2023-11-02 12:38:04 +00:00
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ lang.menu_links.monitoring.smon.status_page }}{% endblock %}
{% block h2 %}{{ lang.menu_links.monitoring.smon.status_page }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% from 'include/input_macros.html' import input, select %}
< script src = "/inc/smon.js" > < / script >
< link href = "/inc/css/servers.css" rel = "stylesheet" / >
< link href = "/inc/css/smon.css" rel = "stylesheet" / >
{% if user_status == 0 or user_plan != 'support' %}
{% include 'include/no_sub.html' %}
{% elif smon_error != '' %}
< div style = "text-align: center;" >
< br / >
< h3 > {{lang.smon_page.desc.not_installed}}< / h3 > .
< img src = "{{ url_for('static', filename='images/no_servers.png')}}" alt = "There is no server" >
< h4 > {{lang.words.read|title()}} < a href = "https://roxy-wi.org/services/smon" title = "Simple monitoring network ports with alerting via Telegram and WEB panel" target = "_blank" > {{lang.words.here}}< / a >
{{lang.phrases.how_to_install}} SMON {{lang.words.service}}.< / h4 >
< / div >
{% elif smon_status.0 == 'failed' or smon_status.0 == 'inactive' %}
< div style = "text-align: center;" >
< br / >
< h3 > {{lang.smon_page.desc.smon_is_not_run}}< / h3 >
< img src = "{{ url_for('static', filename='images/no_servers.png')}}" alt = "There is no server" >
< h4 > {{lang.smon_page.desc.run_smon}} < a href = "/app/users/services" title = "Roxy-WI services" target = "_blank" > {{lang.words.here}}< / a > {{lang.smon_page.desc.before_use}}< / h4 >
< / div >
{% else %}
< div class = "add-button add-button-status-page" title = "SMOM: {{lang.phrases.create_page_status}} - Roxy-WI" onclick = "createStatusPageStep1();" > + {{lang.phrases.create_page_status}}< / div >
< div id = "pages" >
{% include 'ajax/smon/status_pages.html' %}
< / div >
< div id = "create-status-page-step-1" style = "display: none;" >
2023-11-14 16:57:40 +00:00
< table class = "overview" id = "create-status-page-step-1-overview"
title="{{lang.words.create|title()}} {{lang.words.w_a}} {{lang.words.new2}} {{lang.words.status}} {{lang.words.page}}"
2023-11-22 14:55:44 +00:00
data-edit="{{lang.words.edit|title()}} {{lang.words.status}} {{lang.words.page}}">
2023-11-02 12:38:04 +00:00
{% include 'include/tr_validate_tips.html' %}
< tr >
< td class = "padding20" >
< span class = "need-field" > *< / span >
< / td >
< td >
{{ input('new-status-page-name', autofocus='autofocus') }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "padding20" >
< span class = "need-field" > *< / span >
< / td >
< td >
< span style = "margin-top: 10px;display: inline-block;margin-right: -5px;" > /app/smon/status/< / span > {{ input('new-status-page-slug') }}
< ul class = "tooltip tooltipTop" >
< li > Accept characters: a-z 0-9 -< / li >
< li > No consecutive dashes --< / li >
< / ul >
< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div >
< div id = "create-status-page-step-2" style = "display: none;" >
2023-11-14 16:57:40 +00:00
< table class = "overview" id = "create-status-page-step-2-overview"
title="{{lang.words.create|title()}} {{lang.words.w_a}} {{lang.words.new2}} {{lang.words.status}} {{lang.words.page}}"
2023-11-22 14:55:44 +00:00
data-edit="{{lang.words.edit|title()}} {{lang.words.status}} {{lang.words.page}}">
2023-11-02 12:38:04 +00:00
{% include 'include/tr_validate_tips.html' %}
< tr >
< td class = "padding20" style = "width: 50%" >
< / td >
< td >
{{ input('new-status-page-desc', autofocus='autofocus') }}
< / td >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td class = "padding20" >
{{lang.words.all|title()}} {{lang.words.checks}}
< / td >
< td > {{lang.words.added|title()}} {{lang.words.checks}}< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< div class = "checks" >
< div class = "enabled-check" id = "enabled-check" > < / div >
< div id = "all-checks" >
{% for s in smon %}
2023-11-22 14:55:44 +00:00
< div class = "{{ loop.cycle('odd', 'even') }} all-checks" id = "add_check-{{ s.id }}" data-service_name = "{{ s.name }} {% if s.group %}- {{s.group.replace(" ' " , ' ' ) } } { % endif % } " >
2023-11-17 07:11:36 +00:00
< div class = "check-name" title = "{{s.desc}}" > {{ s.name.replace("'", '') }} {% if s.group %}- {{s.group.replace("'", '')}}{% endif %}< / div >
2023-11-02 12:38:04 +00:00
< div class = "add_user_group check-button" title = "{{lang.words.add|title()}} {{lang.words.service}}" onclick = "addCheckToStatus('{{ s.id }}')" > +< / div >
< / div >
{% endfor %}
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "dialog-confirm" style = "display: none;" >
< p > < span class = "ui-icon ui-icon-alert" style = "float:left; margin:3px 12px 20px 0;" > < / span > {{lang.phrases.are_you_sure}}< / p >
< / div >
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}