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import app.modules.db.sql as sql
import app.modules.db.server as server_sql
import app.modules.db.service as service_sql
import app.modules.common.common as common
import app.modules.server.server as server_mod
import app.modules.roxywi.common as roxywi_common
import app.modules.service.common as service_common
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
def common_action(server_ip: str, action: str, service: str) -> None:
action_functions = {
'haproxy': service_action,
'nginx': service_action,
'keepalived': service_action,
'apache': service_action,
'waf_haproxy': action_haproxy_waf,
'waf_nginx': action_nginx_waf
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
action_functions[service](server_ip, action, service)
except Exception as e:
raise e
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
def service_action(server_ip: str, action: str, service: str) -> None:
:param server_ip: The IP address of the server on which the action will be performed.
:param action: The action to be performed on the service (e.g., "start", "stop").
:param service: The name of the service on which the action will be performed.
:return: A string indicating the success or failure of the action.
service_common.is_protected(server_ip, action)
except Exception as e:
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
raise e
server_id = server_sql.get_server_by_ip(server_ip).server_id
if service_common.is_not_allowed_to_restart(server_id, service, action):
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
raise Exception('This server is not allowed to be restarted')
if service != 'keepalived':
service_common.check_service_config(server_ip, server_id, service)
except Exception as e:
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
raise Exception(f'Cannot check config: {e}')
command = get_action_command(service, action, server_id)
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command)
roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f'Service has been {action}ed', roxywi=1, login=1, keep_history=1, service=service)
def get_action_command(service: str, action: str, server_id: int) -> str:
:param service: The name of the service for which the action command is needed.
:param action: The action to be performed on the service (e.g. start, stop, restart).
:param server_id: The ID of the server.
:return: A list containing the action command that needs to be executed.
is_docker = service_sql.select_service_setting(server_id, service, 'dockerized')
if is_docker == '1':
container_name = sql.get_setting(f'{service}_container_name')
if action == 'reload':
action = 'kill -S HUP'
commands = f"sudo docker {action} {container_name}"
service_name = service_common.get_correct_service_name(service, server_id)
commands = f"sudo systemctl {action} {service_name}"
return commands
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
def action_haproxy_waf(server_ip: str, action: str, service: str) -> None:
service_common.is_protected(server_ip, action)
except Exception as e:
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
raise e
server_ip, f'HAProxy WAF service has been {action}ed', roxywi=1, login=1, keep_history=1, service='haproxy'
command = f"sudo systemctl {action} waf"
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command)
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
def action_nginx_waf(server_ip: str, action: str, service: str) -> None:
config_dir = common.return_nice_path(sql.get_setting('nginx_dir'))
service_common.is_protected(server_ip, action)
except Exception as e:
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
raise e
waf_new_state = 'on' if action == 'start' else 'off'
waf_old_state = 'off' if action == 'start' else 'on'
roxywi_common.logging(server_ip, f'NGINX WAF service has been {action}ed', roxywi=1, login=1, keep_history=1, service='nginx')
command = (f"sudo sed -i 's/modsecurity {waf_old_state}/modsecurity {waf_new_state}/g' {config_dir}nginx.conf "
f"&& sudo systemctl reload nginx")
2024-08-02 09:50:02 +00:00
server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, command)
# def check_service(server_ip: str, user_id: int, service: str) -> str:
# user_services = user_sql.select_user_services(user_id)
# if '1' in user_services:
# if service == 'haproxy':
# haproxy_sock_port = sql.get_setting('haproxy_sock_port')
# cmd = 'echo "show info" |nc %s %s -w 1 -v|grep Name' % (server_ip, haproxy_sock_port)
# out = server_mod.subprocess_execute(cmd)
# for k in out[0]:
# if "Name" in k:
# return 'up'
# else:
# return 'down'
# if ('2' in user_services and service == 'nginx') or ('4' in user_services and service == 'apache'):
# stats_port = sql.get_setting(f'{service}_stats_port')
# with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:
# sock.settimeout(5)
# try:
# if sock.connect_ex((server_ip, stats_port)) == 0:
# return 'up'
# else:
# return 'down'
# except Exception as e:
# return f'down {e}'