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import re
import app.modules.db.sql as sql
import app.modules.server.server as server_mod
from app.modules.common.common import return_nice_path
'global', 'listen', 'frontend', 'backend', 'cache', 'defaults', '#HideBlockStart',
'#HideBlockEnd', 'peers', 'resolvers', 'userlist', 'http-errors'
def _extract_section_name(line: str):
Extracts the section name from the given line.
:param line: The line to extract the section name from.
:return: The extracted section name as a string if it starts with one of the SECTION_NAMES,
None otherwise.
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(SECTION_NAMES):
return line
return None
def get_sections(config: str, **kwargs) -> list:
This method, `get_sections`, is used to extract sections from a configuration file. It takes two parameters: `config`, which is the path to the configuration file, and `kwargs`, which
* is a variable-length keyword argument that can provide additional options.
:param config: The path to the configuration file.
:param kwargs: Additional options to customize the extraction.
:return: A list containing the extracted sections.
.. note:: The `service` option in `kwargs` can be used to specify a particular service to extract sections for. If the `service` option is not provided or is not equal to `'keepalived
*'`, this method will extract all sections. Otherwise, it will only extract sections that contain an IP address.
return_config = list()
with open(config, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if kwargs.get('service') == 'keepalived':
ip_pattern = re.compile('\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}')
find_ip = re.findall(ip_pattern, line)
if find_ip:
if _extract_section_name(line):
line = line.strip()
return return_config
def get_section_from_config(config: str, section) -> tuple:
:param config: The path to the configuration file.
:param section: The section name to retrieve from the configuration file.
:return: A tuple containing the starting line number, ending line number, and the content of the specified section.
record = False
start_line = ""
end_line = ""
return_config = ""
with open(config, 'r') as f:
for index, line in enumerate(f):
if line.startswith(section + '\n'):
start_line = index
return_config += line
record = True
if record:
if _extract_section_name(line):
record = False
end_line = index
end_line = end_line - 1
return_config += line
if end_line == "":
f = open(config, "r")
line_list = f.readlines()
end_line = len(line_list)
return start_line, end_line, return_config
def rewrite_section(start_line: str, end_line: str, config: str, section: str) -> str:
:param start_line: The line number where the section to be rewritten starts.
:param end_line: The line number where the section to be rewritten ends.
:param config: The path to the configuration file.
:param section: The new section to be inserted in place of the existing section.
:return: The modified configuration with the section rewritten.
record = False
start_line = int(start_line)
end_line = int(end_line)
return_config = ""
with open(config, 'r') as f:
for index, line in enumerate(f):
index = int(index)
if index == start_line:
record = True
return_config += section
return_config += "\n"
if index == end_line:
record = False
if record:
return_config += line
return return_config
def get_remote_sections(server_ip: str, service: str) -> str:
Get the remote sections from a server.
:param server_ip: The IP address of the server.
:param service: The name of the service (e.g., apache).
:return: The remote sections.
config_dir = return_nice_path(sql.get_setting(f'{service}_dir'))
section_name = 'server_name'
if service == 'apache':
section_name = 'ServerName'
commands = f"sudo grep {section_name} {config_dir}*/*.conf -R |grep -v '${{}}\|#'|awk '{{print $1, $3}}'"
backends = server_mod.ssh_command(server_ip, commands)
return backends