xss_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_42_comment_spam.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_42_tight_security.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_45_trojans.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_av_scanning.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_scanner_integration.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_xss_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_lfi_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_46_slr_et_sqli_attacks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_47_common_exceptions.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_49_inbound_blocking.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_50_outbound.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_55_marketing.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_56_pvi_checks.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_59_outbound_blocking.conf
-Include $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_60_correlation.conf
-sudo mv /tmp/modsecurity.conf "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/modsecurity.conf
-wget -O /tmp/unicode.mapping
-sudo mv /tmp/unicode.mapping "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/unicode.mapping
-wget -O /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
-cd /tmp/ || exit
-sudo tar xf /tmp/owasp.tar.gz
-sudo mv /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf.example $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf
-sudo mv /tmp/owasp-modsecurity-crs-2.2.9/*rules/* "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/rules/
-sudo sed -i 's/#SecAction/SecAction/' "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/rules/modsecurity_crs_10_setup.conf
-sudo sed -i 's/SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly/SecRuleEngine On/' "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/modsecurity.conf
-sudo sed -i 's/SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEFHZ/SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEH/' "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf/modsecurity.conf
-sudo bash -c cat << EOF > /tmp/waf.service
-Description=Haproxy WAF
-ExecStart=$HAPROXY_PATH/waf/bin/modsecurity -n 4 -f $HAPROXY_PATH/waf/modsecurity.conf
-ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID
-sudo mv /tmp/waf.service /etc/systemd/system/waf.service
-sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/rsyslog.d/waf.conf
-if $programname startswith "waf" then /var/log/waf.log
-& stop
-sudo bash -c cat << EOF > /tmp/waf.conf
-spoe-agent modsecurity-agent
- messages check-request
- option var-prefix modsec
- timeout hello 100ms
- timeout idle 30s
- timeout processing 15ms
- use-backend waf
-spoe-message check-request
- args unique-id method path query req.ver req.hdrs_bin req.body_size req.body
- event on-frontend-http-request
-sudo mv /tmp/waf.conf "$HAPROXY_PATH"/waf.conf
-if sudo grep -q "backend waf" "$HAPROXY_PATH"/haproxy.cfg; then
- echo -e "Backend for WAF exists"
- sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
-backend waf
- mode tcp
- timeout connect 5s
- timeout server 3m
- server waf check
-sudo systemctl daemon-reload
-sudo systemctl enable waf
-sudo systemctl restart waf
-if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
- echo "error: Can't start Haproxy WAF service"
- exit 1
-echo "success"
\ No newline at end of file
+rm -f $PWD/$HOST
diff --git a/app/templates/ajax/overivewWaf.html b/app/templates/ajax/overivewWaf.html
index 58fb3f6c..1a5aef4f 100644
--- a/app/templates/ajax/overivewWaf.html
+++ b/app/templates/ajax/overivewWaf.html
@@ -1,74 +1,67 @@
+{% set waf_modes = [] %}
+{% do waf_modes.append("On") %}
+{% do waf_modes.append("Off") %}
+{% do waf_modes.append("DetectionOnly") %}
{% for service in service_status %}
- {% if service.3 == "On" or service.3 == "Off" or service.3 == "DetectionOnly" %}
- {% if service.2|int() >= 1 %}
- {% else %}
- {% endif %}
- {{ service.0 }}
- |
- {% if role <= 2 %}
- {% endif %}
- |
- {% if role <= 2 %}
- {% if service.3 == "On" or service.3 == "Off" or service.3 == "DetectionOnly" %}
- {%else %}
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- {{ service.3 }}
- {% endif %}
- |
- {% if service.3 == "On" or service.3 == "Off" or service.3 == "DetectionOnly" %}
- {% if service.4|int() == 1 %}
- {% else %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- |
- {% if role <= 2 %}
- {% if service.3 == "On" or service.3 == "Off" or service.3 == "DetectionOnly" %}
- Open
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
- |
- |
+ {% if service.5|int() >= 1 %}
+ {% if service.2|int() >= 1 %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ service.0 }}
{% else %}
- |
- {{ service.0 }}
- |
- {% if role <= 2 %}
+ {{ service.0 }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if service.3 == "On" or service.3 == "Off" or service.3 == "DetectionOnly" %}
+ {% if role <= 2 %}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% if role <= 2 %}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ service.3 }}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% if service.4|int() == 1 %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ {% if role <= 2 %}
+ Open
+ {% endif %}
+ |
+ |
+ {% else %}
+ {% if role <= 2 %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/app/templates/waf.html b/app/templates/waf.html
index 96326024..2a664642 100644
--- a/app/templates/waf.html
+++ b/app/templates/waf.html
@@ -8,12 +8,9 @@
Rule name
- Enabled
- |
- Description
- |
+ Enabled |
+ Description |
+ |
{% for r in rules %}
@@ -27,9 +24,44 @@
{% endif %}
{{r.desc}} |
+ View
+ |
{% endfor %}
+{% elif waf_rule_file %}
+ Config {{waf_rule_file}} from {{ serv }}
{% else %}